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Chapter 1
I Jo OrthJBC 1:1  What was Bereshis (In the Beginning) which we have examined with our ears, which we have seen with our eyes, which we beheld and the hands of us (shluchim) touched: the Dvar HaChayyim!
I Jo OrthJBC 1:2  Indeed the Chayyim Hashem was manifested, and we have seen it and we give solemn edut (testimony) and we proclaim to you the Chayyei Olam which was alongside with HaAv [Yochanan 1:1-4,14] and made hitgalut (appearance of, exposure of in revelation) to us [Shluchim].
I Jo OrthJBC 1:3  What we have seen and we have heard, we proclaim also to you, that you (pl.) also may have devekut (attachment to G-d) with us [Shluchim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] and our devekut (attachment to G-d) is with HaAv and with the Ben HaElohim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.
I Jo OrthJBC 1:4  And these things we [Shluchim] write, that the simcha of us may be made shleimah. WALKING NOT IN SELF-DELUSION BUT IN THE OHR HAOLAM: BET YA'AKOV LEKHU V'NELKHAH B'OHR HASHEM (YESHAYAH 2:5)
I Jo OrthJBC 1:5  And this is the Besuras HaGeulah which we have heard from him and we proclaim to you, that G-d is Ohr (Light), and in him choshech there is not any at all.
I Jo OrthJBC 1:6  If we make the claim that we have devekut with him and in the choshech walk, we speak sheker and are not practicing HaEmes.
I Jo OrthJBC 1:7  But if in the Ohr we walk, as he is in the Ohr, we have hitkhabrut (association, attachment) with one another and the dahm of Yehoshua, HaBen of him, gives us tohorah (purification, cleansing) from kol chet. [Yeshayah 2:5]
I Jo OrthJBC 1:8  If we make the claim that we do not have avon (sin), we cause ourselves to fall under remiyah (deceit, fraud) and HaEmes is not in us. [Mishle 20:9; Yirmeyah 2:35] THE TRUE TASHLIKH (MICHOH 7:19)
I Jo OrthJBC 1:9  If we make vidduy (confession) of chattoteynu (our sins), he is ne'eman (faithful) and tzaddik to grant selicha (forgiveness) of chattoteynu (our sins) and give us tohorah (purification, cleansing) from kol avon. [Devarim 32:4; Tehillim 32:5; 51:2; Mishle 28:13; Michoh 7:18-20]
I Jo OrthJBC 1:10  If we make the claim that we have not committed averos, a shakkeran (liar) we make Him and the dvar of Him is not in us.