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Chapter 6
Isai ABP 6:1  And it came to pass the year of which [3died 1king 2Uzziah], I beheld the lord sitting upon [2throne 1a high], and being lifted up; and [3was full 1the 2house] of his glory.
Isai ABP 6:2  And seraphim stood round about him; six wings to the one, and six wings to the other one. And with the first two they covered up the front; and with the second two they covered up the feet; and with the third two they flew.
Isai ABP 6:3  And they cried out another to another, and said, Holy, holy, holy is the lord of Hosts; [4is full 1all 2the 3earth] of his glory.
Isai ABP 6:4  And [3lifted up 1the 2lintel] from the sound of which they cried out, and the house was filled up of smoke.
Isai ABP 6:5  And I said, O, I am miserable, for I am vexed, for [2a man 1being] and [2unclean 3lips 1having] in the midst of a people [2unclean 3lips 1having] I live in. And the king, the lord of Hosts, I beheld with my eyes.
Isai ABP 6:6  And [4was sent 5to 6me 1one 2of the 3seraphim]. And in the hand he had a coal, which [5with the 6tong 1he took 2from 3the 4altar].
Isai ABP 6:7  And he touched my mouth, and he said, Behold, this touched your lips, and [2it shall remove 1your lawless deeds], and [2your sins 1it shall purge].
Isai ABP 6:8  And I heard the voice of the lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who shall go to this people? And I said, Behold, I am, send me!
Isai ABP 6:9  And he said, Go! and say to this people, Hearing, you shall hear, but in no way shall you perceive; and seeing you shall see, but in no way shall you know.
Isai ABP 6:10  [5was thickened 1For 2the 3heart 4of this people]; and [3with their ears 2heavily 1they heard], and the eyes closed eyelids, lest at any time they should behold with their eyes, and the ears should hear, and the heart should perceive, and they should turn, and I shall heal them.
Isai ABP 6:11  And I said, Until when, O lord? And he said, Until whenever [2should be made desolate 1cities] by not being dwelt in; and houses by reason of not being men; and the land shall be left desolate.
Isai ABP 6:12  And after these things [2shall distance 1God] the men; and [6shall be multiplied 1the 2ones being left behind 3upon 4the 5land].
Isai ABP 6:13  But still upon it is the tenth part, and again it will be for plunder. As a terebinth tree, and as an acorn whenever it should fall from out of its casing -- [2seed 1the holy] is its pillar.