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4a4a95a Of course it hurt that we could never love each other in a physical way. We would have been far more happy if we had. But that was like the tides, the change of seasons--something immutable, an immovable destiny we could never alter. No matter how cleverly we might shelter it, our delicate friendship wasn't going to last forever. We were bound to reach a dead end. That was painfully clear. friendships relationships Haruki Murakami
881c941 Someday, Will, I will go where none can follow me, and I think it will be sooner rather than later. Have you ever asked yourself why I agreed to be your parabatai? friendships jem-carstairs will-herondale Cassandra Clare
27afe35 Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul like you. activist aging beautiful-personatlity beautiful-soul charity communicators community compassion empathetic fathers friendships givers giving-heart helping-out homeless-tent-community inner-beauty inspiration inspirational jealousy judgement loving marine-life-conservation medical-missions mothers motivators openess outward-beauty people-of-action perspectives philosophy prayer real-people reflection rescuers search-and-rescue service takers tender time true-beauty truth vanity writing Shannon L. Alder
bd76cb1 "I ejaculated about ten minutes ago and the stuff was black. So everything is not normal." Silence greeted that happy little announcement. Man, if he had hauled off and sucker-punched V, he would have gotten less of a shocked-out reaction." friendships humor sex J.R. Ward
ceba3ab Friendship is something that gets harder to understand, every damn year of my life.Friendship is like a kind of algebra test that nobody passes. In my worst moods, I think the best you can say is that a friend is anyone you don't despise. friend friends friendship friendships trust-friends-betrayal Gregory David Roberts
50a7ad3 "You need a place just a click over middle range. Don't want to go all-out first time, but you don't want to run on the cheap either. You want atmosphere, but not stuffy. A nice established place." "Bob, you're going to give me an ulcer." "This is all ammunition, Cart. All ammo. You want to be able to order a nice bottle of wine. Oh, and after dinner, if she says how she doesn't want dessert, you suggest she pick one and you'll split it. Women love that. Sharing dessert's sexy. Do not go on and on about your job over dinner. Certain death. Get her to talk about hers, and what she likes to do. Then--" "Should I be writing this down?" friends friendships humor love Nora Roberts
2448046 "If it winds up earlier, you should have a movie picked out. This is assuming she isn't sending you the 'let's go back to my place' signals. In that case--" "Don't go there, Bob. Let's just not go there." friendships funny humor Nora Roberts
91c7c6e [Gonturan] is a true friend, but a friend with thoughts of her own, and the thoughts of others are dangerous. friendships swords Robin McKinley
7732744 I consider telling my brother, asking him for help. But tell him what exactly? I have no black eyes, no bloody noses to report: Cordelia does nothing physical. If it was boys, chasing or teasing, he would know what to do, but I don't suffer from boys in this way. Against girls and their indirectness, their whisperings, he would be helpless. friendships Margaret Atwood
b07207d "The evening I went for a walk. To walk for the sake of walking is something I seldom do.Inside my apartment I'd felt inexplicably anxious. I needed to talk to someone, to be reassured. Or perhaps I needed to confess my sin: I was once again having impure thoughts about saving the world. Or it was neither of these--I was afraid I was dreaming. Indeed, considering the events of the day, it was likely that I was dreaming. I sometimes fly in my dreams, and each time I say to myself, "At last--it's happening in reality and not in a dream!" In any case, I needed to talk to someone, and I was alone. This is my habitual condition, by choice--or so I tell myself. Mere acquaintanceship leaves me unsatisfied, and few people are willing to accept the burdens and risks of friendship as I conceive of it." friendships solitude daniel quinn
f46b87a Cousin Jimmy thinks I did perfectly right. Cousin Jimmy would think I had done perfectly right if I had murdered Andrew and buried him in the Land of Uprightness. It's very nice to have one friend like that, though too many wouldn't be good for you. friendship friendship-true-and-loyal friendships loyalty L.M. Montgomery
6eee8eb I think how breakups can bring out the worst in the best people, and part of being upset is mouthing off crap you don't mean. fights friendships Daria Snadowsky
1e3bfd0 "Blame your body. The whole biological purpose of existence is to mate, so from the time we hit puberty, our hormones are demanding us to couple up. Maybe it's basic instinct to feel inadequate if you're single." "That's what sucks. There's so many more interesting things than guys, but guys are what we spend most of our time talking about." "I think that's just the way it is, though. No matter what we do, it's always more special if there's a boyfriend to share it with." "Or a best friend." friendships relationships Daria Snadowsky
fe81e7f "You haven't any right to expect your friends to be larger than yourself, larger than life. Just take them as they are, cut down to average size, and be glad you have them. To drink with, laugh with, borrow money from, lend money to, stay away from their special girls as you want them to stay away from yours, and above all, never break your word to, once it's been given. And that is all the obligation you have, all you have the right to expect. ("New York Blues")" friendship friendship-tolerance friendships Cornell Woolrich
