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caeeae2 He reached in his pocket, took out the gray button that had fallen off her suit the first time they'd met. When she'd viewed him as a murder suspect. "And I have my talisman to remind me." It never failed to baffle her--and on a deeper level delight her--that he carried it with him, always. "What ever happened to that suit anyway?" Humor flickered in his eyes. "It was hideous, and met the fate it deserved. This"--he held up the button--.. J.D. Robb
3465c3d When his mouth was on hers, when he could feel her about to shatter yet again, he plunged into her, knocking her over the edge with that first rough stroke. And still he thought: More. Even as she shuddered, he shoved her knees up and went deeper inside her. His vision blurred, but through the red haze of lust he could see her eyes. Deep, dark, glazed like glass to throw his own reflection back at him. "I'm inside you." He panted it out as .. J.D. Robb
cf9cc7e A lot of people find rural landscapes relaxing." "Sure, until you start wondering what's creeping behind those trees, or slithering along in the grass." J.D. Robb
4ab8943 Maybe I just didn't want it to be Benny because he really loves her, and if I was wrong about that, it'd be depressing. Who wants to be depressed?" "Poets," Eve decided. "You have to think they must." "Okay, other than poets." poets friends humor love J.D. Robb
c29e8ba Then I'll tell you the simple and most complex answer is love. It's where you start, and where, if you work hard enough, want hard enough, you end. J.D. Robb
48940ea Justice doesn't hide behind anonymity. It doesn't operate without rules of conduct. J.D. Robb
0398e5a Business crises energize me. Personal crises devastate me. The doctors call it an avoidance tendency. (Mirena to Eve) interesting-perspection-of-life crisis psychology J.D. Robb
b48dbd1 I'm late," she snapped before Summerset could speak. "But here's the thing, I'm not always late, but you're always ugly. Who's got the real problem?" J.D. Robb
afd24a2 It's here, inside me, and it'll bite off pieces when it can. But I can take it because you're there. Because you know how it feels. You're the only one who really knows. And becasue you love me enough to feel it. When you look at me, and I see that, I can take anything. love reunion-in-death J.D. Robb
369f0ce The next thing she knew, he was shaking her gently by the shoulder. "Eve." "What!" Her eyes popped open. "I wasn't sleeping. I was thinking." "Yes, I could hear you thinking." "If that's some smart-ass way of saying I was snoring, bite me." J.D. Robb
d638281 She let her body go limp, moaned, and combed her fingers through his hair, ran them over his shoulders. "Your jacket," she murmured and tugged at it. When he shifted to shrug free, she had him. It was a basic tenet of hand-to-hand. Never lower your guard. She scissored, shoved, and pinned him with a knee to the crotch and an elbow to the throat. "You're tricky." He calculated he could dislodge the elbow, but the knee... There were some thin.. J.D. Robb
5ad22af Played nice while she worked things out. You're married to a guy thirty years, you've got a serious investment. Gonna irritate you when he trades you in." "I'll keep that in mind." "Me, I don't hire hits." She looked up at his mouth-watering face. "I'd give you the basic courtesy of killing you myself." J.D. Robb
e6ad679 You do keep busy." "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." "Why? They're idle when you're sleeping--does he set up shop then? Are we all supposed to stay awake using our hands so the devil doesn't make stuff? What if you broke your hand? Is he doing his workshop thing while you're waiting to have it fixed?" Roarke contemplated the pale gold ceiling. "Such a simple, if moralistic, phrase now thoroughly destroyed." "I keep busy, too." J.D. Robb
43d60e6 We'll keep the three of them in separate rooms, keep changing interviewers on them. I'm betting on Young to fall first.' Roarke eased out of the lot, headed for home. 'Why?' 'The bastard loves her. Love messes you up. You make mistakes 'cause you're worried, protective. Stupid.' He smiled a little, brushed her hair back from her face, and she dropped steeply into sleep. 'Tell me about it. J.D. Robb
a83c48f By five A.M., her eyes were gritty and her head ached. The single hour's sleep she had managed to tuck in between sex and murder was beginning to wear on her. J.D. Robb
6051167 Left with an oncoming headache, went home, and that's verified, to his wife and six-month-old baby. He's three weeks into a big, fat raise and promotion. He doesn't fit for me." "Lucky for Whistler, and likely his mother?" J.D. Robb
a07b01a She could and had faced an armed laser in the hands of a mad mutant mercenary with less fear than she faced such unswerving emotion... fear science-fiction-romance J.D. Robb
36802e3 Nothing ever seems too bad, too hard or too sad when you've got a Christmas tree in the living room. All those presents under it, all that anticipation. Just a way of saying there's always light and hope in the world. And you're lucky enough to have a family to share it with. J.D. Robb
c95bcb5 I know you love me, but I don't know why. I look at you, and I just can't get why it's me. Every time I get my balance, I lose it again. Because it shouldn't be me, and I think it'd kill me if you ever figured that out. J.D. Robb
8624aad He needed to call Eve. He looked across the field, across the silvered mists and gentle rise of aching green. Rather than pull out his pocket-link he continued to toy with the button. He didn't want to call her. He wanted to touch her. To hold her, just hold her and anchor himself again. "Why did I come without you?" he murmured, "when I need you so bloody much?" J.D. Robb
e6f4a39 You are embarrassed." She leaned over to kiss him, and while he was distracted, snatched the disc. "That's cute. Really cute." "Shut up. Give me that." "I don't think so." Delighted, she danced back a step and held the disc out of reach. "I bet this is very hot. Aren't you curious?" "No." He made a grab, but she was very quick. "Eve, give me the damn thing." "This is fascinating." She edged back toward the open patio doors. "The sophisticat.. roarke J.D. Robb
