Did something happen to the sanctity of your church again?" My eye twitched. "Newt broke it so she could look in my closet." Again."
Kim Harrison |
She was only a year old, but elves grew up fast. Not like witches, who Jenks swore were not able to be on their own until they were thirty. Ahem.
Kim Harrison |
And while seeing Trent in his tighty-whities would make my decade, I'd found out long ago that I couldn't stay mad at a man wearing nothing but underwear. They looked so charmingly vulnerable.
Kim Harrison |
Al was cruel, vindictive, angry, elegant, powerful. He gave me strength, he gave me wisdom, not only about magic, but about myself. He was a lot like Trent, only harsher around the edges.
Kim Harrison |
Rose to Rachel: You cry you get angry then you do something about it.
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Rachel knew what she was doing. And when she didn't, she could improvise on the fly, coming up with options that left a lot of collateral damage but usually only hurt herself, not the people around her. It was one of the things he would never admit that he admired about her.
Kim Harrison |
You are the devil to talk to, Rachel," he said curtly. "Will you shut up and listen?"
Kim Harrison |
Coffee. I could smell coffee. Coffee would make everything better.
Kim Harrison |
They tried to kill me," he said, his brow furrowed as he glared at them. "You saw them!" "Yeah?" I spouted off. "They weren't very good at it!" (Trent and Rachel)"
Kim Harrison |
I'm your worst nightmare come to walk this side of the lines. I'm an elf, Trent something you're forgotten how to be. You're scared of black magic. I can see fear shimmering under your aura like sweat. I live and breathe black magic. I'm so tainted with it that I will use it without thought, without guilt and without hesitation.
Kim Harrison |
What was in the trunk?" I asked, and my eyes widened when he opened his coat and let me glimpse a big-ass rifle. "I know these people," he said, his expression going hard. "We handle their insurance."
Kim Harrison |
My breath slipped from me, almost a groan. Trent Kalamack. The obscenely successful, smiling businessman, ruthless bio- and street-drug lord, elf in hiding, and pain-in-my-ass-extraordinaire Trent Kalamack. Right on schedule. "Why is it you show up only when I need money?"
Kim Harrison |
I will compensate all your one-inch, two-inch losses because I know how important every inch is to you aged, decrepit men.
Kim Harrison |
Al to Pierce) "You will make sure that nasty demon Ku'Sox doesn't kill her," Al said conversational y. "Understand? You're angry, but you still like her, yes? Want to have wild demon sex with her even if she ruined your attempt to kill me? Keep her alive, and you might get some. Eh? Eh? You'd like that, mmmm?"
Kim Harrison |
Because for all the changes, some things were immutable truths: friendship transcends all barriers, understanding trumps fear, and great power can always be surmounted by determination.
Kim Harrison |
Trent, is this a date?" He didn't reach for the key still in the ignition. "You never told me how your car got impounded." "Is this a date?" I asked again, more stridently. Silent, he sat there, his hands on the wheel as he stared at the front door and the neon bowling pins flashing on and off. "I want it to be." --
Kim Harrison |
Tink's a Disney whore' - Jenks
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I sighed. "And what am I to you, Al?" "My maid," he said brightly. "Shall we do this?"
Kim Harrison |
I'd never seen a man who could outshop me, but Jenks was a master.
Kim Harrison |
Do you hurt uncle Kisten', he asked.(...) but Kisten beat me to it. "Only my heart, Audric," he said. "Ms. Rachel is like the sun. See her sparkling there with the wind in her hair and fire in her eyes? You can't catch the sun. You can only feel its touch on your face. And if you get too much of it, it burns you."
Kim Harrison |
Jenks, you can fly me up the rest of the way to Trent, and then pow! I give Trent his statue." "Pow, you'll be naked!" Jenks exclaimed. (Rachel and Jenks)"
Kim Harrison |
I could sit and watch nature documentaries with Jenks and the kids the rest of the night if I wanted. And trust me, watching a dozen pixies scream as a crocodile chomped on a zebra was something not to be missed. They invariably cheered for the crocodile, not the zebra.
