wm ldhy t`rfh 'nt? '`rf 'kthr mnk bkthyr fym yt`lq blns w lmsy'l ldnywy@. wkm y`lmn frwyd , flmr'@ trGb b`ks m tfkr bh 'w tw'kd `lyh. w hdh y`ny 'nh l twjd 'y mshkl@ Tlqan , dh tm`n fy l'mr jydan 'm lrjl , km y`lm ljmy` fykhD` ltnbyht jhzh ltnsly w lhDmy
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
And so, under cover of midnight, a couple of Sugus, and the spell of memories that were threatening to disappear in the mist of time, Fermin began to connect the threads that would weave the end and the beginning of our story....
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
S'dbata vinagi se spotaiva toku zad 'g'la. Dosushch kato kradets, prostitutka ili prodavach na lotariini bileti. Onova, koeto s'dbata nikoga ne pravi, sa viziti po domovete. Chovek triabva sam da t'rchi sled neia.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
hl t`rf 'jml m fy lqlwb lmHTm@? nh ttHTm blf`l mr@ wHd@ fqT , wkl m yHl bh b`dy'dh mjrd khdwsh
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
l shy qdr `l~ lt'thyr fy lqr~ 'kthr mn lktb l'wl ldhy yms qlbh Hqan
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
In my world death was like a nameless and incomprehensible hand, a door-to-door salesman who took away mothers, beggars, or ninety-year-old neighbors, like a hellish lottery. But I couldn't absorb the idea that death could actually walk by my side, with a human face and a heart that was poisoned with hatred, that death could be dressed in a uniform or raincoat, queue up at the cinema, laugh in bars, or take his children out for a walk to Ci..
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Tras somera inspeccion, Jorge de Leon dictamino que el cuaderno habia sido compuesto en una lengua ajena a la cristiandad y ordeno que sus hombres fueran a buscar a un impresor llamado Raimundo de Sempere que tenia un modesto taller junto al portal de Santa Ana y que, habiendo viajado en su juventud, conocia mas lenguas de las que eran aconsejables para un cristiano de bien.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Television, my dear Daniel, is the Antichrist, and I can assure you that after only three or four generations, people will no longer even know how to fart on their own and humans will return to living in caves, to medieval savagery, and to the general state of imbecility that slugs overcame back in the Pleistocene era. Our world will not die as a result of the bomb, as the papers say, it will die of laughter, of banality, of making a joke o..
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
For me those enchanted pages will always be the ones I found among the passageways of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
I threw up my breakfast, my dinner, and a good amount of the anger I was carrying with me.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
I let the remainder of the morning drift by between the alchemy of the music and the perfume of books,
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
n 'fDl Tryq@ ltfdy tmrd lfqr, hy lsmH lhm btqlyd l'Gny
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
nHn nw'ss frDytn `l~ nmym@ rdyy'@ , f`ndm ySf ljmy` 'Hdan `l~ 'nh Gwl , fhnk Htmln : m 'nh qdys 'w nhm yzyfwn lHky@
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
'm lrjl, km y`lm ljmy` , ykhD` ltnbyht jhzh ltnsly wlhDmy
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
man is a social animal, characterized by cronyism, nepotism, corruption, and gossip. That's the intrinsic blueprint for our 'ethical behavior,'" he argued. "It's pure biology."
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
In this manner, secretly, ....let the years go by, silencing their hearts and souls to the point where, from so much keeping quiet, they forgot the words with which to express their real feelings and became strangers...
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Like the good ape he is, man is a social animal, characterized by cronyism, nepotism, corruption and gossip.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
A secret's worth depends on the people from whom it must be kept.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
There are worse prisons than words.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
Coincidences are the scars of fate.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |
There's no such thing as dead languages, only dormant minds.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón |