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8fc45f0 Hikmetini ve icyuzunu ogrenmek istedigim sey, Ben'di. Kurtulmak, alt etmek istedigim sey Ben'di. Ama alt edemedim, sadece yanilttim, sadece kactim ondan, sadece saklanip gizlendim. Dogrusu, dunyada benim bu Ben'im kadar, bu yasiyor oldugum, baskalari gibi ve baskalarindan ayri biri oldugum, Siddhartha oldugum bilmecesi kadar kafami baska hicbir sey kurcalamadi. Ve dunyada kendim kadar, Siddhartha kadar az bildigim baska hicbir sey yok ! Hermann Hesse
84efdb5 Where was the knowledgeable one who wove his spell to bring his familiarity with the Atman out of the sleep into the state of being awake, into the life, into every step of the way, into word and deed? Hermann Hesse
9c287f7 Inlauntrul tau salasluia o imagine pe care ti-o facusesi tu despre viata, o incredere, o cerinta anume, erai gata de fapte, erai gata sa suferi, sa te ssacrifici - pentru ca apoi, pas cu pas, sa-ti dai seama ca lumea nu cerea de la tine niciun fel de fapte si sacrificii sau ceva de genul asta, ca viata nu e un poem eroic cu roluri de eroi si alte lucruri dintr-astea, ci un salon confortabil pentru oamenii cu obiceiuri burgheze, in care indi.. life Hermann Hesse
e2a060f Someone who seeks nothing but his own fate no longer has any companions, he stands quite alone and has only cold, universal space around him. Hermann Hesse
da2cdaa Each of us has to find out for himself what is permitted and what is forbidden - forbidden for him. Hermann Hesse
17fe9e3 you should also learn this: love can be obtained by begging, buying, receiving it as a gift, finding it in the street, but it cannot be stolen Hermann Hesse
c5a832c Everyone takes, everyone gives, such is life. Hermann Hesse
109edbc lovers must not part from one another after celebrating love, without one admiring the other, without being just as defeated as they have been victorious, so that with none of them should start feeling fed up Hermann Hesse
52089bb When we hate a man, we hate in him something which resides in us ourselves. What is not in us does not move us." Never" Hermann Hesse
6f3a1c0 Why did he, the irreproachable one, have to wash off sins every day, strive for a cleansing every day, over and over every day? Hermann Hesse
9e99411 You are like me, you are different from most people. You are, nothing else, and inside of you, there is a peace and refuge, to which you can go at every hour of the day and be at home at yourself, as I can also do. Few people have this, and yet all could have it. Hermann Hesse
28ec9a1 Bei diesem unbedachten Wort sah ich plotzlich den armen Lahmen vor mir, flehend und leidend, ihn, den wir nicht liebten, den wir loszuwerden trachteten und der jetzt von uns verlassen und eingeschlossen einsam und traurig in der dammernden Stube sass. Es fiel mir ein, dass es nun bald zu dunkeln beginnen musse und dass er nicht im stande sein wurde, Licht zu machen oder dem Fenster naher zu rucken. Also wurde er das Buch weglegen und im .. Hermann Hesse
90713f5 From the sacred center of the world streams forth an irrepressible desire to overcome the silence between things. Art, the ever flowing fountain, reveals the secret of life through word and gesture, color and sound. The Hermann Hesse
56922f6 No ira usted a creer que todos esos bipedos que andan por la calle son hombre solo porque anden derechos y lleven a sus crias nueve meses dentro de si? Muchos de ellos son peces u ovejas, gusano o angeles; otros son hormigas, y otros abejas. En cada uno existen las posibilidades de ser hombre; pero solo cuando las vislumbra, cuando aprende a hacerlas conscientes, por lo menos en parte, estas posibilidades le pertenecen. hesse hombre Hermann Hesse
9ce2627 Pero en los casos en los que no ha sido costumbre sino el mas intimo impulso el que nos ha llevado a ofrecer amor y veneracion, cuando hemos sido discipulos y amigos de todo corazon, el momento de reconocer que la corriente dominante en nosotros se aparta de la persona querida es amargo y terrible. demian hesse amor Hermann Hesse
15db60d Oh, I know it today: nothing in the world is more repugnant to a man than following the path that leads him to himself! Nevertheless, Hermann Hesse
1d9e5b3 Mira, todos los hombres son capaces de hacer lo increible cuando estan amenazados sus ideales. Pero ninguno esta dispuesto cuando se presenta un nuevo ideal, un nuevo movimiento de expansion quiza peligroso y misterioso. ideales hesse hombre Hermann Hesse
b0f8c50 Mas o menos, mi muchacho querido, todas la palabras humanas acaban siendo un embuste; donde relativamente mas honrados somos es entre panales y mas tarde en la tumba. Despues nos tendemos junto a los padres, por fin somos sabios, llenos de fresca claridad, con huesos relucientes tableteamos la verdad y alguno mentiria y preferiria volver a vivir. honradez vejez Hermann Hesse
2967212 No esta la muerte ni alli ni aqui, se alza en todos los senderos. Esta en ti y esta en mi tan pronto como traicionamos la vida vejez muerte Hermann Hesse
5893569 The empire cannot become a child again. Nobody can. It cannot simply give away its cannons, machines, and money and once again write poems in small peaceful cities and play sonatas. But it can take the path that the individual must also take when his life has led him to make mistakes and suffer profound torment. It can recall its previous past, its heritage and childhood, its maturation, its rise and fall, and it can find the power while re.. Hermann Hesse
