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eb4da6b We are nowhere, wanting to be somewhere, idling at the starting line of adulthood. hope nowhere somewhere youth Libba Bray
c76394e But as he listened to the moans and cries of those around him, he understood that hope was not a concept of faith meant to bring man closer to God but one of denial and delusion meant to keep him from accepting that God did not exist. hope Libba Bray
4af1d32 I will take you home, his lord had said. Home. He held to that word, as a man holds to a rope in a raging sea. hope redemption Elizabeth A. Lynn
f7504e8 No importa la fe que ofrece determinado movimiento, sino la esperanza que propone hope life-lessons Umberto Eco
1d116e4 As she rode, she tried to tell herself something. / You don't deserve to be this happy, Liesl. You really don't. / Can a person steal happiness? Or is it just another internal, infernal human trick? hope life Markus Zusak
6ed78c9 Men who believe that the way to the mind is not by way of ice picks through the brain or large dosages of dangerous medicine but through an honest reckoning of the self. broken-hearted confess delusion denial happy heal healing honesty hope life love pathetic recover rigourous-honesty scars self-hate tragic treatment wound Dennis Lehane
8098c19 "Slaves hung on determinedly to their selves, to their love of family, their wholeness. A shoemaker on the South Carolina Sea Islands expressed in his own way: "I'se lost an arm, but it hasn't gone out of my brains." hope slavery Howard Zinn
b128450 Almost any book was better than life, Audrey thought. Or rather, life as she was living it. Of course, life would soon change, open out, become quite different. You couldn't go on if you didn't hope that, could you? But for the time being there was no doubt that it was pleasant to get away from it. And books could take her away. despair hope reading Jean Rhys
df9341f Everybody wants to know why we're here, so we search for that answer. We want to know who we belong to so we search for those people and all the while God is whispering, 'Here I am. family hope love Donna VanLiere
0755597 Some things may never change but other things can be so completely different that they make the things that don't change bearable. hope life love Donna VanLiere
1c9e2bf "Suddenly I heard Virginia's voice calling to me from the sitting room window: "Hitler is making a speech." I shouted back, "I shan't come. I'm planting iris and they will be flowering long after he is dead." hope perseverence Leonard Woolf
a8e0b25 "Those whose eyes twenty-five and more years before had seen "the glory of the coming of the Lord," saw in every present hindrance or help a dark fatalism bound to bring all things right in His own good time. The mass of those to whom slavery was a dim recollection of childhood found the world a puzzling thing: it asked little of them, and they answered with little, and yet it ridiculed their offering. Such a paradox they could not understand, and therefore sank into listless indifference, or shiftlessness, or reckless bravado. There were, however, some--such as Josie, Jim, and Ben--to whom War, Hell, and Slavery were but childhood tales, whose young appetites had been whetted to an edge by school and story and half-awakened thought. Ill could they be content, born without and beyond the World. And their weak wings beat against their barriers,--barriers of caste, of youth, of life; at last, in dangerous moments, against everything that opposed even a whim." hope obstacles progress W.E.B. Du Bois
2aa7bec If you will count, count the stars, dear one. How many stars in the sky, looking down on us as we lie in each other's arms and taste joy? How many gleaming fish in the lake where I splash our son in the water and hear his streaks of glee ring out in the clear air? A fine little salmon you made, that night in the rain. How many times does the heart beat, how fast does the blood run when at last we touch, and touch again, and breathe the same desperate, longing breath? Count those things, for they are the stuff of life and hope. hope life love Juliet Marillier
7e1906e Dawn will come,' I told him quietly. 'The night can be very dark; but I'll stay by you until the sun rises. These shadows cannot touch you while I am here. Soon we'll see the first hint of grey in the sky, the color of a pigeon's coat, then the smallest touch of the sun's finger, and one bird will be bold enough to wake first and sing of tall trees and open skies and freedom. Then all will brighten and color will wash across the earth and it will be a new day. I will stay with you, until then. hope love Juliet Marillier
