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6091aa1 You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Life would be awfully dull if we could look back without regretting at least one affair. J.D. Robb
a13213d He coordinated his socks and underwear," she commented when Peabody came back in. "Colors and patterns. Who does that, and why?" "I read this article about how what you wear under your clothes is all about what makes you feel empowered and in control. It's the Under You." "If wearing matching boxers and socks make you feel empowered, you're a weenie." humor J.D. Robb
5ec4685 It was hardly a wonder that it had been her, essentially from the first minute he'd seen her. That it would be her until his last breath. And very likely well beyond that. J.D. Robb
506d3fd I can't let her stand trial." Her head lolled; she snapped it back. "I have to find . . . I need to go . . ." She couldn't even lift her weighted arm to her head. "Damn it, Roarke, damn it, that was a tranq." "Go to sleep," he murmured and gently unhooked her weapon harness and set it aside. "Lie back." "Inducing chemicals on unknowing people is a violation of . . ." She slipped deeper, barely felt him unbutton her shirt. "Arrest me in the .. J.D. Robb
7e7d1f7 You're thinking I'm not aware of the worst that could happen. I am, but I just don't believe the worst is going to happen. J.D. Robb
0bba290 It was orbital, it was mag, it was beyond the ult. J.D. Robb
9165aef Well, hell, Eve. If you need to run off to you dressmaker, or take your cat to therapy, Peabody and I can handle this minor matter of murder." Eve lips stretched in a vicious smile. "Bite me, Casto." J.D. Robb
c07bcac I want a date with you, Lieutenant, seeing as our Sunday plans were aborted." "I thought dates went out with the I do's. Isn't that in the marriage rule book?" "You didn't read the fine print. Christmas Eve, barring emergencies. You and me, in the parlor. We'll open our gifts, drink a great deal of Christmas cheer, and take turns banging each other's brains out." "Will there be cookies?" J.D. Robb
0af714e She knew bullshit when it was being tossed at her by the shovelful. "You know, Ms Purcell, I'm at absolute capacity in the friend department. You'll have to apply elsewhere. As for Roarke and his business, that's his deal. As for you, let's get this straight: You don't look stupid, so I don't believe you think you're the first of Roarke's discarded skirts to swing back this way. You don't worry me. In fact, you don't much interest me. So if.. magdelana J.D. Robb
644cee8 Two different primaries," she continued, striding around the office. "Two different cops, and both of them fucked up the case. What are they using to train them in Chicago -- old videos of the Three Boobs?" "I think that's Stooges," Roarke remarked. "What?" He glanced up, focused fully on her, and smiled at the absolute baffled fury on her face. "Stooges, darling. The Three Stooges." "What's the difference, they're still incompetent kno.. humor J.D. Robb
420b425 Oh for Christ's sake, give the ass-kissing a rest, Julian." K.T. knocked back a slug of wine, then slapped her glass on the table. She actually snapped her fingers at one of the servers so he would deal with the refill. "Even your mouth ought to be tired of puckering up by now." "We're having a conversation," Julian began. "Is that what you call it? You act like you and Marlo are the only ones in this goddamn vid, and the two people you're .. J.D. Robb
9eb344a I can't believe I was juiced when they cast her to play me. Please-body," Peabody muttered. "She didn't have any respect for me at all. I wish I'd known what a crappy human being she was before she got dead. I'd have shown her a Pleasebody." "How long do you figure you're going to stew over this?" "Awhile. I've never worked on a vic I wished I'd punched in the face before somebody killed her. I've been working on my hand-to-hand." J.D. Robb
a1e3b94 Then you can investigate me over dinner." He took her arm, lifting a brow as she stiffened. "I'd think a woman who'd fight for a candy bar would appreciate a two-inch fillet, medium rare." "Steak?" She struggled not to drool. "Real steak, from a cow?" A smile curved his lips. "Just flown in from Montana. The steak, not the cow." J.D. Robb
6d4d6fa Bet you didn't see that coming," she murmured. "I didn't, no. If I'd realized rapping your head would turn you into an insatiable sexual maniac who'd use me so brutally, I'd have cold-cocked you long before this." J.D. Robb
101608f And there was nothing in his life he could remember fearing as much as he feared knocking on the bright blue door of that old stone house. J.D. Robb
0e640af It stunned him how much he could want her still, baffled him that she could be blind to how helpless he was under the clawing need for her. It infuriated him that she could, simply by existing, be his weakness. 'Hold J.D. Robb
091c325 Alone, Roarke took the gray fabric button from his pocket, the one he'd found on the floor of his limo. The one that had fallen from the jacket of that drab gray suit she'd worn the first time he'd seen her. Studying it, knowing he had no intention of giving it back to her, he felt like a fool. J.D. Robb
73c5d7c I don't know. I never looked." "Now that hurts." With a laugh, Louise leaned back against the counter. "You don't even bother to look, and you end up with Roarke." "He just got in my way. Couldn't get around him, so I figured I might as well keep him." J.D. Robb
f82fed0 Gossip needn't be false to be evil--there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around. --Frank A. Clark J.D. Robb
af1843b Violence is as American as cherry pie. --RAP (HUBERT GEROLD) BROWN J.D. Robb
6974b74 Do you think any of us go anywhere until we have the truth? Do you think there's peace without justice?" "No, I don't," Eve admitted, knowing it would always drive her." J.D. Robb
7db365b Why did people always get tangled up with other people? Why put ourselves through this shit? life J.D. Robb
