You call me your girl one more time and I'm going to turn your gonads into plums and make jam out of them.
Kim Harrison |
I wanted to make decisions on who I loved by who completed me, made me feel good about myself. Who I could love freely and help make a better person by just being there.
Kim Harrison |
Great power does not corrupt a person, it only brings their true self into the light,
Kim Harrison |
by Rebecca 0 minutes ago
Kim Harrison |
Anything worth having is going to be hard,
Kim Harrison |
My kids know you can make it if you take risks and work hard. That we can work in the system you lunkers set up. That's all a parent really needs to give his child. That, and how to love someone with all your soul.
Kim Harrison |
As my hand found his, bitter salt tears spilled from my eyes, in sorrow and pain and regret that I had so utterly failed him.
Kim Harrison |
Who in hell bought a mug with blue butterflies on it!" I shouted, slamming it on the counter beside the stove. "We are serious people doing serious things! I don't have time for butterflies!"
Kim Harrison |
But they're dying. The church, I mean," she added as I met her eyes. "No new members. It's sad, really. The"
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I asked, looking at the jukebox, now totally out of place, like a British police call box on the deck of the Titanic.
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Not everything was legal, but nothing was immoral, and that was my guide these days.
Kim Harrison |
There's someone out there who's suited for you. Someone who has enough strength or knowledge to keep themselves safe. I bet there's a foxy young man looking right now for a woman who can take care of herself and thinking he can't have anyone either.
Kim Harrison |
The runt will have a juice box.' He turned to Pierce. 'It will make you big and strong, won't it, little fella.
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You need someone a little dirty, honey, with a heart of gold.
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You don't have to have sex to find a feeling of closeness and understanding. Lord knows I feel that way about you. Use that to shackle your hunger. Isn't that what love is?
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You are such fun, Ms. Morgan. Watching you is like watching a five-year-old.
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Tislan, tislan. Ta na shay cooreen na da.
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How? By squishing me to death?" I wheezed, and then my eyes widened as Al's mouth covered mine, savage and demanding. The stink of demons assaulted me, hard and fast. A thread of ley line spilled into me from him, diving to my groin and flashing into heat. It could have been ecstasy, but I was too angry. His body was heavy on mine, and his leg forced its way between my knees."
Kim Harrison |
I hadn't wished for Trent in my life, but now that I had him, I was more confused, more heartbroken than I'd ever been. Trent was willing to sacrifice everything for me, but I didn't know if I could let him.
Kim Harrison |
My coffee was steaming, and I hunched over it while I watched the demon. His long fingers were interlaced about the white soup-bowl mug as if relishing its warmth, and though I couldn't tell for sure because of the sunglasses, I think his eyes closed as he took the first sip. A look of bliss so deep it couldn't have been faked slipped over him, easing his features and turning him into a vision of relaxed pleasure.
Kim Harrison |
Jenks made a face as he levered himself up on the sill. "Much as I enjoy this horrific outpouring of estrogen, I'm going to go say good-bye to my wife. Let me know when you're ready. I'll be in the garden--probably next to the stink weed."
Kim Harrison |
All right, all right! Don't lose your panties. No, wait. You don't have any, do you?
Kim Harrison |
I glanced at the pain charms draped around my neck, thinking I looked like a drunken prostitute at Mardi Gras.
Kim Harrison |
Tears could not be equal, if I wept diamonds from the skies," Jenks whispered, empty and bereft. "My word silent, though I should howl. Muffled by death, my wings can't lift me high enough to find you. I feel you within. Unaware of my pain. Not knowing why I mourn." He lifted his eyes to mine, a glimmer of tears showing. "And why I breathe alone."
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It's said that the reason the elves and demons began their war is because of a broken alliance," he said, the world-weary damage to his face making him look wise. "I've always found it to be true--that the best of friends make the bitterest of enemies. Elves and demons, forever fighting. Who is to say that demons weren't the slaves of elves first?"
