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a83521d Al was standing a bare three feet away, his mood almost jovial as he took the paper and it vanished in a wash of black sparkles. "Thank you, Rachel," he said, carefully reaching for my hand as Trent stiffened. "Welcome back, my itchy witch." algaliarept big-al rachel-morgan the-hollows Kim Harrison
9f73b17 His eyes met mine at the soft touch, and a chime seemed to shake the ley line, realigning the universe. He was mine. Kim Harrison
2bccc55 Good God, Rachel, cant you go five minutes... sweet sticky hell on a stick!' the demon exclaimed, his thoughts reeling from anger to concern as he realized I was hopped up on something. kim harrison
9572258 Five trolls in a dra-a-a-a-ag,' the four-inch man sang from my shoulder. 'Four purple condoms, three French ticklers, two horny vamps and a succubus in the snow. rachel-morgan Kim Harrison
9f2d450 Having been a demon curse, however brief, should leave a mark. A streak of silver hair, or bewitching eyes. Maybe crows on one's roof or a hound from hell at your heel. Blowing out my breath I stood and squinted at my reflection. A black eye. Swell. Kim Harrison
2e9902a It is not always what we do, Sa'han, but who we love that makes us who we are. Quen urban-fantasy Kim Harrison
fdaff45 I'll wait for you under the bluebells. I'll be there always. Kim Harrison
4dc0e96 Al's voice was faint but resolute. "Stand up. Try to look sexy." "In a bedsheet?" I complained, running my hands down it. "How can I look sexy in a bedsheet?" He cleared his throat, and I grimaced. "Never mind." rachel-morgan Kim Harrison
49c4b60 Just let me sleep," she grumbled. "Let me sleep, and I'll sign a paper that you're a fucking angel." hollows kim-harrison pale-demon sleep Kim Harrison
418ba77 Bug? You sack of sweat stink. I've got farts that smell sweeter than you. Think you're better than me? Poop ice cream cones, do you? Call me a bug! Rachel, let me do him now. paranormal-romance witches Kim Harrison
0ccb10b Memories of ice and Trent surfaced, and I wrapped my arms around my middle. I had saved him, and he had saved me. What was wrong with us? Kim Harrison
05ea449 There were no more choices, no more options, no more clever ways out of a tough situation. And the rush, I realized in a brutal wash of despair, is a false god I've chased my entire life. One that cost me everything in the blind search for sensation. My entire existence amounted to nothing. Kim Harrison
bef930a Jenks: "I can't even pix anyone. I sweat now instead of dusting, did you know that? I've got water coming off me instead of dust. What the hell can I do with sweat? Rub up against someone and make them puke in disgust? I've seen you sweat, and it's not pretty. I don't even want to think about sex, two sweaty bodies pressed against each other like that? Disgusting. Talk about birth control--it's no wonder you only have a handful of kids." Kim Harrison
97c5d3f Big lots,' I said, seeing the eighty-year-old oaks and shady lawns. The houses were set way back and had iron fences and stone drives. The harder to hear your neighbors scream, my dear,' was David's answer, and I sent my head up and down in agreement. humor rachel-morgan romance supernatural vampire Kim Harrison
af0ae05 Her elf is going to do just that," he said, the red glow of the ever-after sun turning his hair auburn, almost as red as mine. "I did not work this hard at getting her to accept who she is to let you take your spoiled brat of a little-boy temper tantrum out on her. She stays on my side of the lines." rachel trent Kim Harrison
31992aa Being poor is not an indication of potential or worth. It's a lack of resources. Kim Harrison
13b7df1 Welcome home, Rachel mariana Morgan, he said, his goat-slitted eyes holding a new, dangerous light. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Kim Harrison
45820e4 The undead did not love, but they remembered love with a savage loyalty. memory undead Kim Harrison
6fba61c That's my girl," she said, her eyes holding a shared pain as she saw my confusion. "Al, where are you going to put her? Not in your room. She'd pull a line through you and kill you when you hog the blankets. I'll take the waif in. I promise I'll bring this one up properly." demons newt Kim Harrison
ce6cb88 I was having coffee with my bodyguard. I didn't expect to be hunting bad guys until later. Leather before sundown is tacky. rachel-morgan the-hollows Kim Harrison
