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bcf9f96 Do you ever feel helpless?" "Helpless, useless, clueless. And old. Don't forget old." Sara Zarr
6b95690 Does all this have anything to do with Cameron coming back?" "Basically." She didn't put any letters down. Our game had effectively stopped. "I know you might think you want to be with Cameron that way," she said, "but remember it's been such a short time that he's been back, and-" "It's not that." "Are you sure?" "I don't picture us together, like a couple. It's more like..." "Like a brother?" "Mom, could you just listen?" She clamped her .. Sara Zarr
031524d The doorbell rang during dinner. Alan got up to answer, saying, "If it's the missionaries I might let them in. I'm too tired to put up a fight." Sara Zarr
599339f We're going to trick-or-treat," she said. "I don't care how old we are. We are going to exploit the free candy situation to its maximum potential because it might be our last chance, ever." Sara Zarr
6718e73 Watching Cameron come toward us I could see why Katy used the words "hot" and "gorgeous" to describe him-he definitely had nice hair and a long, lean body with broad shoulders, and the eyes. I wondered what Jordana would think now if she saw him. He set his tray on the end of the table, not particularly near any of us. "Everyone," I said, "this is Cameron Quick." Ethan stood to reach over the table and shake his hand. "Hey. I'm Ethan." "We .. Sara Zarr
8623e76 That's what music did. It made you feel. ... Music, her grandfather always told her, was language. A special language, a gift from the Muses, something all people are born understanding but few people can thoroughly translate. Sara Zarr
6b9a4a1 I think about how there are certain people who come into your life, and leave a mark. I don't mean the usual faint impression...And I don't just mean that they change you. A lot of people can change you...It's the change you remember, the firsts and what they meant, not really the people...I'm talking about the ones who, for whatever reason, are as much apart of you as your own SOUL. Their place in your heart is tender; a bruise of longing,.. Sara Zarr
76cedbf I won't drink at the party," he said quickly. "If you don't want me to, I won't. I swear it right now. My hand is on a stack of Bibles." I paused. "That's very chivalrous." "Chivalrous would be my middle name, if I could spell it." Sara Zarr
b482ec1 When do you think you're leaving?" I asked. "I don't know. Probably soon. Got what I came here for." "Even though we didn't go back to your old house?" "That was only part of it," he said. "Not the main thing." A few more big flakes of snow drifted down from the starlit sky. "And what was the main thing?" "This," he said. "Right here." Sara Zarr
c9a3877 So, Cameron," Steph continued, "auditions for the school play are next week. You should come. We need more males of the species to try out." "Not my thing," Cameron said. "okay, so you don't want to be onstage. You could be backstage." "With Jenna," Gil said helpfully. "She's the stage manager-" Ethan talked over Gil. "But if it's not our thing," he said, "it's not your thing. You don't even have to a thing if you don't want." "Right," Ka.. Sara Zarr
0195088 They're lucky," I said. I was already imagining our good-bye-we'd both cry, we'd have a good long hug, we'd say things we might be scared to say if we knew we had to look each other in the eye the next day. "I don't know about that. I can be a pain." He laughed then, and bit into a donut. "You might have noticed." I laughed, too. "Might have." Sara Zarr
8554fc4 Remember that time we got snowed in at school? Everyone had to wait for their parents to get them, but our parents didn't come." "God," I said, "I'd forgotten. Why can't I remember any of this stuff without being reminded?" "School bus driver had to take us home eventually. We were the only two kids on the bus." "I can picture us," I said, "sitting next to each other on that backseat. It's such a sad scene, really." I felt him look at me. ".. Sara Zarr
49bb36c You have to dig down and find some part of you that doesn't care what people think, doesn't care if it's hard, doesn't care if it hurts, doesn't care if you have to momentarily experience humiliation, uncertainty, fear. Sara Zarr
25d1cf2 I can't believe this crap. Jolly ranchers? Gummy worms?" Katy rifled through the pile of candy she'd dumped onto Steph's floor. "Where's the chocolate? Where's the candy corn?" "I Jolly Rangers," Steph said, helping herself to Katy's rejects, her boobs in danger of breaking loose from her Renaissance dress. Gil watched, fascinated. "Remind me who you are again?" "Um, Juliet? From " She popped a candy into her mouth. "Shakespeare?" "Did t.. Sara Zarr
1d7f1f9 The sight of them (her friends) let a little air into her soul. Sara Zarr
dc8fe7e Stuff happens to most people. One thing going wrong, I mean. One family member missing a chance to help. One who cuts you off. One person with her own shit to deal with. One of those things isn't enough to send you falling through the cracks. But all of them together, they accumulate. An abandoned mother here. A missing uncle there. A disappearing father 2 generations back. A friendship broken by fear or mistrust or addiction. Genes that ma.. sisters Sara Zarr
42e5035 We had this time. We had this little bit of time together for being honest. It felt sharp and finite, like it could end any second without warning. "I know you want me to be different than I am," I said. "But you could have helped me be more of what you wanted by actually talking to me. Telling me things." sisters Sara Zarr
5f0f13c The happier people become the more I noticed my sadness. Donna Freitas
f06dc53 I guess you could say my mind was injured and that's why I didn't play. Donna Freitas
a1b8f71 To create a community where faith matters not just in theory but in reality, faith has to be a public value, not just a private one. spirituality Donna Freitas
37c4f45 Was he going to ask me to go with him? Maybe I was getting ahead of myself and he was just making conversation. Oh, why was talking to a boy so fraught with complication? Donna Freitas
