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f3d99c1 But you, like me, have good eyes. You looked too far into life. You saw that it was futile to reach wrong goals and futile to set new wrong goals. Multiplications of zero are always zero!" Breuer" Irvin D. Yalom
ee58bc1 I believe "technique" is facilitative when it emanates from the therapist's unique encounter with the patient. [E]very course of therapy consists of small and large spontaneously generated responses or techniques that are impossible to program in advance." Irvin D. Yalom
0984729 He is civilized, polite, a man of manners. He has tamed his wild nature, turned his wolf into a spaniel. And he calls this moderation. Its real name is mediocrity! Irvin D. Yalom
81eb7f8 Lucretius' maxim: 'Where I am, death is not; where death is, I am not. Irvin D. Yalom
a4194ed Traieste cum trebuie si ai incredere ca vei da celorlalti lucruri bune, chiar daca tu nu vei afla niciodata asta. Irvin D. Yalom
cc175cd Umit kotuluklerin en kotusudur, cunku iskenceyi uzatir. Irvin D. Yalom
ca04091 I have noted two particularly powerful and common methods of allaying fears about death, two beliefs, or delusions, that afford a sense of safety. One is the belief in personal specialness; the other, the belief in an ultimate rescuer. Irvin D. Yalom
6840f27 Sehvet topuklarimizi kemiren bir orospudur! Ve bu orospudan bir parca et esirgendiginde bir parca ruh icin yalvarmayi cok iyi becerir. Irvin D. Yalom
fc7df73 Zaman zaman, var olan en yalniz adam oldugumu dusunuyorum. Dediginiz gibi bunun, insanlarin varligi ya da yokluguyla iligisi yok, ustelik yalnizligimi elimden aldiklari halde gercekten benimle olmayanlardan da nefret ederim." "Ne demek istiyorsunuz Friedrich? Sizinle nasil olmazlar?" "Benim icin aziz olan seylere deger vermeyerek! Bazen yasamin o kadar icini gorebiliyorum ki birden dogrulup cevreme baktigimda kimsenin yanimda olmadigini, ba.. Irvin D. Yalom
d70a1db though the fact, the physicality, of death destroys us, the idea of death may save us. Irvin D. Yalom
f1b6af4 Sombres, dites-vous? Mais posez-vous la question docteur : pourquoi tous les grands philosophes sont-ils sombres? Demandez-vous qui sont les gens satisfaits, rassures et eternellement joyeux! Laissez-moi vous donner la reponse : -- la populace et les enfants! french nietzsche pessimism somber Irvin D. Yalom
d79164e viata este un examen fara nici un raspuns corect Irvin D. Yalom
8b9376b It's not ideas, nor vision, nor tools that truly matter in therapy. If you debrief patients at the end of therapy about the process, what do they remember? Never the ideas--it's always the relationship. psychotherapy Irvin D. Yalom
ebe4cc4 The search for meaning, much like the search for pleasure, must be conducted obliquely. Irvin D. Yalom
4407b36 Simtindu-ne neajutorati si derutati in fata aleatorului, a evenimentelor fara nici un tipar aparent, cautam sa le ordonam si, prin aceasta, sa avem senzatia ca le controlam. Chiar mai important decat atat, intelesul da nastere valorilor si, mai departe, unui cod de comportament - astfel, raspunsurile la intrebarile despre de ce (de ce traiesc?) furnizeaza un raspuns la intrebarile despre cum (cum sa traiesc?). Irvin D. Yalom
6e3f41e Absolutely, bring any kind of carrot cake you wish. Irvin D. Yalom
94cb5c6 I submit that God has no wishes about how, or even if, we glorify Him. Allow me, then, Jacob, to love God in my own fashion." Franco's" Irvin D. Yalom
281d071 Da si prisvoiavam chuzhdi otgovornosti, e tochno nachin't, po koito vprimchvam kakto sebe si, taka i drugite. Irvin D. Yalom
a551fe5 One cold winter's day a number of porcupines huddled together quite closely in order, through their mutual warmth, to prevent themselves from being frozen. But they soon felt the effects of their quills on one another, which made them again move apart. Now, when the need for warmth once again brought them together, the drawback of the quills was repeated so they were tossed between two evils, until they discovered the proper distance from w.. Irvin D. Yalom
b9a2889 Visele sunt ca un mister incantator, care implora sa fie inteles[...]Visele sunt doar deseuri intamplatoare, excretii nocturne ale mintii Irvin D. Yalom
3771cee The same point is made by the Hasidic Rabbi, Susya, who shortly before his death said, "When I get to heaven they will not ask me, 'Why were you not Moses?' Instead they will ask 'Why were you not Susya? Why did you not become what only you could become?" Irvin D. Yalom
2b21503 Insan dostunu dusmanindan daha zor affediyor. Irvin D. Yalom
aa779f0 Opote o asthenes arkhizei n' anaptussei sumptomata ste skhese tou me ton therapeute, tote ekhei pragmatika arkhisei e therapeia, kai e exereunese auton ton sumptomaton th' anoixei to dromo gia ta kentrika tou zetemata. Irvin D. Yalom
40f2a27 I had come to believe that the fear of death is always greatest in those who feel that they have not lived their life fully. A good working formula is: the more unlived life, or unrealized potential, the greater one's death anxiety. My Irvin D. Yalom
