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Chapter 5
I Pe Rotherha 5:1  Elders, therefore, among you, I exhort—[I] who am their co-elder and a witness of the sufferings of the Christ, who also, in the glory about to be revealed, have, a share;—
I Pe Rotherha 5:2  Shepherd the beloved flock of God, which is among you,—not by compulsion, but by choice, nor yet for base gain, but of a ready mind,—
I Pe Rotherha 5:3  Nor yet as lording it over the allotted portions, but becoming, ensamples, to the beloved flock;
I Pe Rotherha 5:4  And, when the Chief Shepherd is manifested, ye shall bear away, the unfading crown of glory.
I Pe Rotherha 5:5  In like manner, ye younger men—submit yourselves unto elders;—All, however, one towards another, gird on humility; because, God, against the haughty, arrayeth himself, whereas, unto the lowly, he giveth favour.
I Pe Rotherha 5:6  Be made lowly, therefore, under the strong hand of God, that he may lift, you, up in due time,—
I Pe Rotherha 5:7  All your anxiety, casting upon him, because he careth for you.
I Pe Rotherha 5:8  Be sober! be watchful! Your slanderous adversary, as a roaring lion, is walking about—seeking to devour:
I Pe Rotherha 5:9  Whom resist, steadfast in your faith, knowing that, the same sufferings, in your brotherhood that is in the world, are being accomplished.
I Pe Rotherha 5:10  Howbeit, the God of all favour—who hath called you unto his age-abiding glory in Christ—when, for a little, ye have suffered, Himself, will adjust, confirm, strengthen:—
I Pe Rotherha 5:12  By Silvanus, the faithful brother, as I account him, have I briefly written, unto you, exhorting and adding testimony—that, this, is the true favour of God—within which, stand ye fast!
I Pe Rotherha 5:13  She who, in Babylon, is co-elect, and Mark my son, salute you:
I Pe Rotherha 5:14  Salute ye one another with a kiss of love. Peace unto you all who are in Christ.