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Chapter 1
Lame KLV 1:1  chay' the veng sits solitary, vetlh ghaHta' teblu'ta' vo' ghotpu! ghaH ghajtaH moj as a Heghbe'nal, 'Iv ghaHta' Dun among the tuqpu'! ghaH 'Iv ghaHta' a princess among the provinces ghaH moj tributary!
Lame KLV 1:2  ghaH weeps 'oy' Daq the ram, je Daj tears 'oH Daq Daj cheeks; among Hoch Daj lovers ghaH ghajtaH pagh Daq belmoH Daj: Hoch Daj friends ghaj dealt treacherously tlhej Daj; chaH 'oH moj Daj jaghpu'.
Lame KLV 1:3  Judah ghaH ghoSta' Daq captivity because vo' affliction, je because vo' Dun servitude; ghaH yIntaH among the tuqpu', ghaH finds ghobe' leS: Hoch Daj persecutors overtook Daj within the straits.
Lame KLV 1:4  The Hemey vo' Zion ta' mourn, because pagh ghoS Daq the Sagh yej; Hoch Daj lojmItmey 'oH moB, Daj lalDan vumwI'pu' ta' sigh: Daj virgins 'oH afflicted, je ghaH herself ghaH Daq bitterness.
Lame KLV 1:5  Daj jaghpu' 'oH moj the nach, Daj jaghpu' chep; vaD joH'a' ghajtaH afflicted Daj vaD the qevmey vo' Daj transgressions: Daj Qup puqpu' 'oH ghoSta' Daq captivity qaSpa' the jagh.
Lame KLV 1:6  vo' the puqbe' vo' Zion Hoch Daj majesty ghaH departed: Daj joHHom 'oH moj rur harts vetlh tu' ghobe' tI yotlh, chaH 'oH ghoSta' Hutlh HoS qaSpa' the pursuer.
Lame KLV 1:7  Jerusalem remembers Daq the jajmey vo' Daj affliction je vo' Daj miseries Hoch Daj bel Dochmey vetlh were vo' the jajmey vo' qan: ghorgh Daj ghotpu pumta' Daq the ghop vo' the jagh, je pagh ta'ta' QaH Daj, The jaghpu' leghta' Daj, chaH ta'ta' mock Daq Daj desolations.
Lame KLV 1:8  Jerusalem ghajtaH grievously yempu'; vaj ghaH ghaH moj as an Say'Ha' Doch; Hoch 'Iv honored Daj despise Daj, because chaH ghaj leghpu' Daj nakedness: HIja', ghaH sighs, je turns DoH.
Lame KLV 1:9  Daj filthiness ghaHta' Daq Daj skirts; ghaH ta'be' qaw Daj latter pItlh; vaj ghaH ghaH ghoS bIng wonderfully; ghaH ghajtaH ghobe' comforter: legh, joH'a', wIj affliction; vaD the jagh ghajtaH magnified himself.
Lame KLV 1:10  The jagh ghajtaH ngeH pa' Daj ghop Daq Hoch Daj bel Dochmey: vaD ghaH ghajtaH leghpu' vetlh the tuqpu' 'oH 'elta' Daq Daj Daq QaD, concerning 'Iv SoH ra'ta' vetlh chaH should ghobe' 'el Daq lIj yej.
Lame KLV 1:11  Hoch Daj ghotpu sigh, chaH nej tIr Soj; chaH ghaj nobpu' chaj bel Dochmey vaD Soj Daq refresh the qa': legh, joH'a', je legh; vaD jIH 'oH moj abject.
Lame KLV 1:12  ghaH 'oH pagh Daq SoH, Hoch SoH 'Iv juS Sum? legh, je legh chugh pa' taH vay' QoSqu' rur wIj QoSqu', nuq ghaH qempu' Daq jIH, tlhej nuq joH'a' ghajtaH afflicted jIH Daq the jaj vo' Daj fierce QeH.
Lame KLV 1:13  vo' Daq jen ghajtaH ghaH ngeHta' qul Daq wIj HomDu', je 'oH prevails Daq chaH; ghaH ghajtaH ngeH a net vaD wIj qamDu', ghaH ghajtaH tlhe'ta' jIH DoH: ghaH ghajtaH chenmoHta' jIH moB je puj Hoch the jaj.
Lame KLV 1:14  The yoke vo' wIj transgressions ghaH bagh Sum Daj ghop; chaH 'oH knit tay', chaH 'oH ghoS Dung Daq wIj neck; ghaH ghajtaH chenmoHta' wIj HoS Daq fail: The joH ghajtaH toDta' jIH Daq chaj ghopmey, Daq 'Iv jIH 'oH ghobe' laH Daq Qam.
Lame KLV 1:15  The joH ghajtaH cher Daq pagh Hoch wIj HoS loDpu' Daq the midst vo' jIH; ghaH ghajtaH ja' a Sagh yej Daq jIH Daq crush wIj Qup loDpu': The joH ghajtaH trodden as Daq a winepress the virgin puqbe' vo' Judah.
Lame KLV 1:16  vaD Dochvammey Dochmey jIH weep; wIj mIn, wIj mIn qettaH bIng tlhej bIQ; Because the comforter 'Iv should refresh wIj qa' ghaH Hop vo' jIH: wIj puqpu' 'oH moB, because the jagh ghajtaH prevailed.
Lame KLV 1:17  Zion spreads vo' Daj ghopmey; pa' ghaH pagh Daq belmoH Daj; joH'a' ghajtaH ra'ta' concerning Jacob, vetlh chaH 'Iv 'oH around ghaH should taH Daj jaghpu': Jerusalem ghaH among chaH as an Say'Ha' Doch.
Lame KLV 1:18  joH'a' ghaH QaQtaHghach; vaD jIH ghaj lotlhpu' Daq Daj ra'ta'ghach mu': Please Qoy Hoch SoH ghotpu', je legh wIj QoSqu': wIj virgins je wIj Qup loDpu' 'oH ghoSta' Daq captivity.
Lame KLV 1:19  jIH ja' vaD wIj lovers, 'ach chaH deceived jIH: wIj lalDan vumwI'pu' je wIj quppu' nobta' Dung the qa' Daq the veng, qaStaHvIS chaH nejta' chaH Soj Daq refresh chaj qa'pu'.
Lame KLV 1:20  legh, joH'a'; vaD jIH 'oH Daq distress; wIj tIq ghaH troubled; wIj tIq ghaH tlhe'ta' within jIH; vaD jIH ghaj grievously lotlhpu': Abroad the 'etlh bereaves, Daq home pa' ghaH as Hegh.
Lame KLV 1:21  chaH ghaj Qoyta' vetlh jIH sigh; pa' ghaH pagh Daq belmoH jIH; Hoch wIj jaghpu' ghaj Qoyta' vo' wIj Seng; chaH 'oH Quchqu' vetlh SoH ghaj ta'pu' 'oH: SoH DichDaq qem the jaj vetlh SoH ghaj proclaimed, je chaH DIchDaq taH rur jIH.
Lame KLV 1:22  chaw' Hoch chaj mIghtaHghach ghoS qaSpa' SoH; ta' Daq chaH, as SoH ghaj ta'pu' Daq jIH vaD Hoch wIj transgressions: vaD wIj sighs 'oH law', je wIj tIq ghaH puj.