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76d5386 | There is an irreducible scandal, something traumatic and unexpected, in the encounter with another subject, in the fact that the subject (a self-consciousness) encounters outside itself, in front of it, another living being there in the world, among things, which also claims to be a subject (a self-consciousness). As a subject, I am by definition alone, a singularity opposed to the entire world of things, a punctuality to which all the worl.. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
9a53ff9 | First --we should restrain our anti-colonialist joy here-- the question to be raised is: if Europe is in gradual decay, what is replacing its hegemony? The answer is: 'capitalism with Asian values' (which, of course, has nothing to do with Asian people and everything to do with the clear and present tendency of contemporary capitalism as such to suspend democracy). From Marx on, the truly radical Left was never simply 'progressist'. It was .. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
d75ae15 | When Zeno the Cynic was confronted with Eleatic proofs of the non-existence of movement, he simply raised and moved his middle finger, or so the story goes ... | Slavoj Žižek | ||
f215e6c | the only choice is that between direct or indirect relations of domination and exploitation, with any alternative dismissed as utopian. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
ed96b7e | By what right can we call this a system of "corrections"? Is it not, rather, the rubric for a slavishly obedient, oppressed, and humiliated existence?" | Slavoj Žižek | ||
cbd8ebf | Every civilisation that disavows its barbarian potential has already capitulated to barbarism. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
8842fa4 | Someone asked Herr Keuner if there is a God. Herr Keuner said: I advise you to think about how your behaviour would change with regard to the answer to this question. If it would not change, then we can drop the question. If it would change, then I can help you at least insofar as I can tell you: You already decided: You need a God." (Brecht) Brecht is right here: we are never in a position directly to choose between theism and atheism, sin.. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
c34d9a8 | Postmodern politics definitely has the great merit that it 'repoliticizes' a series of domains previously considered 'apolitical' or 'private'; the fact remains, however, that it does not in fact repoliticize capitalism, because the very notion and form of the 'political' within which it operates is grounded in the 'depoliticization' of the economy. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
18ba3be | So when the ruling ideology enjoins us to enjoy sex, not to feel guilty about it, since we are not bound by any prohibitions whose violations should make us feel guilty, the price we pay for this absence of guilt is anxiety. | philosophy nonfiction philosophy-of-life theology psychology | Slavoj Žižek | |
c866cb0 | What this means is that we should reject not only all manifestations of 'alternative modernity' (which amount to a 'capitalism without capitalism', without its destructive aspect), but also all attempts to rely on particular traditional life-worlds (local cultures) as potential 'sites of resistance' against global capitalism. The only path to freedom leads through the zero-point of the brutal loss of roots, i.e., the bringing to an end the .. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
0607bb1 | capitalism is for Karatani not a 'pure' reign of B, but a triad (or, rather, a Borromean knot) of nation-state-capital: nation as the form of communal solidarity, state as the form of direct domination, and capital as the form of economic exchange; all three of them are necessary for the reproduction of the capitalist society. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
8ce868a | Two mutually exclusive readings of IoT impose themselves: IoT as the domain of radical emancipation, a unique chance to combine freedom and collaboration in which, to paraphrase Juliet's definition of love from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, 'The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite,' versus IoT as a complete submersion into the divine digital Other, where I am deprived of my freedom of agency. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
7119669 | When the world shook and the sun was wiped out of heaven, it was not at the crucifixion, but at the cry from the cross: the cry which confessed that God was forsaken of God. And now let the revolutionists choose a creed from all the creeds and a god from all the gods of the world, carefully weighing all the gods of inevitable recurrence and of unalterable power. They will not find another god who has himself been in revolt. Nay (the matter .. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