1924ffd I sniffed, wiping my eyes. "Look at that," I muttered. "The bastard made me cry." Jenks' wings made a cool spot on my neck. "Want me to pixy him?" "No. But now I don't have the chance of a ghost's fart in a windstorm to get that Pandora charm." That's not really what was bothering me, though. It was Trent. Why did I even care what he thought?" -- Kim Harrison
8f1dfa8 Ivy's COOK THE STEAK, DON'T STAKE THE COOK apron... Kim Harrison
4a83d38 He's going to hurt you," Al said, looking at Pierce. "I can take care of you, teach you to survive. Be there for you, even if you do hate me." I shivered. "I don't want him," I said, and Al turned away, seeming smaller somehow." Kim Harrison
4a6042a Some nasty bitch of a woman from the coven of moral and ethical standards tried to fry Rache" the pixy said apparently proud of it. "I pixed the Tink-blasted dildo, and Rache's black-arts boyfriend blew her right out the front door. "Bam!" Kim Harrison
d96784d Come on, Rachel!" Jenks shrilled. "You're a badass, not a bad witch!" rachel Kim Harrison
7a5af08 No one wears buckles anymore, and I decided to get him some real boots next winter solstice. funny rachel stoned Kim Harrison
61dab3d Trent, do you have any weapons? Like a gun?" He looked at me in disgust. "You're here to protect me," he said as he closed the distance between us and stood beside me. "You didn't bring a weapon?" "Yeah, I brought a weapon," I snapped as I brought my splat gun out and aimed it at the ceiling where the sounds were coming from. "I just thought that since you're a freaking murderer you might have a gun, too (...)" Kim Harrison
0de9e3c Anything worth having is going to be hard Kim Harrison
f45c5fd I sighed. I hated the maze of bureaucracy with a passion, but I've found the best way to deal with it is to smile and act stupid. That way, no one gets confused. bureaucracy Kim Harrison
b5d1728 Avoiding me, Quen downed a swallow of wine. "Trent is a fine young man," he said, watching the remaining wine swirl. "Yes... " I drawled, cautiously. "If you can call a drug lord and outlawed-medicine manufacturer a fine young man." quen rachel-morgan trent-kalamack Kim Harrison
f604184 itsy-bitsy-skitsy Kim Harrison
2032d36 She reeked of tenure Kim Harrison
13687fb Jenks]"I think you're all screwy in the head," he said when Bis nodded his encouragement. "But go ahead. I've got Quen's number in my phone. I'll call him if you both explode in a flash of black underwear and money so I won't have to fly all the way home." Kim Harrison
83730e8 Shouts of dismay rose as the red flesh splattered against the table. It was only a tomato, but one would think I was pulping a decaying heart by the noise the big, strong FIB officers were making. rachel Kim Harrison
2aef9a7 Sure, it was nice now, but eventually there would be running and screaming and blood on the floor. nice panic pessimistic prediction premonition soon Kim Harrison
f6658cf You just click your heels and think there's no place like being pwned. Kim Harrison
f86e9af His right ear still held both studs, and I wondered who had the missing earring. I would have asked, but was afraid he'd tell me Ivy had it. kisten rachel-morgan romance supernatural vampire Kim Harrison
6af0dec Maybe if I didn't say anything about what happened, we could get back to the way we were. Ignoring a problem was a perfectly acceptable way to deal with it, as long as both people agree never to bring it up again. Kim Harrison
6d051da The cookie maker needs someone to look out for him. Kim Harrison
09d56ec Shut up," I hissed. Ticked that he was taller than me, I stepped up onto a nearby coffee table. "I'm not in a cage anymore," I said, keeping enough presence of mind not to poke him in the chest with a finger. His face went startled, then cloric. "The only thing between your head and my foot becoming real close and personal right now is my questionable professionalism. And if you ever threaten me again, I'll slam you halfway across the room .. Kim Harrison
3f0b651 I cannot stay," he lied for me, eyes averted. "I'm only going to be here for a time, then leave you." His gaze met mine. "And I will cry when I go, because I could love you forever." -- Kim Harrison
4d97885 Life was going on, and no one but a handful of people cared if I lived or died. Kim Harrison
8e95946 I thought of Al in his dream, looking nothing like this, more like an elegant bat. Broken? Perhaps, but I had put his butterfly back together with my blood. "I never liked the movie Titanic," I said, and he grunted, his gaze sharpening on me. "They both could have gotten on that damn door." rachel-morgan Kim Harrison
6164dcc Double damn. I was a harlot. I was a freaking vampire hussy. Kim Harrison