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130d5ec Roarke, you've got to know I've got some bad stuff inside. It's like a virus that sneaks around the system, pops out when your resistance is low. I'm not a good bet." - Eve Dallas "I like long odds." He lifted her hand, kissed it. "Why don't we see it through? Find out if we can both win." - Roarke" roarke J.D. Robb
927941d Lieutenant Dallas has just given you a brief demonstration of why she's one of the most valuable assets of the NYPSD. She observes, deduces, and reports with accuracy. J.D. Robb
64a4b97 Some men find the cool, disinterested, and understated attractive. Makes them think you're deep. J.D. Robb
c1ac344 But sitting in her own home, with a real meal, and a man who not only listened but got it? She'd won life's trifecta. J.D. Robb
db3f47a You know, Roarke, you're kind of cute." Eve Dallas" -- J.D. Robb
a1deb1b A thin snow started to spit out of grumpy gray skies. Which meant, Eve knew, that at least fifty percent of the drivers currently on the road would lose a minimum of one-third of their intelligence quotient, any skill they'd previously held at operating a vehicle thereby turning what had been the standard annoying traffic into mayhem. J.D. Robb
2d15be7 EVE WASN'T SURE WHAT IT SAID ABOUT HER that she was more comfortable in the morgue than in a baby boutique. J.D. Robb
fc8b040 It's a damn small world when it sucks. J.D. Robb
6e218b1 Peabody only smiled. Guilt was the best tool, she knew. She'd learned that one at her mother's knee. J.D. Robb
e61b5ea An enormous urn of coffee was being put to use by both cops and servers. One of her own uniforms was helping himself to a tray of fancy finger food and another was already hitting the dessert cart. It only took her presence to have the room falling into stillness, and silence. "Officers, if you can manage to tear yourselves away from the all-you-can-eat buffet, take posts outside the doors of both kitchen exits. As cause of death has not ye.. J.D. Robb
3e7bd33 Love changes everything. I proposed to my wife after we limped away from a physical altercation with another serial killer. Good times." "Feels" J.D. Robb
7b397bd Eve bit into some bacon -- honestly, good sex, a hot shower, then bacon? Did a morning get any better? J.D. Robb
da04919 It must be really rough, forced to put on a beautiful dress, stick some diamonds or whatever all over you and choke down champagne and lobster croquettes beside the most beautiful man ever born, on or off planet. I don't know how you get through the day with that weight on your shoulders, Dallas." "Shut up." "And here I am, free to squeeze into the local pizza place with McNab where we will split the pie and the check." Peabody shook her he.. J.D. Robb
91dfadb Abracadabra," Roarke stated, and opened it. "Now that's more like it." Hunkered down beside him, Eve studied the neat stacks of cash. "This is how he stayed out of a cage so long. No credit, no e-transfers. Cash on the line. And a file box, loaded with discs and vids." "Best of all." Roarke reached in, took out a PPC. "His personal palm, very likely uninfected and chock-full of interesting data." "Let's load it up, get it in." She pulled ou.. J.D. Robb
c240952 She leaned down until they were eye to eye. "His wife loved him. That's no bullshit. I love you." "That's no bullshit." "If I found out you were screwing around on me, could I off you?" He inclined his head. "I believe I've already been informed you'd be doing the rhumba--after appropriate lessons--on my cold, dead body." "Yeah. Yeah." It cheered her up. "Just not sure pink Jolene has the stones for that." "Jimmy Jay was in violatio.. J.D. Robb
f75f86b Eve sucked air through her nose. "The next person, the very next person, who says that is going to know my wrath." "I'm on a first-name basis with your wrath, sir. I guess this isn't the best time to tell you that McNab and I are thinking of cohabitating." "Oh my God. My eye." Desperate, Eve pressed her fist to the twitch. "Not while I'm driving." J.D. Robb
0c02d06 Stupid son of a bitch" His droopy eyes went huge. "What did you say to me?" "You heard me. You're too tight-assed. To stubborn, too to put your feelings aside. I can't afford to lose a key member at this stage of the investigation. You that, so don't come in here and tell me I've got cause to boot you." "You're the one who's going to get a boot, right straight up your ass." "You couldn't take me ten years ago," she shot back, "you sure .. feeney J.D. Robb
a53e037 It's Nerd World," Peabody said. "Or Geek Galaxy. I can't decide which because it's full of nerds and geeks." "It's Nerd World in the Geek Galaxy." J.D. Robb
6cd88c7 If we do, I want to be the bad cop." "You're a lousy bad cop, Feeney. Face it." He gave her a mournful look. "I outrank you, Dallas." "I'm primary, and I'm better at bad cop. Live with it." "I always have to be the good cop," he muttered as they stepped into a well-lighted hallway with more marble, more gilt." J.D. Robb
9836f4f And that, she thought as he left her, summed up the miracle of her life. She had a home with him, and he'd be there. miracle roarke J.D. Robb
18ce625 By one tomorrow, I'll look enough like her to pass. I'm calling Mavis." "Oh." Peabody brightened. "Oh, that's iced." "Easy for you to say. You won't have to listen to lectures from her and Trina on why I haven't had my eyebrows shaped lately, or why I haven't used the butt cream or whatever. And I'll probably have to agree to a full treatment after the op." This was said with undisguised bitterness. "I know how they work." "You're a true so.. J.D. Robb
9d87f65 The wife's gotta know. You can't hook up like that for what looks like about six or seven years without the wife figuring it out. Unless she's another idiot. "I'm not an idiot." Smiling, Roarke continued to stroke. "I'll keep that in mind when I decide to have a long-term affair." "Yeah, you do that. They'll never find your body," she murmured, then dropped into sleep. His smiled warmed, and feeling well loved, he dropped off with her." marriage love funny-humor J.D. Robb
