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7d6fa89 One thing he resolved was not to make that one good year a bad year by grieving that it was not more than a year. Irvin D. Yalom
4ddba58 The idea of using current distortions to re-create the past was part of an old, now abandoned, vision of the therapist as archaeologist, patiently scraping off the dust of decades to understand (and thus, in some mysterious manner, undo) the original trauma. It is a far better model to think of understanding the past in order to apprehend the present therapist-patient relationship. Irvin D. Yalom
e29a5eb But the problem with crests is that they lead downhill. From the crest I can see all the rest of my years stretched out before me. And the view doesn't please me. I see only aging, diminishment, fathering, grandfathering." "But," Irvin D. Yalom
cfbb8fc B]eware of empty compliments - make your support as incisive as your feedback or interpretations. Irvin D. Yalom
2ab9ed1 I often urge patients to project themselves into the future and to consider how they can live now so that five years hence they will be able to look back upon life without regret sweeping over them anew. Irvin D. Yalom
2ab6458 Schopenhauer and Spinoza distilled, condensed, and funneled through the pupil, along the optic nerve, and directly into our occipital lobes. I'd love to be able to eat with my eyes--I'm Irvin D. Yalom
e644282 T]echnique has a different meaning for the novice than for the expert. One needs technique in learning to play the piano but eventually, if one is to make music, one must transcend learned technique and trust one's spontaneous moves. Irvin D. Yalom
df7b98c Hope is the worst of evils because it protracts torment." "Your" Irvin D. Yalom
d3123dc Right, that's exactly what I mean by your being both the prisoner and the jailer. Irvin D. Yalom
1645053 Hair and hole, horn and teeth--hedgehog, walrus, ape, Josef Breuer. He Irvin D. Yalom
7406607 Thought training and behavior shaping! These methods are not for the human realm! Ach, we're not animal trainers!" "Yes," Irvin D. Yalom
9ee2bbd therapy uncovered deep roots of these everyday problems--roots stretching down to the bedrock of existence. "I" Irvin D. Yalom
3d107b5 more commonly death anxiety surfaces in nightmares. A Irvin D. Yalom
f92d2dd I have found that four givens are particularly relevant to psychotherapy: the inevitability of death for each of us and for those we love; the freedom to make our lives as we will; our ultimate aloneness; and, finally, the absence of any obvious meaning or sense to life. Irvin D. Yalom
98b8a4d Better, Josef, far better, to have the courage to change your convictions. Duty and faithfulness are shams, curtains to hide behind. Self-liberation means a sacred no, even to duty. Irvin D. Yalom
6b65a0f Vie iskate da letite, no ne mozhete da zapochnete letenoto s letene. P'rvo triabva da vi naucha da v'rvite, a p'rvata st'pka shche napravite, kato razberete, che tozi, koito ne se podchiniava na sebe si, se podchiniava na drugite. Po-lesno, dalech po-lesno e da se ostavish drug da te upravliava, otkolkoto sam da se upravliavash. Irvin D. Yalom
731fa50 Dukh't na choveka se izgrazhda ot izborite, koito pravi! Irvin D. Yalom
99ce056 Freedom means that one is responsible for one's own choices, actions, one's own life situation. Though Irvin D. Yalom
5153a62 Poniakoga se pitam kak li bi izglezhdal edin razgovor pri razlichni sotsialni uslovnosti - takiva, pri koito nishcho ne se spestiava! Irvin D. Yalom