a3212d1 There are no shadows in the Underdark. There is no room for imagination in the Underdark. It is a place for alertness, but not aliveness, a place with no room for hopes and dreams. hope imagination shadows R.A. Salvatore
905e339 While Christianity was able to agree with pagan writers that inordinate attachment to earthly goods can lead to unnecessary pain and grief, it also taught that the answer to this was not to love things less but to love God more than anything else. Only when our greatest love is God, a love that we cannot lose even in death, can we face all things with peace. Grief was not to be eliminated but seasoned and buoyed up with love and hope. hope jesus love pain suffering Timothy J. Keller
1787c69 I will not dream anymore, you said. I will not set myself up for the pain. But then your team made the playoffs, or you saw a movie, or a billboard glowing dusky orange and advertising Aruba, or a girl who bore more than a passing resemblance to a woman you'd dated in high school-- a woman you'd loved and lost-- danced above you with shimmering eyes, and you said, fuck it, let's dream just one more time. hope misery pain Dennis Lehane
ad62331 "Alice leaned first one way and then the other, down the line of children. She said, Is everybody understanding this?" One child said, "The misuse of power is the root of all evil?" Alice said, "Well...." Another child said, "There is no justice on the earth?" Alice said, "Well..." Another child said, "We are all alone in the world?" Alice said, "Well..." Another child said, "The greatest depth of our loss is the beginning of true freedom?" Alice said, "Well..." Another child said, "The disposal of human waste is the responsibility of the brokenhearted?" These were all phrases Alice had put on the chalkboard after other field trips. It occurred to Alice, hearing these phrases now, that she might have attempted to do too much with a class of fourth graders. She was willing to admit to some excesses. Alice said, "Just listen." education hope understanding Lewis Nordan
8299cd2 In all my lives, the only thing I've seen save people from themselves is hope. Hope beyond logic. Hope beyond what the eye can see. Filled with hope, the human spirit is an insatiable force of energy, transcending biology to embrace something eternal. Without hope, the spirit dies and nothing awaits but death. hope spirituality Terry Moore
f8454a9 SALLY: Grab what you want and hope for the best. hope mc-romance Bijou Hunter
d545521 The past is a novel, written by Fate, weaving the same themes: love and its glory, hate and its prisoners, the soul and its price. Our decisions become narratives: fated choices that unknowably change the course of the living river. In the present, where decisions and connections are made, Fate waits on the riverbank of Story, leaving us to our mistakes and miracles, because it's our will alone that leads us to one or the other. fate glory hope love past prison Gregory David Roberts
113bef6 Hope fought hard to stay alive. Even when you thought it was beaten to nothing, burned to ashes, drowned deep, still it flickered away, waiting to be found again. endurance hope hopeful-heart Juliet Marillier
a23e3ed This is the Centre Americain de Secours. What is more American than wild hope? hope Julie Orringer
ccc36d5 The people who had been recognized for making original contributions shared many more stories that started negatively but surged upward: they struggled early and triumphed later. Despite being confronted with more negative events, they reported greater satisfaction with their lives and a stronger sense of purpose. hope improvement patience struggle Adam M. Grant
a5eeb69 Was it wrong to hope to be happy? hope Zadie Smith
8a348d5 ...when she had those dreams at night, he was there, as if he had never died, although she knew, even in the dream, that he had. One day she would join him, she knew, whatever people said about how we came to an end when we took our last breath. Some people mocked you if you said that you joined others when your time came. Well, they could laugh, those clever people, but we surely had to hope, and a life without hope of any sort was no life: it was a sky without stars, a landscape of sorrow and emptiness. hope Alexander McCall Smith
