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679e690 We cannot avoid this responsibility, this freedom. Irvin D. Yalom
992869a If one is to learn to live with the dead, one must first learn to live with the living! Irvin D. Yalom
5021d25 She may have played her role, but you, what role did you play? Were you, and I, so different from her? Did you see her? Or did you, instead, see only prey--a disciple, a plowland for your thoughts, a successor? Or perhaps, like me, you saw beauty, youth a satin pillow, a vessel into which to drain your lust. Irvin D. Yalom
f39be53 msy'wlytpdhyry mwjb myshwd frd `tqdsh bh wjwd njtdhndhy Gyy r khnr bgdhrd w yn khr bry khsy khh jhnbynysh r Hwl chnyn `tqdy stwr khrdh, bsyr dshwr st. Irvin D. Yalom
782e5cc The more the therapist is able to tolerate the anxiety of not knowing, the less need there is for the therapist to embrace orthodoxy. Irvin D. Yalom
4ce9064 My work is to love my body, all of it. Whole and entire. The whole aging mortal troublesome failing miraculous intricate breathing doomed cancerous warm mortifying unreliable hard-working imperfect beautiful appalling living struggling tender frightened frightening living dying living breathing temporary wondrous mystifying afflicted mortally-ill assemblage of the atoms of the universe that is my self, is me, for this space of time. Irvin D. Yalom
8e0f010 Spinoza was the supreme rationalist. He saw an endless stream of causality in the world. For him there is no such entity as will or will power. Nothing happens capriciously. Everything is caused by something prior, and the more we devote ourselves to the understanding of this causative network, the more free we become." ... "I'm sure he would have said that you are subject to passions that are driven by inadequate ideas rather than by the i.. freedom reason reality passions Irvin D. Yalom
94d0e0a Tanriyi oldururseniz, onun tapinagina siginmaktan da vazgecmek, orayi terk etmek zorundasiniz! Irvin D. Yalom
36b30dc I'm not ready for a committed relationship with anyone and that I have a ton of work to do on myself. Irvin D. Yalom
780d900 Creating yourself is a source of great pride, but it also leads to a feeling of having no foundations. I've known many gifted children of immigrants who have a sense of being lilies growing in a swamp--beautiful flowers but no deep roots. Irvin D. Yalom
b6fc87e Love is not just a passion spark between two people; there is infinite difference between falling in love and standing in love. Rather, love is a way of being, a "giving to," not a "falling for"; a mode of relating at large, not an act limited to a single person." Irvin D. Yalom
123ad00 He was persuaded of the reality and significance of human choice; he believed that experiential learning was a far more powerful approach to personal understanding and change than an endeavor resting upon intellectual understanding; he believed that individuals have within themselves an actualizing tendency, an inbuilt proclivity toward growth and fulfillment. Irvin D. Yalom
d79c7bd there was a basic division of the ways of men: those who wish for peace of soul and happiness must believe and embrace faith, while those who wish to pursue the truth must forsake peace of mind and devote their life to inquiry. Irvin D. Yalom
8cf5dd6 bzrg shdn, ntkhb khrdn w jd khrdn khwd z dygrn bh m`ny mwjhh b tnhyy w mrg hm hst. Irvin D. Yalom
cfd8c92 All I can do in one session is to be real, to leap into the patient's life, to offer observations in the hope that he'll be able to open doors and explore some new parts of himself in his ongoing therapy. Irvin D. Yalom
d6fe551 The therapist's worldview is in itself isolating. Seasoned therapists view relationships differently, they sometimes lose patience with social ritual and bureaucracy, they cannot abide the fleeting shallow encounters and small talk of many social gatherings. Irvin D. Yalom