Kim Harrison |
We could've done this anywhere, but I wanted you to see me, to see this," he said, gesturing at the room. "I wanted you to know where I come from, what I am under the choices I make."
Kim Harrison |
Be reasonable. I know you can be. If you try very, very hard." - Al to Rachel"
Kim Harrison |
Okay, you drive," she said. "I'll sit with m head hanging out of the window like a golden retriever."
Kim Harrison |
Jenks squinted at me, and when Trent nodded, the pixy gestured sourly to Bis to get on with it. A four inch man ruled us all.
Kim Harrison |
Rache! Glad you're... Tink loves a duck!" he said, wings clattering. "It stinks of sex in here. God, woman. I leave you alone for one night, and you're humping the ghost." - Jenks to Rachel"
Kim Harrison |
I didn't mean now," he protested. "I'm not going to raise the child. I'm having enough trouble with Rachel."
Kim Harrison |
Puppy presents on the rug. This sucked.
Kim Harrison |
Bye, Skimmer. Thanks for breakfast." "You're welcome." Translation: Choke on it, bitch. "
Kim Harrison |
I hate it when she tabs a line," Ivy whispered to Kisten in the corner. "You ever see anything freakier than that?" "You should see the face she makes when she--" "Shut up, Kist!" I exclaimed, my eyes flashing open to find him grinning at me."
Kim Harrison |
We were the pair. One too afraid to feel anything lest she lose control of her ironclad hold on her emotions, and the other so hungry to feel anything that she'd risk her free will for one night of fun."..."
Kim Harrison |
Nick as in my former boyfriend Nick. Ex-rat, ex-boyfriend, ex-alive if I ever got hold of him Nick.
Kim Harrison |
And if he is lying and he double-crosses you, I'll kill him for you." From anyone else, it would have been an idle threat, and I smiled, feeling loved. (Ivy and Rachel)"
Kim Harrison |
Tears could not be equal, if I wept diamonds from the skies," Jenks whispered, empty and bereft. "My word silent, though I should howl. Muffled by death, my wings can't lift me high enough to find you. I feel you within. Unaware of my pain. Not knowing why I mourn. And why I breathe alone."
Kim Harrison |
Hate is all that keeps us alive when love is gone. You're almost there. Not quite ready to let it go yet.
Kim Harrison |
Tagged by a whiny little vamp," he said gesturing. "Rache, take this sword and stick it in me. Just go and stick it in me. I'm a back-drafted, crumpled-winged, dust-caked, dew-assed excuse of a backup. Worthless as a pixy condom. Taken down by my own partner. Just tape my ass shut and let me fart out my mouth."
Kim Harrison |
Using your feminine wiles to lead my familiar astray. If all you want is dangerous sex, I can give that to you better than he can, and I won't break your heart afterward." - Al to Rachel"
Kim Harrison |
Jenks kept me alive for two years through two death threats, a crazy banshee, and at least two serial killers. Its about time I return the favor! And if I can't, then I can sit by his bed and hold his hand as he dies, 'cause I've had plenty of practice doing that, too!
Kim Harrison |
I have a name," I grumped, my stomach pinching me harder. "Yes, but it has no pizzazz. Ra-a-a-a-chel. Rach-e-e-e-eel," he said, trying it out in different ways. "No one will tremble in terror at that. Oh my God!" he said in a high falsetto. "It's Rachel! Run! Hide!"
Kim Harrison |
You are your father's daughter,' he said, the skin around his eyes tightening. 'Trent is his father's son. Apart, you are annoying. Together...you have the potential to be a problem.
Kim Harrison |
Piss on my daisies, we have to save the demons!
Kim Harrison |
I think she suspects something, though. We've had cherry pie for dessert five nights in a row." His voice drawled, and my smile deepened."
Kim Harrison |
Everyone had to eat, but eating people wasn't polite.
Kim Harrison |