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d1692df It was this very thing, it seemed to him now, which had been his sickness before: that he was not able to love anybody or anything. Siddhartha Hermann Hesse
4c41fc2 Bozansko je u tebi, a ne u pojmovima i knjigama. Hermann Hesse
0dd9c9e Pripremi se na borbu, Josefe Knechte, vec vidim da je pocela. Hermann Hesse
e01ec59 It was the self, the purpose and essence of which I sought to learn. It was the self, I wanted to free myself from, which I sought to overcome. But I was not able to overcome it, could only deceive it, could only flee from it, only hide from it. Truly, no thing in this world has kept my thoughts thus busy, as this my very own self, this mystery of me being alive, of me being one and being separated and isolated from all others, of me being .. Hermann Hesse
363a7cf En lo concerniente a los demas, al mundo circundante, no cesaba de hacer los intentos mas serios y heroicos de quererlos, de ser justos con ellos, de no lastimarlos, porque habia asimilado tan bien el "ama a tu projimo"como el odio a si mismo. Asi es que, durante toda su vida, fue un ejemplo de que sin amor propio tampoco hay amor al projimo, de que el odio hacia uno mismo es igual y, al final, provoca tanta desesperacion y un aislamiento t.. Hermann Hesse
d371fe9 He empleado mucho tiempo en aprender, Govinda --y aun lo sigo haciendo--, que no se puede aprender nada. Creo que, en realidad, aquello que llamamos <> no existe. Hermann Hesse
8233d12 Kurre nuk eshte nje njeri teresisht i shenjte apo teresisht mekatar. Ne na duket keshtu, sepse i jemi nenshtruar mashtrimit, sipas te cilit koha eshte dicka e vertete. Koha nuk eshte e vertete, Govinda; une e kam ndier e mesuar kete shume shpesh. Dhe nese koha nuk eshte e vertete, atehere edhe largesia qe duket se ekziston mes botes dhe perjetesise, mes vuajtjes dhe lumturise, mes te keqes dhe te mires nuk eshte e vertete. perjetesia Hermann Hesse
369814a No. I like to listen to music, but only the kind you play--absolute music, the kind where you can feel someone rattling the gates of Heaven and Hell. I think I like music because it has so little to do with morality. Everything else is moral or immoral, and I am looking for something that isn't. Morality has only ever made me suffer. I'm not expressing myself very well. -- Did you know that there needs to be a god who is god and devil at on.. Hermann Hesse
214609e And then, for an hour, he became aware of the strange life he was leading, of him doing lots of things which were only a game, of, though being happy and feeling joy at times, real life still passing him by and not touching him Hermann Hesse
0ec3944 Auch bei ihm, auch bei deinem grossen Lehrer, ist mir das Ding lieber als die Worte, sein Tun und Leben wichtiger als sein Reden, die Gebarde seiner Hand wichtiger als seine Meinungen. Nicht im Reden, nicht im Denken sehe ich seine Grosse, nur im Tun, im Leben. worte Hermann Hesse
a68b676 Aprenda a tomar en serio lo que es digno de que se tome en serio, y riase usted de lo demas! Hermann Hesse
288051e As a ball-player plays with his balls, he played with his business-deals, with the people around him, watched them, found amusement in them; with his heart, with the source of his being, he was not with them. The source ran somewhere, far away from him, ran and ran invisibly, had nothing to do with his life any more. And at several times he suddenly became scared on account of such thoughts and wished that he would also be gifted with the a.. Hermann Hesse
4f11872 Welcher Vater, welcher Lehrer hat ihn davor schutzen konnen, selbst das Leben zu leben, selbst sich mit dem Leben zu beschmutzen, selbst Schuld auf sich zu laden, selbst den bitteren Trank zu trinken, selber seinen Weg zu finden? Glaubst du denn, Lieber, dieser Weg bleibe irgend jemandem vielleicht erspart? Vielleicht deinem Sohnchen, weil du es liebst, weil du ihm gern Leid und Schmerz und Enttauschung ersparen mochtest? Aaber auch wenn d.. life-lessons Hermann Hesse
6aacd05 Es sabido que nadie escribe tan mal como los defensores de ideologias que envejecen, que nadie ejerce su oficio con menos pulcritud y cuidado. Armanda Hermann Hesse
33af055 Schon war die Welt, wenn man sie so betrachtete, so ohne Suchen, so einfach, so kinderhaft. lebensweisheiten Hermann Hesse
