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59e4cae Do you have a finger stick?" she snapped. "No." "Then let me cut your finger." "You're already bleeding," I said. "Use your blood." Kim Harrison
09e23ef Small steps could make large journeys, if admittedly very slow ones. Kim Harrison
6dd25cf That was the extent of our relationship, but I knew he used me to keep Were women from insinuating themselves into his life. My gaze landed on the fat little black book beside his phone. Apparently that didn't slow him down when it came to dating. Dang, he needed a rubber band to keep the thing shut. Kim Harrison
a62d907 I could not believe this. I was going to be hacked to shreds to the accompaniment of applause. Kim Harrison
5d69280 We all watched Al open the door. Turning, he waved to us, then passed the threshold. The door shut behind him. I waited for something to happen. Nothing did. "This isn't good," Quen said. I choked back my burst of laughter, knowing it would come out sounding hysterical." Kim Harrison
33571c7 Who's going to keep them from wiping us out species by species? Not me. We aren't prepared for a new demographic of magic-using humans who are sadistic, power hungry, don't like Inderlanders, and see genocide as an acceptable form of communication. Kim Harrison
e955aa1 The demon had trouble remembering what she was doing, but she was powerful, sort of the crazy Wendy of the lost lord-of-the-flies boys. Kim Harrison
181a34c Trent looked me up and down. "Is that all you're going to do?" My pulse quickened, and I gazed at the front of the basilica where the scratching was coming from. "I might have a snack later if nothing comes through those doors." Kim Harrison
2f4143e And L-M-N-O-P is not one letter, but five. It took me forever to figure that out. Kim Harrison
77c8e30 We're going to swim it." I flipped forward a few pages. "Underwater." Jenks blinked. "Rache, you gotta stop using that sugar substitute.Under the water? Do you know how cold it is?" Kim Harrison
399f563 Slicker than snot on a door handle. paranormal vampires witches Kim Harrison
2d4d9ac Newt had said I loved Ivy more than the church. I wasn't going to deny it, but there were all kinds of love, and how shallow would I be if my anchor to reality was a hunk of real estate? It was the people who were there that made it mean something. Kim Harrison
2cc4611 I'll go through my Christmas card list," Trent said," Kim Harrison
ef220c2 I would have sworn fairies were too big to fit into a frog's mouth. Kim Harrison
7950eb5 I handed it over, and Jenks stumbled at the weight. His head thunked into the wall of the narrow hallway. "Bloody hell!" he exclaimed, crashing into the opposite wall when he overcompensated. "I'm all right!" he said quickly, waving off any help. "I'm all right. Sweet mother of Tink, the damn walls are so close! It's like walking in a freaking anthill." Kim Harrison
8113bcd And I might collapse from the cold anyway. How do you stand it, Rache? Tink's titties, I think parts of me fell off. Kim Harrison
40232f7 I snorted, pulling myself in and already knowing what Jenks thought pixies did first best. And it wasn't saving my ass like he told everyone. Kim Harrison
90d2c2b The memory of him tracing the lines of my face filled me. I remembered the touch of his sensitive fingers, following my jawline, running down my neck to follow the curves of my body. I remembered his warmth, his laughter, and his eyes sparkling when I twisted a phrase to mean something entirely new and naughty. I remembered the way he made me feel needed, appreciated for who and what I was, never having to apologize for it, and the contentm.. Kim Harrison
127b749 A tear slipped from under my eyelid at Ivy's loneliness, her need for emotional reassurance, and her frustrations that though I could understand what she wanted, I was afraid to find out if I had the capacity to meet her halfway, to trust her. And my breath caught when she wiped the moisture away with a careful finger, unaware that it was for her. Kim Harrison
9acb07a It takes an incredibly strong person to walk away from someone they love," Jenks said, holding up two fingers as if making a list. "Especially knowing they will do something asinine, like shopping when their blood count is so low they ought to be in the hospital. You should give her credit for respecting you like that." Kim Harrison
2c6daa7 What a slug's ass. If he doesn't go to the hospital and die on paper, then we have a dead vamp to explain and will be brought up on insurance fraud. Rache, I'm too pretty to go to jail! Kim Harrison