3801066 "Hope It started out as snow, oh, big flakes floating softly, catching on my sweater, lacy on the edges of my sleeves. Snow covered the dust, softened the fences, soothe the parched lips of the land. And then it changed halfway between snow and rain, sleet, glazing the earth. Until at last it slipped into rain, light as mist. It was the kindest kind of rain that fell. Soft and then a little heavier, helping along what had already fallen into the hard-pan earth until it rained, steady as a good friend who walks beside you, not getting in your way, staying with you through a hard time. And because the rain came so patient and slow at first, and built up strength as the earth remembered how to yield, instead of washing off, the water slid in, into the dying ground hope rain snow Karen Hesse
032e6a3 "I don't know why I keep asking you these questions. It's not like I expect you to answer, and even if you did answer, how would I know? But maybe that doesn't matter. Maybe when I ask you a question like "You doing okay?" you should just tell me, even if I can't hear you, and then I'll just sit here and imagine what you might say. You might say, "sure thing, Nao. I'm okay. I'm doing just fine." "Okay, awesome" I would say to you, and then we would smile at each other across time like we were friends, because we are friends by now, aren't we?" friendship hope intuition soul-connections Ruth Ozeki
9b7ed25 I could see in her a piece of the bright hope I once had in myself and it made me sour and angry. It made me feel sorry for her too. I wanted to take both her hands in mine, look her in the eye, and let her see that the world isn't interested in a little black girl's dreams. aging anger dreams hope pity youth Jeanette Winterson
5065f05 The Empire was quickly becoming the , a featureless grey enemy that species of varied sorts would be able to stave off only if they united, all differences set aside. It was almost heartening to witness the dawn of hope, as cautious and fragile as it was. hope James Luceno
7b19ab3 Le speranze le hanno le persone, ma i destini li distribuisce il diavolo. devil hope people Carlos Ruiz Zafón
c2e959c Nature has buffered our children not only physically-- prepubescent children have the lowest death rate from all causes-- but psychologically as well, by endowing them with hope, abundant and irrational. hope irrational Martin E.P. Seligman
e531fa7 Nature has buffered out children not only physically--prepubescent children have the lowest death rate from all causes-- but psychologically as well, by endowing them with hope, abundant and irrational. hope irrational Martin E.P. Seligman
90e34b3 "Today is a hard day." Sometimes, there are hard days. Days stretched so tight with pain that they seem as if they can allow no room for hope." hard-day hope hopeful pain room time Libba Bray
2fabd27 "I think that is not true," Uncle Henrik said. "I think you are like your mama,and like your papa, and like me. Frightened, but determined, and if the time came to be brave, I quite sure you would be very, very brave." "But," he added, "it is much easier to be brave if you do not know everything. And so your mama does not know everything.Neither do I. We only know what we need to know." "Do you understand what I am saying?" he asked, looking into her eyes. holocaust hope number-the-stars world-war-ii Lois Lowry
c8ab93f Sherrie described atheism as a positive system of belief--one based on data, exploration and observation rather than scripture, creed and prayer. Atheists believe that human life is a chemical phenomenon, that our first parents were super-novas that happened billions of years ago--that humans are inexplicable miracles in a universe of structured chaos. Atheists believe that when we die, we will turn into organic debris which will continue cycling for billions of years in various incarnations. Sherrie explained that atheists appreciate life unfathomably because it is going to end. No one who takes atheism seriously dies without hope. atheist caitlin-moran carl-sagan dying hope philosophy richard-dawkins science-and-religion science-vs-religion Israel Morrow
f7e5f62 ... but in the depths of their hearts, in that true and ultimate depth which is revealed to no one, there remained the memory of what had taken place and the consciousness that was has once been can be again; there remained too hope, a seneless hope, that great asset of the downtrodden. For those who rule and must oppress in order to rule must work according to reason; and if, carried away by their passions or driven by an adversary, they go beyond the limits of reasonable action, they start down the slippery slope and thereby reveal the commencement of their own downfall. Whereas those who are downtrodden and exploited make equal use of their reason and unreason for they are but two different kinds of arms in the continual struggle, now underground, now open, against the oppressor. abused adversary arrogant-men domestic-abuse hope power reason struggle Ivo Andrić
