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75d5c0a Silas straightened in his seat, clearly uneasy. "This is so bad for my asthma," he said, the familiar phrase coming from him startling her." Kim Harrison
dc8c4d6 Rachel, you are one crazy bitch. But I like you. Your loyalty impresses me. It makes putting up with the rest of your crap worth it. Kim Harrison
9746631 Easy," Trent said when I stiffened, and he lifted my chin, reading the strain I'd lived with for the last few hours, the fear. "Why is it harder when those we love are in danger than when it's just us?" he whispered, and I blinked fast. I wasn't going to cry, damn it. I wasn't!" Kim Harrison
27a1ac1 He had tried to smile, but it was broken. Kim Harrison
5af71e5 I was broken, but I wasn't done. Kim Harrison
4a29575 Mistakes can be fixed but if you do it more than once, it's no longer a mistake. Kim Harrison
7c82af6 Justice's wheels were greased with paper and fueled by quick feet on the streets. Kim Harrison
8b56a4d To the only man I'd make butterscotch pudding for Kim Harrison
ad15b8f Orange blossom honey is the boss Kim Harrison
f3e80f5 The woman could stomp like an elephant,' [...] 'Quen threatened to smack her.' 'Yes, thrash her,' Al said, slumping back against the wall. 'But she always had my coffee and toast to distract me.' His expression became serious. 'You cannot thrash the person who makes you coffee. It's a rule somewhere. Kim Harrison
1908f31 Most people," he said, "are desperate to be needed. And if they don't feel good about themselves or think they're undeserving of love, some will fasten upon the worst possible way to satisfy that need to punish themselves. They're the addicts, the shadows both claimed and unclaimed, passed like the fawning sheep they make themselves into as they search for a glimmer of worth, knowing it's false even as they beg for it. Yes, it is ugly. And .. Kim Harrison
c6596db You're moved by love. That means everything. Take it from one who's lost all and then gained more. Kim Harrison
03b8043 His mind seemed to expand as time became malleable, and with a sudden pop he could almost feel the world reset with a crystalline clarity of lost chances. Kim Harrison
b9baa63 To be able to show someone that, yes, you are someone worth sacrificing for? That you like them for their faults and that you respect them for their ability to rise above them? Kim Harrison
59be195 Success at work. Having fun doing it. Caring for someone and supporting their interests because you like to see them happy. Having them care about and support yours simply because they want to see you happy. Kim Harrison
dec546e Half of it was meticulously arranged as an office with her computer - faster and more powerful than an industrial-sized package of laxative - color-coded files, maps and the markers she used to organize her runs. The other half of the table was mine and empty. I wish I could say it was neatness, but when I had a run, I ran it. I didn't analyze it to death. Kim Harrison
8e3ad24 You've been nothing but a pain in the ass," she said as she grabbed her purse, just about the only thing she had since we'd kidnapped her. "No wonder Rachel doesn't like you. I don't like you, and I like everyone." Kim Harrison
06997ed Latte grande, double espresso, Italian blend. Light on the froth, extra cinnamon. Use whole milk. Not two percent or half-and-half. Whole milk. Put it in porcelain. Kim Harrison
5e337f5 Shades of gray, I thought, knowing I was slipping into places I had vowed I'd never go. Kim Harrison
edd07b4 Good rice sticks together, Kim Harrison
07e92eb Shit," Ku'Sox said speculatively, and he loosened his grip until my heels dragged on the floor again. "I've heard that several times now. Is that the word of choice? I do so like all-encompassing words. Verb, adjective, noun. Yes, you are shitted." Kim Harrison
78b069f grande latte, double espresso, Italian blend, light on the froth, heavy on the cinnamon, with a shot of raspberry? Kim Harrison
1a0e514 The I.S. didn't teach its runners how to deal with this. Runners were runners, not murder investigators. They brought their tags in alive, even the dead ones. Kim Harrison
40659d5 I want to love someone. I think I might already. Kim Harrison
f962b39 Demons are coming, Vivian. They're finding ways around the rules. The genetic checks and balances have been broken, and the demon genome is going to repair itself. We're going to become who we were. Maybe not this generation, maybe not the next, but when it happens, the witches can either be ready, or they can be pixies being eaten by giant birds. pale-demon rachel-morgan Kim Harrison
93c5ef0 If they could swing it, most parents visited during meals to try to make their child's hospital room into a piece of the familiar by eating with them, and the kids--without exception--were too kind to tell them it only made home look that much farther away. Kim Harrison
1de12d2 Never hide who you are, Kim Harrison
80c2bd1 It took everything I had to pull from his lips, and even as I did, I felt a new desire layering itself over the old, soaking in where it would linger in my thoughts. Kim Harrison
6918927 He cut a nice figure as he stood before them, so intent on his choice that he didn't realize I was rating his backside: 9.5 out of 10. I took the.5 off for most of his physique being hidden behind a business suit that cost more than some cars. I'd gotten another yummy look at him last night when he took off his jacket after everyone went home. The man had a very strong back. Why he kept it hidden behind that jacket was both a mystery and a .. Kim Harrison
fdd3764 Witch!" a resonant voice echoed, and I tossed my hair aside, taking in the robed figure in the threshold. "Why, by Cormel's gonads, does my coffee taste like dandelions!" Kim Harrison
033a426 Pulse fast, I headed for the hall, a gallon of salsa on my hip, a tomato in my hand, and a pixy on my shoulder. Yeah, we bad. Kim Harrison
ef0e1cb Trent dropped his head for an instant, then pulled it up to me. "You aren't a demon practitioner?" he asked as we took the first steps up. I put a hand to my stomach, wondering if this day could get any worse. "No, but they seem to practice me." Kim Harrison
dfe4729 Humanity had steadfastly kept control of the mail system, and even Piscary would think twice about leaning on an overworked employee who might snap and go postal. There were some things even a vampire wouldn't mess with. Kim Harrison
87e1e4c Quen said. "Listen before you draw your battle lines, lest you alienate your allies." Kim Harrison
125041a This was weird, civilized.Yes, I've come to rob you, sir. / How delightful; won't you have some tea before you do? Kim Harrison
859ef78 Grim-faced, Jenks shouted, "What are you waiting for, Ivy? God to say go?" Kim Harrison
91a4693 Oh God. Kisten.What would he say if he knew Ivy had bitten me? "I told you so," or maybe "My turn"?" Kim Harrison
b9bb4b9 Look," I said, my finger jabbing out to point at him. "I don't like you. Jenks doesn't like you. And Ivy wants to eat you. Start talking." Kim Harrison
beaff61 Originally the arrangement had been to keep me from running into assassins at the store and creating a new meaning to the phrase "cleanup in aisle three." Kim Harrison
69808c5 a gardener in a savage Eden, Kim Harrison
fda949a I was alive, damn it, not just existing, and everyone would know. Kim Harrison
a883d1f I don't want to live not remembering why I love. (Ivy Tamwood) Kim Harrison
88445e1 You want some advice?" he asked. "No." "Good. Listen anyway. Looks to me like you've become the leader here. Accept it. Know it comes with a price. People will be doing things for you. Don't be selfish. Let them." Kim Harrison
34eb241 The blood drained from my face, and I pulled out of his reach. "No." If Ford put me under, I had no idea what might come out." Kim Harrison