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Luke RWebster 8:51  And when he came into the house, he allowed no man to go in, except Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Luke EMTV 8:51  When He came into the house, He permitted no one to enter except Peter, John, and James, and the father and mother of the child.
Luke NHEBJE 8:51  When he came to the house, he did not allow anyone to enter in with him, except Peter, John, Jacob, the father of the child, and her mother.
Luke Etheridg 8:51  But Jeshu came to the house, and he suffered no man to enter with him, save Shemun, and Jakub, and Juchanon, and the father of the damsel, and her mother.
Luke ABP 8:51  And entering into the house, he did not allow [2to enter 1anyone], except Peter, and John, and James, and the father of the child and the mother.
Luke NHEBME 8:51  When he came to the house, he did not allow anyone to enter in with him, except Peter, John, Jacob, the father of the child, and her mother.
Luke Rotherha 8:51  And, when he came into the house, he suffered no one to enter with him, save Peter and John and James, and the father of the girl, and the mother.
Luke LEB 8:51  Now when he came to the house, he did not allow anyone to enter with him except Peter and John and James and the father and mother of the child.
Luke BWE 8:51  When Jesus came to the house, he did not let the people go in with him. The only people he let go in were Peter, John and James, and the girl’s father and mother.
Luke Twenty 8:51  When he reached the house, he did not allow any one to go in with him, except Peter, John, and James, and the child's father and mother.
Luke ISV 8:51  When he arrived at the house, he allowed no one to go in with him except Peter, John, James, and the child's father and mother.
Luke RNKJV 8:51  And when he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Kepha, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Luke Jubilee2 8:51  And when he came into the house, he allowed no one to go in except Peter and James and John and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Luke Webster 8:51  And when he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Luke Darby 8:51  And when he came to the house he suffered no one to go in but Peter and John and James and the father of the child and the mother.
Luke OEB 8:51  When he reached the house, he did not allow anyone to go in with him, except Peter, John, and James, and the child’s father and mother.
Luke ASV 8:51  And when he came to the house, he suffered not any man to enter in with him, save Peter, and John, and James, and the father of the maiden and her mother.
Luke Anderson 8:51  And when he came to the house, he permitted no one to go in but Peter and James and John, and the father and the mother of the child.
Luke Godbey 8:51  And having come to the house, He did not suffer any to enter except Peter, John, and James, and the father and mother of the child.
Luke LITV 8:51  And coming into the house, He did not allow anyone to enter, except Peter and James and John, and the father and mother of the child.
Luke Geneva15 8:51  And when he went into the house, he suffered no man to goe in with him, saue Peter, and Iames, and Iohn, and the father and mother of the maide.
Luke Montgome 8:51  So he came to the house, and would not permit anyone to go in with him except Peter and Johnand James, and the father and Mother of the little girl.
Luke CPDV 8:51  And when he had arrived at the house, he would not permit anyone to enter with him, except Peter and James and John, and the father and mother of the girl.
Luke Weymouth 8:51  So He came to the house, but allowed no one to go in with Him but Peter and John and James and the girl's father and mother.
Luke LO 8:51  Being come to the house, he allowed no person to enter with him, except Peter, and John, and James, and the maid's father and mother.
Luke Common 8:51  When he came into the house he permitted no one to go in with him except Peter, James, and John, and the father and mother of the girl.
Luke BBE 8:51  And when he came to the house he did not let any man go in with him, but only Peter and John and James, and the father of the girl and her mother.
Luke Worsley 8:51  And when He came to the house, He suffered none to go in but Peter, and James, and John, and the father and mother of the child.
Luke DRC 8:51  And when he was come to the house, he suffered not any man to go in with him, but Peter and James and John, and the father and mother of the maiden.
Luke Haweis 8:51  And entering into the house, he suffered no person to come in, but Peter, and James, and John, and the father and mother of the child.
Luke GodsWord 8:51  Jesus went into the house. He allowed no one to go with him except Peter, John, James, and the child's parents.
Luke Tyndale 8:51  And when he came to ye housse he suffred no man to goo in with him save Peter Iames and Iohn and the father and the mother of the mayden.
Luke KJVPCE 8:51  And when he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Luke NETfree 8:51  Now when he came to the house, Jesus did not let anyone go in with him except Peter, John, and James, and the child's father and mother.
Luke RKJNT 8:51  And when he came into the house, he allowed no one to go in, except Peter, and James, and John, and the father and mother of the girl.
Luke AFV2020 8:51  And when He went into the house, He did not allow anyone to go in with Him except Peter and James and John, and the father and the mother of the child.
Luke NHEB 8:51  When he came to the house, he did not allow anyone to enter in with him, except Peter, John, Jacob, the father of the child, and her mother.
Luke OEBcth 8:51  When he reached the house, he did not allow anyone to go in with him, except Peter, John, and James, and the child’s father and mother.
Luke NETtext 8:51  Now when he came to the house, Jesus did not let anyone go in with him except Peter, John, and James, and the child's father and mother.
Luke UKJV 8:51  And when he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Luke Noyes 8:51  And going into the house, he suffered no one to go in with him but Peter and John and James, and the father of the maiden, and the mother.
Luke KJV 8:51  And when he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Luke KJVA 8:51  And when he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Luke AKJV 8:51  And when he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Luke RLT 8:51  And when he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in, save Peter, and James, and John, and the father and the mother of the maiden.
Luke OrthJBC 8:51  And having come to the bais, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach did not permit anyone to enter with him, except Kefa and Yochanan and Ya'akov, and the yaldah's abbah and em.
Luke MKJV 8:51  And coming into the house, He allowed no one to go in, except Peter and James and John, and the father and the mother of the girl.
Luke YLT 8:51  And having come to the house, he suffered no one to go in, except Peter, and James, and John, and the father of the child, and the mother;
Luke Murdock 8:51  And Jesus came to the house; and he suffered none to go in with him, except Simon, and James, and John, and the father and mother of the maid.
Luke ACV 8:51  And when he came to the house, he did not allow any man to enter in except Peter and John and James, and the father of the girl and the mother.