d420301 The heart of evil beats in Afghanistan. When men hold every advantage, neither wealth, nor beauty, nor intelligence, nor education, nor strength, nor family can compete with gender. Women have only prayer and hope as allies. boys evil feminism hope prayer rights war women Jean Sasson
7c21a26 Pero las ilusiones son como las telaranas, que son muy faciles de deshacer, y en seguida volvia a la realidad. ?Y donde estaba la felicidad? ?En los ayeres? ?En los mananas? No, ciertamente en esta hora, en este minuto, en este segundo. Solo teniamos una cosa, una tan solo, que nos diese una chispita de alegria: la esperanza. hope life V.C. Andrews
0788f8e Do you prefer Mitch? Or is Mitchell better?'.. .. Mitch, I say. Mitch is what my friends called me. 'Well, Mitch it is then,' Morrie says, as if closing a deal. 'And, Mitch?' Yes? 'I hope one day you will think of me as your friend. hope introduction name nickname professor student Mitch Albom
ce30b4a There were countless injustices and difficulties in this world, but small points of light too, where the darkness was held back. hope injustice light Alexander McCall Smith
ad75303 My life of conversation leads me to reimagine the very meaning of hope. I define hope as distinct from optimism or idealism. It has nothing to do with wishing. It references reality at every turn and reveres truth. It lives open eyed and wholeheartedly with the darkness that is woven ineluctably into the light of life and sometimes seems to overcome it. Hope, like every virtue, is a choice that becomes a habit that becomes spiritual muscle memory. enoughness faith habit hope on-being religion spirit spiritual truth virtue wholeheartedness Krista Tippett
b720e58 Siempre deja la ventura una puerta abierta en las desdichas, para dar remedio a ellas. consejo españa español hope quijote sabiduria spanish Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
899eef4 "Tell yourselves whatever you'd like, but I'm afraid it doesn't make it true," Mearth sighed, beginning to look impatient. "Step aside Mandy, I have to remediate him, otherwise you'll find yourself in a whole mess of trouble." "You can't do this, it's wrong," Mandy insisted. "You don't have a choice, Mandy! Either you let his life compromise the lives of everybody else in the world, or you let me remediate him and get it over with," Mearth icily declared. "...Do what she says, Mandy Valems...." Alecto added, standing up and staring with glazed eyes at Mearth. "I can't," said Mandy. "...Go away!" Alecto shouted at her suddenly, glaring with narrowed eyes, speaking in a voice that hardly sounded like his own. "Get out of here, Mandy Valems! I hate you, I want you to leave me alone! Go home and don't ever come back here!" "I...." Mandy started, looking totally shocked. "I said I hate you, don't you understand anything? Go away, get out of here!" Alecto repeated menacingly, stepping forward in a threatening manner. He looked like a mad dog, shivering as he chased her away from his site. She tearfully took off running, seeming both shocked and horrified, and he watched her leave for a moment with a blank expression, his dark eyes hollow. He looked like he was going to black out, but Mearth walked quickly towards him, for once not smiling at all. If it weren't for her eyes, she would've looked like a person. "That was very cruel of you to do, Sydney Tar Ponds. I thought you loved her," she disappointedly exclaimed. "I do love her, she's my friend, and that's why I said that stuff to her," Alecto replied forlornly. "None of it's true, I don't hate her at all... but I know what's going to happen and I don't want her to see it, so I lied to her and told her I hated her... can you explain to her after... why I said all that to her?" death depression dog dying earth environment faith friendship grief help hope illness life loss love nova-scotia pollution rescue Rebecca McNutt
3e07718 If your attitude is one of gratefully searching for God's truth & goodness in any situation, it will change your life. christian god hope inspirational motivational-quotes Stormie Omartian
e630222 Dreams are their own knife, Kaylin. Dreams, what-ifs, desires. We all have to have hope. hope kaylin severn Michelle Sagara
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