Ivy had once said that sharing blood was a way to show deep affection, loyalty, and friendship. I felt that way about her, but what she wanted from me was so far from what I understood that I was afraid. She wanted to share with me something so complex and intangible that the shallow emotional vocabulary of human and witch didn't have the words or cultural background to define it. She was waiting for me to figure it out. And I lumped it all..
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I like walking into a room and seeing your face light up when you see me," he said earnestly, the sun from the open window making his hair glow. "I like arguing with Quen over the wisdom of employing a demon to be my security." My throat caught. This wasn't going to happen, but something in me was withering. I wanted more--and I knew I couldn't have it. He touched my hair, and I twitched as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I want ..
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This is about Ku'Sox, isn't it," I said, more of a statement than a question. He made a sighing groan, and I knew it was. "Then you've met," he said, his thoughts clearly on the day-walking demon. "Funny, you don't look dead." His hand touched my chin, shifting it so he could see where I'd been pixed, the blisters itchy and red. "I'm surprised you survived the little designer dump. I nearly didn't."
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Hello-o-o-o-o, Nick," I said, hitting thek hard. "You're the world's biggest jerk for what you did to Jax. You ever show your scrawny face in Cincinnati again, and I'm going to shove a broomstick up your ass and set it on fire. You got that?"
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God, it stinks," I said, hand over my nose as he pulled me into a long step. Al strode forward, head high. "It's the stench of bureaucracy, my itchy-witch, and why I chose to go into human resources when but a wee lad." --
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I got it this time, Daddy Warbucks," I said,"
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Jenks laughed, taking to the air and saying, "Give it up, FIB man. It'll take more than you to get her out. Remember what Ivy and I did to your finest last spring? Add Rachel to that, and you can say your prayers." From behind me came Edden's dry "You think Ivy wants another stint as a candy striper?"
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And Trent," I said, watching Rex since Jenks was preoccupied with a flightless child. "Beloved city son and idiot billionaire goes and gets caught in the ever-after. Who has to bust her butt and make a deal with demons to get him back?" "The one who got him there?" Jenks said, and my eyes narrowed."
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He inclined his head slightly, looking as fabulous as ever, more appealing than before because I had no idea what he was going to do, what he was capable of. "Don't do that," I said, my gaze going everywhere but to him. "Do what?" He sipped from his mug, one long leg draping to the floor, the other pulled up slightly. "Sit on your desk and look sexy."
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Familiars were known for their loose tongues until you cut them out. It was a practice Algaliarept frowned upon. Most of his brethren were bloody plebians. Removing a familiar's tongue completely ruined the nuances of their pleas for mercy.
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if I'd been hit with the same thing as Glenn, I probably had his doctor. The thought seemed about right when Glenn shrank back in his chair with a guilty expression. The tomato, too, was in hiding somewhere. I didn't want to know where. I truly didn't.
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It was starting to smell really good in here. And if I liked what it smelled like, then they were liking what they were smelling, and ah...that would be me.
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And I'm not spying! I'm evaluating!" "It's the same difference!"
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Oh. Shit." I breathed, arms shaking as I tried to push myself up, failing. That's okay. It's nice just to lie here."
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Somehow I found him. Somehow I found Al's sarcastic thoughts, bitter and old. Tired, angry, bored. Alone.
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Actually, I am kind of busy right now," I drawled as I settled back into the chair and closed my eyes. "You have to make melanin while the sun shines."
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From my ear Jenks snickered. "Awwww, you two are so sweet, I could fart fairy balls."
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Two thousand miles, Rachel," he said tightly, and I guessed that no, it didn't violate the rules of whatever he was doing out here, because he sure wasn't out here keeping the coven from attacking me. "I have eaten nothing but slop for two days and used facilities I wouldn't let my dogs urinate in. And what about that couple in the RV outside Texas? I'll never get that memory out of my head." - Trent to Rachel"
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Do you have a sleeping bag?" I stared at him. "No. I lost it in the great salt-dip of '06."