Luke VulgSist 8:51  Et cum venisset domum, non permisit intrare secum quemquam, nisi Petrum, et Iacobum, et Ioannem, et patrem, et matrem puellae.
Luke VulgCont 8:51  Et cum venisset domum, non permisit intrare secum quemquam, nisi Petrum, et Iacobum, et Ioannem, et patrem, et matrem puellæ.
Luke Vulgate 8:51  et cum venisset domum non permisit intrare secum quemquam nisi Petrum et Iohannem et Iacobum et patrem et matrem puellae
Luke VulgHetz 8:51  Et cum venisset domum, non permisit intrare secum quemquam, nisi Petrum, et Iacobum, et Ioannem, et patrem, et matrem puellæ.
Luke VulgClem 8:51  Et cum venisset domum, non permisit intrare secum quemquam, nisi Petrum, et Jacobum, et Joannem, et patrem, et matrem puellæ.
Luke CzeBKR 8:51  A všed do domu, nedopustil s sebou vjíti žádnému, než Petrovi a Jakubovi a Janovi, a otci a mateři té děvečky.
Luke CzeB21 8:51  Když pak vcházel do toho domu, nepustil dovnitř nikoho kromě Petra, Jakuba, Jana a rodičů děvčátka.
Luke CzeCEP 8:51  Když přišel k němu do domu, nedovolil, aby s ním někdo šel dovnitř, jen Petr, Jan a Jakub s otcem té dívky i s její matkou.
Luke CzeCSP 8:51  Když přišel do domu, nedovolil nikomu, aby s ním vešel, kromě Petra, Jana a Jakuba a otce a matky té dívky.
Luke PorBLivr 8:51  E quando entrou na casa, a ninguém deixou entrar, a não ser a Pedro, Tiago, João, e ao pai e à mãe da menina.
Luke Mg1865 8:51  Ary raha tonga tao an-trano Izy, dia tsy nisy olona navelany hiara-miditra taminy, afa-tsy Petera sy Jaona ary Jakoba mbamin’ ny ray aman-drenin-drazazavavy.
Luke CopNT 8:51  ⲉⲧⲁϥ⳿ⲓ ⲇⲉ ⳿ⲉⲡⲓⲏⲓ ⳿ⲙⲡⲉϥⲭⲁ ⳿ϩⲗⲓ ⳿ⲉ⳿ⲓ ⳿ⲉϧⲟⲩⲛ ⲛⲉⲙⲁϥ ⳿ⲉⲃⲏⲗ ⳿ⲉⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ ⲛⲉⲙ ⲓⲁⲕⲱⲃⲟⲥ ⲛⲉⲙ ⲓⲱⲁⲛⲛⲏⲥ ⲛⲉⲙ ⲫⲓⲱⲧ ⳿ⲛϯ⳿ⲁⲗⲟⲩ ⲛⲉⲙ ⲧⲉⲥⲙⲁⲩ.
Luke FinPR 8:51  Ja kun hän tuli taloon, ei hän sallinut kenenkään muun käydä sisälle kanssaan kuin Pietarin ja Johanneksen ja Jaakobin sekä lapsen isän ja äidin.
Luke NorBroed 8:51  Og da han hadde gått inn i huset, tillot han ikke noen å gå inn bortsett fra Peter og Jakob og Johannes, og jentas far og mor.
Luke FinRK 8:51  Kun hän tuli taloon, hän ei sallinut kenenkään muun tulla kanssaan sisälle kuin Pietarin, Johanneksen ja Jaakobin sekä tytön isän ja äidin.
Luke ChiSB 8:51  耶穌到了那家裏,除了伯多祿、若望、雅各伯和女孩子的父母外,不讓任何人同祂進去。
Luke CopSahBi 8:51  ⲛⲧⲉⲣⲉϥⲉⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲉⲡⲏⲓ ⲙⲡϥⲕⲁⲗⲁⲁⲩ ⲉⲃⲱⲕ ⲉϩⲟⲩⲛ ⲛⲙⲙⲁϥ ⲛⲥⲁⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ ⲛⲙⲓⲱϩⲁⲛⲛⲏⲥ ⲛⲙⲓⲁⲕⲱⲃⲟⲥ ⲛⲙⲡⲓⲱⲧ ⲛⲧϣⲉⲉⲣⲉ ϣⲏⲙ ⲛⲙ ⲧⲉⲥⲙⲁⲁⲩ
Luke ArmEaste 8:51  Եւ նրա տունը մտնելով՝ ոչ ոքի չթողեց ներս մտնել, բացի Պետրոսից, Յակոբոսից, Յովհաննէսից եւ երեխայի հօրից ու մօրից:
Luke ChiUns 8:51  耶稣到了他的家,除了彼得、约翰、雅各,和女儿的父母,不许别人同他进去。
Luke BulVeren 8:51  И когато дойде в къщата, не остави никого да влезе с Него, освен Петър, Йоан, Яков и бащата и майката на момичето.
Luke AraSVD 8:51  فَلَمَّا جَاءَ إِلَى ٱلْبَيْتِ لَمْ يَدَعْ أَحَدًا يَدْخُلُ إِلَّا بُطْرُسَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَيُوحَنَّا، وَأَبَا ٱلصَّبِيَّةِ وَأُمَّهَا.
Luke Shona 8:51  Zvino wakati apinda mumba, haana kutendera munhu kupinda, kunze kwaPetro, naJakobho, naJohwani, nababa vemusikana, namai.
Luke Esperant 8:51  Kaj kiam li venis al la domo, li permesis al neniu eniri kun li, krom Petro kaj Johano kaj Jakobo kaj la patro kaj la patrino de la knabino.
Luke ThaiKJV 8:51  เมื่อพระองค์เสด็จเข้าไปในเรือน พระองค์ไม่ทรงยอมให้ผู้ใดเข้าไป เว้นแต่เปโตร ยากอบ ยอห์น และบิดามารดาของเด็กนั้น
Luke IriODomh 8:51  Agus ar ndul a sdeach don tigh dhó, níor fhuiling sé neach ar bith do dhul a sdeach, achd Peadar, agus Séumus, agus Eóin, agus athair agus mathair an chailín.