eb40399 And what the hell does that even mean? Why would you serve food for thoughgs, and what kind of food? If you serve spinach, do you get healthy thoughts? If it's ice cream and candy, it is fun thoughts? Why do we say stupid things? thoughts food-for-thought funny-and-random J.D. Robb
d881750 Worrying about me won't help you get your job done." "Who says I'm worried?" He stayed where he was; simply held out his hand. She crossed to him, took it, gripped hard. "When I met you," she said carefully, "I didn't want you in my life. You were one big complication. Every time I looked at you, or heard your voice, or so much as thought about you, the complication got bigger." "And now?" "Now? You are my life." She gave his hand one last .. J.D. Robb
26af080 Can I borrow fifty bucks?" "What?" "I'm short until payday." "You're short every day." -- humour peabody J.D. Robb
4f88362 Something we've been working on in R and D for a while." He crossed to her, ran his fingers over the lining himself. "It's body armor." "Get out." Her forehead creased as she examined it more closely. "It's too thin and light. Plus it moves." "Trust me, it's been thoroughly tested. Leonardo was able to take the material and fashion it into the coat. It will block a stun on full, though you'll feel the impact. It'll protect from a blaster, t.. J.D. Robb
359ad5b I know. And when I wake up I'm here. It's okay; I'm okay, because I'm here. I don't want you to worry about me. I'll just feel guilty." "I'll try to worry only a little so you'll only feel a little guilty." "I guess that'll have to do." She shifted so they were nose-to-nose and heart-to-heart. "Don't change your routine because of this. That'll get me wired and worried. Besides, if you don't keep up with your predawn quest for world financi.. J.D. Robb
4a64bd8 Love turned everybody's brain sideways, just like a stunner. J.D. Robb
1247a0d Well, as we were saying when last we met--" "I don't have to say dick to you without my lawyer." "Did I ask you to say dick? Peabody, replay the record and verify that I at no time requested that the subject say dick." J.D. Robb
f0f2b5b She stuffed in more waffles, and thought if every day started off with sex and waffles, people would maybe be less inclined to kill each other. J.D. Robb
eb3e151 Marriage is a freaking minefield. roarke J.D. Robb
7d797ee What did people do with enormous families? All those cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews. How did they keep them straight? How did they breathe at any sort of family function? J.D. Robb
fc78159 She heard a trill of laughter float down the hall, lifted a brow. "Company?" "Indeed." With his disapproving eye, Summerset scanned her wilted shirt and slacks, skimmed over the weapon harness still strapped to her side. "I suggest you bathe and change before meeting your guests." "I suggest you kiss my ass," she said cheerfully and strolled by him." J.D. Robb
36a7ad3 Roarke didn't quite make it to Eve's office. He found her down the corridor, in front of one of the vending machines. She and the machine appeared to be in the middle of a vicious argument. "I put the proper credits in, you blood-sucking, money-grubbing son of a bitch." Eve punctuated this by slamming her fist where the machine's heart would be, if it had one. ANY ATTEMPT TO VANDALIZE, DEFACE, OR DAMAGE THIS UNIT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE. The .. funny death-to-technology eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
685e14b I feel so used. I find I like it. used J.D. Robb
f8b1ce7 She pushed herself up, swayed, and might have tumbled if Feeney hadn't gripped her arm. "Head rush. I'm okay, just a little queasy. Lowell's in there, secured. You need to haul his ass in. Your collar." "No, it's not." Feeney gave her arm a squeeze. "But I'll haul his ass in for you. McNab, help the lieutenant upstairs, then get your butt back down here and start on the electronics." "I don't need help," Eve protested. "You fall on yo.. J.D. Robb
2394dae I saw you, and that's all it took. Sometimes I can't breathe, I love you so much. J.D. Robb
9534aa4 She thought she loved him. What do you have in your pocket?" He smiled, drew out the gray button that had fallen off her very ugly suit the first day they'd met. "See?" She couldn't say why that stupid button moved her so damn much. "People in love keep things. Sentimental things." "What do you have?" She pulled the chain, and the tear-shaped diamond from under her shirt. "I wouldn't wear this for anybody but you. It's embarrassing. And--" .. J.D. Robb
7875cff If sex is dignified it's not being done right. J.D. Robb
767c7d6 You know what happens to people who longingly imagine having things they can't afford?" "Happy dreams?" "A life of crime." J.D. Robb
6b8762a It's too easy to become discouraged when no one values your skills and your efforts. J.D. Robb
097d221 Why is that? Why do we love each other?" "Because we are what we are, and we're both okay with it." J.D. Robb
0e1d66e Peabody waved her PPC triumphantly. "It's the Kirk thing, The Enterprise thing. It reminded me I'd hit this name that made me snicker when I was running the van--the Cargo. Here it is. Tony Stark." "Oh, baby." McNab blew her a double-handed kiss. "Good call." "It's gotta be, right?" Peabody said to McNab. "It's his style." "Who the hell is Tony Stark?" Eve demanded. "Iron Man," Roarke told her. "Superhero, genius, innovative engineer, and b.. J.D. Robb
5c61ede I get double credits. First I get the satisfaction credit of being hit on by the sexy DOT inspector, and second I get loyal and true credit for turning him down because I have my personal sexy nerd. peabody J.D. Robb
d3eba50 I'm not afraid of you, Roarke." "Aren't you?" He moved closer, curling his hands on the lapels of her shirt. "What do you think will happen if you step over the line?" "Too much," she murmured." roarke J.D. Robb