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2a44c9c How does hanky-panky translate to sex? Who comes up with words like that?" "Probably people who don't have sex" humor J.D. Robb
d3a66bb And then Roarke came to my door, and that gave me what I needed after all those years. I thank God for that, and him. But I'm telling you, and hope you already know, what you do, beyond the law of it, is needed." "Sinead." Roarke stepped up, pressed a handkerchief in her hand. "Ah well." Sighing now, she dabbed at tears. "The world can be so dark. It's foolish to deny it, and the Irish know the dark better than some in any case. It reminds .. roarke J.D. Robb
4eae419 Eve] "Ironman sounds suspicious to me. What are the others?" [Roarke] "There's Thor, the Hulk," he began. [Eve] "Sounds like porn." J.D. Robb
0fdd8aa A vid comes to you, even at you. It's visual, it's auditory, and can, of course, pull you in. Its purpose is to do just that, draw you into the world you see and hear. But a book? You go into it. There's no visual or auditory other than what forms in your own mind. You visualize the characters, the scene, through the words. You, as reader, interpret the tone of voice, the colors, the movement as you physically turn the pages. J.D. Robb
3f092b6 But, Christ on a tricycle, Roarke, this is going to be a pain in my ass. J.D. Robb
6c92a32 You and Roarke have a different couple dynamic." "What the hell does that mean?" "Well." Peabody slid her eyes over to Eve's profile. "That was a nice way of saying neither one of you would let the other get away with holding back. Something's going on with one of you, the other sniffs it out and hammers away until it's all out there. You're both nosy, and just mean enough not to let the other one slide by." eve-and-roarke J.D. Robb
7862f62 Jeez. Okay, okay, sorry I jumped on you. I'm a little tense. Would you tell me, since you're so brave and strong and smart, how you know this is the source? J.D. Robb
34f5121 You're embarrassed." Her brow cleared in surprise and amusement. "You're never embarrassed. By anything. This is weird. And kind of sweet." "I'm not embarrassed." Mortified, he decided, but not embarrassed. "I'm simply...not entirely comfortable explaining myself. I love you," he said and stilled her muffled chuckle. "You risk your life, a life that's essential to me, just by being who you are. This..." He brushed his thumb over her wedding.. J.D. Robb
e101b44 As Eve strode down the bright white corridor of the dead, Peabody hustled beside her. "Man, this place is always a little spooky, but this is beyond. You know how you half expect one of these bags to sit up and grab at you?" "No. Wait out here. If one of them makes a run for it, give me a call." "I don't think that's particularly funny." And watching the still black bags warily, Peabody took her post at the door." J.D. Robb
7214629 Feeney] "Nearly blew ourselves up about an hour ago, right, Roarke?" Roarke rose and tucked his hands in his pockets. "I never doubted you for an instant Captain." "Like hell." In tune with his man, Feeney grinned. "If you weren't saying your prayers, boyo, I was saying mine. Still, I can't think of many others I'd be pleased to be blown to hell with." "The feeling's nearly mutual." "If you two have finished your little male bonding dan.. J.D. Robb
823f9f0 Two lost souls. He'd once called them that. She wondered if they'd stopped being lost when they'd found each other. J.D. Robb
122f328 When you don't know what you can have, you do okay with what you've got. J.D. Robb
0f7febe Gee, Vernon, now you're scaring me. Not the union rep." She gave a deliberate shudder. "You won't be so smart when you're hit with a lawsuit, and I start bleeding that rich husband you hooked." "My God, Peabody, a lawsuit. I feel faint." "Don't worry, Lieutenant, I'll catch you." J.D. Robb
b6a4a93 I've got to get out of this place," he said as he eased back. "That's God's shining truth. I can only breathe in cop for so long without choking." "Hey." He tapped his finger on her chin. "Excepting one." J.D. Robb
56c9136 Organized religion baffled her, made her vaguely uncomfortable. Each had followers who were so sure they were right, that their way was the only way. And throughout history they'd fought wars and shed oceans of blood to prove it. J.D. Robb
2d677d8 I don't give a rat's warty ass she's dead. It only means she's a dead cunt." "That's a strong opinion." "And the only kind worth having. I threatened to shove a stick up her twat and light it on fire just yesterday. Maybe the day before. I lose track as there was rarely a day that went by she didn't make me want to strangle her with my bare hands after I'd beaten her in the face with a rusty shovel." J.D. Robb
c9f31f3 I don't like to think of her as pretend Peabody anymore. The more we find out, the meaner and crazier she gets. It's like it's bad enough fake Peabody got murdered, but now fake Peabody is a dead, blackmailing asshole on top of it. It's depressing." "Yeah, it's all really too bad for you." "Well, it kind of is. How am I supposed to enjoy the vid now, when I'll be thinking how behind the scenes I was trying to blackmail McNab into bed, and t.. J.D. Robb
0b162ef Yeah. They used to bang, and people tend to blab after a bang." "I'll be sure to guard my tongue." "It's usually tired from all the work during the bang," she pointed out, and made him laugh. "True enough." J.D. Robb
a8052d4 Cheating's cheap and it's lazy. J.D. Robb
e535543 The damn hawker nearly caught the bumper." More amazed than angry now, Eve shook her head. "A guy in air boots nearly outran a cop ride. What's the world coming to, Peabody?" Eyes stubbornly shut, Peabody didn't move a muscle. "I'm sorry, sir, you're interrupting my praying." J.D. Robb
4d073dd Murder could happen, she thought as she drove to Cop Central, to anyone, anywhere, anytime. J.D. Robb
