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b10fa20 I hoped he was right. I'd never heard of a university refusing money. Kim Harrison
682f531 Ivy looked up, clearly embarrassed. "I'm sorry about your men at the car. I didn't recognize them. They tried to stop me from coming in." My eyebrows rose, and Rynn Cormel's laughter shocked both Ivy and me. "If you bested them, they deserved it and needed the reminder. Thank you for correcting their poor interpretation of your skills." Ivy licked her lips. It was a nervous habit I didn't see often, and my tension rose. "Um," she hedged, tr.. humour Kim Harrison
bac4430 Extraction?" Taf sighed. "I can do more than drive. I can shoot, too. All us debutantes learn how to shoot before we get our first push-up bras." Kim Harrison
d6e1785 It was as if a part of me had died, accepting that I couldn't be who I wanted, so I had to work at making who I was someone I could live with. Kim Harrison
9a16d53 Join us next time for Days of the Undead when Rachel learns her long lost brother is really a crown prince from outer space. My life was so Kim Harrison
1a87115 Join us next time for Days of the Undead when Rachel learns her long lost brother is really a crown prince from outer space. My life was so screwed up. Kim Harrison
a7107ca Bug!" Francis exclaimed. "You're a--" His words choked off with a rasp as I jerked my arm. "Bug?" Jenks shouted, incensed. "You sack of sweat stink. I've got farts that smell sweeter than you. Think you're better than me? Poop ice cream cones, do you? Call me a bug! Rachel, let me do him now!" Kim Harrison
1835f20 You think being a demon's familiar is a good thing? What train hit you on the way home? Kim Harrison
da42544 I don't know. She's much better already. She wasn't talking half an hour ago. Look at her now." We all turned, finding Ceri sobbing quietly and drinking her tea in small reverent sips as the pixy girls hovered over her. Three were plating her long, fair hair and another was singing to her." Kim Harrison
dc4714f Rachel Morgan, private runner for hire. All rights earnestly upheld. All wrongs sincerely avenged. Kim Harrison
ddfc465 Rachel's witchcraft is whiter than her ass. Kim Harrison
8220e0d My gaze jerked to a blur falling from the ceiling. It was headed right for me! Gasping, I ducked. Nick clutched my arm. Thrown off balance, my heels dipped on the marble floor. Crying out, I went down. Sprawled with my legs every which way, my face burned as Jenks hovered before me, laughing. "Damn it all to hell!" I shouted. "Watch what you're doing!" There was a collective gasp, and everyone looked at me. Jenks hid himself in my hair, his.. Kim Harrison
31ee79a The dangerous reality of the Hollows remains carefully hidden. We know if we color too far out of humanity's self-imposed lines, old fears will resurface and they will strike out at us. Kim Harrison
0bd46e4 You want something to eat?" Nick said, yanking my attention back. "I, uh, could go across the street for some Graeter's. You like butter-pecan ice cream?" Kim Harrison
f422036 had my splat gun, but I wasn't a brave person. I ran away from big-bad-uglies. It increased my life span dramatically. Kim Harrison
7c07b30 Most people," he said, "are desperate to be needed. And if they don't feel good about themselves or think they're undeserving of love, some will fasten upon the worst possible way to satisfy that need to punish themselves. They're the addicts, the shadows both claimed and unclaimed, passed like the fawning sheep they make themselves into as they search for a glimmer of worth, knowing it's false even as they beg for it." Kim Harrison
42b5db0 I popped open the hard case and carefully put the so-ugly-they-could-work-as-birth-control glasses on. Kim Harrison
577cec1 Pink wings in the lowering moon as the earth slipped 'round her silver light. They reached our wall. Our lines were strung. We held our land. What's said is done. Kim Harrison
7fa6a2b The first went down beneath the oak, stung by the taste of steel in his blood. The second on holy ground did fall, stained with the cries of his folly. The third in the dust and salt did fail, sent back to his master, a silent warning given." Jenks looked up, clearly not seeing me. "This ground is ours. So it is said with broken wing, poisoned blood, and our unburied dead." Kim Harrison
2747406 Mouse burger," I stated again, arms crossed and hip cocked. "A weenie little man with the courage of a mouse." Kim Harrison
1504bac Mr. Ray, you yelled at it again, didn't you? I told you, computers are like women. If you shout at them or ask them to do too many things at once, they shut down and you won't even get a sniff. Kim Harrison
cf58732 A person is okay," he said, peering into the darkness and the open street. "But when you put a bunch of us together, something is switched on, something ugly." He glanced at her apologetically. "All of us, humans and nonhumans alike, are genetically primed to attack what's different from the collective." Kim Harrison
e611638 Does this thing move, or do you just sit in it and play with yourself? Kim Harrison
f62b3a6 In exchange for their soul, they had the chance for immortality. It came with a loss of conscience. The oldest vampires claimed that was the best part: the ability to fulfill every carnal need without guilt when someone died to give you pleasure and keep you sane one more day. Kim Harrison
3b62ba4 We need to cull the programs that don't work and foster the ones that do, throw out political agendas and instead give the power back to the people so that Cincinnati may regain her greatness! My record speaks for me, and I will speak for you! Kim Harrison
6c4b7e3 Son of a beaver biscuit... Kim Harrison
db098e6 Five trolls in dra-a-a-a-ag," the four-inch man sang from my shoulder. "Four purple condoms, three French ticklers, two horny vamps, and a succubus in the snow." Kim Harrison
06549e0 giving him a painful bunny-eared kiss-kiss Kim Harrison
2059705 The coffee smelled wonderful, and as it went chattering into a mug, Kim Harrison
3a329fb Funny how fate seems to push people together sometimes, Kim Harrison
9420620 shimmered under his tight jaw Kim Harrison