Luke BurJudso 8:51  အိမ်သို့ရောက်လျှင်၊ ပေတရု၊ ယောဟန်၊ ယာကုပ်နှင့်မိန်းမငယ်၏မိဘမှတပါး အဘယ်သူကိုမျှ အထဲ သို့မဝင်စေခြင်းငှါ ဆီးတားတော်မူ၏။
Luke SBLGNT 8:51  ἐλθὼν δὲ εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν οὐκ ἀφῆκεν εἰσελθεῖν ⸂τινα σὺν αὐτῷ⸃ εἰ μὴ Πέτρον καὶ Ἰωάννην καὶ Ἰάκωβον καὶ τὸν πατέρα τῆς παιδὸς καὶ τὴν μητέρα.
Luke FarTPV 8:51  هنگام ورود به خانه اجازه نداد كسی جز پطرس و یوحنا و یعقوب و پدر و مادر آن دختر با او وارد شود.
Luke UrduGeoR 8:51  Wuh ghar pahuṅch gae to Īsā ne kisī ko bhī siwāe Patras, Yūhannā, Yāqūb aur beṭī ke wālidain ke andar āne kī ijāzat na dī.
Luke SweFolk 8:51  När han kom fram till huset lät han ingen följa med honom in utom Petrus, Johannes och Jakob och flickans far och mor.
Luke TNT 8:51  ἐλθὼν δὲ εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν οὐκ ἀφῆκεν εἰσελθεῖν τινα σὺν αὐτῷ, εἰ μὴ Πέτρον καὶ Ἰωάνην καὶ Ἰάκωβον, καὶ τὸν πατέρα τῆς παιδὸς καὶ τὴν μητέρα.
Luke GerSch 8:51  Und als er in das Haus kam, ließ er niemand mit sich hineingehen als Petrus und Jakobus und Johannes und den Vater des Kindes und die Mutter.
Luke TagAngBi 8:51  At nang dumating siya sa bahay, ay hindi niya ipinahintulot na pumasok na kasama niya ang sinomang tao, maliban na kay Pedro, at kay Juan, at kay Santiago, at ang ama ng dalaga at ang ina nito.
Luke FinSTLK2 8:51  Kun hän tuli taloon, hän ei sallinut kenenkään muun tulla sisään kanssaan kuin Pietarin, Johanneksen ja Jaakobin sekä lapsen isän ja äidin.
Luke Dari 8:51  هنگام ورود به خانه اجازه نداد کسی جز پِترُس و یوحنا و یعقوب و پدر و مادر آن دختر با او وارد شود.
Luke SomKQA 8:51  Markuu guriga yimid, ninna uma oggolaanin inuu la galo, Butros, iyo Yooxanaa, iyo Yacquub, iyo gabadha aabbeheed, iyo hooyadeed maahee.
Luke NorSMB 8:51  Då han so kom til huset, let han ingen få ganga inn med seg utan Peter og Johannes og Jakob og far og mor åt barnet.
Luke Alb 8:51  Si arriti në shtëpi, nuk la asnjeri të hyjë, përveç Pjetrit, Gjonit dhe Jakobit, dhe atin e nënën e vajzës.
Luke GerLeoRP 8:51  Als er nun zu dem Haus kam, ließ er niemanden hineingehen außer Petrus und Johannes und Jakobus, sowie den Vater und die Mutter des Kindes.
Luke UyCyr 8:51  Һәзрити Әйса Яирниң өйигә барғанда, Петрус, Юһанна, Яқуп вә қизниң ата-анисидин башқа кишиләрниң Өзи билән биллә өйгә киришигә рухсәт қилмиди.
Luke KorHKJV 8:51  집에 들어가사 베드로와 야고보와 요한과 소녀의 아버지와 어머니 외에는 아무도 들어오는 것을 허락하지 아니하시니라.
Luke MorphGNT 8:51  ἐλθὼν δὲ εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν οὐκ ἀφῆκεν εἰσελθεῖν ⸂τινα σὺν αὐτῷ⸃ εἰ μὴ Πέτρον καὶ Ἰωάννην καὶ Ἰάκωβον καὶ τὸν πατέρα τῆς παιδὸς καὶ τὴν μητέρα.
Luke SrKDIjek 8:51  А кад дође у кућу, не даде ниједноме ући осим Петра и Јована и Јакова, и дјевојчина оца и матере.
Luke Wycliffe 8:51  And whanne he cam to the hous, he suffride no man to entre with hym, but Petir and Joon and James, and the fadir and the modir of the damysel.
Luke Mal1910 8:51  വീട്ടിൽ എത്തിയാറെ പത്രൊസ്, യോഹന്നാൻ, യാക്കോബ് എന്നവരെയും ബാലയുടെ അപ്പനെയും അമ്മയെയും അല്ലാതെ ആരെയും അവൻ തന്നോടുകൂടെ അകത്തു വരുവാൻ സമ്മതിച്ചില്ല.
Luke KorRV 8:51  집에 이르러 베드로와 요한과 야고보와 및 아이의 부모 외에는 함께 들어가기를 허하지 아니하시니라
Luke Azeri 8:51  اِوه گئردئکلري واخت عئسا، پطروس، يوحنّا، يعقوب، و قيزين آتا‌-آناسيندان باشقا هچ کئمه اِوه گئرمه‌يه ائجازه ورمه‌دي.
Luke GerReinh 8:51  Da er aber in das Haus kam, ließ er niemanden hineingehen, außer Petrus, und Johannes und Jakobus und den Vater des Mädchens und die Mutter.
Luke SweKarlX 8:51  Då han kom i huset, stadde han ingom ingå med sig; utan Petrum, Jacobum och Johannem, och fadren och modren til pigona.
