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Chapter 13
I Co ABP 13:1  If [2the 3languages 4of men 1I speak] and of the angels, [4love 1but 3not 2I have], I have become brass resounding, or a cymbal sounding loudly.
I Co ABP 13:2  And if I have prophecy, and I know the mysteries -- all, and all the knowledge; and if I have all the belief, so as [2mountains 1to remove], [3love 1but 2I have not], I am nothing.
I Co ABP 13:3  And if I should distribute all my possessions, and if I should deliver up my body that it should be burned, [3love 1but 2I have not], not one benefit do I derive.
I Co ABP 13:4  The love is lenient, is kind; the love is not jealous, the love is not rash, not inflated,
I Co ABP 13:5  not indecent, does not seek the things for itself, is not provoked, does not consider the bad,
I Co ABP 13:6  does not rejoice at the injustice, but rejoices with the truth.
I Co ABP 13:7  All things it sustains, all things it trusts, all things it hopes, all things it endures.
I Co ABP 13:8  The love at no time falls off. But whether prophecies, they shall cease work; whether languages, they shall cease; whether knowledge, it shall cease work.
I Co ABP 13:9  [2in 3part 1But] we know, and in part we prophesy.
I Co ABP 13:10  But whenever [3should come 1the 2perfect], then the thing in part shall cease work.
I Co ABP 13:11  When I was an infant, as an infant I spoke, as an infant I thought, as an infant I considered; but when I became a man I ceased in the things of the infant.
I Co ABP 13:12  For we see now by a mirror in an enigma, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall recognize as also I was recognized.
I Co ABP 13:13  But now abide belief, hope, love, these three; but greater of these is the love.