I am not going to live with regret for not having tried.
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Maybe he'll go away if we don't answer," I said, and Jenks rose - sixty feet in a mere second. In another second, he dropped back down. "He's coming around back," he said, his gold dust looking black through my sunglasses. Damn it back to the Turn. "Pix the sucker," I said, then waved my hand in negation when Jumoke clearly thought I was serious. The small pixy looked about six, and he took everything literally. [...] "Let him come back," I..
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Make a necklace out of his teeth and bathtub duckies out of his dried-up balls...
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Bowing my head, I took it - I didn't fight it, I took it - accepting it with a feeling of inevitability. It was as if a part of me had died, accepting that I couldn't be who I wanted, so I had to work at making who I was someone I could live with.
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Okay," Glenn said as he stood. "We need to get this back to the . . . ah, forensics lab. I want to know how long the body was stressed before she died." "An hour. That's all. Perhaps less." We all looked at Nina, and she shrugged, dust and rust marring her makeup like dried blood. "But by all means, do your scientific poking and prodding. She's suffered so much, what's one more indignity?"
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She was the most private person I knew, not even telling herself what her feelings were until she found a logical reason to justify them.
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I'm not going to stay sround to send reapers to kill people who are too scared, or frightened, or JUST PLAIN STUPID to find joy in life.
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Quieres saber lo que significa tener hijos?-le dije mientras se sentaba-. Pues significa que a veces tienes que dejar que tu hija haga cosas que te parecen estupidas, confiando en que, el hecho de que tu no seas capaz de hacerlas no quiere decir que ella tampoco. Que tal vez ella es lo suficientemente sensata como para salir del embrollo en que se ha metido.
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Try not to get enthralled, okay?
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Learning to understand those you hate and fear is harder. I
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If you don't say it's wrong, then you're telling them you agree.
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Humans were so ignorant, taking for granted what they received from each other, never knowing the energy they passed between themselves.
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Tengo que hacer la pregunta adecuada?-pregunte. El nego con la cabeza. -No existe ninguna pregunta. Lo unico que cuenta es lo que ves con tus propios ojos.
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I'm not afraid of love being difficult. If it was easy, then everyone would find it.
Kim Harrison |
I've got her okay." Jenks's angular face was pale, making him look as if he was going to pass out. "Jax, it's cold out. Get in Ms. Morgan's purse until we get to the motel." "Hell no!" Jax said, shocking me as he lit on my shoulder. "I'm not going to ride in no purse. I'll be fine with Rex. Tink's diaphragm, Dad. Where do you think I've been sleeping for the last four days?" "Tink's diaph--" Jenks sputtered. "Watch your mouth, young man." T..
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Eight? Was it really eight? Adrenaline or not, this was an insane time to be up. That was humanity's problem right there. They were brain damaged from the early sun.
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Emojin stopped, turned, and nailed him with her glare. "Because she's making this one piece all she'll ever need to show the world who she is instead of coloring her body with random images and needing thirty expressions to show her soul."
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The energy tasted like books, and I imagined we were still in the semipublic areas.
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Knowing your limits is a strength, not a weakness.
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Teaching an adolescent pixy and teenage gargoyle how to make explosives might not be such a good idea. But hell, he'd learned when he was five.
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To the guy who finishes my sentences and gets my jokes. Even the lame ones.
Kim Harrison |
Trent nodded, that same tight look about his jaw. "It would have worked except for one thing," he said, and Wayde looked up. "What's that?" he asked blearily. Silent, Trent stared at me while my heart hammered, once, twice, three times. "She's got friends," he finally said."
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You're like a five-year-old helping Mommy in the kitchen," Bill muttered, and Michael's mirth vanished. "It would be easier if you were somewhere else, but then I'd have two messes to clean up instead of one." Frustrated,"
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Harmony crab-walked back. "You're the only one left, Reed. You were right. It was a trap. Michael is a sadist. We leave now, or I'll shoot you on sight next time I see you as one of Bill's brainwashed dolls."
Kim Harrison |
I can guarantee it, " Jenks said as their eyes met. The second that you see her, you will fall in love. You will do anything for her, anything at all, and she will know it and love you back. That's all kids want to know--that you love them."
Kim Harrison |
Without warning he had become witness to something that stretched back through the eons, ties both elastic and enduring, surpassing death, surpassing life. She was his child. It was as simple as that and that complex.
Kim Harrison |
On the far side of the human graves. Pink wings in the lowering moon as the earth slipped 'round her silver light. They reached our wall. Our lines were strung. We held our land. What's said is done.
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day sleeper. solicitors will be eaten.
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her coat to
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Can we get back to how we're going to kill Nick? And what's this about a dead body? You'd better start talking quick, Ivy, 'cause I'm not going to play hide-and-seek with a dead guy in my trunk. I did that in college, and I'm not going to do it again.
Kim Harrison |
Arms wrapped around me, I looked over the past boxed up and piled haphazardly about, like memories in a person's brain. It was only a matter of knowing where a thought was and dusting it off.
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I like attics. They're as peaceful as God's church. Alone and apart, but a body can hear everything. The past stacked up like forgotten memories, but with a small effort, brought down and enjoyed again.
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No dejare que me capture-le respondi-. Luchare hasta que no pueda mas. Si muero, te quedaras asi para siempre. Su sonrisa se ensancho. -No moriras-respondio con una mueca. -?Por que? ?Porque tu estas conmigo? -Vaya, por fin lo has aprendido.
Kim Harrison |
Tomate tu tiempo-dije con ligereza, cabreada y nerviosa a la vez. -Jenks y yo vamos a recurrir al plan B. -?El plan B?-dijo Ivy-. ?Cual es el plan B? Jenks se puso rojo. -Coge el pez y sal pitando.
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A veces se necesita que te den un buen golpe en la cabeza para darte cuenta de que lo que siempre has deseado no era lo que mas te convenia.
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El vivir una mentira podia desgarrarte de una forma brutal y hacerte perder el control en el momento mas inesperado.
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Lo siento. Takata me miro a los ojos con el ceno fruncido. -Tu padre siempre me dijo que yo era un cabron egoista. Y tenia razon. -Tu das algo-dije suavemente-. Lo que pasa es que lo entregas a los extranos por miedo a que, si se los das a las personas que amas, lo puedan rechazar.
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It had made me strong, but it had left me flawed.
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Rachel, tienes que dejar de comerte la cabeza o lo echaras todo a perder-dijo su voz de seda gris con la lluvia de fondo-. La cuestion no es si podemos hacerlo, sino si prodremos vivir con la idea de no haberlo intentado.
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Build: Vookworm, but tough
Kim Harrison |
Build: Bookworm, but tough
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Refuse to follow where you're led (Dancing) The line begins to blur When you look too far ahead.
Kim Harrison |
I hate it when people use stuff and don't replace
Kim Harrison |
Size 8 women's, and a men's 10.
Kim Harrison |