Luke KLV 8:51  ghorgh ghaH ghoSta' Daq the tuq, ghaH ta'be' allow anyone Daq 'el Daq, except Peter, John, James, the vav vo' the puq, je Daj SoS.
Luke ItaDio 8:51  Ed entrato nella casa, non permise che alcuno vi entrasse, se non Pietro, e Giovanni, e Giacomo, e il padre, e la madre della fanciulla.
Luke RusSynod 8:51  Придя же в дом, не позволил войти никому, кроме Петра, Иоанна и Иакова, и отца девицы, и матери.
Luke CSlEliza 8:51  Пришед же в дом, не остави ни единаго внити, токмо Петра и Иоанна и Иакова, и отца отроковицы, и матере.
Luke ABPGRK 8:51  εισελθών δε εις την οικίαν ουκ αφήκεν εισελθείν ουδένα ει μη Πέτρον και Ιωάννην και Ιάκωβον και τον πατέρα της παιδός και την μητέρα
Luke FreBBB 8:51  Et étant arrivé dans la maison, il ne laissa entrer personne, sinon Pierre et Jean et Jacques, et le père de l'enfant et la mère.
Luke LinVB 8:51  Ekómí Yézu o ndáko, alingí moto mǒkó ákóto elongó na yě té, bobélé Pétro, Yoáne na Yakóbo, mpé tatá na mamá wa mwána.
Luke BurCBCM 8:51  ကိုယ်တော်သည်လည်း ထိုအိမ်သို့ရောက်သောအခါ ပေတရု၊ ယောဟန်၊ ယာကုပ်နှင့် သူငယ်မ၏ မိဘများမှတစ်ပါး မည်သူ့ကိုမျှ မိမိနှင့်အတူ အိမ်အတွင်းသို့ဝင်ရန်ခွင့်ပြုတော်မမူချေ။-
Luke ChiUnL 8:51  至室、於彼得雅各約翰、及女之父母外、不許他人同入、
Luke VietNVB 8:51  Đến nhà Giai-ru, Ngài không cho ai vào cả, ngoại trừ Phê-rơ, Giăng, Gia-cơ và cha mẹ em bé.
Luke CebPinad 8:51  Ug sa paghiabut niya sa balay, wala siyay gitugotan sa pagsulod uban kaniya gawas kang Pedro ug kang Juan ug kang Santiago ug sa amahan ug inahan sa bata.
Luke RomCor 8:51  Când a ajuns la casa fruntaşului, n-a lăsat pe niciunul să intre împreună cu El, decât pe Petru, pe Iacov, pe Ioan, pe tatăl şi pe mama fetei.
Luke Pohnpeia 8:51  Ni eh ketin lel ni ihmwo, e sohte ketin mweidohng mehmen en pedolong loale, pwe Piter oh Seims oh Sohn, oh en serepeino eh pahpa oh nohno.
Luke HunUj 8:51  Amikor bement a házba, senkit sem bocsátott be, csak Pétert, Jánost, Jakabot, meg a kislány apját és anyját.
Luke GerZurch 8:51  Als er aber in das Haus kam, liess er niemand mit sich hineingehen als Petrus und Johannes und Jakobus und den Vater des Kindes und die Mutter. (a) Lu 9:28
Luke GerTafel 8:51  Als Er aber in das Haus kam, ließ Er keinen hineingehen, außer Petrus und Johannes, und Jakobus und den Vater des Kindes und die Mutter.
Luke PorAR 8:51  Tendo chegado à casa, a ninguém deixou entrar com ele, senão a Pedro, João, Tiago, e o pai e a mãe da menina.
Luke DutSVVA 8:51  En als Hij in het huis kwam, liet Hij niemand inkomen, dan Petrus, en Jakobus, en Johannes, en den vader en de moeder des kinds.
Luke Byz 8:51  ελθων δε εις την οικιαν ουκ αφηκεν εισελθειν ουδενα ει μη πετρον και ιωαννην και ιακωβον και τον πατερα της παιδος και την μητερα
Luke FarOPV 8:51  و چون داخل خانه شد، جز پطرس و یوحنا ویعقوب و پدر و مادر دختر هیچ‌کس را نگذاشت که به اندرون آید.
Luke Ndebele 8:51  Futhi esengenile endlini, kavumanga ukuthi kungene muntu, ngaphandle kukaPetro loJakobe loJohane, loyise wendodakazi lonina.
Luke PorBLivr 8:51  E quando entrou na casa, a ninguém deixou entrar, a não ser a Pedro, Tiago, João, e ao pai e à mãe da menina.
Luke StatResG 8:51  Ἐλθὼν δὲ εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν, οὐκ ἀφῆκεν εἰσελθεῖν τινα σὺν αὐτῷ, εἰ μὴ Πέτρον, καὶ Ἰωάννην, καὶ Ἰάκωβον, καὶ τὸν πατέρα τῆς παιδὸς, καὶ τὴν μητέρα.
Luke SloStrit 8:51  Ko je pa prišel v hišo, ni dal nikomur vniti, razen Petru in Jakobu in Janezu, in očetu in materi deklice.
Luke Norsk 8:51  Da han nu kom inn i huset, lot han ingen gå inn med sig uten Peter og Johannes og Jakob og pikens far og mor.
Luke SloChras 8:51  Ko pa pride v hišo, ne dovoli nikomur, da bi šel ž njim noter, razen Petru in Jakobu in Janezu in očetu in materi deklice.
Luke Calo 8:51  Y pur bigoreó al quer: na mecó chalar andré á cayque, sino á Pedro, y á Santiago, y á Juan, y al batu, y á la dai de la bedori.
Luke Northern 8:51  İsa onun evinə gələndə Peter, Yəhya, Yaqub və qızın ata-anasından başqa heç kimi Özü ilə evə girməyə qoymadı.
Luke GerElb19 8:51  Als er aber in das Haus kam, erlaubte er niemand hineinzugehen, außer Petrus und Johannes und Jakobus und dem Vater des Kindes und der Mutter.
