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c04bcd1 Apparently their numerous tattoos gave them protection against the cold as they had no coats. Kim Harrison
da56f41 Al pulled me into him, and numb, I felt his arm curve possessively about my waist. "Too late," he whispered, his breath shifting the hair about my ear, and we jumped." Kim Harrison
a22fd0f The small gargoyle had gone entirely white to match the ceiling, and only the rims of his ears, his long clawlike nails, and a thick stripe down his whip-like tail were still gray. He was crawling along the ceiling like a bat, wings held to make sharp angles and claws extended. It just about broke my creepy meter. Kim Harrison
a3a5d56 I have to save the world tomorrow, and I don't even know what I'm going to wear yet. Kim Harrison
4a28314 You're big enough to bite now, mosquito, so shut up. Kim Harrison
f63b5e9 Rachel, we've been over this. This is what I do," he said, crumbs of whiten cheese falling from the knife. "Find a way for your lofty, unrealistic ideals to deal with it." Kim Harrison
02c5910 I opine you wouldn't know help if it smacked you in the face. Stubborn, bullheaded, wild fey thing of a woman." - Pierce" Kim Harrison
451b330 Ku'Sox was indeed a demon. In. The. Sun. I needed answers, but I wanted them from Al, not...Cute Socks here. Kim Harrison
4644ef4 I didn't kill Francis," I said. "He managed that all by himself. And Lee was dragged off by a demon he summoned. Nick went over a bridge." Mrs. Sarong's smile widened, and she patted my hand again. "Very well done on the last one," she said, glancing at her daughter. "Leaving an old boyfriend to clutter future relationships is investing in trouble." Kim Harrison
3eeec21 I felt sick. Buying Kisten's and my safety from Piscary was so wrong. But it was either that or deal with a demon, and I'd rather keep my soul clean and let my morals get dingy. Kim Harrison
11c588c He didn't want Lucy to grow up feeling alone, surrounded by everything and having nothing. into-the-woods lucy sentimental trent-kalamack Kim Harrison
1378789 And I can't read your mind either, just your face. Kim Harrison
b9abc68 Rache," he said, trying to get into my line of sight. "What more do you need? God to send a telegram?" (Jenks)" Kim Harrison
3b88813 I thought Trent should get over his pixy paranoia and admit he had an eerie attraction to them, like every other pure-blood elf I'd met. So he liked pixies. I liked double-crunch ice cream, but you didn't see me avoiding it in the grocery store. Kim Harrison
c7f0b85 I pushed him back with a finger. "Your accent stinks. Go away until you get it right." Kim Harrison
a963087 It's not an important case, and you'll have to wait, he said. I'm busy. Is there anything else you want to bitch about? - Minias Kim Harrison
a8da00c HAPA was like mint. You could rip it up, and six months later, it was back, healthier than ever. Mint smelled better, though, and you could make juleps out of it. I don't know what I could make out of HAPA. Compost, maybe. Kim Harrison
6e41412 You have the right to remain silent, but I doubt you will. You have the right to an attorney, which I imagine Quen will be calling soon. If you can't afford one, hell has frozen over and I'm the princess of Oz, but in that case, one will be appointed to you. You understand your rights that the entire congregation of Cincy's finest has heard me recite? Kim Harrison
e9ccbcd I took a breath, seeing from across the room the rain on his eyelashes. A sudden need to brush them free filled me. I could almost feel the dampness of the rain on my fingers, how soft it would feel. Kim Harrison
ef12ff1 Ford put a hand to his head. "Back up. Back up!" he cried. "You're too close." Heart pounding, I looked at the eight feet between us and pressed into the fridge. "I think he meant for the ghost to back up," Jenks said dryly." Kim Harrison
a45d13e Actually," I said, hesitant to bring it up, "I was thinking along the lines of a curse that can turn you human." "Or witch?" Ivy said, surprising me. There was a soft vulnerability in her and I blinked. "You don't want to be a witch," I said quickly. "Why not? You are." Kim Harrison
16e5b56 Uh, guys?" Jenks said, hovering at the window. "Fountain Square is on fire." "What?" I jumped to my feet and turned in one motion. Al rushed to the window, and we pressed our foreheads to the glass, looking down." Kim Harrison
53f65f3 Where did he go!" he bellowed, gloved hands clenching. "I had him in a snare that would take Alexander the Great a lifetime to untwist, and he did it in a week!" Al took a step, pinwheeling as his booted heel found an ice cube." Kim Harrison
