Omul fiind in totalitate parte a naturii, este incorect sa credem ca omul mai degraba tulbura, decat sa respecte ordinea naturii.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Quello che mi colpisce>> disse Ernest <
Irvin D. Yalom |
Za da s'zdadete detsa, p'rvo triabva da ste izgradili sebe si. V protiven sluchai shche se stremite da imate detsa, za da zadovolite zhivotinskite si nuzhdi, zaradi samotata si ili za da zap'lnite prazninata v sebe si. Zadachata vi kato roditel ne e da s'zdadete oshche edin Iozef kato vas, a neshcho po-v'zvisheno. Zadachata vi e da s'zdadete tvorets. ... Brak't ne triabva da e zatvor, a gradina, v koiato se otglezhda neshcho po-visshe.
Irvin D. Yalom |
To live in despair because life is finite or because life has no higher purpose or embedded design is crass ingratitude.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Love between parents begets love for the children.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Impreuna, aceste doua sisteme de convingeri alcatuiesc o dialectica - doua reactii diametral opuse la situatia in care se afla omul. Fiinta umana fie isi declara autonomia prin autoafirmare eroica, fie cauta securitatea prin contopirea cu o forta superioara - cu alte cuvinte, evolueaza sau fuzioneaza, se separa sau se inglobeaza. Se transforma in propriul parinte sau ramane un vesnic copil.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Desi realitatea concreta, fizica, a mortii ne distruge, ideea de moarte ar putea sa ne salveze.
Irvin D. Yalom |
My dear Lou, I, too, have dawns about me, and not painted ones! Something I no longer believed possible, to find a friend for my ultimate happiness and suffering, now seems to me possible--the golden possibility on the horizon of my whole future life. I am moved whenever I so much as think of the bold and rich soul of my dear Lou. F.N.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Si totusi libertatea, vazuta dintr-o perspectiva existentiala, este industructibil legata de anxietate, prin afirmarea ideii ca, in ciuda experientei cotidiene, nu intram si nici nu iesim in cele din urma drintr-un univers bine structurat, cu o menire grandioasa si eterna. Libertatea inseamna ca fiecare este responsabil pentru propriile alegeri si fapte, pentru propria-i situatie de viata.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Analiza regretlor duce mereu discutia intr-o zona mai profunda.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Iata ce-am invatat despre cancer: iti arata ce inseamna o boala incurabila si apoi te azvarle inapoi in lume, in propria ta viata, cu toata placerea si dulceata ei, pe care le simti acum mai mult ca niciodata. Si stii ca ti s-a dat ceva si ti s-a luat ceva.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Liudi, chuvstvuiushchie pustotu, nikogda ne istseliaiutsia, soediniaias' s drugim netselostnym, nepolnym chelovekom.
Irvin D. Yalom |
their breasts swelling into powerful, magical globes--when he was overcome by an extraordinary craving to merge with their bodies, to suckle at their nipples, to slip into their warmth and wetness.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Nadajduiesc la o lume viitoare fara religii, o lume cu o religie universala, in care toata lumea isi foloseste ratiunea pentru a-l cunoaste si a-l slavi pe Dumnezeu. -Asta inseamna ca doresti disparitia iudaismului? -Sfarsitul tuturor traditiilor care se opun dreptului omului de a gandi singur. Franco tacu cateva momente. -Bento, esti atat de categoric, ca ma inspaimanti. Aceasta perspectiva imi taie respiratia, ca traditia noastra ar put..
Irvin D. Yalom |
Caracterul inseamna destin. [...]Caracterul, singur, este insuficient pentru profetii. Exista un alt ingredient fundamental, impredictibil. Cum sa-i spunem? Noroc? Sansa? Intamplarea de a te afla la locul potrivit, la momentul potrivit?
Irvin D. Yalom |
Some believe in the merits of the enterprise and devote their careers to ever greater nosological precision. Others, and among them I include myself, marvel that anyone can take diagnosis seriously, that it can ever be considered more than a simple cluster of symptoms and behavioral traits. Nonetheless, we find ourselves under ever-increasing pressure (from hospitals, insurance companies, governmental agencies) to sum up a person with a dia..