Luke PohnOld 8:51  A lao kotilong ong nan im o, a sota kotin mueid ong amen en iang pedelong ong nan pera, Petrus, o Ioanes, o Iakupus eta, o sam en seripein o in a.
Luke LvGluck8 8:51  Un namā iegājis, Viņš nevienu nelaida iekšā, kā vien Pēteri un Jēkabu un Jāni un tās meitas tēvu un māti.
Luke PorAlmei 8:51  E, entrando em casa, a ninguem deixou entrar, senão a Pedro, e a Thiago, e a João, e ao pae e á mãe da menina.
Luke ChiUn 8:51  耶穌到了他的家,除了彼得、約翰、雅各,和女兒的父母,不許別人同他進去。
Luke SweKarlX 8:51  Då han kom i huset, stadde han ingom ingå med sig, utan Petrum, Jacobum och Johannem, och fadren och modren till pigona.
Luke Antoniad 8:51  ελθων δε εις την οικιαν ουκ αφηκεν εισελθειν ουδενα ει μη πετρον και ιωαννην και ιακωβον και τον πατερα της παιδος και την μητερα
Luke CopSahid 8:51  ⲛⲧⲉⲣⲉϥⲉⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲉⲡⲏⲓ ⲙⲡϥⲕⲁⲗⲁⲁⲩ ⲉⲃⲱⲕ ⲉϩⲟⲩⲛ ⲛⲙⲙⲁϥ ⲛⲥⲁⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ ⲛⲙⲓⲱϩⲁⲛⲛⲏⲥ ⲛⲙⲓⲁⲕⲱⲃⲟⲥ ⲛⲙⲡⲓⲱⲧ ⲛⲧϣⲉⲉⲣⲉ ϣⲏⲙ ⲛⲙⲧⲉⲥⲙⲁⲁⲩ
Luke GerAlbre 8:51  Als er dann zu dem Haus kam, ließ er niemand mit sich eintreten als Petrus, Jakobus und Johannes und des Kindes Eltern.
Luke BulCarig 8:51  И когато влезе в къщи, не остави никого да влезе освен Петра и Якова и Иоана, още бащата на момичето и майката.
Luke FrePGR 8:51  Or, étant entré dans la maison, il ne permit pas que personne entrât avec lui, sauf Pierre, et Jean et Jacques et le père de l'enfant et sa mère.
Luke JapDenmo 8:51  その家にやって来ると,ペトロとヨハネとヤコブ,そして子供の父と母のほかは,だれも中に入ることを許さなかった。
Luke PorCap 8:51  *Ao chegar a casa, não deixou entrar ninguém com Ele, a não ser Pedro, João e Tiago, assim como o pai e a mãe da menina.
Luke JapKougo 8:51  それから家にはいられるとき、ペテロ、ヨハネ、ヤコブおよびその子の父母のほかは、だれも一緒にはいって来ることをお許しにならなかった。
Luke Tausug 8:51  Pagdatung hinda Īsa pa bāy, wala' siya nagpaagad tau simūd pa lawm bāy. Amura in piyaagad niya hinda Pitrus, Yahiya, Ya'kub iban sin ina'-ama' sin bata'.
Luke GerTextb 8:51  Als er aber in das Haus kam, ließ er niemand mit hinein, außer Petrus und Johannes und Jakobus und den Vater und die Mutter des Kindes.
Luke Kapingam 8:51  Di madagoaa mee ne-dau i-di hale, Mee hagalee dumaalia gi tangada gi-ulu i ono muli gi-lodo di hale, ala-hua go Peter, John, James, tamana mo tinana o tama-ahina.
Luke SpaPlate 8:51  Llegado, después, a la casa, no dejó entrar a nadie consigo, excepto a Pedro, Juan y Santiago, y también al padre y a la madre de la niña.
Luke RusVZh 8:51  Придя же в дом, не позволил войти никому, кроме Петра, Иоанна и Иакова, и отца девицы, и матери.
Luke CopSahid 8:51  ⲛⲧⲉⲣⲉϥⲉⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲉⲡⲏⲓ ⲙⲡϥⲕⲁⲗⲁⲁⲩ ⲉⲃⲱⲕ ⲉϩⲟⲩⲛ ⲛⲙⲙⲁϥ ⲛⲥⲁⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ ⲛⲙⲓⲱϩⲁⲛⲛⲏⲥ ⲛⲙⲓⲁⲕⲱⲃⲟⲥ ⲛⲙⲡⲓⲱⲧ ⲛⲧϣⲉⲉⲣⲉ ϣⲏⲙ ⲛⲙⲧⲉⲥⲙⲁⲁⲩ.
Luke LtKBB 8:51  Atėjęs į namus, Jis neleido su savimi įeiti niekam, tik Petrui, Jonui, Jokūbui ir mergaitės tėvui bei motinai.
Luke Bela 8:51  А прыйшоўшы ў дом, не дазволіў увайсьці нікому, апрача Пятра, Яна і Якава, і бацькі дзяўчыны, і маці.
Luke CopSahHo 8:51  ⲛ̅ⲧⲉⲣⲉϥⲉ͡ⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲉⲡⲏⲓ̈ ⲙⲡ̅ϥⲕⲁⲗⲁⲁⲩ ⲉⲃⲱⲕ ⲉϩⲟⲩⲛ ⲛⲙ̅ⲙⲁϥ ⲛ̅ⲥⲁⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ ⲛⲙ̅ⲓ̈ⲱϩⲁⲛⲛⲏⲥ ⲛⲙ̅ⲓ̈ⲁⲕⲱⲃⲟⲥ ⲛⲙⲡⲓⲱⲧʾ ⲛ̅ⲧϣⲉⲉⲣⲉ ϣⲏⲙ ⲛⲙ̅ⲧⲉⲥⲙⲁⲁⲩ.
Luke BretonNT 8:51  Pa voe deuet en ti, ne lezas den da vont e-barzh, nemet Pêr, Jakez, Yann, ha tad ha mamm ar plac'hig.
