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Chapter 2
Lame KLV 2:1  chay' ghajtaH the joH covered the puqbe' vo' Zion tlhej a cloud Daq Daj QeH! ghaH ghajtaH chuH bIng vo' chal Daq the tera' the 'IhtaHghach vo' Israel, je ghajbe' remembered Daj footstool Daq the jaj vo' Daj QeH.
Lame KLV 2:2  The joH ghajtaH swallowed Dung Hoch the habitations vo' Jacob, je ghajtaH ghobe' pitied: ghaH ghajtaH thrown bIng Daq Daj QeHpu' the strongholds vo' the puqbe' vo' Judah; ghaH ghajtaH qempu' chaH bIng Daq the yav; ghaH ghajtaH profaned the kingdom je its joHHom.
Lame KLV 2:3  ghaH ghajtaH pe' litHa' Daq fierce QeH Hoch the horn vo' Israel; ghaH ghajtaH drawn DoH Daj nIH ghop vo' qaSpa' the jagh: ghaH ghajtaH meQpu' Dung Jacob rur a flaming qul, nuq devours Hoch around.
Lame KLV 2:4  ghaH ghajtaH SIHta'bogh Daj bow rur an jagh, ghaH ghajtaH Qampu' tlhej Daj nIH ghop as an jagh, ghajtaH HoHta' Hoch vetlh were bel Daq the mIn: Daq the juHHom vo' the puqbe' vo' Zion ghaH ghajtaH poured pa' Daj QeHpu' rur qul.
Lame KLV 2:5  The joH ghaH moj as an jagh, ghaH ghajtaH swallowed Dung Israel; ghaH ghajtaH swallowed Dung Hoch Daj palaces, ghaH ghajtaH Qaw'ta' Daj strongholds; ghaH ghajtaH multiplied Daq the puqbe' vo' Judah mourning je lamentation.
Lame KLV 2:6  ghaH ghajtaH violently tlhappu' DoH Daj tabernacle, as chugh 'oH were vo' a wIjghachHom; ghaH ghajtaH Qaw'ta' Daj Daq vo' yej: joH'a' ghajtaH caused Sagh yej je jaj SochDIch Daq taH forgotten Daq Zion, ghajtaH muSqu' Daq the indignation vo' Daj QeH the joH je the lalDan vumwI'.
Lame KLV 2:7  The joH ghajtaH chuH litHa' Daj lalDanta' Daq, ghaH ghajtaH abhorred Daj Daq QaD; ghaH ghajtaH nobpu' Dung Daq the ghop vo' the jagh the walls vo' Daj palaces: chaH ghaj chenmoHta' a noise Daq the tuq vo' joH'a', as Daq the jaj vo' a Sagh yej.
Lame KLV 2:8  joH'a' ghajtaH purposed Daq Qaw' the reD vo' the puqbe' vo' Zion; ghaH ghajtaH stretched pa' the tlhegh, ghaH ghajtaH ghobe' withdrawn Daj ghop vo' destroying; ghaH ghajtaH chenmoHta' the rampart je reD Daq lament; chaH languish tay'.
Lame KLV 2:9  Daj lojmItmey 'oH sunk Daq the yav; ghaH ghajtaH Qaw'ta' je ghorta' Daj bars: Daj joH je Daj joHHom 'oH among the tuqpu' nuqDaq the chut ghaH ghobe'; HIja', Daj leghwI'pu' tu' ghobe' leghtaHghach vo' joH'a'.
Lame KLV 2:10  The quppu' vo' the puqbe' vo' Zion ba' Daq the yav, chaH pol tammoH; chaH ghaj chuH Dung dust Daq chaj nachDu'; chaH ghaj girded themselves tlhej sackcloth: The virgins vo' Jerusalem hang bIng chaj nachDu' Daq the yav.
Lame KLV 2:11  wIj mInDu' ta' fail tlhej tears, wIj tIq ghaH troubled; wIj liver ghaH poured Daq the tera', because vo' the QIH vo' the puqbe' vo' wIj ghotpu, Because the Qup puqpu' je the infants swoon Daq the streets vo' the veng.