Irvin D. Yalom |
Cocuklugumdan beri yasamin, birbiriyle ayni iki bosluk arasindaki bir kivilcim olduguna inandim: Dogumdan onceki ve olumden sonraki karanliklar arasindaki bir kivilcim.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Bilinc, varolusu kaplayan yari saydam bir zardan ibarettir: Egitimli bir goz bunun arkasini gorebilir; ilkel durtuleri, icguduleri ve guc istemini asil neyin harekete gecirdigini bulabilir.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Patsienty, kak i vse liudi, izvlekaiut pol'zu tol'ko iz tekh istin, kotorye oni otkryvaiut sami.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Cinstea mai presus de toate. Un sceptic convins in toate celelalte privinte, Ernest credea cu o fervoare fundamentalista in forta tamaduitoare a cinstei. Catehismul lui cerea cinste - insa o cinste temperata, selectiva. Si cinste responsabila, plina de grija: cinste in serviciul ingrijirii.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Oamenii se iubesc pe ei insisi daca vad o imagine iubitoare a lor reflectata in ochii cuiva de care le pasa cu adevarat.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Belki de konformizm kavraminin Yahudileri cok kisitlamis olmasindandir; kendilerinin disindaki kaynaklardan gelen zulum bir halki oylesine kaynastirir ki bir tek bireyi bile bunu kirip cikamaz.
Irvin D. Yalom |
I remain convinced that a therapist's judicious self-disclosure facilitates the course of therapy. Love's
Irvin D. Yalom |
In romanul ,,Grednel", John Gardner vorbeste despre un om intelept care isi sintetizeaza meditatiile asupra misterelor vietii in doua postulate simple "Lucrurile pier incet, alternativele exclud". [...] Cel de-al doilea, ,,alternativele exclud", este o cheie importanta pentru a intelege de ce nu e usor sa iei decizii. Decizia presupune invariabil o renuntare: pentru fiecare da trebuie sa existe un nu, fiecare decizie eliminand sau distrugan..
Irvin D. Yalom |
Unul dintre marile paradoxuri ale vietii este acela ca din constiinta de sine decurge o stare de anxietate. Contopirea elimina anxietatea intr-o maniera radicala - prin eliminarea constiintei de sine. Persoana care s-a indragostit si a patruns intr-o stare extatica de contopire cu obiectul dragostei sale nu se mai gandeste la sine, pentru ca stingherul si dilematicul eu (alaturi de angoasa insotitoare a izolarii) se dizolva in noi.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Cand ne mor parintii, ne simtim intodeauna vulnerabili, pentru ca nu ne confruntam doar cu o pierdere, ci si cu propria moarte. Cand devenim orfani, intre noi si mormant nu mai sta nimeni.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Do not pander, patronize, scheme, or strategize," his instincts told him. "Simply go about your business in your usual professional manner." "But"
Irvin D. Yalom |
Ru Guo Cong Wei Xiao De Xi Jie Guan Kan Sheng Ming ,Jiu Hui Fa Xian Ta Duo Mo Huang Miu . Jiu Hao Xiang Yong Xian Wei Jing Guan Cha Yi Di Shui ,Fa Xian Qi Zhong Ji Man Liao Dan Xi Bao Sheng Wu ,Wo Men Hui Chao Xiao Zhe Xie Sheng Wu Ru Ci Ji Qie De Ben Mang , Bi Ci Zheng Dou . Ke Shi ,Ren Lei Zai Duan Zan De Yi Sheng Zhong ,Ye Shi You Zhe Zhong Ke Pa De Huo Dong Xing Cheng Ke Xiao De Jie Guo .
Irvin D. Yalom |
Na apokaluphthei; Ma an apokalupte ton eauto tes, ti tha edeikhne; Den uperkhe tipota mesa tes. Etan adeia. (E lexe <> tha emphanizotan olo kai sukhnotera, oso prokhorouse e therapeia. E psukhologike <> einai mia ennoia pou epanerkhetai, otan blepei kaneis astheneis me diatarakhes diatrophes.)
Irvin D. Yalom |
Okhi!>> eipa ston eauto mou, prospathontas n' apotinaxo auto to sunaisthema. Prophanos auto eikhe sumbei kai stous proegoumenous, eikhan katapontistei mesa ste sugkinese oloi oi proegoumenoi therapeutes pou den mporesan na te boethesoun. Katalaba pos, gia na doulepso me ten Pennu, tha 'prepe na detho sto katarti tes logikes.
Irvin D. Yalom |
I've always regarded therapy more as a calling than a profession, a way of life for people who care about others.