e000749 You look like a really well-dressed pirate carting around an ugly treasure chest. J.D. Robb
fbef1d5 Cops aren't heroes, Peabody. We just do the job. J.D. Robb
3162361 You don't think the dead guy is Miguel Flores." "I think the dead guy's name was Lino." "But . . . that means maybe he wasn't even a priest, and he was up there doing the Mass thing, and marrying people, burying people." "Maybe God struck him down for it. Case closed. We'll arrest God before end of shift. I want those dental records, and the dental records from New York." J.D. Robb
875db29 Bullock, Sam, died at the age of one-twelve. They'd been married five years. She was forty-six." "Isn't that romantic?" "Heart-tugging. First husband was younger, a callow seventy-three to her twenty-two." "Wealthy?" "Was--not Sam Bullock wealthy, but well-stocked. Got eaten by a shark." "Step off." "Seriously. Scuba diving out in the Great Barrier Reef. He was eighty-eight. And this shark cruises along and chomp, chomp." She gave Eve a tho.. J.D. Robb
9df4749 Murder doesn't leave anyone innocent. It shouldn't. J.D. Robb
d80d1e1 But you're smarter than even he thinks he is." She paused, thought that through. "If you get me". "Aren't we full of compliments tonight? I'll have to bang you against the wall more often." roarke J.D. Robb
1cf4665 There's no such thing as an amicable divorce. J.D. Robb
0362aab Eve mused. war religion J.D. Robb
8f60fc2 You shouldn't have private conversations in public facilities at the top of your lungs." Point well taken, Eve was forced to admit." J.D. Robb
9434108 Normally, I admire your kick-in-the-face style, Lieutenant. But try that with this, and the two of us will be making love in heaven tonight." "Heaven wouldn't have either of us" J.D. Robb
10ebe00 Some science guy creating them in the lab." Her voice darkened. "One day they're going to make a mistake--a big one--and mutant clone cows are going to revolt and start eating people. You wait and see." J.D. Robb
cd573b7 He knew he was slipping. Blood was dripping down his arm, through his fingers. He'd faced death before, was no stranger to the sensation of knowing this breath, this one breath, could be the last you drew. But he'd be damned if it would. Not when his woman was watching him with terrified eyes, calling to him, risking her life to save his. He set his teeth, gave his injured arm his weight. Pain swam sickly in his head, into his gut as he re.. J.D. Robb
09ad89d Music isn't just a bunch of notes strung together, sweetheart. It's life. It's memory. Songs trigger specific and often predictable emotional reactions. Music's an expression of emotion, desires. J.D. Robb
11da84b Say what you said before again. The Irish thing. I want to say it back to you." He smiled. Took her hand. "You'll never pronounce it." "Yes, I will." Still smiling, he said it slowly, waited for her to fumble through. But her eyes stayed steady and serious as she brought his hand to her heart, laid hers on his, and repeated the words. She saw emotion move over his face. His heart leaped hard against her hand. "You undo me, Eve." He sat up, .. love irish J.D. Robb
ede3215 First, stop talking like that droid Peabody's reactivating. Second, you're not responsible for the flight of this suspect. That's on me." "Lieutenant, I appreciate you taking my inexperience into consideration in my failure to perform my duty and complete this assignment in a satisfactory manner -- " "Shut up, Trueheart." Jesus God, spare her from rookies. "Peabody! Come in here." "I've nearly got the droid up and running, Dallas." "Peabody.. J.D. Robb
3e9a5c2 Too revved to sleep." "Is that so?" Some of the light she loved was back in his eyes. "Well, what can we do to pass the time, help you relax? Cribbage, perhaps?" Her eyes narrowed. "Cribbage? Is that some perverted sexual activity?" He laughed, and grabbing her, tossed her onto the bed. "Why not?" J.D. Robb
2ca3180 The man missed nothing. It was almost spooky. J.D. Robb
6198a9b So, you're dead asleep, and you get a call. Something terrible's happened, and I'm dead. What do you do?" It took him a moment to quell the terror, to ignore the small, dark place inside him that feared getting that call every day. "Before or after I fall prostrate with grief?" "Before, during, and after. Do you peruse your wardrobe and select a coordinating outfit--down to the footwear? Do you deal with your hair so it's perfectly groome.. J.D. Robb
6bc4282 His in-house intercom greeted him with a cheery 'Welcome home, Bart,' and his server droid - custom-made to replicate Princess Leia, classic 'Star Wars,' slave-girl mode (he was a nerd, but he was still a guy) - strolled out to offer him his favorite orange fizzy with crushed ice. princess-leia in-death-series nerd J.D. Robb
40ebd72 When I came in and you were sleeping, I thought: There's my soldier, exhausted from her wars." He lifted her hand, kissed her fingers. "Now, I look, and I think: There's my woman, soft and lovely." Her lips curved as he undressed her. "Where do you get this stuff?" "It just comes to me. I've only to look at you, and the world comes to me. You're my life." romance roarke J.D. Robb
b23c6b7 Okay." Mavis nodded decisively. "Then you tear it down. You don't take no for an answer. You nag and you pick and you stick until it pops out of him. Whatever it is. Girls are good at this, Dallas." "I'm not good at being a girl." "Sure you are. You're your own kind of girl. Think of it as kicking his ass until he cracks." J.D. Robb
bfff79a Why do sheep need a station? Are they catching trains? Where are they going? Why do they have to go there? J.D. Robb