Kim Harrison |
Falling in love was the easiest thing in the world to do. Why was it always so hard for me to survive it?
Kim Harrison |
Money drives the world, but when everything falls apart to leave the underpinnings of our life bare to the scrutiny of critics and thieves, the only thing remaining, the only thing that can't be taken away, is the love you hold for the people
Kim Harrison |
What in Tink's contractual hell are you doing here?
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We don't forget, Rachel, and it's not as if it was our ancestors who were betrayed. It was us.
Kim Harrison |
Get out," he said flatly. "I just got her normal again. Get out before you turn her into a sniveling, twitterpated...twit!" "Jenks!" I exclaimed, and Pierce put a calming hand on me. "That is my intent, Jenks," he said gallantly, and I wondered if Pierce meant his intent was to leave or to turn me into a twitterpated twit." --
Kim Harrison |
Alarmed, I looked at him, then the road, then at him again.
Kim Harrison |
That dung flop?" Nakita said, her dislike almost visibly dripping into nasty puddles at Amy's designer flats. "Yes, I guess. That doesn't mean I have to like him." "I know what you mean." Amy faked a heartfelt sigh. "I have a brother too." The girls behind her giggled when she pushed past me to Barnabas. "I'm Amy," she said, smiling as she extended her hand." "Barnabas," the reaper said as he darted past me to give Nakita a sideways hug to ..
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I expected it would be the same for me, and I wouldn't show up as a wolf in black tights and a lacy pair of underwear --as amusing as that would be. No way was I going to show them I was a nasty pasty color with freckles.
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You can't stop me. It's the only option we have to get those Weres off Rachel's tail, so unless you have a suggestion, I suggest you shut up.
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Por las bragas de Campanita!
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Que te pareceria alquilar una lancha? -No esaria mal, pero tenemos el problema del ruido. [...] -Podriamos acercarnos a remo-sugirio, yo le respondi con una mirada. -Hmmm... Jenks, no es un lago, es el puto oceano. ?Has visto el tamano del buque cisterna que pasaba por debajo del puente cuando hemos llegado a la ciudad? Su estela podria volcarnos. No pienso ir al estilo canoa a menos que me digas que te llamas Pocahontas.
Kim Harrison |
Vampires and five-year-olds played by the same rules, and both threw tantrums when they lost.
Kim Harrison |
Give me a minute to catch my breath," I said, sneaking glances at him. "Then we can head to the car. I need a few more things to make the demon spell, but I'm too tired to do it now." It grated on me to admit it, but it was kinda obvious."
Kim Harrison |
What is it you want?" My heart pounded at his promise of freedom. I followed his gaze to my hands and the dirt under my nails. "You," I said."
Kim Harrison |
I may be a pawn," I said as I locked my shaking knees. "But I've been to the other side and survived the trip back and can move like a queen." Pixy dust sifted over us, and my skin burned. "Don't piss me off."
Kim Harrison |
I may be a pawn," I said as I locked my shaking knees. "But I've been to the other side and survived the trip back and can move like a queen."
Kim Harrison |
My eyes narrowed. He wanted me to lie for him? Minias leaned so close to the barrier of ever-after that it buzzed a harsh warning. "If you don't, I'll give the public what they expect." His eyes went to the people clustered at the window. "Proof that you deal in demons ought to do wonders for your...sterling reputation." Mmmm. There is that. "
Kim Harrison |
And what's important to you?" I asked. ... "Success at work. Having fun doing it. Caring for someone and supporting their interests because you like to see them happy. Having them care about and support yours simply becausethey want to see you happy"
Kim Harrison |
My impulse to pull away vanished. As I stood there, my shoulders became damp. I searched his expression, too jaded to believe in white knights. Happy endings were never handed out. You had to fight for them, earn them with bruised hearts and sacrifices. And I just couldn't do it right now. It hurt too much when it fell apart. "Don't make me promises", I whispered, and the earnest glow in his eyes tarnished."
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