Lame KLV 2:12  chaH ja' chaj mothers, nuqDaq ghaH grain je HIq? ghorgh chaH swoon as the wounded Daq the streets vo' the veng, ghorgh chaj qa' ghaH poured pa' Daq chaj mothers' bosom.
Lame KLV 2:13  nuq DIchDaq jIH testify Daq SoH? nuq DIchDaq jIH liken Daq SoH, puqbe' vo' Jerusalem? nuq DIchDaq jIH compare Daq SoH, vetlh jIH may belmoH SoH, virgin puqbe' vo' Zion? vaD lIj breach ghaH Dun rur the biQ'a': 'Iv laH heal SoH?
Lame KLV 2:14  lIj leghwI'pu' ghaj leghpu' vaD SoH false je foolish visions; chaH ghaj ghobe' uncovered lIj He'taHghach, Daq qem DoH lIj captivity, 'ach ghaj leghpu' vaD SoH false oracles je causes vo' banishment.
Lame KLV 2:15  Hoch vetlh juS Sum clap chaj ghopmey Daq SoH. chaH hiss je wag chaj nach Daq the puqbe' vo' Jerusalem, ja'ta', ghaH vam the veng vetlh loDpu' ja' The perfection vo' 'IhtaHghach, The Quch vo' the Hoch tera'?
Lame KLV 2:16  Hoch lIj jaghpu' ghaj poSmaHpu' chaj nujDu' wide Daq SoH; chaH hiss je gnash the teeth; chaH jatlh, maH ghaj swallowed Daj Dung; Certainly vam ghaH the jaj vetlh maH nejta' vaD; maH ghaj tu'ta', maH ghaj leghpu' 'oH.
Lame KLV 2:17  joH'a' ghajtaH ta'pu' vetlh nuq ghaH purposed; ghaH ghajtaH fulfilled Daj mu' vetlh ghaH ra'ta' Daq the jajmey vo' qan; ghaH ghajtaH thrown bIng, je ghajtaH ghobe' pitied: ghaH ghajtaH caused the jagh Daq yItIv Dung SoH; ghaH ghajtaH exalted the horn vo' lIj jaghpu'.
Lame KLV 2:18  chaj tIq SaQta' Daq the joH: reD vo' the puqbe' vo' Zion, chaw' tears run bIng rur a bIQtIQ jaj je ram; nob SoH'egh ghobe' respite; yImev chaw' the apple vo' lIj mIn mev.
Lame KLV 2:19  Hu', SaQ pa' Daq the ram, Daq the tagh vo' the watches; Pour pa' lIj tIq rur bIQ qaSpa' the qab vo' the joH: Lift Dung lIj ghopmey toward ghaH vaD the yIn vo' lIj Qup puqpu', vetlh puj vaD hunger Daq the nach vo' Hoch street.
Lame KLV 2:20  legh, joH'a', je legh Daq 'Iv SoH ghaj ta'pu' thus! DIchDaq the be'pu' Sop chaj baQ, the puqpu' vetlh 'oH dandled Daq the ghopmey? DIchDaq the lalDan vumwI' je the leghwI'pu' taH HoHta' Daq the Daq QaD vo' the joH?
Lame KLV 2:21  The youth je the qan loD Qot Daq the yav Daq the streets; wIj virgins je wIj Qup loDpu' 'oH fallen Sum the 'etlh: SoH ghaj HoHta' chaH Daq the jaj vo' lIj QeH; SoH ghaj HoHqu'ta', je ghobe' pitied.
Lame KLV 2:22  SoH ghaj ja', as Daq the jaj vo' a Sagh yej, wIj terrors Daq Hoch retlh; pa' ghaHta' pagh vetlh escaped joq remained Daq the jaj vo' joH'a' QeH: chaH vetlh jIH ghaj dandled je qempu' Dung ghajtaH wIj jagh Soppu'.