Irvin D. Yalom |
nevivchene zhittia ne varte togo, shchob buti prozhitim
Irvin D. Yalom |
Epi tessera khronia eikhan mia uperokha mustike skhese. (Okhi uperokhe kai mustike alla uperokha mustike, giati e mustikoteta -kai se ligo tha po perissotera pano s' auto- etan o axonas tes prosopikotetas tou Nteeb, guro ap' ton opoio peristrephontan ola ta upoloipa. E mustikoteta ton erethize, ton goeteue, kai sukhna ten kalliergouse me megalo prosopiko kostos. Polles skheseis tou, idios oi skheseis tou me tis duo proen alla kai me te nun ..
Irvin D. Yalom |
Oso ki an m' aresei na kano omadike therapeia, to megethos auto ekhei ena semantiko meionektema gia mena: sukhna den epitrepei ten exereunese bathuteron uparxiakon thematon. Polles phores mesa sten omada paratero me lakhtara kapoio uperokho monopati pou tha mporouse na me odegesei bathutera s' enan anthropo, alla prepei na ikanopoietho me to praktiko (kai pio khresimo) kathekon na kathariso ta diaprosopika agkathia.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Sten arkhe autes oi anadromes, opos kai oi akraies diakumanseis tes diatheses pou tis sunodeuan, emoiazan khaotika, tukhaia sumbanta. Epeita omos apo merikes ebdomades e Mpettu suneidetopoiese pos akolouthousan ena stathero skhema: kathos ekhane baros, anabione ta meizona traumatika e anepiluta gegonota tes zoes tes pou eikhan sumbei otan briskontan se sugkekrimeno somatiko baros. Etsi e katabase tes apo ta ekaton eikosi kila ten ebale se m..
Irvin D. Yalom |
Oi astheneis, opos olos o kosmos, ophelountai perissotero apo mia aletheia pou ten anakaluptoun oi idioi.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Encased in an elaborate illusion of unlimited power and progress, each of us subscribes, at least until one's mid-life crisis, to the belief that existence consists of an eternal, upward spiral of achievement, dependent on will alone. This
Irvin D. Yalom |
Mei Yi Kou Hu Xi ,Du Shi Wo Men Zan Shi Tao Li Bu Duan Chong Ji Wo Men De Si Wang ......Dan Zui Hou Huo Sheng De ,Bi Ran Shi Si Wang ,Yin Wei Cong Chu Sheng Yi Lai ,Si Wang Jiu Shi Wo Men De Ming Yun ,Ta Zhi Shi Zai Tun Shi Lie Wu Zhi Qian Wan Nong Yi Fan . Ke Shi ,Wo Men Que Yi Zhi Dui Sheng Ming Bao Chi Da Liang De Xing Qu He Gua Lu ,Jiu Hao Xiang Jie Jin Suo Neng Di Chui Fei Zao Pao ,Xi Wang Yue Da Yue Hao , Yue Jiu Yue Hao ,Dan Fei Zao ..
Irvin D. Yalom |
Ev kirasini ve kasaba borcunu nasil odeyecegini dusundugun zaman ozgurlugun konusunda pek fazla kaygi duymana firsat kalmiyor.
Irvin D. Yalom |
Tek odevin kendin olmaktir. Guclu ol: Yoksa, buyumek icin hep baskalarini kullanmak zorunda kalirsin
Irvin D. Yalom |
Heidegger spoke of two modes of existence: the everyday mode and the ontological mode. In the everyday mode we are consumed with and distracted by material surroundings - we are filled with wonderment about how things are in the world. In the ontological mode we are focused on being per se - that is, we are filled with wonderment that things are in the world.
Irvin D. Yalom |
dat er een basisindeling is in de wegen van de mens: zij die gemoedsrust en geluk verlangen moeten geloven en het geloof omarmen, terwijl zij die de waarheid willen zoeken van gemoedsrust moeten afzien en hun leven moeten wijden aan onderzoek. [...] U moet kiezen tussen vertroosting en werkelijk onderzoek! Als u de wetenschap kiest, als u verkiest bevrijd te worden uit de ketenen van het bovennatuurlijke, als u, zoals u beweert, verkiest he..
Irvin D. Yalom |
One of the great paradoxes of life is that self-awareness breeds anxiety. Fusion eradicates anxiety in a radical fashion--by eliminating self-awareness. The person who has fallen in love, and entered a blissful state of merger, is not self-reflective because the questioning lonely I (and the attendant anxiety of isolation) dissolve into the we. Thus one sheds anxiety but loses oneself. This is precisely why therapists do not like to treat a..
Irvin D. Yalom |