fe84dbd Dass ich nichts von mir weiss, dass Siddhartha mir so fremd und unerkannt geblieben ist, das kommt aus einer Ursache, einer einzigen: ich hatte Angst vor mir, ich war auf der Flucht vor mir! Hermann Hesse
5727405 Ognuno di noi e soltanto un uomo, soltanto un tentativo, un incamminato. Ma si deve essere incamminati verso la perfezione, in direzione del centro, non della periferia. Hermann Hesse
d02f574 Quero hoje dizer-te uma coisa, algo que ja sei ha bastante tempo, e que tambem tu ja sabes, mas talvez ainda nao o tenhas dito a ti mesmo. Dir-te-ei agora aquilo que sei a respeito de mim, de ti e do nosso destino. Tu, Harry, foste um artista e um pensador, uma pessoa repleta de alegria e fe, sempre no encalco do grandioso e do eterno, nunca satisfeito com o formoso e o pequeno. Porem, quanto mais a vida te fez despertar e te devolveu a ti .. disquietude Hermann Hesse
3262d24 Desde tiempo atras, habia adquirido la costumbre de dar todos los dias un largo paseo, hiciese el tiempo que hiciese, y en estos paseos pensativos gozaba a veces una felicidad singular, una felicidad llena de melancolia, de desprecio al Mundo y a mi mismo. Hermann Hesse
a9039f0 Thus the struggle between rule and spirit repeats itself year after year from school to school. The authorities go to infinite pains to nip the few profound or more valuable intellects in the bud. And time and again the ones who are detested by their teachers are frequently punished, the runaways and those expelled, are the ones who afterwards add to society's treasure. But some - and who knows how many? - waste away quiet obstinacy and fin.. Hermann Hesse
5e8b63a Most people have no desire to swim until they are able to. Isn't that a laugh? Of course they don't want to swim! After all, they were born to live on dry land, not in water. Nor, of course, do they want to think. They weren't made to think, but to live! It's true, and anyone who makes thinking his priority may well go far as a thinker, but when all's said and done he has just mistaken water for dry land, and one of these days he'll drown. Hermann Hesse
a2ccf85 You have heard your sentence. So you see, you'll have to get used to going on listening to the radio music of life. It will do you good. You are uncommonly lacking in talent, my dear stupid chap, but by now I suppose even you have gradually realized what is being asked of you. You are to learn to laugh, that's what is being asked of you. You are to understand life's humour, the gallows humour of this life. But of course you are prepared to .. Hermann Hesse
2f26db5 You have heard your sentence. So you see, you'll have to get used to going on listening to the radio music of life. It will do you good. You are uncommonly lacking in talent, my dear stupid chap, but by now I suppose even you have gradually realized what is being asked of you. You are to learn to laugh, that's what is being asked of you. You are to understand life's humour, the gallows humour of this life. But of course you are prepared to .. Hermann Hesse
99447db Wissen kann man mitteilen, Weisheit aber nicht. Man kann sie finden, man kann sie leben, man kann von ihr getragen werden, man kann mit ihr Wunder tun, aber sagen und lehren kann man sie nicht. Hermann Hesse
240c173 Wenn jemand sucht, dann geschieht es leicht, dass sein Auge nur noch das Ding sieht, das er sucht, dass er nicht zu finden, nichts in sich einzulassen vermag, weil er nur immer an das Gesuchte denkt, weil er ein Ziel hat, weil er vom Ziel besessen ist. Suchen heisst: ein Ziel haben. Finden aber heisst: frei sein, offen stehen, kein Ziel haben. Du, Ehrwurdiger, bist vielleicht in der Tat ein Sucher, denn, deinem Ziel nachstrebend, siehst du .. life-lessons Hermann Hesse
d2a1147 In dieser Stunde horte Siddhartha auf, mit dem Schicksal zu kampfen, horte auf zu leiden. Auf seinem Gesicht bluhte die Heiterkeit des Wissens, dem kein Wille mehr entgegensteht, das die Vollendung kennt, das einverstanden ist mit dem Fluss des Geschehens, mit dem Strom des Lebens, voll Mitleid, voll Mitlust, dem Stromen hingegeben, der Einheit zugehorig. Hermann Hesse
db2e237 Once a man takes honesty as his ideal, he cannot confine himself to showing to pleasant and reasonable side of his nature. Hermann Hesse
9a4dd8a Once a man takes honesty as his ideal, he cannot confine himself to showing the pleasant and reasonable side of his nature. Hermann Hesse