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Men," she said as she took my arm and led me to the brightly lit room. "They forget we need to see the outcome of pain before we willingly put ourselves through it. How else would we suffer nine months to have a beautiful child? We already know we have guts."
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A clipboard and a hard hat could get you just about anywhere.
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The world was going to change again. I should have worn nicer shoes.
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He just wanted to hold her to him and tell her it would be okay, that she had survived and was beautiful.
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Happy endings were never handed out. You had to fight for them, earn them with bruised hearts and sacrifices.
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I'm not going anywhere with you, you little shoemaker," I said (Rachel to Trent)"
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People are motivated by three things, Rachel. Love ..." A red marker clattered in with the rest. "Revenge ..." A black one landed next to it. "And power," she finished, tossing in a green one. "Trent has enough money to buy all three." "You forgot one," I said, wondering if I should just keep my mouth shut. "Family."
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Tink's little pink dildo, Rache! Haven't you gotten rid of those condoms yet? They got a shelf life, you know.
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This is a witchocracy, not a democracy. Clear?
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But a pawn could become a queen if she reached the end and came back again.
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Edden called the church first," she said by way of greeting, her thin eyebrows high as she spotted Ford's arm linked in mine. "Hi, Ford." The man reddened at the lilt she'd put in her last words, but I wouldn't let him take his arm back. I liked being needed. "He's having trouble with the background emotion," I said. "And he'd rather be abused by yours?" Nice. (Ivy, Rachel and Ford)"
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Jenks shook his head. "Rache, I really feel bad for her, but Ivy's right. She can't stay here. She needs professional help." "Really?" I said belligerently, feeling myself warm. "I haven't heard of any group therapy sessions for retired demon familiars, have you?"
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I jerked to a stop at the door to my room. "What's wrong with my boots?" I said, thinking they were the only thing that I was going to keep on. Ah...the only thing from this outfit, not the only thing total."
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Al brought his attention back down from the ceiling. "You really don't want to have sex with him? Why? What's wrong with him?"
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Witches married outside their species all the time, especially before the Turn. There were perfectly acceptable options: adoption, artificial insemination, borrowing your best friend's boyfriend for a night. Issues of what was morally right and wrong tended not to matter when you found yourself in love with a man you couldn't tell you weren't human. It sort of went with the whole hiding-among-humans-for-the-last-five-thousand-years thing.
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Together we made our way from the service entrances in back to the front, Jenks shedding clothes and handing them to me to stuff in my bag every few yards. It was terribly distracting, but I managed to avoid running into the Dumpsters and recycling bins.
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Okay, I like him," I admitted. "But it takes more than a nice body, Jenks. Jeez, I do have a little depth. You've got a great body, and you don't see me trying to get into your Fruit of the Looms."
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Glenn... I wasn't expecting this. He's not after my blood, and we like the same stuff." From the rearview mirror, Jenks snickered. "Guns, violence, crime scene photos, leather, sex, and women. Yeah, I can see that." (Ivy and Jenks)"
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In a smooth, unhurried motion, Jenks reached out and slapped him. "Seems to me you should pull the brains out of your ass."
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Ivy and I will deal with the uncomfortable situation like we always have...by ignoring it. It was something we were both good at.
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A devious spark lit through Al, making me smile. One way. It costs too much, he said. "There's no inflation in the ever-after, Al." Call it a recession then. One way."
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I didn't want to go to jail. Unlike Takata, I looked awful in orange.
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Elves apparently had a short childhood. Not like witches, who seemed to take forever to grow up, according to Jenks.
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She's not much of a team player, more of a team yeller.
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In a few hours, I'm going to be banished to the surface, my belongings raffled off as novelty items and my living space given to someone else--my reputation destroyed. I'd rather have your head than your soul at this point in my illustrious career." - Al"
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