Luke GerBoLut 8:51  Da er aber in das Haus kam, lieli er niemand hineingehen denn Petrus und Jakobus und Johannes und des Kindes Vater und Mutter.
Luke FinPR92 8:51  Perille saavuttuaan hän ei antanut kenenkään muun tulla mukanaan sisään kuin Pietarin, Johanneksen ja Jaakobin sekä tytön isän ja äidin.
Luke DaNT1819 8:51  Men der han kom i Huset, lod han han Ingen gaae ind, uden Peter og Jakob og Johannes og Pigens Fader og Moder.
Luke Uma 8:51  Karata-ra hi tomi Yairus, Yesus uma mpiliu kabua' -bua' tauna mesua' dohe-na. Muntu' Petrus, Yohanes, Yakobus hante tina pai' tuama ana' toei-wadi to ma'ala mesua'.
Luke GerLeoNA 8:51  Als er nun zu dem Haus kam, ließ er niemanden mit sich hineingehen außer Petrus und Johannes und Jakobus, sowie den Vater und die Mutter des Kindes.
Luke SpaVNT 8:51  Y entrado en casa, no dejo entrar á nadie [consigo,] sino á Pedro y á Jacobo, y á Juan, y al padre y á la madre de la moza.
Luke Latvian 8:51  Un Viņš, namā ieejot, neatļāva nevienam līdzi nākt, kā vien Pēterim un Jēkabam, un Jānim, un meitiņas tēvam, un mātei.
Luke SpaRV186 8:51  Y entrado en casa, no dejó entrar a nadie, sino a Pedro, y a Santiago, y a Juan, y al padre y a la madre de la joven.
Luke FreStapf 8:51  Arrivé à la maison, il ne permit à personne d'entrer avec lui, sinon à Pierre, à Jean et à Jacques, ainsi qu'au père et à la mère de l'enfant.
Luke NlCanisi 8:51  Bij het huis gekomen, liet Hij niemand met Zich binnengaan dan Petrus, Johannes en Jakobus met den vader en de moeder van het meisje.
Luke GerNeUe 8:51  Er ging in das Haus, erlaubte aber niemand, ihn zu begleiten, außer Petrus, Johannes und Jakobus und den Eltern des Kindes.
Luke Est 8:51  Kui Ta siis jõudis majasse, ei lasknud Ta Enesega sisse tulla kedagi teist kui ainult Peetruse ja Johannese ja Jakoobuse ning lapse isa ja ema.
Luke UrduGeo 8:51  وہ گھر پہنچ گئے تو عیسیٰ نے کسی کو بھی سوائے پطرس، یوحنا، یعقوب اور بیٹی کے والدین کے اندر آنے کی اجازت نہ دی۔
Luke AraNAV 8:51  وَلَمَّا وَصَلَ إِلَى الْبَيْتِ، لَمْ يَدَعْ أَحَداً يَدْخُلُ مَعَهُ إِلاَّ بُطْرُسَ وَيُوحَنَّا وَيَعْقُوبَ وَأَبَا الْفَتَاةِ وَأُمَّهَا.
Luke ChiNCVs 8:51  到了那家,除了彼得、约翰、雅各和女孩的父母以外,他不准任何人同他进屋里去。
Luke f35 8:51  ελθων δε εις την οικιαν ουκ αφηκεν εισελθειν ουδενα ει μη πετρον και ιωαννην και ιακωβον και τον πατερα της παιδος και την μητερα
Luke vlsJoNT 8:51  En komende in het huis liet Hij aan niemand toe mede binnen te gaan dan aan Petrus, Jakobus en Johannes, en den vader en de moeder van het kind.
Luke ItaRive 8:51  Ed arrivato alla casa, non permise ad alcuno d’entrarvi con lui, salvo che a Pietro, a Giovanni, a Giacomo e al padre e alla madre della fanciulla.
Luke Afr1953 8:51  En toe Hy in die huis kom, het Hy niemand toegelaat om in te gaan nie, behalwe Petrus en Jakobus en Johannes en die vader en die moeder van die meisie.
Luke RusSynod 8:51  Придя же в дом, не позволил войти никому, кроме Петра, Иоанна и Иакова, и отца девицы, и матери.
Luke FreOltra 8:51  Lorsqu'il fut arrivé à la maison, il ne laissa entrer personne avec lui, si ce n'est Pierre, Jean, Jacques, avec le père et la mère de l'enfant.
Luke UrduGeoD 8:51  वह घर पहुँच गए तो ईसा ने किसी को भी सिवाए पतरस, यूहन्ना, याक़ूब और बेटी के वालिदैन के अंदर आने की इजाज़त न दी।
Luke TurNTB 8:51  İsa adamın evine gelince Petrus, Yuhanna, Yakup ve kızın annesi babası dışında hiç kimsenin kendisiyle birlikte içeri girmesine izin vermedi.
Luke DutSVV 8:51  En als Hij in het huis kwam, liet Hij niemand inkomen, dan Petrus, en Jakobus, en Johannes, en den vader en de moeder des kinds.
Luke HunKNB 8:51  Mikor pedig a házba érkezett, senki másnak nem engedte meg, hogy bemenjen vele, csak Péternek, Jakabnak és Jánosnak, és a lány apjának és anyjának.
Luke Maori 8:51  A, i tona tomokanga ki te whare, kihai tetahi i tukua e ia ki tapoko, ko Pita anake, ko Hemi, ko Hoani, me te papa raua ko te whaea o te kotiro.
Luke sml_BL_2 8:51  Pagt'kka si Isa ni luma' nakura' inān, halam aniya' bay tugutanna magbeya' maka iya pasōd, luwal si Petros, si Yahiya, si Yakub, maka matto'a onde'.
Luke HunKar 8:51  Bemenvén pedig a házba, senkit nem bocsáta be, csak Pétert, Jakabot, Jánost és a leányzó atyját és anyját.
Luke Viet 8:51  Khi đến nhà, Ngài chỉ cho Phi -e-rơ, Gia-cơ và Giăng, và cha mẹ con ấy vào cùng Ngài.