ceb21b7 His goal attracts him, because he doesn't let anything enter his soul which might oppose the goal. Hermann Hesse
3d671cc Me ha dicho usted que le gusta la musica porque no es moral. De acuerdo. !Entonces, no tiene usted que empenarse en ser moralista! No debe compararse con los demas; y si la naturaleza le ha creado como murcielago, no pretenda ser un avestruz. Hermann Hesse
560983e Sempre piu lento andava il pensieroso e si chiedeva frattanto: << Ma che e dunque cio che avevi voluto apprendere dalle dottrine e dai maestri, e che essi, pur avendoti rivelato tante cose, non sono riusciti a insegnarti? >>. Ed egli trovo: << L'Io era, cio di cui volevo apprendere il senso e l'essenza. L'Io era, cio di cui volevo liberarmi, cio che volevo superare. Ma non potevo superarlo, potevo soltanto ingannarlo, potevo soltanto fuggir.. Hermann Hesse
37c2e1c Hay una gran diferencia entre llevar el mundo en si mismo y saberlo. Un loco puede tener ideas que recuerden a Platon, y un pequeno y devoto colegial del Instituto de Herrnhut puede recrear las profundas conexiones mitologicas que aparecen en los gnosticos o en Zoroastro. !Pero el no lo sabe! Mientras no lo sepa es como un arbol o una piedra; en el mejor de los casos, como un animal. En el momento en que tenga la primera chispa de concienci.. Hermann Hesse
e51176c Jede Geburt bedeutet Trennung vom All, bedeutet Umgrenzung, Absonderung von Gott, leidvolle Neuwerdung. Ruckkehr ins All, Aufhebung der leidvollen Individuation, Gottwerden bedeutet: seine Seele so erweitert haben, dass sie das All wieder zu umfassen vermag. Hermann Hesse
16c9d0b A ogni passo del suo cammino Siddharta imparava qualcosa di nuovo, poiche il mondo era trasformato e il suo cuore ammaliato. Vedeva il sole sorgere sopra i monti boscosi e tramontare oltre le lontane spiagge popolate di palme. Di notte vedeva ordinarsi in cielo le stelle, e la falce della luna galleggiare come una nave nell'azzurro. Vedeva alberi, stelle, animali, nuvole, arcobaleni, rocce, erbe, fiori, ruscelli e fiumi; vedeva la rugiada l.. Hermann Hesse
40c3a06 nchh ykhy r gnjynh Hkhmt st, dr gwsh dygry Tnyn ywh w trfnd drd Hermann Hesse
e3eb096 In this hour, Siddhartha stopped fighting his fate, stopped suffering. On his face flourished the cheerfulness of a knowledge, which is no longer opposed by any will, which knows perfection, which is in agreement with the flow of events, with the current of life, full of sympathy for the pain of others, full of sympathy for the pleasure of others, devoted to the flow, belonging to the oneness. When Hermann Hesse
a315b25 what is one man's treasure and wisdom always sounds like foolishness to another person." Govinda" Hermann Hesse
91c581f I do not want to kill and dissect myself any longer, Hermann Hesse
fd24bc4 E mi parlo di un giovane che era innamorato di una stella. In riva al mare tendeva le braccia e adorava la stella, la sognava e le rivolgeva i suoi pensieri. Ma sapeva o credeva di sapere che le stelle non possono essere abbracciate dall'uomo. Considerava suo destino amare senza speranze un astro, e su questo pensiero costrui tutto un poema di rinunce e di mute sofferenze che dovevano purificarlo e renderlo migliore. Tutti i suoi sogni pero.. Hermann Hesse
f123cc1 You will learn it," spoke Vasudeva, "but not from me. The river has taught me to listen, from it you will learn it as well. The river knows everything, everything can be learned from it. See, you've already learned this from the water too, that it is good to strive downwards, to sink, to seek depth. The rich and elegant Siddhartha is becoming an oarsman's servant, the learned Brahmin Siddhartha becomes a ferryman: this has also been told to.. Hermann Hesse
20d8b54 Ach nichts weiter. Und Sie und ich, wir haben vielleicht auch mancherlei an dem Buben versaumt, meinen Sie nicht? Hermann Hesse
d648849 La eternidad es un instante. Hermann Hesse
cc3a092 Alsdann kam ihm fur eine Stunde zum Bewusstsein, dass er ein seltsames Leben fuhre, dass er da lauter Dinge tue, die bloss ein Spiel waren, dass er wohl heiter sei und zuweilen Freude fuhle, dass aber das eigentliche Leben dennoch an ihm vorbeifliesse und ihn nicht beruhre. Hermann Hesse
efead0b Para el hombre despierto no habria mas que un deber: buscarse a si mismo, afirmarse en si mismo y tantear, hacia delante siempre, su propio camino, sin cuidarse del fin al que puede conducirle. Hermann Hesse