Sure, he had a wife and fifty-four kids, but he looked like a college freshman. A yummy college freshman majoring in Oh-my-god-I-gotta-get-me-some-of-that.
Kim Harrison |
Sure am glad I'm not royalty," I muttered. "I wouldn't want to have to bump uglies with someone I can't stand. On a regular basis. And no one else." "Ow!" I exclaimed, trying to yank my fingers from Trent but finding them caught. Then I colored, realizing what I'd said. "Oh... sorry," I stammered, meaning it. "That was insensitive." Trent's frown turned into a sly smirk. "Bump uglies?" he said, eyes on the table behind me. "You are a font o..
Kim Harrison |
But he's Rachel Candy!" -Both Jenks and Al"
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You think Ivy's a planner? She has nothing on a motivated elf with too much money.
Kim Harrison |
You look like the vamp who bled the cat.
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I won't snatch, harm, or scare to death people with you or use checking up on you as an excuse to cause trouble. You're worse than my mother, Rachel." "Mine, too," Jenks muttered."
Kim Harrison |
You cannot thrash the person who makes you coffee. It's a rule somewhere.
Kim Harrison |
We were innocent once. How could it have gone so bad?
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Al was looking at me in disbelief. "Not your lover?"
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I am not going to be the person who completes you," he said, glancing at me and turning away. "You are one messed-up bitch."
Kim Harrison |
You had this all planned, didn't you?' I accused. 'Thought you could come in here and seduce me like you do everyone else?' It wasn't as if I could be angry, lying atop him as I was, but I tried.
Kim Harrison |
I'm not going to pick her up and carry her screaming to the basement," Trent said. "It's a workday. Besides, she has a crutch." "Crutch or no, she's hurt!" Ceri protested. "I mean," Trent said intently, "she can hit me with it if I do something she doesn't like." --
Kim Harrison |
Tink's a Disney whore!- Jenks
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The car picked up speed, and the sound seemed to lull me.I could relax, I thought as I felt the tingling of circulation in my limbs. I was in Trent's car, wrapped in a blanket, and held in his arms. He wouldn't let anything hurt me. He wasn't singing, though,I mused.Shouldn't he be singing?
Kim Harrison |
Nothing is so hard that it can't be found by searching.
Kim Harrison |
Numb, I took the perfectly browned puff. Okay. Let me see if I have this right. Al provokes me into defending myself. I nearly kill him. Then Newt tries to kill me, thinking I'm Ku'Sox. Al stops her, saving my life. And now we're all going to have s'mores together?
Kim Harrison |
Rachel, what do you do? Put an ad in the paper for trouble? (Glenn)
Kim Harrison |
The car was full of unhappy people heading west. It was the Great American Family Road Trip, all right. Whaaa-hoo!
Kim Harrison |
Pierce jerked his hand from Trent and pushed himself straight. "Kalamack Industries," he said, expression twisted as he wiped his hand on his pants. "I knew your father." "I do not freaking believe this," I said, shifting to stand where I could see both of them. Al beamed. "Amazing who you can meet in an elevator."
Kim Harrison |
You are pathetic, Rache," Jenks said, and my eyes darted to the top of the rack and I saw him standing there, hands on his hips and frowning at me, his wings a silver blur. "Rachel and Trent, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. No wait, it was a hospital room, and he had his hands on your ass and you had your tongue down his throat. I can see why you might be confused."
Kim Harrison |
Now you're going to get it," I said, guessing Al was coming when the ones in the back scattered. "You should have been nice." With a weird cry, the closest surface demon fell back, but it was too late. A flash of red light exploded overhead, smashing the buildings away as if I were at the center of an atomic explosion. The surface demons scattered like brown leaves, the remnants of their clothes and auras fluttering. It was Al, and he burst..
Kim Harrison |
Breaking rules isn't bad when what you're doing is more important than the rule itself
Kim Harrison |
I gestured my frustration. "I don't know. She's much better already. She wasn't talking half an hour ago. Look at her now." We all turned, finding Ceri sobbing quietly and drinking her tea in small reverent sips as the pixy girls hovered over her. Three were plating her long, fair hair and another was singing to her. Okay," I said as we turned back. "Bad example."