3763895 And you figure because the two of you don't rub smooth she'll let things slide?" Her eyes, colored to match her hair were round and sad. "That's jerk thinking, Sumerset. Dallas'll work till she drops to do right by you, and I figure you know it. If somebody came after you, she'd step between and take the hit, because that's who she is. I figure you know that, too." J.D. Robb
77d1a05 I know about Trina. You bitch." Shoulders hunched, Peabody carefully pinned up murder. "It's a special night. You'll look really good, and you won't have to do it all yourself. We won't want the NYPSD to fall short of the Hollywood crowd, right? Team pride!" "Rah fucking rah." "Really, Dallas, it'll be good, it'll be chilly, and we'll look abso-mag by the time . . ." She trailed off again, face lighting up. "We will look mag. And if we take.. J.D. Robb
7377b6f Your wedding ring, Dallas." With that quiet smile, Isis lifted Eve's left hand. "It's carved with an old Celtic design for protection." Baffled, Eve studied the pretty etching in the slim gold ring. "It's just a design." "It's a very specific and powerful one, to give the wearer protection from harm." Amused, she raised her brows. "I see you didn't know. Is it so surprising, really? Your husband has the blood of the Celts, and you lead a ve.. J.D. Robb
63509b7 When we get him," Eve continued, "it's going to come out that she--this symbol--knocked him around or boo-hoo broke his heart or made him feel weak and helpless. So his defense lawyers will come along saying: Oh, he was damaged, poor sick son of a bitch. He's not responsible. And that's a pile of shit, that's a big, smelly pile of bullshit. Because nobody's responsible for choking the life out of Elisa Maplewood but him. Nobody." J.D. Robb
52674da life used to be simple." "Mmm." "It did. Because it didn't have all these people in it." "If" J.D. Robb
4a6bafe I pray our bond can be repaired, and I pray she comes to understand our bond was forged and will only hold strong in death. J.D. Robb
1d02125 But it happened to us. At first you ask why--why did this happen to us? Then you realize, and try to accept, there is no why." Lori leaned her head to Ira's shoulder. "An evil person does evil things. There is no why." J.D. Robb
b90c993 His mistake. Eve, do you want to talk to Mira about this?" "No." She considered it another moment, then shook her head and repeated, "No, not now anyway. Dumping on you levels it out a little. Taking him down, all the way down--that'll take care of the rest." For a moment she studied their joined hands, then shifted her gaze up to his. "I didn't want to tell you I'd been scared, much less why. I guess that was stupid." "It was." She.. J.D. Robb
23d96d6 Full of meal plans today. Lunch?" "Sorry? Oh, yes. Apparently Magdelana remembered I'm an early riser." He slipped the date book he had on his desk into his pocket as he got to his feet. "We'll have lunch." "So I heard. You're going to want to be careful there, pal." "Of what?" "It wouldn't be the first old friend you've had come around hoping you'd dip back into the game for old times' sake. You might want to remind her you're sleeping wit.. J.D. Robb
afb1bcc Anatomy and biological process aside, creating life is a miracle, and should stay that way. Yes, we can--and we should--use our knowledge and our technology to insure the health and safety of the mother and child. Eliminate birth defects and disease whenever possible. But crossing that line into designing babies? Manipulating emotions, physical appearance, mental capacity, even personality traits? That's no miracle. It's ego." The" J.D. Robb
fbdafed Senator DeBlass is an incestuous child molester. A rapist and a murderer. And what I am, pal, is the cop who's taking him down. You'd better call a lawyer unless you want to sink with him." Roarke had to force himself not to snatch her up as she swept through the hallowed Senate halls. Members of the media were already leaping toward her, but she cut through them as if they weren't there. "I like your style, Lieutenant Dallas," he said when.. J.D. Robb
6b18422 Two years married, she thought, and he could still make her heart hum. J.D. Robb
d22d136 Likely both. If you're going to bust them, I'll wait." "Only take a minute." She stepped to the curb, shouted over the dented hood of an ancient Mini, "Hey!" And waved her badge in the air. Both bulky dealer and skinny junkie pounded sidewalk in opposite directions." J.D. Robb
792eb80 How do you suppose they know the sheep are virgins? J.D. Robb
1440c20 You've played the games. You're a competitive soul." "What's the point of playing if winning isn't the goal?" J.D. Robb
fa269b2 Lunatics are, unfortunately, rarely stupid. J.D. Robb
db4b1a9 You have to be naked with somebody for more than two hours for them to qualify as an ex. It's a law. J.D. Robb
9abb1b6 My Christmas present? That's nice. But I'm not really in the mood to--" "Open the goddamn thing or I'll kill you where you stand." "Sir! Opening it." She ripped the paper, stuffed it hurriedly in her pocket, and pulled off the lid. "It's a key code." "That's right. It's to the ground transpo that'll be at the airport over in that foreign country. Air transpo's been arranged, for two, on one of Roarke's private shuttles. Round trip. Merry fr.. J.D. Robb
e7342c6 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. --REVELATION J.D. Robb
4c2007d It may be you confused undercover with undercovered. J.D. Robb
a4cbc0e Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. --LEO NIKOLAEVICH TOLSTOI J.D. Robb
4b104dd Lust dazzles, sure, at least for the short term. But love clears the vision. You see better, sharper, because you feel more than you did before. J.D. Robb
79d181b I know what my job is, and I'm damned good at it." When he snorted she came back down two steps. She came down slowly, her movements deliberate, because her own temper was much too close to the boil. "Good enough to have figured out why you've hated the sight of me since I first walked in that door. Since you understood Roarke had feelings for me. Part A was easy -- a first-year rookie could have snagged onto it. I'm a cop, and that's enou.. J.D. Robb