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Chapter 8
I Co Etheridg 8:1  RESPECTING the sacrifices of idols, we know that in all of us there is knowledge; and knowledge inflateth, but love buildeth up.
I Co Etheridg 8:2  But if a man think that he knows any thing, he knows nothing yet as it behoves him to know:
I Co Etheridg 8:3  but if a man love Aloha, this (one) is acknowledged of him.
I Co Etheridg 8:4  Concerning the meat of the sacrifices of idols, then, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one.
I Co Etheridg 8:5  For there are also who are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, as that there are gods many and lords many:
I Co Etheridg 8:6  but to us our One is Aloha the Father, of whom are all, and we in him; and one Lord Jeshu Meshiha, by whom are all, and we by him.
I Co Etheridg 8:7  But not in every man is this knowledge; for there are some who in their conscience until now (believe) that, with respect to idols, as of that which hath been sacrificed we eat. And because of weakness their conscience is defiled.
I Co Etheridg 8:8  But meat doth not bring us nigh to Aloha. For if we eat, we excel not; nor if we eat not, are we deficient.
I Co Etheridg 8:9  But beware that this your power become not a stumbling-block to the infirm ones.
I Co Etheridg 8:10  For if a man shall see thee in whom is knowledge reclining in the house of idols, will not his conscience, because he is weak, be confirmed to eat that which is sacrificed,
I Co Etheridg 8:11  and he will perish through thy knowledge? he who is weak, and on account of whom the Meshiha died.
I Co Etheridg 8:12  And if so you transgress against your brethren, and wound their weak consciences, do you not transgress against the Meshiha?
I Co Etheridg 8:13  On this account, if meat cause my brother to stumble, I will never (more) eat flesh, that I may not cause my brother to stumble.