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Chapter 5
Hebr Wycliffe 5:1  For ech bischop takun of men, is ordeyned for men in these thingis `that ben to God, that he offre yiftis and sacrifices for synnes.
Hebr Wycliffe 5:2  Which may togidere sorewe with hem, that beth vnkunnynge and erren; for also he is enuyrounned with infirmytee.
Hebr Wycliffe 5:3  And therfor he owith, as for the puple, so also for hym silf, to offre for synnes.
Hebr Wycliffe 5:4  Nethir ony man taketh to hym onour, but he that is clepid of God, as Aaron was.
Hebr Wycliffe 5:5  So Crist clarifiede not hym silf, that he were bischop, but he that spak to hym, Thou art my sone, to dai Y gendride thee.
Hebr Wycliffe 5:6  As `in anothere place he seith, Thou art a prest with outen ende, aftir the ordre of Melchisedech.
Hebr Wycliffe 5:7  Which in the daies of his fleisch offride, with greet cry and teeris, preieris and bisechingis to hym that myyte make hym saaf fro deth, and was herd for his reuerence.
Hebr Wycliffe 5:8  And whanne he was Goddis sone, he lernyde obedience of these thingis that be suffride;
Hebr Wycliffe 5:9  and he brouyt to the ende is maad cause of euerlastinge heelthe to alle that obeischen to hym, and is clepid of God a bischop,
Hebr Wycliffe 5:11  Of whom ther is to vs a greet word for to seie, and able to be expowned, for ye ben maad feble to here.
Hebr Wycliffe 5:12  For whanne ye ouyten to be maistris for tyme, eftsoone ye neden that ye be tauyt, whiche ben the lettris of the bigynnyng of Goddis wordis. And ye ben maad thilke, to whiche is nede of mylk, and not sad mete.
Hebr Wycliffe 5:13  For ech that is parcenere of mylk, is with out part of the word of riytwisnesse, for he is a litil child.
Hebr Wycliffe 5:14  But of perfit men is sad mete, of hem that for custom han wittis exercisid to discrecioun of good and of yuel.