Kim Harrison |
I meant I'm not afraid of love being difficult. If it was easy, then everyone would find it.
Kim Harrison |
My God", he whispered. What have I done to her? He thought, humbled. The spell was broken, but it wasn't sealed, and her soul was bare to him, the scars of her tragic past and her triumphs over pain and her aching need to find her place. He just wanted to hold her to him and tell her it would be okay, that she had survived and was beautiful."
Kim Harrison |
You think my kids just popped out of the ground?
Kim Harrison |
Rachel?" came Ivy's voice from her room. "Where's my sword?" "In the foyer where you left it last week when the evangelists were canvassing the neighborhood"
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Oh, I'm sorry. Did I interrupt some sort of dominance foreplay?
Kim Harrison |
Making a spell is easy. It's trusting you did it right that's hard.
Kim Harrison |
Typical" Kisten said, his eyes dramatically sad. "Try to do something nice for a person, cheer her up, and what do I get? Abused and robbed."
Kim Harrison |
You need to be clever to best him. Are you clever, Rachel?" I glanced at Al, and he stared at me, then shrugged. Licking my lips, I said, "It's the shiny pot that puts a hole in the sky." Al's mouth dropped open, but Newt thought about it, her expression thoughtful and her fingers finally leaving her knife. "Very true," she said as she eased back into the cushions. With a soft click of his teeth, Al's mouth shut. His eyes were cross, and h..
Kim Harrison |
The rag he'd used to clean the table went into the fire behind him. "I saw what you are," he said, "and I was ashamed. I saw what you expect from a person, and I'd call you a bitch except you demand it from yourself as well. I saw how you see me," he explained. "It wasn't anything I didn't already know, but it made me wonder at what I lack, what isn't there."
Kim Harrison |
His expression became serious, and his hand almost slipped from mine. "I've had a long time to think about it." "This can't work!" He looked down, then jerked his head up in frustration as his finger tightened on mine. "I'm not asking you to marry me, Rachel. I just ..." My heart pounded, and he stepped closer, so close the scent of cinnamon and wine enveloped me. "I like walking into a room and seeing your face light up when you see me," h..
Kim Harrison |
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel," he said, very still and unmoving. "Always jumping to the wrong conclusion. You're like a frog, you know."
Kim Harrison |
Sweet mother of chaos," he breathed. "Rachel, you are indeed one of us. Have your time in the sun. You're worth the extra wait."
Kim Harrison |
I do so like all-encompassing words. Verb, adjective, noun. Yes, you are shitted.
Kim Harrison |
Quen's gaze went to Ivy and Jenks. Peeved, I crossed my legs and shook my head. "We're a team. I'm not asking them to leave so you can tell me of whatever piss-poor problem you've landed yourself in." The older elf's brow wrinkled. He took an angry breath. "Look," I said, my finger jabbing out to point at him. "I don't like you. Jenks doesn't like you. And Ivy wants to eat you. Start talking."
Kim Harrison |
Why?" I said, taking the paper from him as Al smiled. "If it's not what I agreed to, I will burn Al's gonads off the first chance I get. Turn around. I need to use your back for a second." "Ah, hold on a tick," Al said, snapping his fingers again and catching the new paper drifting down. "How silly of me. This is the one. Here."
Kim Harrison |
Trent and Ellasbeth did the nasty? Ewwww!
Kim Harrison |
I've got your back. Nothing alive will ever hurt you if I have breath in me. And nothing dead will hurt you if I don't." (Kisten)"
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I am yours," Trent gasped through clenched teeth, and my hand sprang from him, thinking I was betrayed. Trent fell to a knee, looking up at me, pleading. "I. Am. Yours. Claim me, Rachel! Damn your morals and claim me!"
Kim Harrison |
You bet your Grannie's Panties I will.
Kim Harrison |
Rachel, my itchy witch," Al said as he tugged the lace at his cuffs. "We've talked about this. You simply must stop collecting nasty little men. How many do you really need, love?"
Kim Harrison |
I want..." he said, then hesitated, taking a breath of air and lifting his chin. "I want one pure thing in my life," he said loudly, his voice ringing in the red-tinted air. "I want one thing I can point to and say, 'That is good, and it's a part of me."
Kim Harrison |