771a712 He did something he rarely did. He touched her. Just a pat of his hand over the back of hers. But it was, Eve realized, a kind of intimacy. An affectionate contact between comrades, and more personal than any act the victim had ever exchanged with a client. J.D. Robb
8f73577 She wondered why things always took longer than you wanted them to take, unless you wanted them to take a lot longer--then they didn't take nearly long enough. Time sucked. J.D. Robb
d0ccc97 People have been sleeping and/or marrying their way to the top since the first cavewoman said: 'Ugh, that one's the strongest and has the biggest club. I'll shake my mastodon-skin-covered ass at him.'" "Ugh?" "Or whatever cave people said. And it's not just women who do it. Cave guy goes: 'Ugh, that one catches the most fish, I'll be dragging her off to my cave now.' Ava sees Tommy and--" "Says ugh." "Or today's equivalent thereof." -Eve & .. marriage reality in-death roarke hilarious J.D. Robb
fc0b1b8 Love makes you do the wacky J.D. Robb
9115b38 Put the past behind you--that's what people always said. But those people didn't get that the past was always behind you. Like a hound on the scent. J.D. Robb
898150a The younger pushed a thumb-sucking baby in a stroller with little animals dangling--including a baby elephant. The kid's eyes looked glassy with pleasure as it snacked on its own thumb. "What do they get out of that?" Eve wondered as they stepped into the vacated elevator. "How good could your own thumb taste?" "It's not the taste, it's the sucking action. Oral satisfaction and comfort." "So, basically, they're giving themselves a blow job?.. J.D. Robb
cda55c6 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was so pissed off at what happened, at myself, I didn't think." He stroked a hand down her hair first, then gave the choppy ends a quick tug. "I'm not angry with you." "I know. You could be, but you're not. So I have to be even sorrier." "Your logic is fascinating, and elusive." "I can't pay you back with sex or salt-crusted sea bass or whatever because you're too busy taking care of me. So now I've got this black ma.. J.D. Robb
f2c0f00 There she was. Roarke stood in the office doorway, took a few enjoyable minutes to just watch her. She had such a sense of purpose, such a sense of focus on that purpose. It had appealed to him from the first instant he'd seen her, across a sea of people at a memorial for the dead. He found it compelling, the way those whiskey-colored eyes could go flat and cold as they were now. Cop's eyes. His cop's eyes. She'd taken off her jacket, tosse.. J.D. Robb
eda3565 What? I'm not wearing clothes today?" "Oh, if only. Today, you take a rare moment to think about clothes." "I think about them. They keep me from being arrested for indecent exposure. And if I have to tackle some asshole during the course of the day, it prevents him from thinking I'm a sex fiend." "Both excellent purposes for wardrobe. Another is presentation. You're going to be presenting your case--and yourself--to your commander and othe.. J.D. Robb
516e0f1 Fuck me sideways." "Thanks, but you're just not my type." "You're sure." "I'm sure men are my type, but if I went for women, I'd do you." J.D. Robb
9f0d98d I'm not strong." "You're wrong," Eve said as she rose. "You came here, you asked to help someone who needs help. You're no weak sister, Mrs. Patrick, and he can't make you one." J.D. Robb
9b7d51f Nature, nurture, both matter, both form us. But at some point, at so many points, the choices we make, the paths we take, they define us. J.D. Robb
a26524d Whatever she'd been, whatever she'd become, she was more because he loved her. So J.D. Robb
b215aba Breath is life. You are not the pebble washed to shore by the wave, but the fish that swims in the wave. Breathe in to fill, to draw in the light. J.D. Robb
9eddfb9 With Code Five, I'll have to do the door-to-door myself. Not a simple sex crime," she said with a sigh. "Whoever did it set it up. The antique weapon, the wounds themselves, almost ruler straight down the body, the lights, the pose. Who called it in, Feeney?" J.D. Robb
c5489be The man could stop her heart, then send it into full gallop. Just a look at him. They'd been married more than two years, she thought. Shouldn't that ease off? Where was that in the Marriage Rules? But a man who looked like Roarke broke every rule. That absurdly beautiful face set off with the wild blue eyes of some Irish god, and the perfect poet's mouth. The black hair, silkier than Summerset's tone, tied back in work mode. The tall, lean.. J.D. Robb
a7f7e71 Whatever came before, whatever comes after, I know what love is because of you." He took her free hand. "Whatever came before, whatever comes after, it's you who've shown me love changes everything. Lifts everything. Gives everything." J.D. Robb
f0661a2 People always think it can't happen to them, instead of thinking it's going to happen to somebody, why not me." She" J.D. Robb
705c3b9 I wanted to say something to you, before everything changes again. Because I know this is going to change everything. A good change. An abso mag change, but still. Dallas, you're the best person I know." "Are you sure you haven't had the drugs already?" Mavis gave a watery laugh. "I mean it. Leonardo, he's the sweetest, but you're the best. You do what's right, you do what matters, whatever it takes. Your the first of my family, and you re.. inspirational mavis eve J.D. Robb
ff70ea5 As always when she saw the kind and dreamy eyes of Dennis Mira, her heart gave a little tug. Just something about him, she thought, with his cardigans and mussed hair, bemused smile. J.D. Robb
f4aa508 Every case is different, and how we deal with every case is different. But what's the same is we work it, we do the job, and we take the risks the job demands. That's it. J.D. Robb
535417e But a book? You go into it. There's no visual or auditory other than what forms in your own mind. You visualize the characters, the scene, through the words. You, as reader, interpret the tone of voice, the colors, the movement as you physically turn the pages. J.D. Robb