b627e51 Fiecare alegere presupune o renuntare, si fiecare renuntare ne face constienti de limitare si temporalitate. Irvin D. Yalom
efc4f1f Herkes ayni yemegi yemekten bikar. Her guzel kadinin oldugu yerde, bir de onu duzmekten bikmis zavalli bir erkek vardir! kadın nietzsche Irvin D. Yalom
131df0c A nightmare is a failed dream, a dream that, by not "handling" anxiety, has failed in its role as the guardian of sleep." Irvin D. Yalom
beab800 Freedom as a given seems the very antithesis of death. While we dread death, we generally consider freedom to be unequivocally positive. Has not the history of Western civilization been punctuated with yearnings for freedom, even driven by it? Yet freedom from an existential perspective is bonded to anxiety in asserting that, contrary to everyday experience, we do not enter into, and ultimately leave, a well-structured universe with an eter.. Irvin D. Yalom
38bee00 The search for meaning, much like the search for pleasure, must be conducted obliquely. Meaning ensues from meaningful activity: the more we deliberately pursue it, the less likely are we to find it; the rational questions one can pose about meaning will always outlast the answers. In therapy, as in life, meaningfulness is a by-product of engagement and commitment, and that is where therapists must direct their efforts--not that engagement .. Irvin D. Yalom
93904da At other times Betty expressed anger at my forcing her to think about morbid topics. "Why think about death? We can't do anything about it!" I tried to help her understand that, though the fact of death destroys us, the idea of death can save us. In other words, our awareness of death can throw a different perspective on life and incite us to rearrange our priorities." Irvin D. Yalom
04e90f8 Htm byd chyzy `myq dr jrfy dhhn y hmnTwr khh frwyd my gwyd dr nkhwdagh wjwd dshth bshd khh sbb shwd khwnndgny khS, `shq nwysndh y khS shwnd Irvin D. Yalom
dc80822 O relatie ideala exista numai atunci cand nu este necesara pentru supravietuirea fiecaruia dintre parteneri. Pentru a avea o relatie completa cu altcineva, trebuie sa ai mai intai o relatie cu tine insuti. Daca nu putem cuprinde propria noastra singuratate, il vom folosi, pur si simplu, pe celalalt ca pe un scut impotriva izolarii. Numai atunci cand vei putea trai ca vulturul, fara niciun public, de niciun fel, te vei putea indrepta cu dra.. Irvin D. Yalom
6f5b7d7 mhm nyst khh chh chyzy r bwr dry y my gwyy khh bwr dry, mhm st khh chgwnh zndgy my khny Irvin D. Yalom
da3aa8a O Therbantes rotouse: <> δειλία λογική σοφία συγκατάβαση τρέλα τόλμη Irvin D. Yalom
b9228e6 Death and life are interdependent: though the physicality of death destroys us, the idea of death saves us. Irvin D. Yalom
199976b Freedom is the ultimate concern most central to many existential thinkers. In my understanding, it refers to the idea that, since we all live in a universe without inherent design, we must be the authors of our own lives, choices, and actions. Such freedom generates so much anxiety that many of us embrace gods or dictators to remove the burden. If we are, in Sartre's terms, "the uncontested author" of everything that we have experienced, th.. Irvin D. Yalom
8afebe3 dw shywh mtDd dr rwyrwyy bshr b mrg wjwd drd, bshr y mypywndd y mygsld, y dr khwd jy mydhd y dr hm myamyzd, y br khwdmkhtry khwysh t'khyd mykhnd y mnyt r dr pywstn bh nyrwyy dygr myjwyd. mTmy'nan mnZwr frwm hm z yn jmlh khh nsn y dr arzwy slThpdhyry w T`t st y mshtq qdrt, hmyn bwdh. Irvin D. Yalom
cc473ac Do not create children until one is ready to be a creator and to spawn creators." It is wrong to bear children out of need, wrong to use a child to alleviate loneliness, wrong to provide purpose in life by reproducing another copy of oneself. It is wrong also to seek immortality by spewing one's germ into the future--as though sperm contains your consciousness!" Irvin D. Yalom
73cea3e From both my personal and my professional experience, I had come to believe that the fear of death is always greatest in those who feel that they have not lived their life fully. Irvin D. Yalom
683f663 When you meet someone, you know all about him. On subsequent meetings, you blind yourself to your own wisdom Irvin D. Yalom
813b91c Toda mi vida se ha convertido en un viaje y empiezo a creer que mi unico hogar, el unico lugar familiar al que siempre regreso, es mi enfermedad. hogar viaje vida Irvin D. Yalom
520f2c3 Friendship between therapist and patients is a necessary condition in the process of therapy - necessary, but not, however, sufficient. Psychotherapy is not a substitute for life but a dress rehearsal for life, In other words, though psychotherapy requires a close relationship, the relationship is not an end - it is a means to an end. Irvin D. Yalom
274d4fc aghy z msy'wlyt y`ny aghy z ynkhh khwdmn srnwsht, grftryhy zndgy, Hsst w drntyjh rnjhymn r pdyd awrdhym. Irvin D. Yalom
16eb95c shr wpsyn yn st khh zmn bywqfh rw bh nbwdy st w bwdn b nbwdy dstbhgrybn. Irvin D. Yalom
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