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Chapter 6
Hose AB 6:1  In their affliction they will seek Me early, saying, Let us go, and return to the Lord our God; for He has torn, and will heal us; He will smite, and bind us up.
Hose AB 6:2  After two days He will heal us: in the third day we shall arise, and live before Him, and shall know Him.
Hose AB 6:3  Let us follow on to know the Lord: we shall find Him ready as the morning, and He will come to us as the early and latter rain to the earth.
Hose AB 6:4  What shall I do unto you, Ephraim? What shall I do to you, Judah? For your mercy is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that goes away.
Hose AB 6:5  Therefore have I mown down your prophets; I have slain them with the word of My mouth; and My judgment shall go forth as the light.
Hose AB 6:6  For I desire mercy rather than sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than whole burnt offerings.
Hose AB 6:7  But they are as a man transgressing a covenant.
Hose AB 6:8  There the city Gilead despised Me, working vanity, troubling water.
Hose AB 6:9  And your strength is that of a robber: the priests have hid the way, they have murdered the people of Shechem; for they have wrought iniquity in the house of Israel.
Hose AB 6:10  I have seen horrible things there, even the fornication of Ephraim. Israel and Judah are defiled;
Hose AB 6:11  begin together grapes for yourself, when I turn the captivity of My people.