Nina sniffed, shifting her shoulders to look at the sky through the branches. "She's a sweet girl, but poor." Ire pricked through me, and the last of his charisma shredded. "Being poor is not an indication of potential or worth. It's a lack of resources."
Kim Harrison |
Oh, God, I'm going to be a hundred and sixty with a flower on my ass.
Kim Harrison |
Ceri," I said softly. "Why didn't you tell me?" Her vivid green eyes met mine. "I thought you'd be angry," she said with desperate worry. "Rachel, it's the only way I can get rid of it." My lips parted. "You don't want it?" Ceri's expression blanked. She stared wonderingly at me for a moment. "What are we talking about?" she asked cautiously. "Your baby!" Her mouth dropped open and she flushed scarlet."
Kim Harrison |
I thought about all the times I had brought in black witches, pitying them for their foolishness, telling myself demons were dangerous, manipulating bastards who you couldn't beat. But I wasn't trying to beat them, I was trying to join them...apparently.
Kim Harrison |
Taking a breath, I stepped into the line to find him standing right where I'd left him, smiling with his hand extended. (Rachel and Al)
Kim Harrison |
Listen before you draw your battle lines, lest you alienate your allies.
Kim Harrison |
Sha na tay, sha na tay," he said, his voice becoming more sure as he chanted it, seeking the attention of the Goddess that he was reluctantly beginning to believe in. He'd seen too much not to. His pulse quickened, an awareness seemed to touch on him-- one eye among thousands idly turning his way. The line was all around him, and dizzy with it, he let it fill his chi. And when he was sure he had the Goddess's attention, he reached for Rache..
Kim Harrison |
Curfew was in effect, so of course everyone not human was outside dodging cops.
Kim Harrison |
Have any of your clients died?" Ford asked. "Someone you were trying to help?" "Brett," Jenks said. "Peter?" I blurted out. But the amulet went a negative gray. "Nick," Jenks said nastily, and the color on the metal disk became a violent shade of purple. Ford blinked, trying to divorce himself from the hate. "I'd say no," he whispered."
Kim Harrison |
I'd rather judge a person on why they make the choices they do rather than the cold facts of what they choose.
Kim Harrison |
Oh, Trent and I go back a long way," I said lightly, twirling a curl of my hair about my finger and remembering its new shortness. "We met at camp as children. Sort of romantic when you think about it." I smiled at Trent's suddenly blank look."
Kim Harrison |
Pixy dust thickened to make my eyes water, but after the loud complaints and muttered disappointment, the Disney nightmare subsided as quickly as it had come.
Kim Harrison |
Skimmer's and my relationship was probably going to nosedive like a brick with wings.
Kim Harrison |
I plucked at my salt-stained shirt and tried to find an air of nonchalance as I prepared to introduce His Most Holy Pain in the Ass to Miss Elf Princess.
Kim Harrison |
I like where I live," he said, landing behind the side pocket in his best Peter Pan pose. "You two women are too flaky to put my family in your hands. Just ask anyone here. They'd agree with me!" Ivy huffed and turned her back on him, muttering under her breath, but I could tell she was relieved her new landlord wasn't her mom."
Kim Harrison |
I don't want easy anymore. It's worthless and the shine doesn't last.
Kim Harrison |
If you do it once, it's a mistake. If you do it twice, it's not a mistake anymore.
Kim Harrison |
Yeah, well, if he tries, I'm going to burn his office down to his red stapler.
Kim Harrison |
He's my bodyguard," I said tightly. "You know that. I don't trust you. I should walk away from this, but I'm here, and I'm going to take a look. He stays. Got a problem, take it up with my mom."
Kim Harrison |
Oh, my God, when Ivy got it wrong, she really got it wrong. I didn't need a boyfriend. I had all the drama I could stand right here.
Kim Harrison |
The tight sound of Jenks's wings prompted a flurry of motion, and I watched Bis jam the wad of paper into his mouth and Belle yank a hand of homemade cards from under her leg. Bis suddenly had a hand of cards, too--looking tiny in his craggy fist--and I rolled my eyes when he threw a card down on the pile as Jenks flew in.
Kim Harrison |
Suddenly I felt vastly underdressed. Hell, even the woman dressed down as a hobo had diamonds on.
Kim Harrison |
Eloy turned to her, his lip curling when he saw her face, but I hadn't won anything in our verbal pissing match. "Can we please have some blood?" Winona awkwardly flipped him off with her thick fingers, and I almost applauded."
Kim Harrison |
Listen to me, you broken-fanged, moss-wiped excuse for a back-drafted blood bag!" Jenks said, a silver-edged red dust slipping from him." --
Kim Harrison |
I trusted him, even with my soul. And he isn't meant for me.
Kim Harrison |
Not alone, echoed in my mind. Go. I'll bring you back. (Ford to Rachel)
Kim Harrison |
Tighter than a straight man's butt cheeks in prison
Kim Harrison |
Tension pulled my shoulders tight, and I prayed my conversation skills were better than my magic.
Kim Harrison |
You weak-willed, jealous sack of vampire spit.
Kim Harrison |
I wanted it, then felt guilty for wanting water when my friends were going to kill each other.
Kim Harrison |
That's all kids want to know--that you love them.
Kim Harrison |
Shove it up your ass and make a breath mint out of it!
Kim Harrison |
Jenks, deep into his honey drunk, gyrated wildly.
Kim Harrison |
Did I ever tell you about the time I was working for the I.S. to help feed my family? Matalina had just had another set of quads and things were looking ugly. I had to take a job for hazard pay to babysit this witch no one else would touch." - Jenks"
Kim Harrison |
Anyone ever tell you that you look like an orange in that jumpsuit? Auntie Lenore? More like Auntie Clementine.
Kim Harrison |
What did I care what some guy in brown shorts thought? Even if he wore the uniform very well. Damn, where did they go to hire these guys? The gym?
Kim Harrison |
Trent's expression became empty, and I pulled away, hating myself. "Please don't close up," I begged, but his hands had fallen away, and I took them in my own. "Talk to me."
Kim Harrison |
Come on, Rachel!" Jenks shrilled. ou're a badass, not a bad witch!"
Kim Harrison |
Rachel... I can still smell me thick on you. You're like a big chocolate-chip cookie sitting all alone on an empty table. And when you get all agitated, it's as if you just came out of the oven, all warm and gooey. I haven't had a cookie in three years. Could you just calm down so you don't smell so damn good?
Kim Harrison |
I really didn't have a choice. It wasn't as if Kotex made a pad for this kind of a thing.
Kim Harrison |
I can smell her all over you. You need some help taming her? Let me break her in for you.
Kim Harrison |
You're good with people, and all I know how to do is give good neck.
Kim Harrison |
It smelled like sex and dog in here. But mostly it smelled like sex.
Kim Harrison |
There might be a charm in the black arts section of the library, but black earth magic used nasty ingredients--like indispensable people parts--and I wasn't going to go there.
Kim Harrison |