4d276e4 Wish" gives the warmth, the content, the imagination, the child's play, the freshness, and the richness to "will." "Will" gives the self-direction, the maturity, to "wish." Without "wish," "will" loses its life-blood, its viability, and tends to expire in self-contradiction. If you have only "will" and no "wish," you have the dried-up, Victorian, neopuritan man. If you have only "wish" and no "will," you have the driven, unfree, infantile p.. Irvin D. Yalom
e6e553a No rose without a thorn. But many a thorn without a rose. Irvin D. Yalom
78ca332 sex as the vital antagonist to death--isn't the orgasm the primal spark of life? I know of many instances in which sexual feelings arise in order to neutralize fears of death. Irvin D. Yalom
24fec17 Asa-zisa ,,psihologie pentru mase" bate intr-una moneda pe ,,asumarea responsabilitatii", dar nu sunt decat vorbe goale: este extraordinar de greu, ba chiar terifiant, sa accepti ideea ca tu si numai tu esti acela care iti construiesti viata, felul in care o traiesti. Ca urmare, problema in psihoterapie consta intotdeauna in a sti cum sa treci de la o apreciere in plan intelectual, care se dovedeste ineficace, a unui adevar despre tine insu.. Irvin D. Yalom
c258cf0 It's often pretty hard to speak to others about my cancer. I have a number of pet peeves. Many folks are overly solicitous. They can't do enough for you. There's that Kaiser nurse who keeps asking "Isn't there someone who can drive you here?" And some people are too prying. I think they are voyeuristic and attempt to satisfy their morbid curiosity about having cancer. I don't like that and have sometimes wanted to say, "Go get your own damn.. Irvin D. Yalom
94c96bc Winnicott also cites the hostile lullabies mothers sing to babies, who fortunately do not understand the words. For example: Rockabye, Baby, on the treetop, When the wind blows the cradle will rock, When the bough breaks the cradle will fall, And down will come baby, cradle and all. Irvin D. Yalom
0a5c65d Ubijeden sam da su, u tim zanosima prvih susreta, Dan i zena pogresno tumacili ono sto u vidjeli jedno u drugom. Svako od njih je vidjeo odraz sopstvenog preklinjanja, ranjen pogled i pogresno ga protumacio kao zelju i ispunjenost. Oboje su bill ptici sa slomljenim krilima, koji su trazili da lete privijeni uz drugu pticu sa slomljenim krilima. Ljudi koje se osjecaju isprazno nikada se ne izlijece stapanjem sa drugom nepotpunom osobom. Napr.. Irvin D. Yalom
8c6d8dd O Mproier prospathese na apotinaxei to thanato ap' to mualo tou. Mourmourise to agapemeno tou xorki, te phrase tou Loukretiou: <> All' auto den boethese. Tinaxe to kephali tou, prospathontas na dioxei autes tis makabries skepseis. Apo pou tou eikhan erthei; Ap' ten koubenta gia to thanato pou ekane me ton Nitse; Okhi, mallon den tou tis ebale o N.. metaphysics rationalism Irvin D. Yalom
c11285c Sekcirajte dublje svoje motive. Naci cete da niko nikada nije ucinio nista uzviseno za drugoga. Svi postupci su usmjereni ka sebi, sve usluge sebi, sva ljubav je ljubav prema sebi. Izgledate iznenadeni ovim komentarom? Mozda imate na umu one koje volite. Zaronite dublje i shvaticete da ne volite njih: ono sto volite su prijatni osjecaji koje takva ljubav stvara u vama! Irvin D. Yalom
a48f428 Religion has everything on its side: revelation, prophecies, government protection, the highest dignity and eminence...and more than this, the invaluable prerogative of being allowed to imprint its doctrines on the mind at a tender age of childhood, whereby they become almost innate ideas. Irvin D. Yalom
cbe5148 Could we foresee it, there are times when children might seem like innocent prisoners condemned not to death but to life and as yet all too unconscious of what their sentence means. Nevertheless every man desires to reach old age...a state of life of which it may be said "it is bad today, and every day it will get worse, until the worst of all happens." Irvin D. Yalom
453f24b Beginning therapists must learn that there are times to sit in silence, sometimes in silent communion, sometimes simply while waiting for patients' thoughts to appear in a form that they may be expressed. Irvin D. Yalom