c635a55 | La carta llega a su destino cuando ya no somos los 'ocupantes' de los lugares vacios de la estructura fantasmatica de otro, esto es, cuando el otro finalmente 'abre sus ojos' y compren- de que la carta real no es el mensaje que supuestamente traemos sino nuestro ser en si mismo, el objeto que en nosotros se resiste a la simbolizacion. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
652a4f4 | The space of difference became now something exclusively cultural. In order for us to perceive political differences and divisions and to recognize them as such, they should first be translated into the language of culture and declare themselves as cultural identities [...] Culture thus became the ultimate horizon of historical experience. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
3f089fc | It would be interesting to compare Tarkovsky's work with the Hollywood commercial rewritings of novels which have served as bases for movies: Tarkovsky does exactly the same as the lowest Hollywood producer, re-inscribing the enigmatic encounter with Otherness, the Thing, into the framework of the production of the couple. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
5e05d7c | the immigrants who secure rights thanks to the anti-racist anti-colonial struggle might be securing the right to free capitalist enterprise, refusing to see, refusing to 'open your eyes', as the angry black yelled at the post-colonial immigrant. This right to free enterprise is another way to capital accumulation powered by the post-colonial entrepreneur: it produces 'unfree labour' and racialized class relations in the name of challenging .. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
09681b8 | dangerous situation and we don't have any clear ethical guidance here. And did you notice, when you talk about the possible and the impossible, how strangely this is distributed? On the one hand, in the | Slavoj Žižek | ||
9ea7217 | the 'magic cave' enables us to joyously accept the End. There is nothing morbid in it; such an acceptance is, on the contrary, the necessary background of concrete social engagement. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
0b51541 | En resumen, Las edades del mundo, de Schelling, debe leerse como una obra metapsicologica en el sentido estrictamente freudiano de la palabra. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
084e42a | Slavoj Zizek has argued, enjoyment has become an even greater duty than to obey the rules. Thanks to the influence of the Chicago School over government regulators, the same is true for corporate profitability. | William Davies | ||
25930b2 | if Western universal values are false, is it enough to oppose them with a particular way of life like China's Confucian 'mainstream ideology'? Don't we need a different universalism, a different project of universal emancipation? The ultimate irony here is that 'socialism with Chinese characteristics' effectively means socialism with a market economy (with capitalist characteristics), i.e., a socialism that fully integrates China into the g.. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
d7e74c6 | Es aqui donde el diagnostico de Yeats es insuficiente para la situacion presente: la intensidad apasionada de los terroristas atestigua una falta de verdadera conviccion. ?Que nivel de fragilidad debe de tener la creencia de un musulman si se siente amenazada por una caricatura estupida en un semanario satirico? El terror de los fundamentalistas islamicos no se basa en la conviccion de los terroristas de su superioridad y en su deseo de sal.. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
68012ed | itself as the "natural" advocate of democracy and human rights against the threat of totalitarianism--as if it were not the case that the Church accepted democracy only at the end of the nineteenth century, and even then with clenched teeth, as a desperate compromise, making it clear that it preferred monarchy," | Slavoj Žižek | ||
fe8734d | But my nature is to love.I cannot hate. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
07888ed |
Es aqui donde empieza la verdadera tolerancia - la tolerancia de lo que experimentamos como < |
Slavoj Žižek | ||
e50e0bd | I just stood for justice, whatever the costs. How can this be wrong? | Slavoj Žižek | ||
8b79048 |
Las librerias estan desbordadas por manuales psicologicos que nos aconsejan sobre como tener exito, como superar a nuestra pareja o a nuestro competidor; en resumen, que tratan el exito como algo dependiente de una < |
Slavoj Žižek | ||
ff7df29 | Strange Christianity, whose most pressing anxiety seems to be that God's grace might prove to be all too free on this side, that hell, instead of being populated with so many people, might some day prove to be empty! | Slavoj Žižek | ||
