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Chapter 14
Reve OrthJBC 14:1  And I looked, and --hinei!-- the Seh (Lamb, Yeshayah 53:7) having taken his stand on Mount Tziyon and with him the 144,000 having ha-Shem of him and ha-Shem of HaAv of him which had been written on the metsakhim of them.
Reve OrthJBC 14:2  And I heard a sound out of Shomayim as a sound of mayim rabbim and as a sound of ra'am gadol, and the sound which I heard was as of players of the nevel (harp) playing on their nevalim.
Reve OrthJBC 14:3  And they sing as it were a Shir Chadash before the kisseh and before the Arbah Chayyot and the Zekenim, and no one was being able to learn the Shir except the 144,000, the ones for whom the [kapparah] price had been paid for their Geulah [Vayikra 5:50-51] redemption, the ones having been purchased from kol ha'aretz.
Reve OrthJBC 14:4  These are those who with nashim are not tameh (unclean, defiled), bochrim ki betullim they are, for these are the ones following the Seh (Lamb, Yeshayah 53:7) wherever He goes. These chasidim had the [kapparah] price paid for their Geulah [Vayikra 25:50-51] redemption, the ones having been purchased from bnei Adam as the bikkurim to Hashem and to the Seh (Lamb, Yeshayah 53:7). [Yirmeyah 2:3]
Reve OrthJBC 14:5  And in the peh of them was not found sheker; they are without mumim (defects). [Tehillim32:2; Zefanyah 3:13] THE DVARIM OF THE MALACHEY HASHARET
Reve OrthJBC 14:6  And I saw another malach flying midair in Shomayim, having the eternal Besuras HaGeulah to proclaim to the ones sitting on ha'aretz and to every goy and shevet and lashon and am,
Reve OrthJBC 14:7  saying in a kol gadol, "Have yirat Shomayim toward Hashem and give him kavod (glory), because the hour of the Yom HaMishpat of him has come. And worship him, HaBoreh HaShomayim and HaAretz (the creator of Heaven and Earth) and Yam and ma'ayanot (springs, sources) of mayim. [Tehillim 34:9]
Reve OrthJBC 14:8  And another malach, Sheyni (a Second one), followed, saying, "NAFLAH, NAFLAH BABEL ("Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great", Yeshayah 21:9), who of the yayin of the ta'avah of her zenunim has made all the goyim to drink. [Yirmeyah 51:8]
Reve OrthJBC 14:9  And another malach, Shlishi (a Third one), followed them saying, in a kol gadol, "If anyone worships the Chayyah [Anti-Moshiach] and the Etzev (idol, image, PESEL, graven image, tzelem, Yeshayah 21:9) of it and receives a mark on the metsakh (forehead) of him or on the yad of him,
Reve OrthJBC 14:10  such will drink of the yayin of the Chori Af of Hashem, having been mixed undiluted in the kos (cup) of his Chori Af, and such will be tormented by aish (fire) and gofrit (sulfur) before malachim hakedoshim and before the Seh (Lamb, Yeshayah 53:7). [Yeshayah 51:17; Yirmeyah 25:15; 51:7]
Reve OrthJBC 14:11  And the smoke of their torment ascends l'Olmei Olamim, and for them there is no menuchah yomam valailah, none for the ones worshiping the Chayyah and the Etzev of it nor for anyone who receives the mark of the name of it! [Yeshayah 34:10]
Reve OrthJBC 14:12  Here is the savlanut (patient endurance) of the kedoshim, the ones being shomer over the mitzvot of Hashem, who hold fast to the [orthodox Jewish] emunah of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.
Reve OrthJBC 14:13  And I heard a kol out of Shomayim saying, "Write: Ashrey are the Mesim, the ones dying in Adoneinu, from now on." "Ken," says the Ruach Hakodesh, "so that they will rest from the ma'asim of them, for the ma'asim of them are accompanying them." THE KATZIR HA'ARETZ
Reve OrthJBC 14:14  And I looked, and --hinei!-- an anan (cloud) lavan (white), and on the anan there was One sitting like the Ben HaAdam having on the head of him a golden Keter (Crown) and in the yad of him a sharp MAGGAL (sickle, Yoel 3:13). [Hoshea 6:11; Daniel 7:13]
Reve OrthJBC 14:15  And another malach came out of the Beis Hamikdash, crying with a kol gadol to the One sitting on the anan, "Put forth your MAGGAL (sickle, Yoel 3:13) and reap, because the hour to reap has come, because the Katzir Ha'Aretz is ripe!" [Yirmeyah 51:33]
Reve OrthJBC 14:16  And the One sitting on the anan put forth his MAGGAL (sickle, Yoel 3:13) on ha'aretz and ha'aretz was reaped.
Reve OrthJBC 14:17  And another malach came out of the Beis Hamikdash in Shomayim, having also with him a sharp MAGGAL (sickle, Yoel 3:13).
Reve OrthJBC 14:18  And another malach came out of the Mitzbe'ach (altar), having shilton (authority) over the aish, and he spoke with a kol gadol to the One having the sharp MAGGAL, saying, "Put forth your sharp MAGGAL and gather the clusters of the gefen (vine) of ha'aretz, because the grapes of it are ripe."
Reve OrthJBC 14:19  And the malach put forth the MAGGAL of him to ha'aretz and gathered the vintage of ha'aretz and threw it into the GAT hagedolah (great winepress, Yoel 3:13, cf Yeshayah 63:3) of the Chori Af of Hashem.
Reve OrthJBC 14:20  And the GAT hagedolah was trodden on outside the Ir (City) and dahm came out from the GAT up to the bridles of the susim for about two hundred miles. [Yeshayah 63:3; Yoel3:13; Bereshis 49:11; Devarim 32:14]