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Chapter 6
Mica AB 6:1  Hear now a word: the Lord God has said; Arise, plead with the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice.
Mica AB 6:2  Hear, O you mountains, the controversy of the Lord, and you valleys; even the foundations of the earth: for the Lord has a controversy with His people, and will plead with Israel.
Mica AB 6:3  O My people, what have I done to you? Or wherein have I grieved you? Or wherein have I troubled you? Answer Me.
Mica AB 6:4  For I brought you up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, and sent before you Moses, and Aaron, and Miriam.
Mica AB 6:5  O My people, remember now, what counsel Balak king of Moab took against you, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him, from the reeds to Gilgal; that the righteousness of the Lord might be known.
Mica AB 6:6  With what shall I reach the Lord, and lay hold of my God most high? Shall I reach Him by whole burnt offerings, by calves of a year old?
Mica AB 6:7  Will the Lord accept thousands of rams, or ten thousands of fat goats? Should I give my first born for ungodliness, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
Mica AB 6:8  Has it not been told you, O man, what is good? Or what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and love mercy, and be ready to walk with the Lord your God?
Mica AB 6:9  The Lord's voice shall be proclaimed in the city, and He shall save those that fear His name: hear, O tribe; and who shall order the city?
Mica AB 6:10  Is there not fire, and the house of the wicked heaping up wicked treasures, and that with the pride of unrighteousness?
Mica AB 6:11  Shall the wicked be justified by the balanced, or deceitful weights in the bag,
Mica AB 6:12  whereby they have accumulated their ungodly wealth, and they that dwell in the city have uttered falsehoods, and their tongue has been exalted in their mouth?
Mica AB 6:13  Therefore will I begin to smite you; I will destroy you in your sins.
Mica AB 6:14  You shall eat, and shall not be satisfied; and there shall be darkness upon you; and he shall depart from you, and you shall not escape; and all that shall escape shall be delivered over to the sword.
Mica AB 6:15  You shall sow, but you shall not reap; you shall press the olive, but you shall not anoint yourself with oil; and shall make wine, but you shall drink no wine: and the ordinances of My people shall be utterly abolished.
Mica AB 6:16  For you have kept the statues of Omri, and done all the works of the house of Ahab; and you have walked in their ways, that I might deliver you to utter destruction, and those that inhabit the city to hissing: and you shall bear the reproach of nations.