adfcf95 "Sounds like a plan. I owe Tammy a big thank-you." Ty sighed. "I think I'm too old for this bachelor party crap." "We'll be planning yours soon enough." That was so not appealing, Ty was almost scared. "Let's just go fishing and call it good." "Done." friendships marriage Erin McCarthy
fa7df4f I know friends should be supportive of each other's life decisions and all that. friendships life supportive Sophie Kinsella
67b80ff He reached out and took her hand. Neither cared that someone might see. They had been taught all their lives that the only deep feelings between men and women were sexual, but now they knew that it was a lie. They were friends and they loved one another, and their hand-holding was perfectly innocent. It was one more thing to rejoice in, one more way in which they had risen above the system, above the machine. friendship friendships girl-boy-friendships platonic-love William Sleator
71cbbc8 I think, yes, a man and a woman can be good friends, but it isn't easy for them being as no one else will suppose that that is what they are. And then there's the problem of being different sexes. I think if they are good friends, then whatever else they are - or are not - is better. friendships men-and-women A.S. Byatt
ec8250b "This book consists not only of my stories of mistakes, rather it's all our stories of mistakes and heart aches. It's the plight of all of us who were rebelling, and kicking against the social messes we found ourselves in. Yet there are so many others who are not alive today, and I feel obligated in not allowing the lessons of their mistakes to lie in the grave with them. It was the United States Senator, Al Franken, who stated, "Mistakes are a part of being human. Precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from." I'm revealing all of those mistakes and more, sadly a lot of them are fatal. In an attempt to have these real life lessons obtained in blood, prevent the blood-shedding of so many others. These stories are ones that young people can understand and identify with. While at the same time empowering them, to make better decisions about their choice of friends, the proper use of their time and how one wrong move can be fatal. I guess the major question that we all have to ask ourselves at the end of the day would be: how could I and so many others have been prevented from becoming monsters? You be the judge. I now extend my hand to you, and personally invite you to take a journey with me into the heartlands of innocence to menacing, from a youngster to a monster, and the making of a predator. I will safely walk you down the deserted and darkened street corners which were once my world of crime, gang violence and senseless murders. It's a different world unto itself, one which could only be observed up close by invitation only. Together we will learn the motivation behind hard-core gangsters, and explore the minds of cold-blooded murderers. You will discover the way they think about their own lives, and why they are so remorseless about the taking of another's life. So, if you will, please journey with me as we discover together how the fight of our lives were wrapped up in our fathers." anti-social-behaviors at-risk-youth bloodshed choices cold-blooded crime-prevention darkness deserted die-hard-gangsters fatherhood friendships generation-x harden-criminals inner-city life-lessons menacing mistakes monsters rebelling remorseless senseless-murders social-ills social-science under-ground-world Drexel Deal
f23379a Hang in. We'll make it. We all have each other. emotions family friendships rich surprise tragic Danielle Steel
fdc6489 "No outbreak of jealousy or malice has ever been welcomed in God's eyes." Beatrix continued, "nor shall such an outbreak ever be welcomed in the eyes of your family. If you have sentiments within you that are unpleasant or uncharitable, let them fall stillborn to the ground." friendships Elizabeth Gilbert
a26c5bd "The purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of yourself you'd like to see "show up", not what part of another you can capture and hold. There can be only one purpose for relationships - and for all of life: to be and to decide Who You Really Are. [...] The test of your relationships has had to do with how well the other lived up to your ideas, and how well you saw yourselves living up to his or hers. Yet the only true test has to do with how well you live up to yours. Relationships are sacred because they provide life's grandest opportunity - indeed, its only opportunity - to create and produce the experience of your highest conceptualization of Self." friendships people-relations people-skills relationship-advice relationship-quotes relationships Neale Donald Walsch
81f9dd0 As we move away from the old role in which we were helplessly entrapped as a victim, we make friends with the people who affirm us. Their enthusiasm about us mirrors the positive experience we are having. affirming empowerment friends friendships healing healing-from-abuse moving-on recovery recovery-from-abuse survivor survivors thriver victim victim-role Maureen Brady
15a0482 I suppose we never know what we have the capacity to forgive until we're truly tested. friendships relationships trials wisdom Elise Broach