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4485122 Are you an idiot?' she asked, in perfect Spanish. 'I'm in training,' I admitted. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
3526fdb Don't worry, nothing's going to happen here. Skirmishes, pantomimes, and hypocrisy en masse for a while, that's for certain, but nothing serious. If we're unlucky, some idiot might go too far, but whoever holds the reins won't let anything get out of hand. It wouldn't be worth it. They'll be a fair amount of hullabaloo, but most of it will come to nothing. Records will be broken in the Olympic sport of coat turning and we'll see heroes merg.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
5a5bc10 Setting aside the puppet shows, the only thing that matters is who will be ruling, who will have the keys to the cash register, and how they're going to split up other people's money among themselves. On their way to the booty they'll spruce everything up, which is badly needed. New Scoundrels will appear, new leaders, and a whole choir of jnnocents with no memory will come out into the streets, ready to believe whatever they want or need t.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
5856965 He knew that a civil war is never just one fight, but a tangle of large or small fights bound to one another. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
69e22df Y dicho esto con mas solemnidad de la que probablemente merece la ocasion, mas vale aterrizar a ras de pagina y pedirle al amigo lector que nos acompane al cierre de esta historia y nos ayude a encontrar lo mas dificil para un pobre narrador atrapado en su propio laberinto: la puerta de salida. lectoris Carlos Ruiz Zafón
08d1c6f Hablar es de necios; callar es de cobardes; escuchar es de sabios. escuchar hablar Carlos Ruiz Zafón
5ca8262 Ukski vaart asi siin elus ei ole lihtne, Daniel. Noorena olin arvanud, et kui tahad oma elust monusasti labi purjetada, on tarvis osata kolme asja. Esiteks: korralikult kingapaelu kinni siduda. Teiseks: naitserahvast korralikult lahti riietada. Ja kolmandaks: lugeda iga paev lobu parast paar lehekulge saarasid sonu, mis on kirja pandud oskuslikult ja sisemise polemisega. Arvasin, et mees, kellel on kindel samm, kes oskab kallistada ja moist.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
7155ec2 La comedia nos ensena que la vida no hay que tomarla en serio y la tragedia nos ensena lo que pasa cuando no hacemos caso de lo que la comedia nos ensena --explico Cervantes. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
ae11ad8 Dice el proverbio que un hombre debe caminar mientras todavia tiene piernas, hablar mientras todavia tiene voz y sonar mientras todavia conserva la inocencia, porque tarde o temprano ya no podra mantenerse en pie, ya no tendra aliento y no anhelara mas sueno que la noche eterna del olvido. Con Carlos Ruiz Zafón
0e5836f But you're the man, and you must take the lead." It was all beginning to look pretty grim. "The lead? Me?" "What do you expect? One has to pay some price for being able to piss standing up." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
db3f9f9 That isn't love, it's a fever... At your age it's chemically impossible to tell the difference. Mother Nature brings on these tricks to repopulate the planet by injecting hormones and a raft of idiocies into young people's being so there's enough cannon fodder available for them to reproduce like rabbits and at the same time sacrifice themselves in the names of whatever is parroted by bankers, clerics, and revolutionary visionaries in dire .. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
c05738c Like many men, by then my father was beginning to suspect that he stopped being a young man, and he often revisited the scenes of his early youth, looking for answers to questions he still didn't fully understand. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
78830fb Time, Fernandito realized, always flows at the opposite speed to the needs of the person living through it. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
23d474a Mr. Aguilar belonged to that race of privileged minds who are always right. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
c95fc51 Decent people are killed slowly in this country. Quick deaths are reserved for scoundrels. They kill people like me by ignoring us, shutting all the doors in our faces and pretending we don't exist. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
69b6166 If books spoke, there wouldn't be so many deaf people around the place. What you need to do, Fernandito, is start preventing others from writing your dialogue. Use the head God planted on your neck and write your own script. Life is full of black marketeers eager to stuff their audience's brains with nonsense because that allows them to stay on their high horses and keep the carrot dangling. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b3f3263 Leandro laughed to himself. 'The truth? You and I know such a thing doesn't exist. The truth is an agreement that allows innocent people not to have to cope with reality. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
915c975 He bore that cold and vaguely condescending smile of career servants who, as the years go by, start to believe that their masters' lineage has tinged their own blood blue and granted them the privilege of looking down on others. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
f6d1b82 Estimating that his merits would never earn him a penny or the position he coveted and felt entitled to, he decided to carve out a career for himself, cultivating a click of like-minded chums with home to exchange privileges, excluding those he envied. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