a609f44 Ivy still had her tree up in the living room, and we exchanged presents when we felt like it, not on a specific date. Usually that was about an hour after I got back from shopping. Delayed gratification was Ivy's thing, not mine. Kim Harrison
c2b0052 I didn't move, numb as Al sidled up alongside me and together we eyed Pierce, nervous under our combined scrutiny. "If you give him a body," he said lightly, "I will kill him." I looked at Al. His eyes didn't look strange anymore, and it scared me. "I don't know that curse," I said blandly." Kim Harrison
724a9a2 I'd said thank you. And apologized. It was more than I thought I'd ever do. "You're welcome," he said, his expression lost in the shadows. "I'll see what I can do about the no lying... thing." And inclining his head, he vanished." Kim Harrison
103f0d4 I'm heir to madness. Vessel of perversion. Your nightmare should you cross me." Daryl's chin lifted, trembling. "Indeed. We might be sisters then, for I'm the same." Kim Harrison
e584be2 Nina looked up, her eyes fixing on mine with such ferocity I could almost see the undead vampire in them. "There is something under here," she said, and I shivered. "Yeah, we know, dirt nap," Jenks said. "Rachel already told us." jenks Kim Harrison
e24408f Ms. Vampire Lady, you're all wet. sharps Kim Harrison
4eb7d0b Trent had been ready to kill that man to protect me. I had seen it in his eyes. I was damn sure I wasn't comfortable with that--not when I knew how badly he wanted to differentiate himself from his father. relationships-love trent Kim Harrison
7101619 Ivy rose to rinse the carafe. She leaned close to me, running the water to blur her words as she muttered, "What's wrong with her? She's crying over her tea." Kim Harrison
0e12eee His eyes went past us to his kids as they descended upon the mouse, who had finally made a dash for the living room and found itself in its own personal hell. Kim Harrison
f720634 Tom is trying to tag a banshee? By himself? Go for it, coffin bait. Kim Harrison
9767bf9 Holy dust," I murmured, looking for it among the clutter. Jenks's wings hummed and he dropped to hover over the envelope that I'd gathered from the slats under my bed, the only place the pixies didn't clean. It was on sanctified ground, so I figured it was holy enough. And God knew my bed hadn't seen any action lately." Kim Harrison
890262d I jumped at him with a howl, and Al grabbed me by the neck. I clawed at him, and he casually thunked my head into the wall. Kim Harrison
5c1fc1f She's a wolf. Get it right, crap for brains. Tink's knickers, you have got to be the stupidest lunker I've ever lit on. Kim Harrison
d134932 There was a sharp crack of splintering paneling, and Newt swore colorfully in Latin. Kim Harrison
c0e8293 I can get us a body," Ivy said" Kim Harrison
dd5d8de Brooke, I'm already gone. The only reason I tried to get away from you boneheads earlier was because I wanted a couple of hours to see the sights before I headed home. Crooked Street maybe. Or Treasure Island. That sweet little bridge you're all so fond of. I can't say I like the Alcatraz tour, though. It's a little too realistic. Kim Harrison
685af63 Ivy wanted to do something for me, and if she couldn't give me a hug without her blood lust tainting it, then by God I would let her put that gunk under my eye. Kim Harrison
1643c9e It's going to be all right. You're going to be all right. She's going to leave. You don't have to worry about her again. I won't let any vampire hurt you. I can do this. I'll stay big, and make sure no one hurts you again. It'll be okay. I'll make sure you're safe. Kim Harrison
8c27642 If Jenks and she were to be believed, I structured my life to be as horrific as possible to have fun in bed, but having Ivy mad at me might be too much for even me right now. Kim Harrison
091957e My pulse slowed, and as Jenks charmed the ladies behind the counter into flustered goo, I tried to look cool and professional among the plastic toys and paper hats. It wasn't going to happen, so I tried for dangerous. I think I managed cranky... Kim Harrison
d8489d6 So that's why Ivy always used canvas bags . It wasn't because she was especially eco-minded. They were quiet. Kim Harrison
bbc1fa0 Pierce truly was a black witch. He had tried to kill with magic. It didn't matter if the charm was white, black, or polka dotted with silver sparkles. Kim Harrison
36009f3 Jenks snorted, crumpling up the empty bag and throwing it away. "You can help Rachel by dropping dead." "That's still an option," said Ivy." Kim Harrison