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Because I'm never going to let you go, Rachel. I don't care how much you push me away because you're scared. I'll just hold you until you get over it.
Kim Harrison |
I need to know," he said softly. "I want to know what a date with you is like so I can look at it and say that was a date. This was business. One date. One real date, with a good-night kiss and everything. One date so I can honestly say to myself that the others were not . . . dates."
Kim Harrison |
Why aren't you afraid of me? I've seen my death, and you're not it.
Kim Harrison |
That's how pixies know we're in love," he said as he folded his dragonfly-like wings and wiggled out of his red jacket, wincing as something pulled. "If the girl has glow, she won't say no."
Kim Harrison |
So I've seen my boys do that a hundred times with the neighboring pixy girls. Give her their favorite seed and be too flustered to tell her what it was.
Kim Harrison |
She just threatened to throw the next man who shoots at you out the window. Megan is awake. She offered to help. God, Trent, what is it with you and women?
Kim Harrison |
I feel like run-over crap," I complained. "You look like run-over crap," Jenks said. "Drink your tea."
Kim Harrison |
Come on, Jenks," he said, moving him into the hallway. "I've got some clothes you can put on. Falling down is a lot more comfortable when you have something between your ass and the carpet."
Kim Harrison |
So much for playing nice.Tired, I let my eyes shut while they argued, hoping I didn't die in the interim and make the problem moot. I wasn't ever going to get my water. Ever.
Kim Harrison |
Trent sighed, visibly bothered at my admittedly childish behavior, but I was hot, damn it, and needed money, and therefore I was vulnerable to his bribes and his air-conditioned car.
Kim Harrison |
Minias smiled. Great. Another charming demon. I sort of prefer the insane ones.
Kim Harrison |
Death and blood didn't turn on a vampire. Fear and the chance to take blood did. There was a difference.
Kim Harrison |
He froze as the scent of her hair met him. It was touching his cheek,tickling him. I cant afford this, he thought, but he didnt move, watching her finger trace the new line. "He cracked my mirror,"she said, clearly angry."
Kim Harrison |
Hey," the other said, coming to life. "You're supposed to be in jail." Al grinned at him, his white-gloved grip tightening on the wooden handle, which was intricately carved in the shape of a naked, writhing woman. Nice. "And your momma wanted you to have a brain," he said, yanking the door open and slamming it into the guy's face." --
Kim Harrison |
This can't happen. Minias said it couldn't happen. I'm not a demon. It shouldn't work for me! I'm not a demon!" "Apparently," Al said, slamming into the bars in time with his words, "you're so damn close, it doesn't matter!"
Kim Harrison |
Yes, but . . ." She hesitated, her gaze finally coming to me. "I survived because I fell in love." With you was unspoken."
Kim Harrison |
Rachel, you summon demons. You're good at it. Get over it, then find a way to make it work for you. It's not going to go away.
Kim Harrison |
My God, woman. Your aura is glowing. Just admit you like him, bump uglies, and get on with your life!
Kim Harrison |
Algaliarept varied its shape, sifting through my mind without me even knowing to choose what scared me the most. Once it had been Ivy. Then Kisten --until I had pinned him in an elevator in a foolish moment of vampire-induced passion. It's hard to be scared of someone after you've French-kissed him.
Kim Harrison |
Maybe I could be friends with a ghost. I wouldn't be able to kill him.
Kim Harrison |
You need me, just whistle," he said as he arranged his ball cap over his eyes against the sun leaking through the frost-emptied branches. "You're not coming?" Lifting the brim of his cap, he eyed me, "You want me to?" he asked blandly. "Not really, no." He dropped the brim and laced his hands over his middle. "Then why are you bitching? It's a crime scene, not a grocery store."
Kim Harrison |
My eyes widened at the ball of orange fluff squeezing out from under the counter, blinking and stretching. I looked again, not believing. "It's a cat," I said, winning the Pulitzer prize for incredible intellect."
Kim Harrison |
I sat for a moment, figuring things out, then decided to stay there. If I was on the floor, I couldn't fall down.
Kim Harrison |
All I'd have to do then was roll with the consequences of inviting dewinged, fanged fairies into Trent's backyard. God, they were savage looking. Served him right.
Kim Harrison |
Under the disguise amulet, Jenks looked very different with black hair and a darker complexion. He had his new aviator jacket on over the T-shirt he had bought in the previous store, making him a sexy, leggy, hunk o' pixy ass in jeans. No wonder he had fifty-four kids and Matalina smiled like Mona Lisa.
Kim Harrison |
You are so full of yourself, Trent," I said, wishing I could shift the car into reverse and drive over his foot. His smile widened. "What?" I demanded. "You called me by my first name. I like that."
Kim Harrison |
See, this was why I liked coffee. You couldn't screw up making coffee. Even the bad stuff was good.
Kim Harrison |
Lately I'd begun carrying pain amulets in my bag, like some people have breath mints.
Kim Harrison |
There is black. There is white. Gray is a cowardly excuse to mix our wants with our needs.
Kim Harrison |
Ivy could have been a model. Hell, Ivy could be anything she wanted. Except happy. Ivy had issues.
Kim Harrison |
Love died in the shadows, and it shouldn't cost so much to keep it in the sun. But as Trent would say, anything gotten cheap wouldn't last, so do what you need to do to be happy and deal with the consequences. That if love was easy, everyone would find it.
Kim Harrison |
Trent was positively smug. Showing me his back, he rifled through a rack of earth charms and watched his hair shift color. "And whereas I might otherwise object--" "Bairn did the investigation on your parents' deaths," I interrupted, thoughts scrambling. "And my dad's." Bairn is supposed to be dead. Why is he across the road pretending to be a kind old man named Keasley? And how did Trent know who he was? His hair now an authoritative gra..
Kim Harrison |
Behind the fury, he was tired. He was tired of being hauled around and shoved into a little room. He was tired of trying for me and failing. And to have Minias know it, to be carted off under his leash...It was almost insulting. Maybe, if I gave Al a night of peace to lick his wounds and his pride, he would grant that same courtesy to me?
Kim Harrison |
I frowned, wondering if Trent would mind being the size of a fairy for a day. He could talk to the newest tenants in his garden.
Kim Harrison |
Inside Junior's it was peaceful. I can change that, I thought dryly,
Kim Harrison |
You all think that security and peace are born from destroying everything stronger than you? There is no safety. There is no peace but what you make, every day, every second, with every choice.
Kim Harrison |
It's a cat. Boy, you couldn't slip anything past me tonight.
Kim Harrison |
Gaily, if you can't demonstrate the ability to keep her alive, then I will take over her care and get you a dog instead." - Newt"
Kim Harrison |
But I knew Nick. He was too ugly to die.
Kim Harrison |
No," she said firmly. "I want you to stay when I go. Break tradition again, my love, and burn me alone in the home we built. I don't want you with me. You aren't done. You see too far ahead. You need to make the world in your thoughts a real one that our children can fly in." - Matalina to Jenks"
Kim Harrison |
People die, Rachel," Ceri said, her cheeks flushing. "Not if I can help it," I snapped. "And not of a broken heart. If you could, I'd be dead already."
Kim Harrison |
I may be a pawn, but I've been to the other side and survived the trip back and I can move like a queen. Don't piss me off.
Kim Harrison |
It was a nice bit of blackmail that kept him off my back, but he refused to take the message that I wasn't going to work for him. 'Course, that might be my fault...since I seemed unable to say no when he waved enough money at me.
Kim Harrison |