2c203b3 Client-therapist disagreement about the goals and tasks of therapy may impair the therapeutic alliance.+ This issue is not restricted to group therapy. Client-therapist discrepancies on therapeutic factors also occur in individual psychotherapy. A large study of psychoanalytically oriented therapy found that clients attributed their successful therapy to relationship factors, whereas their therapists gave precedence to technical skills and .. Irvin D. Yalom
7fc4113 Like you, I have often wondered why fears reign at night. After twenty years of such wondering, I now believe that fears are not born of darkness; rather, fears are like the stars--always there, but obscured by the glare of daylight. "And" Irvin D. Yalom
aa7850b Perhaps the real therapy occurred at the deathbed scene, when they moved into honesty with the revelation that they were fellow travelers, both simply human, all too human. Irvin D. Yalom
4539fe8 Decision invariably involves renunciation: for every yes there must be a no, each decision eliminating or killing other options (the root of the word decide means "slay," as in homicide or suicide)." Irvin D. Yalom
5bc7e65 hych nsny nyst khh hmyshh khmyb shwd w hmyshh byfrynd, hych nsny nyst khh mdm dr tlshhysh mwfq bshd, wly Hrkht dr msyr drst Hty gr bh khmyby mnjr nshwd, shyd m`ny zndgy w tnh pskh gzystnsyl mmkhn bshd. Irvin D. Yalom
b8cff30 Some said living with cancer had made them wiser, more self-realized, while others had reordered their priorities in life, grown stronger, learned to say no to activities they no longer valued and yes to things that really mattered--such as loving their family and friends, observing the beauty about them, savoring the changing seasons. Irvin D. Yalom
6ab8ad6 The sentiment that one "should have done something more" reflects, it seems to me, an underlying wish to control the uncontrollable. After all, if one is guilty about not having done something that one should have done, then it follows that there is something that could have been done - a comforting thought that decoys us from our pathetic helplessness in the face of death." grief loss psychology Irvin D. Yalom
06097eb Just as the bones, flesh, intestines and blood vessels are enclosed in a skin that makes the sight of man endurable, so the agitations and passions of the soul are enveloped in vanity; it is the skin of the soul. Irvin D. Yalom
5f2ad31 would you be willing to live this past year again and again for all eternity? Irvin D. Yalom
afe2f0a hmzystyi ayyn h w dhhn mstdli hshyr mkhn pdhyr nyst. yn dw hm styzhyy skht hstnd Irvin D. Yalom
92ef74e Arthur ne aminteste adesea (si lui insusi) ca emotia are puterea de a ascunde si de a falsifica cunoasterea; ca lumea intreaga capata un aspect senin atunci cand avem motive sa ne bucuram si unul intunecat si posomorat atunci cand ne copleseste parerea de rau Irvin D. Yalom
e04e828 Should we not create--should we not become--before we reproduce? Our responsibility to life is to create the higher, not to reproduce the lower. Irvin D. Yalom
a6fa92a dnstn w `ml nkhrdn b ndnstn ykhy st. Irvin D. Yalom
59692dd Why does the same book elicit such a range of responses? There must be something in the particular reader that leaps out to embrace the book. His life, his psychology, his image of himself. There must be something lurking deep in the mind--or, as this Freud says, the unconscious--that causes a particular reader to fall in love with a particular writer. responses psychology Irvin D. Yalom
f9056bf How disquieting to realise that reality is an illusion, at best a democratisation of perception based on participant consensus. reality perception Irvin D. Yalom
64d8c96 prsshi "chh m`nyy dr zndgy st?" dr drjh wl yn frD r pdyd myawrd khh m`nyy dr zndgy hst khh ntwnsthym an r bybyd khh b dydgh gzystnsyl khh nsn `ml w f`l m`n bkhsh zndgy st, dr t`rD st." Irvin D. Yalom
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