ce87733 Niama li nakraia da stignem do Bog - poslednata greshka v pogreshnoto t'rsene na v'rkhovnata istina? върховната-истина Irvin D. Yalom
bb7b6da Stava duma za tova, che svr'khchuvstvitelnostta, kakto ia narekokhte, ne e nezhelana. Tia e neobkhodima za rabotata mi. Az iskam da s'm chuvstvitelen. Ne bikh iskal da se lisha ot nito edna chast ot v'treshnite si prezhiviavaniia! I ako da b'da pod naprezhenie e tsenata na prosvetlenieto, to taka da b'de! Dostat'chno s'm bogat, za da ia platia. Irvin D. Yalom
0c24a1d Ima prichini otv'd prichinite. Irvin D. Yalom
9a6ef6a Napravete po-d'lboka disektsiia na motivite si! Shche otkriete, che nikoi nikoga ne pravi neshcho iztsialo v imeto na drugite. Vsichkite ni deistviia sa nasocheni k'm nas samite, s vsichki uslugi tselim da obsluzhim sebe si, vsiaka liubov e liubov k'm sobstveniia ni az. [...] Iznenadakh li vi s tozi komentar? Mozhe bi si mislite za onezi, koito obichate. Razrovete po-nad'lboko i shche si dadete smetka, che ne obichate tiakh - obichate priia.. Irvin D. Yalom
cbda45f Otchaianieto e tsenata, koiato vseki plashcha za samopoznanieto. Zagledate li se vnimatelno v zhivota, vinagi shche popadnete na otchaianie. самопознание Irvin D. Yalom
5f2f64f Tova s'zhalenie vse oshche ne go proumiavam. Ako biakhte prieli, po kak'v nachin tova shcheshe da vi promeni? - Da me promeni li? Kakvo obshcho ima promianata s tova? Tova beshe unikalna v'zmozhnost - takava, kakvato niama da mi se sluchi otnovo. - Bilo e s'shcho unikalna v'zmozhnost da kazhete ,,ne"! Da kazhete edno blagosloveno ,,ne" na edin khishchnik. I tochno tazi v'zmozhnost ste izbrali." пропусната-възможност Irvin D. Yalom
6be38e8 Indeed, the capacity to tolerate uncertainty is a prerequisite for the profession. Irvin D. Yalom
762065b why squander all that love on a phantasm when there seems too little love to go around on Earth as it is? Better Irvin D. Yalom
bf193e0 Chuvstvenostta e kuchka, koiato khape petite ni! I kolko dobre znae kak da izprosi chastitsa ot nashata dusha, kogato i e otkazana chastitsa ot pl'tta ni. чувственост Irvin D. Yalom
ca77497 Zhivot't e izpit, v koito niama pravilni otgovori. Ako triabvashe da zapochna otnovo, smiatam, che bikh zhivial po s'shchiia nachin, bikh napravil s'shchite greshki. Onzi den mi khrumna edin dob'r siuzhet za novela. Samo da mozhekh da pisha! Predstavete si slednoto: m'zh na sredna v'zrast, chiito zhivot e protek'l neudovletvoritelno, sreshcha edin dukh. Dukh't mu predlaga v'zmozhnostta da prezhivee otnovo zhivota si, no bez da zabravia nish.. живот избор Irvin D. Yalom
6a29662 A ima li po-goliama strast ot strastta k'm podchinenieto? страст Irvin D. Yalom
e505ce9 Tova, koeto tv'rdia e, che zhivot't nikoga ne triabva da se promenia ili pretupva s nadezhdata za niakak'v drug zhivot v b'deshche. Tova, koeto e bezsm'rtno e tozi zhivot, tozi moment. Niama zhivot sled sm'rtta, niama tsel, k'm koiato tozi zhivot da ni pridvizhva, niama apokaliptichen tribunal, nito pris'da. Tozi moment s'shchestvuva zavinagi i vie, sam ste edinstvenata si publika. Irvin D. Yalom
2102dbd Imakh predvid samo, che za da mozhe edin chovek iztsialo da se sv'rzhe s drug, p'rvo triabva da se e sv'rzal s's sebe si. Ako ne mozhem da priemem sobstvenoto si usamotenie, to togava shcheizpolzvame drugiia kato shchit sreshchu samotata si. Edinstveno kogato chovek s'umiava da zhivee kato orel, bez svideteli, toi mozhe da se ob'rne k'm drugiia s liubov; samo togava chovek e v s'stoianie da se grizhi za izrastvaneto na drugiia. Irvin D. Yalom