9a80ad4 | What makes Berlusconi so interesting as a political phenomenon is the fact that he, as the most powerful politician in his country, acts more and more shamelessly: he not only ignores or neutralizes any legal investigation into the criminal activity that has allegedly supported his private business interests, he also systematically undermines the basic dignity associated with being the head of state. The dignity of classical politics is gro.. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
dba37d9 |
las formas de riqueza son cada vez mas < |
Slavoj Žižek | ||
4f38efe | in short, the ultimate source of Evil is compasion itself | Slavoj Žižek | ||
7bf84c4 | Nosotros somos aquellos a quienes hemos estado esperando>> | Slavoj Žižek | ||
c0ca6d4 |
la tarea es < |
Slavoj Žižek | ||
5c04c7b | are, in a certain way, continuously voting with our money. "Deeper" existential thinkers like to deploy variations on the theme of the "authentic" existential choice, where the very core of our being is at stake--a choice which involves a full existential engagement, as opposed to the superficial choices of this or that commodity. In the "Marxist" version of this theme, the multiplicity of choices with which the market bombards us only serv.. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
0855de8 | There is a multitude of forms of this appearing of un-freedom in the guise of its opposite: in being deprived of universal healthcare, we are told that we are being given a new freedom of choice (to choose our healthcare provider); when we can no longer rely on long-term employment and are compelled to search for a new precarious job every couple of years, we are told that we are being given the opportunity to reinvent ourselves and discove.. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
d8c4041 | if Substance is Life, is the Subject not Death? Insofar as, for Hegel, the basic feature of pre-subjective Life is the "spurious infinity" of the eternal reproduction of the life substance through the incessant movement of the generation and corruption of its elements--that is, the "spurious infinity" of a repetition without progress--the ultimate irony we encounter here is that Freud, who called this excess of death over life the "death dr.. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
d4747bb | The root of these shifts in the meaning of big Other is that, in the subject's relation to it, we are effectively dealing with a closed loop best rendered by Escher's famous image of two hands drawing each other. The big Other is a virtual order which exists only through subjects "believing" in it; if, however, a subject were to suspend its belief in the big Other, the subject itself, its "reality," would disappear. The paradox is that symb.. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
8696e1b |
Porque si la democracia significa representacion, se trata, en primer lugar, de la representacion del sistema general que adopta sus formas. En otras palabras: la democracia electoral es representativa solamente en la medida en que es en primer lugar la representacion consensuada del capitalismo, o de lo que actualmente se ha renombrado como < |
Slavoj Žižek | ||
acd84df | No hay ninguna razon para despreciar las elecciones democraticas; la cuestion es solamente insistir en que no son per se una indicacion de la Verdad; por el contrario, como norma, tienden a reflejar la doxa predominante determinada por la ideologia dominante. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
2169d60 | Ik vind het grootmoedig van Butler dat ze de diffuse 'commodificatie van identiteit' aanmerkt als het probleem. Ik zou, minder grootmoedig, willen zeggen dat het simpele feit dat ze lesbisch is voor sommige mensen al het overige naar de achtergrond dringt, dat ongeacht welke woorden van de lippen van de 'lesbienne' rollen, welke ideeen aan haar geest ontspruiten, bepaalde luisteraars maar een ding horen, 'lesbisch, lesbisch, lesbisch'. En d.. | Maggie Nelson | ||
fc78021 | There is a problem to be clarified here: no matter how intrusively one touches a dog or a cat, the intrusion will never be interpreted by it as an "enigmatic signifier"; which means that something, some radical change, must have already happened in a living being for it to experience something as an intrusion. It seems obvious that a violation is always a violation with regard to some presupposed norm. Should one then say that, in order for.. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
be4b382 | Hay que llevar al capital al reconocimiento del peso y de la importancia del bien comun, y si el capital no esta dispuesto a hacerlo, hay que obligarle>>47. | Slavoj Žižek | ||
6466583 | For example, tolerance designates a real problem--when I criticize it, I am, as a rule, asked: "But how can you be in favor of intolerance towards foreigners, of misogyny, of homophobia?" Therein resides the catch: of course I am not against tolerance per se; what I oppose is the (contemporary and automatic) perception of racism as a problem of intolerance. Why are so many problems today perceived as problems of intolerance, rather than as .. | Slavoj Žižek |