Luke Kekchi 8:51  Nak quicuulac li Jesús, ma̱ ani quixcanab chi oc saˈ li cab. Caˈaj cuiˈ laj Pedro, laj Jacobo ut laj Juan rochbeneb lix naˈ xyucuaˈ li xkaˈal.
Luke Swe1917 8:51  Och när han hade kommit fram till hans hus, tillstadde han ingen att gå med ditin, utom Petrus och Johannes och Jakob och därtill flickans fader och moder.
Luke KhmerNT 8:51  ពេល​មក​ដល់​ផ្ទះ​នោះ​ ព្រះអង្គ​មិន​បាន​អនុញ្ញាត​ឲ្យ​អ្នកណា​ចូល​ទៅ​ខាង​ក្នុង​ជាមួយ​ព្រះអង្គ​ទេ​ លើកលែង​តែ​លោក​ពេត្រុស​ លោក​យ៉ូហាន​ លោក​យ៉ាកុប​ និង​ឪពុក​ម្ដាយ​ក្មេង​ស្រី​នោះ​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។​
Luke CroSaric 8:51  Uđe u kuću, ali nikomu ne dopusti da s njim uđe osim Petra, Ivana, Jakova i djetetova oca i majke.
Luke BasHauti 8:51  Eta etchera sarthuric, etzeçan nehor sartzera vtzi Pierris eta Iacques eta Ioannes eta nescatcharen aita eta ama baicen,
Luke WHNU 8:51  ελθων δε εις την οικιαν ουκ αφηκεν εισελθειν τινα συν αυτω ει μη πετρον και ιωαννην και ιακωβον και τον πατερα της παιδος και την μητερα
Luke VieLCCMN 8:51  Khi đến nhà, Người không cho ai vào với mình, trừ ông Phê-rô, ông Gio-an, ông Gia-cô-bê và cha mẹ của đứa bé.
Luke FreBDM17 8:51  Et quand il fut arrivé à la maison, il ne laissa entrer personne, que Pierre, et Jacques, et Jean, avec le père et la mère de la fille.
Luke TR 8:51  εισελθων δε εις την οικιαν ουκ αφηκεν εισελθειν ουδενα ει μη πετρον και ιακωβον και ιωαννην και τον πατερα της παιδος και την μητερα
Luke HebModer 8:51  ויבא הביתה ולא הניח לאיש לבוא אתו בלתי אם לפטרוס וליעקב וליוחנן ולאבי הילדה ולאמה׃
Luke Kaz 8:51  Жайырдың үйіне жеткенде Иса Петір, Жохан, Жақып және қыздың әке-шешесінен басқа ешкімнің үйге кіруіне рұқсат бермеді.
Luke UkrKulis 8:51  Увійшовши ж у господу, не пустив увійти нїкого, тільки Петра, та Якова, таЙоана, та батька дитини й матір.
Luke FreJND 8:51  Et quand il fut arrivé à la maison, il ne permit à personne d’entrer, sinon à Pierre et à Jean et à Jacques, et au père de la jeune fille et à la mère.
Luke TurHADI 8:51  İsa, Yair’in evine geldi. Sadece Petrus, Yuhanna, Yakub ve kızın annesiyle babasını içeri aldı.
Luke Wulfila 8:51  𐌵𐌹𐌼𐌰𐌽𐌳𐍃 𐌸𐌰𐌽 𐌹𐌽 𐌲𐌰𐍂𐌳𐌰 𐌽𐌹 𐍆𐍂𐌰𐌻𐌰𐌹𐌻𐍉𐍄 𐌰𐌹𐌽𐍉𐌷𐌿𐌽 𐌹𐌽𐌽𐌲𐌰𐌲𐌲𐌰𐌽, 𐌰𐌻𐌾𐌰 𐍀𐌰𐌹𐍄𐍂𐌿 𐌾𐌰𐌷 𐌹𐌰𐌺𐍉𐌱𐌿 𐌾𐌰𐌷 𐌹𐍉𐌷𐌰𐌽𐌽𐌴𐌽 𐌾𐌰𐌷 𐌸𐌰𐌽𐌰 𐌰𐍄𐍄𐌰𐌽 𐌸𐌹𐌶𐍉𐍃 𐌼𐌰𐌿𐌾𐍉𐍃 𐌾𐌰𐌷 𐌰𐌹𐌸𐌴𐌹𐌽.
Luke GerGruen 8:51  Am Hause angekommen, ließ er niemand mit sich hinein, nur Petrus, Johannes und Jakobus sowie den Vater und die Mutter des Mädchens.
Luke SloKJV 8:51  In ko je prišel v hišo, nobenemu človeku ni dovolil vstopiti noter, razen Petru, Jakobu in Janezu ter očetu in materi deklice.
Luke Haitian 8:51  Lè Jezi rive lakay la, li pa kite tout moun yo antre ak li. Li pran Pyè, Jan, Jak epi papa ak manman pitit la.
Luke FinBibli 8:51  Mutta kuin hän huoneesen tuli sisälle; niin ei hän sallinut ketään tulla sisälle, vaan Pietarin ja Jakobin ja Johanneksen, ja sen lapsen isän ja äidin.
Luke SpaRV 8:51  Y entrado en casa, no dejó entrar á nadie consigo, sino á Pedro, y á Jacobo, y á Juan, y al padre y á la madre de la moza.
Luke HebDelit 8:51  וַיָּבֹא הַבַּיְתָה וְלֹא־הִנִּיחַ לְאִישׁ לָבוֹא אִתּוֹ בִּלְתִּי אִם־לְפֶטְרוֹס וּלְיַעֲקֹב וּלְיוֹחָנָן וְלַאֲבִי הַיַּלְדָּה וּלְאִמָּהּ׃
Luke WelBeibl 8:51  Pan gyrhaeddodd dŷ Jairus, dim ond Pedr, Ioan a Iago, a rhieni'r ferch fach gafodd fynd i mewn gydag e.