bb03396 I'm telling you, Ivy, this is the best thing to happen to her since that boy band she liked got run over by a pack of migrating deer. Look how relaxed she is. Better than a spa day. Kim Harrison
f83825e Hey!" I exclaimed, seeing the total. "They're charging me retail. Glenn!" I complained. "They can't do that." I shook it at him. "I shouldn't have to pay retail!" "What did you expect? You can keep that. It's your copy." I sat back in a huff and shoved it in my bag with my sticky scarf as he typed his slow, painful way through my report. "Where's this human compassion I keep hearing about?" "That's it, baby doll," he said, voice smoothe.. Kim Harrison
f91d82b Money in hand, I glanced up to find Glenn eyeing a rack of stuffed rats. As the salesman rang up my purchase, Glenn leaned close and, still staring at the rats, whispered, "What are those used for?" "I have no idea." I got my receipt and jammed everything in my bag... Glenn surprised me by opening the car door for me, and as I settled in the seat, he leaned against the frame of the open window. "I'll be right back," he said, and strode insi.. Kim Harrison
349ea61 Oh my God!" I shouted, smacking at myself to get it off. The chanting abruptly stopped as I danced about the interior of the circle, beating the chunky dust off me. It only made things worse, and I began coughing on someone's dead grandmother. My eyes watered, and I finally gave up, glaring at them from around my hair, now all over the place. Damn it, I was covered in strawberries and human remains." Kim Harrison
461a103 Confused, I asked, "The coven's what?" "Plumber," Ivy said, looking pale as she leaned on Glenn. "You know. Stops leaks?" Oh goodie. I'm a leak." Kim Harrison
77dc34a Trust your judgment, baby witch. No one else's. You've got good instincts for someone flakier than my mum's pie crust." (Leprechaun to Rachel)" Kim Harrison
b67e335 No exclusive," I said aloud, watching Al for his opinion and seeing him shake his head and hold his hands out in a "bigger" gesture. He didn't even know how large the offer was, and he thought I could get one bigger." Kim Harrison
f72ebdc A demon was asking me what I wanted. My eyes flicked to Al, and he shrugged. "What do you want?" he said softly." Kim Harrison
14011ec Rynn Cormel had run the world during the Turn, his living charisma somehow crossing the boundaries of death to give his undead existence an uncanny mimicry of life. Every move was a careful study of causality. It was highly unusual for so young an undead vampire to be so good at mimicking having a soul. I figured it was because he was a politician and had had practice way before he died. Kim Harrison
963a7ac Keep your vampire mitts off me. I'm not your friggin' blood toy. rachel Kim Harrison
909c0cd She's not your type. Since when do I have a type? kisten Kim Harrison
0d002d2 I'd say she's get us both fired, but the I.S. doesn't let anyone go. Alive. Kim Harrison
d587c54 Don't hurt her!" I demanded, then shifted my expression to one I hoped looked lascivious enough. "I like untouched skin." Tom flushed. "Ah, we couldn't find a virgin." -- Kim Harrison
7a9df5a Boots and leather jackets were strewn on her bed, and what looked like a new knife set. She'd taken a class last winter and was dying to try them out legally on someone. Kim Harrison
f9805a0 Wayde yelled, and I hit him again, adrenaline pulling a scream of outrage from me. He went quiet, and I held my breath to make sure I could hear him breathing. I suppose I could have used my magic on him, but this was a lot more satisfying. Kim Harrison
493f826 Will your dad freak if I kiss you good-bye?" he asked." dad freak good-bye kiss Kim Harrison
c0df406 But she can't stay here. The woman needs normal, and Rachel? We aren't it. Kim Harrison
c5f2a09 You aren't kidding. But you know, it's likely going to be the only time I'll ever be that skinny and have a fur coat. Kim Harrison
a4b720b Pierce took a step back to put more space between us. "I demanded too much," he said, his sadness at himself, not me. "I see in your heart you found someone who makes you strong who does not hold too tight, who has learned that the pain of losing you to fate is more than the pain of you dying in a cage. Who is he?" pierce rachel-morgan Kim Harrison
14e73ea What was it with me and organized beatings, anyway? Kim Harrison
c443fb2 Vamps were homebodies--high-maintenance, party-till-you-die, don't-look-at-me-funny-or-I'll-kill-you homebodies, but homebodies nevertheless. Kim Harrison