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0c1d712 Demasiados secretos son los que llevan a un hombre a la tumba antes de hora. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
594f9f3 I don't like telephones. I like to see people's faces when they speak and for them to see mine." "In your case I'm not sure that's a good idea. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror recently?" "That's your department." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
49329b0 En una ocasion oi comentar a un cliente habitual en la libreria de mi padre que pocas cosas marcan tanto a un lector como el primer libro que realmente se abre camino hasta su corazon. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
2f848ad Con el tiempo, incluso los malos recuerdos se disfrazan de blanco Carlos Ruiz Zafón
f7de228 Aos poucos, assaltou-me a ideia de que atras da capa de cada um daqueles livros se abria um infinito universo por explorar e que, fora daquelas paredes, o mundo deixava que a vida passasse em tardes de futebol e em novelas de radio, satisfeito em ver apenas ate onde vai o seu umbigo e pouco mais. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
d788f1e Certa ocasiao ouvi um cliente habitual da livraria de meu pai comentar que poucas coisas marcam tanto um leitor como o primeiro livro que realmente abre caminho ao seu coracao. As primeiras imagens, o eco dessas palavras que pensamos ter deixado para tras, nos acompanham por toda a vida e esculpem um palacio em nossa memoria [...] ao qual iremos retornar. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
9c9a78d Senti-me rodeado por milhares de paginas abandonadas, de universos e almas sem dono, que se fundiam em um oceano de escuridao enquanto o mundo que palpitava do lado de fora daquelas paredes perdia a memoria sem perceber, dia apos dia, sentindo-se mais sabio quanto mais esquecia. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
a5622ab There I learned that one can forget almost everything in life, beginning with bad smells, and that if there was one thing I aspired to, it was not to die in a place like that. In the low hours--which were most hours--I told myself that if anything was going to get me out of there before an outbreak of tuberculosis did the job, it was literature, and if that pricked anyone's soul, or their balls, they could scratch them with a brick. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
013f841 Have you ever known a woman, David?" "Of course I have. Dozens of them." "I mean in the biblical sense." "As in Mass?" "No, as in bed." "Ah." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
f57491d Even then my only friends were made of paper and ink. At school I had learned to read and write long before the other children. Where my school friends saw notches of ink on incomprehensible pages, I saw light, streets, and people. Words and the mystery of their hidden science fascinated me, and I saw in them a key with which I could unlock a boundless world, a safe haven from that home, those streets, and those troubled days in which even .. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
bf781a4 I had begun to understand that my father was ashamed that others might think him ignorant, a residue from a war which, like all wars, was fought in the name of God and country to make a few men who were already far too powerful when they started it even more powerful. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
051ffc3 A stroke saw him off on All Souls' Night, with a Cuban cigar in his lips and a twenty-five-year-old on his lap. What a way to go. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
d82f79c Escribir es un oficio que se aprende, pero que nadie puede ensenar. El dia que entienda usted lo que eso significa sera cuando empiece a aprender a ser escritor. writing Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b814d72 And how do you see me?" "Like a mystery." "That's the strangest compliment anyone has ever paid me." "It's not a compliment. It's a threat." "What do you mean?" "Mysteries must be solved, one must find out what they hide." "You might be disappointed when you see what's inside." "I might be surprised. And you, too." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
6746c45 I realized how easily you can lose all animosity toward someone you've deemed your enemy as soon as that person stops behaving as such. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
aa6062e I thought about the loneliness that would take hold of me that night when I said good-bye to her, once I had run out of tricks or stories to make her stay with me any longer. I thought about how little I had to offer her and how much I wanted from her. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
f6b681e Lo bueno se hace esperar. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
68be745 Hay peores carceles que las palabras... Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b09f1cf lo que cuenta a veces no es lo que se da, sino lo que se cede. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
bc03458 yrwq lb`D lns 'n tt`qd Hythm zyd@ `n t`qydth l'ssy@ Carlos Ruiz Zafón
08ccd58 Todo navegante que se precie tiene un iceberg en su destino. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
eb0a4d0 Escribir es un oficio que se aprende, pero que nadie puede ensenar. El dia que entienda usted lo que eso significa sera quando empiece a aprender a ser escritor. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
e4b21e6 Se escribe para uno mismo y se reescribe para los demas. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
eda74f3 You know a lot of things, Senor Corelli." "Enough to think that I would like to be better acquainted with you and become your friend. I don't suppose you have many friends. Neither do I. I don't trust people who say they have a lot of friends. It's a sure sign that they don't really know anyone." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
1b59d9d I can't die yet, doctor. Not yet. I have things to do. Afterwards I'll have a whole lifetime in which to die. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
1a08f98 Whether we realize it or not, most of us define ourselves by opposing rather than by favoring something or someone. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
93626be Don't be ashamed of being scared. To be afraid is a sign of common sense. Only complete idiots are not afraid of anything. I read that in a book. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
42ec42c I know you men believe that the size of your stubbornness should match the size of your privates." "Did you also read that in your book?" "No, that wisdom's homemade." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b2cded0 Don't learn how to find excuses for not writing before you learn how to write. That's a privilege of professionals and you have to earn it. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
dd62e63 Every self-respecting persuasive ploy must first appeal to curiosity, then to vanity, and lastly to kindness or remorse. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
96b85d3 It's time to go courting." "Excuse me?" "Courting, or, in scientific terms, time for a kiss and a cuddle. Look here, Sempere, for some strange reason centuries of supposed civilization have brought us to a situation in which one cannot go sidling up to women on street corners or asking them to marry us, just like that. First there has to be courtship." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
a850d0e I'm not sure whether to thank you or report you to the police, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
2db81bc Each day when I said good-bye to her, she asked me if I loved her and I always gave her the same reply. "I'll always love you," I would say. "Always." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
d24fe48 I found a tin of English chocolate biscuits and decided to have some. Half an hour later, my veins pumping with sugar and caffeine, my brain started to work and I had the brilliant idea of beginning the day by complicating my existence even further, if that was possible. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
6f55e05 I looked at her, a broken woman with tears in her eyes, and didn't wish for anything in the world other than the ability to give her back what she'd never had. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
171b257 I hugged her for the last time and looked into her eyes. On the way we had agreed there would be no farewells, no solemn words, no promises to fulfill. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
cd13e53 I'd like you to talk to that someone about me and, through your words, make me live forever. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
8cd4b28 Normally, the more talent one has, the more one doubts it," I said. "And vice versa." "Then I must be quite something," Isabella replied." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
f0f0ebe Despite myself, I could feel my eyes filling with tears and I turned my head so that she couldn't see my face. Isabella turned off the light on the bedside table and stayed there, sitting close to me in the dark, listening to the weeping of a miserable drunk, asking no questions, offering no opinion, offering nothing other than her company and her kindness, until I fell asleep. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
43539c9 I prefer you like this, when you're in a foul mood, because you tell the truth. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
5ff08ff Perhaps part of your problem is that you've been reading the commentators and not the people they were commenting on. A common mistake but fatal when you're trying to learn something, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
7f84f6d Despite myself I was beginning to get used to Isabella's company, to her jibes and to the light she had brought into that house. If things continued this way, my worst fears were going to come true and we'd end up being friends. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
307cecf A man must have vices, expensive ones if possible. Otherwise when he reaches old age he will have nothing to be redeemed from. In fact, I'm going to have one with you, what the hell! Carlos Ruiz Zafón
de4f8f3 She had around her a burning aura of loneliness. Carlos Ruiz Zafón