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ab11c1f Al leaned close, voice dangerous as he whispered, "We don't forget, Rachel, and it's not as if it was our ancestors who were betrayed. It was us." Kim Harrison
32d44ce It pulled emotion from me I wasn't aware I could feel. A deep painful regret. Unrequited need. Kim Harrison
1101999 This was weird, civilized. Kim Harrison
e30d38c I'm a pixy, Rachel. I may look all tough and stuff, but I got wings, and I know infatuation when I see it. Kim Harrison
371a2c6 Hope died hard, and the lie was easier to bear. Kim Harrison
161d2e2 Una persona no puede hacer nada, Rache, pero dos pueden mover el mundo. Kim Harrison
c38d57b Newt turned back to me, her eyes black as the sun slipped away. From the slump of broken castle, a rock fell. "We exist in a zoo," she said, chilling me. "You know that, yes? I hope our funding doesn't run out. I'd give anything for a better enclosure, one that at least hides the bars." Kim Harrison
7b91323 And you ugly when you ugly, don't ya, sweet thang. Kim Harrison
e7099a2 It's harder to fall in love with a man when he's killing people. Kim Harrison
c6222eb ate a chip, then went to the fridge for the dip. Everything was better with sour cream and chives. Kim Harrison
d79cddd the Uncommon Stupidity charge agents me be dropped." My shock at the "Honorably Ass-kisser" comment was pushed away by the thought of a law agents uncommon stupidity and wondered how we could get one." Kim Harrison
1bad5b3 Sunt qui discessum animi a corpore putent esse mortem. Sunt erras, Kim Harrison
4342c71 How do you deal with it? How do you keep from falling apart? That--What happened to them is horrible. How can a person do that to another?" Rose took a slow breath. "You cry, you get angry, then you do something about it." I watched her leave, the clack of her quick heels sounding sharp before the door closed. Yeah. I can do that." Kim Harrison
2dd75bb Oh yeah. A cookie. That would make everything better. Dunked in a shot of tequila, maybe? Or better yet, just the bottle? Yeah, that ought to do it. Kim Harrison
3fee7d6 And then there are those who relish the power they have over us." Kisten's lips thinned from a past anger, and he dropped his hands from me. "The clever ones who know that our need to be accepted and trusted runs so deep it can be crippling. Those who play upon that, knowing we will do almost anything for that invitation to take the blood we desperately crave. The ones who exalt in the hidden domination a lover can exert, feeling it elevate.. Kim Harrison
03602ac He cupped my jaw with his hand. It was warm, and I didn't pull away. "And then there are the rare ones who know love, who understand it. Who freely give of themselves, demanding only a return of that love, that trust." His faultless blue eyes never blinked, and I held my breath. "It can be beautiful, Rachel, when there is trust and love. No one is bound. No one loses his or her will. No one becomes less. Both become more than they can be al.. Kim Harrison
f3d85d6 I held my breath as Dali sighed, eyes averted as he balanced what was at stake and what it might cost. Pride was his fulcrum, unfairly shifting the weight so that one side had greater force than the other to make a wrong decision more than possible, but likely. We were going to doom the world to another wave of needless violence because of pride, I thought, Kim Harrison
321b13f Everything was going too well. Something had to be wrong. Kim Harrison
5097465 Sheep are treated like sheep, users are used, and those who deserve more receive everything. Kim Harrison
f3c6242 I told you, computers are like women. If you shout at them or ask them to do too many things at once, they shut down and you won't even get a sniff. Kim Harrison
af34b5c As I watched, another pizza went out, the car lurching into the street and speeding away with the quickness that told of a large engine. Pizza drivers have made good money since they successfully lobbied for hazard pay. Kim Harrison
0867a9a Just tape my ass shut and let me fart out my mouth. Kim Harrison
4cfd44d Immediately Trent went back to mowing down those cookies, slowing when he realized I was staring at him. What are we up to now? Ten? Kim Harrison
a734c1c I have lots of faith," the fallen angel said as he crouched down and coaxed the dog closer. "I have faith that this is a bad idea. She's not going to belive you. She's going to think we're nuts. She's going to call the police unless she has a record, and if she does she'll run away." humor Kim Harrison
92fa722 But I've been to the other side and survived the trip back and can move like a queen." Pixy dust sifted over us, and my skin burned. "Don't piss me off." Behind" Kim Harrison
236b8e0 Ticked, I looked across the street to the Starbucks catering to uptown snits who needed sixty different ways to brew a bean in order to not be happy with any of them. Kim Harrison
8f139f2 What in Tink's knickers do you think you're doing! Kim Harrison
adc3087 You cry, you get angry, then you do something about it. Kim Harrison
194afc8 Three g's, and an r: Get in, get the info, get out, relocate. Kim Harrison
a997d5b Because for all the changes, some things were immutable truths: friendship transcends all barriers, understanding trumps fear, and great power can always be surmounted by determination. And with Trent, Al, Ivy, and Jenks beside me, we had all three. I always had. Kim Harrison
430988c You eliminate everything, and whatever remains, no matter how improbable, is the answer. Kim Harrison
c529bca I told you not to confuse forgetfulness with stupidity," Allen said. "She's extremely intelligent. Did you use the audio binder? Give her the Amneoset?" Kim Harrison
28681c5 I loved Kisten. I wanted Ivy to bite me. It made sense, if I didn't think about it too hard. Kim Harrison
dd46870 The sound of his hard-soled shoes on the street faltered. "You live in a church?" My eyes narrowed. "Yeah. But I don't sleep with voodoo dolls." "Huh?" "Never mind." Kim Harrison
b76fdaa Tea?" Jenks was standing next to the plate of petits fours. "You want to have tea? Are you nerking futs?" -- Kim Harrison
b532d73 Every person has a right to the small things, you see? The little happinesses. After all, those are the ones that make life most worth living. It's what we're fighting for. Kim Harrison
5c454f7 I wouldn't miss it for the world." Al could just suck my toes and die." Kim Harrison
75dce9f All I'm saying is you've been dating him for three months. Most guys you date are either dead or running scared by now. Kim Harrison
fb21043 To the man who knows what makes the perfect date night Kim Harrison
5a9d3c4 A year of hell is worth three minutes in heaven. Or so they say. Kim Harrison
3a5a2bd For the first time in a long time, I knew who I was and where I was going. And right now, I was going...this way. Happily into the ever-after. Kim Harrison
3931d2e To the guy in the leather jacket Kim Harrison
97accf2 and when I found out they had, I came back. What do you think I was doing at the alliance?" "Having drinks, by the looks of it," he snarked," Kim Harrison
5fd8dfb voice bringing my defenses down. I'd never have expected it a year ago, but now . . . after seeing him lose everything to follow his heart, I could. I could accept his comfort, show my vulnerability--even if it might not last. The undeniable truth was, he was meant for better things than me. One day Ellasbeth would have him, and I'd be left with the memory of who he had wanted to be. "Rachel?" But I'd be damned if I didn't take what I could.. Kim Harrison