729ac4c Existential isolation, a third given, refers to the unbridgeable gap between self and others, a gap that exists even in the presence of deeply gratifying interpersonal relationships. Irvin D. Yalom
d0e7db2 In general, however, there is agreement that groups differ from one another in the amount of "groupness" present. Those with a greater sense of solidarity, or "we-ness," value the group more highly and will defend it against internal and external threats. Such groups have a higher rate of attendance, participation, and mutual support and will defend the group standards much more than groups with less esprit de corps." Irvin D. Yalom
2aa7b2c E epimone tou erotikou pathous tes Thelma, pou ten kateikhe edo kai okto khronia khoris kamia exoterike eniskhuse, me entuposiaze. Katalambane oloklero to khoro tes zoes tes. Eikhe dikio: pragmatika zouse te zoe tes okhto khronia prin. E emmones tes prepei n' antlouse meros tes dunames tes apo te stadiake surriknose tes upoloipes uparxes tes. Ampheballa an tha etan dunaton na ten kano na ten apokhoristei, khoris proegoumenos na te boetheso .. αποχωρισμός εμμονή χωρισμός Irvin D. Yalom
07c1720 Uperkhan toso polla plousia monopatia pou etan duskolo na epilexo kai na sugkentroso te suzetese se ena. Prota, pantos, etan aparaiteto n' apodeixo peistika gia te Thelma oti e emmone eprepe na sbesei. Giati mia erotike emmone xezoumizei te zoe apo ten aletheia tes, sbenontas kathe nea empeiria, kai kale kai kake - opos gnorizo ex idias peiras. Pragmatika, oi perissoteres apo tis bathuteres pepoitheseis mou gia ten psukhotherapeia, kai oi p.. έρωτας αποχωρισμός εμμονή στοχασμός χωρισμός Irvin D. Yalom
c99a4b0 To exera bebaia ap' ten arkhe oti skete e iskhus tes epikheirematologias mou den tha mporouse na eiskhoresei arketa bathia, gia na prokalesei allage. Kati tetoio den sumbainei skhedon pote. Oute gia mena de leitourgese pote, oso emoun se therapeia. Mono otan o anthropos niosei ten apokalupse bathia sto einai tou, tote mono ten katekhei. Tote mono mporei kaneis na drasei sumphona m' auten kai n' allaxei. Oi laikoi psukhologoi panta milane gi.. ευθύνη ψυχοθεραπεία ψυχολογία Irvin D. Yalom
48bd282 Skephteka pos etan san mia akubernete barka pou lutheke ap' te destra tes - alla mia barka me sunaisthemata pou anazeta apegnosmena ena apagkio, opoiodepote. Tora, anamesa stis emmones tes, e Thelma briskotan se mia spania katastase eleutherou suneirmou. Aute te stigme perimena. Tetoies phaseis den kratane polu: o asundetos emmonos anthropos, opos to oxugono pou molis eleutherotheke, sundeetai gregora me kapoia noetike eikona e idea. Aute e.. εμμονή ψυχοθεραπεία Irvin D. Yalom
da48527 Depresia este un efect secundar al mortii. Irvin D. Yalom
7cccd7b viata este o licarire intre doua goluri: intunericul dinainte de nastere si cel de dupa moarte Irvin D. Yalom
1673627 un zid inteligent Irvin D. Yalom
199a72f a te dezvalui altcuiva este preludiul tradarii iar tradarea te imbolnaveste Irvin D. Yalom
719bc28 Den me paregorouse omos kai polu to na kategoro te Thelma kai ton Kharru e na threno ten adunamia tou anthropinou plasmatos - autou tou adunamou phasmatikou plasmatos pou einai adunato na epizesei khoris ten autapate, khoris te mageia, khoris ta aploika oneira kai ta zotika pseude. Eikhe erthei e ora na do ten aletheia: ta 'kha kanei thalassa m' auto to peristatiko, pera apo kathe prosdokia, ki auto den mporousa na to prosapso sten asthene,.. αδυναμία αυταπάτη ψεύδη όνειρα Irvin D. Yalom
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