Yanliz kalmaya ve kendi atesimle kavrulmaya daha fazla dayanamayacaktim. Fakat butun bakislar beni yalayip geciyordu, kimse varligimi hissetmek istemiyordu.
Stefan Zweig |
Bize hicbir sey yapilmadi, yalnizca tam bir hicligin icine koyulduk, cunku bilindigi gibi dunyada hicbir sey insan ruhunu hiclik kadar baski altina alamaz.
Stefan Zweig |
Sarilabilecekleri herhangi bir seyin oldugu hissetmek yalnizlar icin, kendi icine hapsolmus insanlar icin ne mucizevi bir seydi.
Stefan Zweig |
I had never even thought of Edith as a member of the opposite sex; it had never even so much as crossed my mind that her crippled body was possessed of the same organs, that her soul harboured the same urgent desires, as those of other women. It was only from this moment that I began to have an inkling of the fact (suppressed by most writers) that the outcasts, the branded, the ugly, the withered, the deformed, the despised and rejected, de..
Stefan Zweig |
We must "conserve the freedom of our soul and not mortgage it, except on those rare occasions when we deem it the right path"." --
Stefan Zweig |
dy'm m nkhTy' fy tqdyr qw@ lHb l'nn nqymh b'thrh lHly fqT , l bltwtr ldhy zl `nd qdwmh , thm@ fD mZlm khwin tmlw'h lwHd@ w ly's ysbq kl l'Hdth lry'`@ fy trykh lqlb
Stefan Zweig |
I shchom dignakh vzor nad dimiashchata kula na komina i prizrachno blestiashchite d'rveni opori na platnata, v ochite mi iz edin p't nakhlu v'lsheben zrak. Nebeto l'chezareshe. To beshe t'mno v sravnenie s's zvezdite, koito trepkakha beli po nego, no vse pak -- to l'chezareshe; siakash tam kadifena zavesa zabulvashe chudovishchna svetlina, siakash iskrometnite zvezdi biakha samo malki otvori i proluki, prez koito probliasvashe tozi neopisue..
Stefan Zweig |
Only the man who remains free from all and everything augments and sustains freedom on this earth.
Stefan Zweig |
No stranno - t'kmo tova, che v tozi chas ne znaekh kakvo moga da si pozhelaia, porodi u mene nevedomo nepriiatno useshchane. Shche b'de li naistina dobre, pitashe niakoi v mene - tova ne biakh az, - ako tvoiat zhivot prod'lzhi i zanapred vse taka bezburno, taka pravolineino, taka dokhodno, taka udobno, bez novi usiliia i novi izpitaniia? Ne e li tova privilegirovano, nap'lno osigureno s'shchestvuvane po-skoro nepris'shcho za tebe, za nai-gl..
Stefan Zweig |
Sen, beni asla, asla tanimayan, bir su birikintisinin yanindan gecercesine yanimdan gecip giden, bir tasa basarcasina ustume basan, hep, ama hep yoluna devam eden ve beni sonsuz bir bekleyis icerisinde birakan sen, kimsin ki benim icin?
Stefan Zweig |
La verite a demi ne vaut rien, il la faut toujours entiere.
Stefan Zweig |
l 'lwmk; 'Hbk km 'nt: mt'jWj wsry` lnsyn, skhyW wkhy'n; 'Hbk hkdh, l sh~ l' hkdh, km knt dy'm wkm 'nt lan
Stefan Zweig |
great creative gifts do not mean fulness and giving out of abundance. On the contrary the expression is that of one who seeks help and strives to emancipate himself.
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Nada se nos hizo, solo que se nos situo dentro de la nada absoluta, porque, segun es notorio, ninguna cosa del mundo ejerce tanta presion sobre el alma humana como la nada.
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intelligence, its tenets those of division, regression, hatred, violence and persecution. In
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ay sdh nyst khh khwd r adm mhmy bdny wqty srswzny bh tw tHmyl nshdh bshd khh frdy mthl rmbrnd, bthwwn, dnth y nply'wn hrgz zysthnd?
Stefan Zweig |
z anj khh dhrhy z rzshhy dygry bh Gyr z shTrnj w pwl khbr ndrd, w tmm dlyl lzm bry yn khh z khwdsh rDy bshd r drd
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khsny khh wsws gwnh khwd r bh ykh ydh wHd mshGwl my khnnd zyr hrchh nsn khwd r byshtr mHdwd szd, bh khml mTlwbsh nzdykhtr myshwd w bl`khs. shkhSy z yn dst khh bh Zhr z wq`yt zndgy jd hstnd hmchwn mwrynhhyy hstnd khh z mSlH khwd bry nskhhy qbltwjh w khwchkhshdh z jhn stfdh mykhnnd
Stefan Zweig |
Yalnizca kisa bir sure, bir an icin bu aci dizlerimin bagini oyle cozdu ki, nefessiz, cansiz ve sanki olecekmis gibi bir duyguyla o banka yigilip kaldim. Ama dedigim gibi butun acilar korkaktir, yasama karsi duyulan asiri arzu karsisinda aci geriler; cunku yasama arzusu, dusuncelerimizde var olan olum arzusundan cok daha guclu sekilde bedenimizin her zerresinde mevcuttur.
Stefan Zweig |
dreams are like delicate little white flowers that will be blown away at the first breath of reality?
Stefan Zweig |
Ere long, however, the daemon was wrestling with him once more; he was seized by that "terrible spirit of unrest" which drove him "like the deluge, to the mountain peaks". Shadows of gloom and discontent crept into his letters. He began to complain of his "dependent position", and the forces at work within him soon became obvious. He could not endure regular occupation, could not bear to participate in the daily round of ordinary people. No..