88b192a In Darwins post-platonische werelds is de variatie de fundamentele werkelijkheid en veranderen berekende gemiddelden in abstracties. We blijven echter de voorkeur geven aan het oudere en tegengestelde standpunt: we zien variatie nog steeds als een massa onlogische toevalligheden, die hoofdzakelijk van waarde is omdat zo'n spreiding te gebruiken is voor de berekening van een gemiddelde, hetgeen we dan beschouwen als iets wat een essentie nog.. evolutie plato variatie Stephen Jay Gould
2101370 The Tale of Human Evolution The subject most often brought up by advocates of the theory of evolution is the subject of the origin of man. The Darwinist claim holds that modern man evolved from ape-like creatures. During this alleged evolutionary process, which is supposed to have started 4-5 million years ago, some "transitional forms" between modern man and his ancestors are supposed to have existed. According to this completely imaginar.. Harun Yahya
9b25f4e Creative thought in science is exactly this - not a mechanical collection on of facts and intuition, bias, and insight from other fields. Science, at its best, interposes human judgement and ingenuity upon all proceedings. It is, after all (although we sometimes forget it), practiced by humans. Stephen Jay Gould
7db3858 Science and religion stand watch over different aspects of all our major flashpoints. May they do so in peace and reinforcement--and not like the men who served as a cannon fodder in World War I, dug into the trenches of a senseless and apparently interminable conflict, while lobbing bullets and canisters of poison gas at a supposed enemy, who, like any soldier, just wanted to get off the battlefield and on with a potentially productive and.. Stephen Jay Gould
8d7e27c But how can a series of reasonable intermediate forms be constructed? Of what value could the first tiny step toward an eye be to its possessor? The dung-mimicking insect is well protected, but can there be any edge in looking only 5 percent like a turd? Stephen Jay Gould
65e39e8 The idea of decimation as a lottery converts the new iconography of the Burgess Shale into a radical view about the pathways of life and the nature of history. ... May our poor and improbable species find joy in its new-found fragility and good fortune! Wouldn't anyone with the slightest sense of adventure, or the most weakly flickering respect for intellect, gladly exchange the old cosmic comfort for a look at something so weird and wonder.. burgess-shale evolution history life opabinia wonderful-life Stephen Jay Gould
d02113a Stephen Jay Gould has told us that evolution is geared not toward progressive "fitness" but toward simply filling available ecological niches." -- John McWhorter
f04d4b3 The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our text- books have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils. Yet Darwin was so wedded to gradualism that he wagered his entire theory on a denial of this literal record: Darwin's argument still persists as the favored e.. Stephen Jay Gould
651b91c There is an increasing (and disturbing) tendency of psychologists, biologists, and philosophers to Darwinize every aspect of human behavior, turning its study into a scientific parlor game. But imaginative reconstructions of how things might have evolved are not science; they are stories. Stephen Jay Gould satirized them as 'Just-So Stories,' after Kipling's eponymous book that gave delightful but fanciful explanations for various traits of.. Jerry A. Coyne
02f3dbe The person carrying me came to a halt and spoke. 'Take good care of her. I'll see you in two days.' It was the voice of Grimalkin. Joseph Delaney
a9fc04c Be less than what you are so that you can become more." -- Joseph Delaney, The Spook's Sacrifice" Joseph Delaney
0493024 then Bony Lizzie walked right past me, knelt by General Stanton, and cut off his thumb bones. I had to remind myself that his cries of pain were just the after-effects of his body since his soul was long gone. dont-read-pg-362 strange Joseph Delaney
2916f79 Did you finish the key?" I asked him." Joseph Delaney
e542061 Maybe, but she knows too much and she's clever too. She's just a girl now, but one day she'll be a woman and a clever woman's dangerous. Joseph Delaney
873d44b We depend on neither man nor beast to get us where we need to go. If you rely on your own two good legs, then they won't let you down. Joseph Delaney
d0d3c76 The truth was that we all faced death here. For my part I was somewhat fatalistic - if it happened, then so be it. But I wanted to survive. The future - even without Alice - called to me, and I didn't want that taken away. Joseph Delaney
ab5ce42 What direction are we heading in, Jenny?' he asked. 'East,' she replied promptly. 'How do you know that?' 'Because you told me that's the direction we were taking. Joseph Delaney
2147d61 terrorism is nothing more than a form of psychological warfare, as acts of terrorism have no intrinsic military value aside from their effects on the psyches of the target populations. Jim Hougan Peter Levenda
d11bfb8 Darwin singled out the eye as posing a particularly challenging problem: 'To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.' Creationists gleefully quote this sentence again and aga.. creationism evolution irreducible-complexity Richard Dawkins
98dfa4d Darwin himself said as much: 'If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find no such case.' Darwin could find no such case, and nor has anybody since Darwin's time, despite strenuous, indeed desperate, efforts. Many candidates for this holy grail of creationism have been proposed. None ha.. creationism evolution irreducible-complexity Richard Dawkins
270a1cb It was hard to see where all this could possibly go when it melted. Barbara Kingsolver
e7ba83f Although leaves remained on the beeches and the sunshine was warm, there was a sense of growing emptiness over the wide space of the down. The flowers were sparser. Here and there a yellow tormentil showed in the grass, a late harebell or a few shreds of purple bloom on a brown, crisping tuft of self-heal. But most of the plants still to be seen were in seed. Along the edge of the wood a sheet of wild clematis showed like a patch of smoke, .. winter Richard Adams
7961a79 How mighty are the ways of God! You are slow to anger and swift to love. Your heart bleeds forgiveness, and Your hand works mighty signs for all to see. Adam Houge