Luke GerMenge 8:51  Als er dann an das Haus gekommen war, ließ er niemand (von den Seinen) mit sich eintreten außer Petrus, Johannes, Jakobus und den Eltern des Mädchens.
Luke GreVamva 8:51  Και ότε εισήλθεν εις την οικίαν, δεν αφήκεν ουδένα να εισέλθη ειμή τον Πέτρον και Ιάκωβον και Ιωάννην και τον πατέρα της κόρης και την μητέρα.
Luke ManxGael 8:51  As tra v'eh er jeet stiagh 'sy thie, cha lhig eh da dooinney erbee goll stiagh marish, agh Peddyr, as Jamys, as Ean, as ayr as moir y ven-aeg.
Luke Tisch 8:51  ἐλθὼν δὲ εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν οὐκ ἀφῆκεν εἰσελθεῖν τινα σὺν αὐτῷ εἰ μὴ Πέτρον καὶ Ἰωάννην καὶ Ἰάκωβον καὶ τὸν πατέρα τῆς παιδὸς καὶ τὴν μητέρα.
Luke UkrOgien 8:51  Прийшовши ж до дому, не пустив Він ніко́го з Собою ввійти, крім Петра, та Івана, та Якова, та батька дівча́ти, та матері.
Luke MonKJV 8:51  Улмаар тэрбээр гэрт нь орохдоо Пээтрос, Иакоов, Иоаннис болон охины эцэг эхээс өөр хэнийг ч орохыг зөвшөөрсөнгүй.
Luke FreCramp 8:51  Arrivé à la maison, il ne laissa personne entrer avec lui, si ce n'est Pierre, Jacques et Jean, avec le père et la mère de l'enfant.
Luke SrKDEkav 8:51  А кад дође у кућу, не даде ниједноме ући осим Петра и Јована и Јакова, и девојчиног оца и матере.
Luke SpaTDP 8:51  Cuando llegó a la casa no permitió que nadie entrará, excepto Pedro, Juan, Santiago, el padre y la madre de la niña.
Luke PolUGdan 8:51  Gdy przyszedł do domu, nie pozwolił wejść ze sobą nikomu oprócz Piotra, Jakuba i Jana oraz ojca i matki dziewczynki.
Luke FreGenev 8:51  Et quand il fut entré en la maifon, il ne laiffa entrer perfonne, finon Pierre, et Jacques, et Jean, et le pere et la mere de la fille.
Luke FreSegon 8:51  Lorsqu'il fut arrivé à la maison, il ne permit à personne d'entrer avec lui, si ce n'est à Pierre, à Jean et à Jacques, et au père et à la mère de l'enfant.
Luke Swahili 8:51  Alipofika nyumbani hakumruhusu mtu kuingia ndani pamoja naye, isipokuwa Petro, Yohane, Yakobo na wazazi wa huyo msichana.
Luke SpaRV190 8:51  Y entrado en casa, no dejó entrar á nadie consigo, sino á Pedro, y á Jacobo, y á Juan, y al padre y á la madre de la moza.
Luke HunRUF 8:51  Amikor bement a házba, senkit sem bocsátott be, csak Pétert, Jánost, Jakabot meg a kislány apját és anyját.
Luke FreSynod 8:51  Quand il fut arrivé à la maison, il ne laissa entrer avec lui que Pierre, Jacques et Jean, et le père et la mère de l'enfant.
Luke DaOT1931 8:51  Men da han kom til Huset, tillod han ingen at gaa ind med sig uden Peter og Johannes og Jakob og Pigens Fader og Moder.
Luke FarHezar 8:51  وقتی به خانة یایروس رسید، نگذاشت کسی جز پطرس و یوحنا و یعقوب و پدر و مادر دختر با او به‌خانه در‌آیند.
Luke TpiKJPB 8:51  Na taim em i kam insait long haus, em i no larim arapela man i go insait, Pita, na Jems, na Jon, na papa na mama bilong dispela yangpela meri tasol.
Luke ArmWeste 8:51  Երբ տունը մտաւ, ո՛չ մէկուն թոյլ տուաւ որ մտնէ, բայց միայն՝ Պետրոսի, Յակոբոսի ու Յովհաննէսի, եւ աղջիկին հօր ու մօր:
Luke DaOT1871 8:51  Men da han kom til Huset, tillod han ingen at gaa ind med sig uden Peter og Johannes og Jakob og Pigens Fader og Moder.
Luke JapRague 8:51  斯て其家に至り給ひて、ペトロ、ヤコボ、ヨハネ及び女の父母の外、共に入る事を誰にも許し給はず、
Luke Peshitta 8:51  ܐܬܐ ܕܝܢ ܝܫܘܥ ܠܒܝܬܐ ܘܠܐ ܫܒܩ ܠܐܢܫ ܕܢܥܘܠ ܥܡܗ ܐܠܐ ܠܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܠܝܥܩܘܒ ܘܠܝܘܚܢܢ ܘܠܐܒܘܗ ܕܛܠܝܬܐ ܘܠܐܡܗ ܀
Luke FreVulgG 8:51  Et lorsqu’il fut arrivé à la maison, il ne permit à personne d’entrer avec lui, si ce n’est à Pierre, à Jacques et à Jean, et au père et à la mère de la jeune fille.
Luke PolGdans 8:51  A wszedłszy w dom, nie dopuścił z sobą wnijść nikomu, tylko Piotrowi, i Jakóbowi, i Janowi, i ojcu i matce onej dzieweczki.
Luke JapBungo 8:51  イエス家に到りて、ペテロ、ヨハネ、ヤコブ及び子の父 母の他は、ともに入ることを誰にも許し給はず。
Luke Elzevir 8:51  εισελθων δε εις την οικιαν ουκ αφηκεν εισελθειν ουδενα ει μη πετρον και ιακωβον και ιωαννην και τον πατερα της παιδος και την μητερα
Luke GerElb18 8:51  Als er aber in das Haus kam, erlaubte er niemandem hineinzugehen, außer Petrus und Johannes und Jakobus und dem Vater des Kindes und der Mutter.