fe67997 Yes, I'm writing and anger and resentment, and I'm ashamed of it, because I no longer know, nor do I care, whether my words are fair or not, whether I'm judging the innocent or whether the fury and the pain that burn me to the core or also blinding me. During these past months I've learned to hate, and it terrifies me to think that I'll die with this bitterness in my heart. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
e12be08 He] taught me many things: how to create a sentence, how to think about language and all its devices as an orchestra and search of a musical score, how to analyze a text and understand how it is constructed and why... He taught me to read and write again, but this time I knew what I was doing, why, and what for. And above all how. He never tired of telling me that in literature there is only one real theme: not what is narrated, but how it .. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
1d0b122 She suspected that the old man hadn't shared that sorrow with anyone, but fate had chosen to send him a stranger resemble the person he had most loved, so that now, when it was too late, when he was no longer of any use to anyone, you could find some comfort by trying to save her and give her an affection that didn't belong to her. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
396540f Most of us mortals never get to know our real destiny; we're just trampled by it. By the time we raise our heads and see it moving off down the road, it's already too late, and we have to walk the rest of the way along the straight and narrow ditch that dreamers call maturity. Hope is no more than the belief that that moment hasn't yet come, that we might still manage to see our real destiny when it draws near and jump on board before the c.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
6eb5dba And what am I to do?" "Well, that depends. Do you like the girl?" "Like her? I don't know. How do you know if...?" "It's very simple. Do you look at her furtively and feel like biting her?" "Biting her?" "On her backside, for example." -- humor like Carlos Ruiz Zafón
1126c66 Had I paused to reflect, I would have understood that my devotion to Clara brought me no more than suffering. Perhaps for that very reason, I adored her all the more, because of the eternal human stupidity of pursuing those who hurt us the most. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
7594dce Nothing makes us believe more than fear, the certainty of being threatened. When we feel like victims, all our actions and beliefs are legitimized, however questionable they may be. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
b918ea8 We think we understand a song's lyrics, but what makes us believe in them, or not, is the music. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
7d00aa4 The headmaster thought he was possessed by the devil because he recited Marx in German during mass." "A clear sign of possession," Fermin agreed." Carlos Ruiz Zafón
7d056a2 Habia querido creer que saldriamos adelante con soplos de miseria y de esperanza. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
fba827e Armee, Ehe, Kirche und Bankwesen: die vier apokalyptischen Reiter. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
71ef3b5 All you have to do is convince the sanctimonious that they are free of all sin and they'll start throwing stones, or bombs, with gusto. In fact, it doesn't take much, because they can be convinced with the bare minimum of encouragement and excuses. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
a9131ac if during one single day, from dawn to dusk, we could see the naked reality of the world, and of ourselves, we would either take our own lives or lose our minds. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
45c77ee Nothing makes us believe more than fear, the certainty of being threatened. When we feel like victims, all our actions and beliefs are legitimized, however questionable they may be. Our opponents, or simply our neighbors, stop sharing common ground with us and become our enemies. We stop being aggressors and become defenders. The envy, greed, or resentment that motivates us becomes sanctified, because we tell ourselves we're acting in self-.. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
500fa14 Ya se que el mundo cambia, pero nunca en lo esencial. world esencial cambio mundo changes Carlos Ruiz Zafón
24a6ca9 Vous avez du poison au coeur, mademoiselle. zafon Carlos Ruiz Zafón
8923a26 The memories we bury under mountains of silence are the ones that never stop haunting us. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
ee2ca45 As life advances and we have to give up the hopes, dreams, and desires of our youth, we acquire a growing sense of being a victim of the world and of other people. There is always someone else to blame for our misfortunes or failures, someone we wish to exclude. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
d502830 No escribe uno acaso para entenderse mejor a si mismo y al mundo? escritura writers Carlos Ruiz Zafón
8721a0c La verdad son las tonterias que dice la gente cuando se cree que sabe algo Carlos Ruiz Zafón
1cbc292 En las batallas perdidas, la ultima defensa es la indiferencia Carlos Ruiz Zafón
65c1fe7 denouement. Carlos Ruiz Zafón
7064298 Esta usted conmigo? ?Hasta ese fin del mundo, que quien no nos dice que pueda estar a la vuelta de la esquina? Carlos Ruiz Zafón
eacce89 El simple acto de respirar era la experiencia mas maravillosa que habia conocido en toda la existencia Carlos Ruiz Zafón
69af6a7 Gehen Sie nicht gern ins Kino, Fermin?" "Im Vertrauen gesagt, mich lasst diese siebte Kunst vollig kalt. Meiner Meinung nach ist das nichts weiter als Nahrung zur Verdummung der verrohten Plebs, schlimmer als Fussball oder Stierkampfe. Der Cinematograph ist entstanden als eine Erfindung zur Unterhaltung der analphabetischen Massen und funfzig Jahren spater hat sich daran nichts geandert"." cinema sarcasm Carlos Ruiz Zafón