Stefan Zweig |
Nietzsche's own thoughts gathered around him and with which he was entrapped as by an impenetrable bell glass, a solitude wherein there were no flowers or colours or music or beasts or men, a solitude whence even God was excluded, the dead and petrified solitude of some primeval world which existed long ago or may come into being aeons hence.
Stefan Zweig |
War does not permit itself to be coordinated with reason and righteousness. It needs stimulated emotions, enthusiasm for its own cause and hatred for the adversary.
Stefan Zweig |
La gratitude rend heureux parce qu'on fait rarement l'experience palpable, la delicatesse de sentiment fait du bien et, pour moi, etre mesure et froid, une telle exaltation signifiait quelque chose de tout a fait bienfaisant, merveilleux.
Stefan Zweig |
Die erste Lehre war gegeben: dass die grossen Manner immer die gutigsten sind.
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Die zweite war, dass sie fast immer in ihrem Leben die einfachsten sind.
Stefan Zweig |
eigentlich jeder irdischen Leistung aufgetan gesehen: Konzentration, die Zusammenfassung aller Krafte, aller Sinne, das Ausser-sich-Sein, das Ausserder-Welt-Sein jedes Kunstlers. Ich hatte etwas gelernt fur mein ganzes Leben.
Stefan Zweig |
Was bedeutet Kultur anderes, als der groben Materie des Lebens ihr Feinstes, ihr Zartestes, ihr Subtilstes durch Kunst und Liebe zu entschmeicheln?
Stefan Zweig |
At the moment when his soul brimmed with bitterness and disgust, when his spirit was darkened, he encountered a woman, a stranger... who showed gratitude for this proposal of a special union. She was an invalid, marked for death, eaten away by cancer as Kleist was eaten away by the fatigue of life, and though herself incapable of making a forceful resolution, she was exalted by his passion and agreed to journey with him into the abyss.
Stefan Zweig |
Jamas!>> grita indignado. Pero ya sabemos por la Historia que ese <> de los reyes, de los politicos y de los generales suele casi siempre ser el preludio de una capitulacion. ?No
Stefan Zweig |
Farkli hisseden, farkli hassasiyetlere sahip ve farkindaligi guclenmis baska bir insan haline geldigimi biliyorum. Daha iyi bir insan oldugumu iddia edecek cesaretim yok elbette, ama daha mutlu bir insan oldugumu biliyorum, cunku o buz gibi donuk hayatim icin yeni bir anlam buldum, yasamin kendisinden baska bir sozcukle aciklayamayacagim bir anlam. Ait oldugum kesimin normlarini ve kaliplarini bos buldugum icin artik ne kendimden ne de bask..
Stefan Zweig |
mn bh tjrbh khwdm z jdhbyt hy bzy shhnh mTl` bwdm, tnh bzy skht dst bshr khh bh Trz chshmgyry z jwr w jfy bkht w qbl myrhd w tj pyrwzy r tnh bh dhhn, y ykh nw` khS z st`ddhy dhhny `T mykhnd. ay m b twhynmn bh khTr bzy shmrdn shTrnj gnhkhr nystym?
Stefan Zweig |
nsn khrdmndy khh dym tmm nyrwy dhhn khwd r Srf khr mskhrh rndn ykh shh chwby bh lbh ykh SfHh chwby mykhnd w tzh yn khr r bdwn an khh dywnh shwd njm mydhd.
Stefan Zweig |
The world existed for me only in relationship to you.
Stefan Zweig |
Tum dunya yerle bir olurken, insanin kendisi icin calismasi bir suc. - Sayfa 12
Stefan Zweig |
Roth, non si inasprisca, abbiamo bisogno di lei,
Stefan Zweig |
The most just death is that which is most willed. Our lives depend on the will of others, but death on ourselves alone. There is nothing to which we should apply ourselves more than this. Reputation has no place here and it is folly to think of it. Life is servitude if we lack the freedom to die.
Stefan Zweig |
Death is a certain refuge, never to be feared"; "Strong diseases require strong remedies", writes Montaigne"
Stefan Zweig |
Edebiyatta sinirlari asan onemli kisiler arasinda, gunumuzun en buyugu Dostoyevski'dir, ruh alaninda kimse ondan daha fazla yeni ulke kesfetmemistir; bu muthis, bu olcuye sigmaz adamin kendi ifadesiyle "olculemezlik ve sonsuzluk, yeryuzunun kendisi kadar elzemdi". Dostoyevski hicbir yerde duraklamamistir, "Her yerde siniri astim," diye yazar bir mektubunda gururla ve kendinden yakinarak, "her yerde"."
Stefan Zweig |
El que hace una concesion no puede ya detenerse.
Stefan Zweig |
Habeis e frios calculadores podem vir demonstrar, ainda e sempre, que o sonho do erasmismo e impossivel, e os factos poderao parecer dar-lhes razao; isso nao impede que sejam sempre necessarios os seres que indicam aos povos aquilo que os aproxima e aquilo que os divide, e que renovam no coracao dod homens a crenca em mais alta humanidade. Ha no legado de Erasmo uma promessa criadora. Aquele que mostra o espirito fora do seu quadro, nas dim..
Stefan Zweig |
et au dessus de moi, avec une resonance imperceptible, le blanc ecoulement de ce monde.
Stefan Zweig |
L'amour coute cher aux vieillards--I think that was the title of one of Balzac's most moving stories, and many could be written on the subject. But the old people who know most about it are happy
Stefan Zweig |
Solo colui che riesce a mantenere la propria liberta rispetto a tutto e a tutti, conserva e moltiplica la liberta sulla terra.
Stefan Zweig |