12e35bd Every phenomenon on earth is symbolic, and each symbol is an open gate through which the soul, if it is ready, can enter into the inner part of the world, where you and I and day and night are all one. Every Hermann Hesse
183c20c tsarhowghow verjowm kangnats ei es` anvchrhakan varank`in trvats,sewerhown nayowm ei sewaknats saghart`i mej ow agah ench`ak`aghts`owt`yamb nershnch`owm hoghmaharowt`yan ow nekhowmi t`ats` bowrmownk`e,orin inch`-or ban ardzagank`owm ow oghjownowm er im mej: O!,inch` thach ham owner kyank`... philosophical-novels Hermann Hesse
7c709a4 Every person encounters the open door here and there in the course of life, and it occurs to everyone at one time or another that everything visible is symbolic and that spirit and eternal life are living behind the symbol. Of course, very few people go through the gate and abandon the beautiful phenomenon of the outside world for the interior reality that they intuit. Hermann Hesse
4044420 His life and actions were determined less by impulses and aspirations than by prohibitions and the fear of punishment. At Hermann Hesse
9e87d12 With growing sorrow and fear, the poor man painfully saw how wasted and empty the life that lay behind him had become. It no longer belonged to him but was strange and disconnected, like something once memorized that could be recalled only with difficulty in the form of barren fragments. He Hermann Hesse
025ff8c Searching means: having a goal. But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal. You, oh venerable one, are perhaps indeed a searcher, because, striving for your goal, there are many things you don't see, which are directly in front of your eyes. Hermann Hesse
3ad0097 then all these people were his brothers and sisters. Each one of them carried the memory of a beloved mother and a better past, or a secret sign of a more beautiful and more noble destiny, and each person was dear to him and remarkable and gave him something to think about. Indeed, he felt that nobody was worse than he was himself. Hermann Hesse
c7669c1 Remember, my dear: Not eternal is the world of appearances, not eternal, anything but eternal are our garments and the style of our hair, and our hair and bodies themselves. I'm wearing a rich man's clothes, you've seen this quite right. I'm wearing them, because I have been a rich man, and I'm wearing my hair like the worldly and lustful people, for I have been one of them Hermann Hesse
9c64f5c The wheel of physical manifestations is turning quickly, Govinda. Hermann Hesse
af2c6d2 that tense expectation, that proud state of standing alone without teachings and without teachers, that supple willingness to listen to the divine voice in his own heart, had slowly become a memory. . . Hermann Hesse
c4e3618 Perhaps it is this which keeps you from finding peace, perhaps it is the many words Hermann Hesse
b41ba35 I don't differentiate much between thoughts and words. To be honest, I also have no high opinion of thoughts. I have a better opinion of things. Hermann Hesse
1f94e0d The world, my friend Govinda, is not imperfect, or on a slow path towards perfection: no, it is perfect in every moment Hermann Hesse
e4d6322 I'm only interested in being able to love the world, not to despise it, not to hate it and me, to be able to look upon it and me and all beings with love and admiration and great respect. Hermann Hesse
9abb3d8 proud and unapproachable women are precisely the ones who fall in love the fastest and with the most passion, just as the warmest and most glorious spring usually follows the hardest winter. So Hermann Hesse
02a68f3 Be aware of too much wisdom! Hermann Hesse
980f1f3 nobody will obtain salvation by means of teachings! Hermann Hesse
4b556d7 Io sono come te. Anche tu non ami, altrimenti come potresti far dell'amore un'arte? Forse le persone come noi non possono amare. Lo possono gli uomini-bambini: questo e il loro segreto. Hermann Hesse
41394a2 Auf diesem Platz hat schon mancher gedacht, hier ware der Ort fur ein tuchtiges Stuck Leben und Freude, hier musste etwas Lebendiges, Begluckendes wachsen konnen, hier mussten reife und gute Menschen ihre freudigen Gedanken denken und schone und heitere Werke schaffen. nature life place growth society Hermann Hesse
01728c5 nmy twny chyzy r khh rwH tw bdn tmyl drd mmnw` bdny Hermann Hesse
4f5117c He would like either to overcome the wolf and become wholly man or to renounce mankind and at last to live wholly a wolf's life. It may be presumed that he has never carefully watched a real wolf. Had he done so he would have seen, perhaps, that even animals are not undivided in spirit. With them, too, the well-knit beauty of the body hides a being of manifold states and strivings. The wolf, too, has his abysses. The wolf, too, suffers. No,.. Hermann Hesse
1520146 There is nothing to opinions, they may be beautiful or ugly, smart or foolish, everyone can support them or discard them. But the teachings, you've heard from me, are no opinion, and their goal is not to explain the world to those who seek knowledge. They have a different goal; their goal is salvation from suffering. This is what Gotama teaches, nothing else. suffering-of-humanity Hermann Hesse
022e993 Chshmarit en ayn mardik, or aydpes en aprowm, or khaghowm en irents` manr khaghere ew vaz talis irents` arzhek`neri etewits`, p`okhanak dimadrelow ayd bt`ats`nogh mekhanikayin ew howsahatoren nayelow depi datarkowt`yowne, inch`pes anowm em es, chanaparhits` sheghvatss: Hermann Hesse
5824cae Adamlarin gicliyin@ tamasa etm@k, onlara gulm@k, hallarina acimaq olar, ancaq isl@rin@ qarismaq - hec vaxt. Hermann Hesse