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e7c0690 To be free of vanity or pride, these perhaps the gravest of all indulgences. Stefan Zweig
bc754df He forgets the books he has read, has no memory for dates and misplaces the momentous events in his life. Like a river, all flows over him, leaving nothing behind: no deep conviction, no solid opinion, nothing fixed, nothing stable. Stefan Zweig
2b65632 To be free of family and familiar surroundings. Stefan Zweig
4fa1635 He is at one and the same time all and nothing, always different and yet ever the same, the Montaigne of 1550, 1560, 1570, 1580, the Montaigne of yesterday. Stefan Zweig
4142057 To free oneself of ambitions and all forms of avarice: "Thirst for glory is the most futile of all, the most valueless and bogus currency known to man." Stefan Zweig
0298800 The truths that he finds may in the coming months or even the coming years be truths no more. He must be forever searching. Thus is born a multitude of contradictions. Now he appears an Epicurean, now a Stoic, now a sceptic. Stefan Zweig
14c224c To be free of customs: "Custom clouds the true face of things"." Stefan Zweig
0079e8d He has no defined destination. All roads are open to his "pensee vagabonde"." Stefan Zweig
c9889cc La plus volontaire mort c'est la plus belle. Stefan Zweig
f3117ec He is only a philosopher in the manner of Socrates, whom he revered above all others because he left behind no dogma, no teachings, no law, no system, only an example: the man who seeks himself in all and who seeks all in himself. Stefan Zweig
067aafb The writer in him is only the shadow of the man, though so often we observe men whose art of writing is so great, but whose art of living is so modest. Stefan Zweig
4dd1e92 He makes it his task to be wholly sincere with himself, and he notes this definition of wisdom which he finds in Pindar: "True being is the beginning of a great virtue." Stefan Zweig
5e64fc4 He becomes an auto-psychologist. "What do I know?" he asks himself." Stefan Zweig
9bffb16 For you cannot know the world by just navel-gazing. This is why he reads history and studies philosophy: not to draw lessons and precepts, but to understand how other men have acted in the past, so that he can compare his own situation with theirs. Stefan Zweig
862385d He studies virtues, vices, flaws and merits, the wisdom and puerility of others. Stefan Zweig
6cd60f1 I could never bring myself to read through contracts or arrangements destined for my scrutiny and subject to my care. In truth this was not so much a philosophical mistrust for the worldly, the mundane and transitory--no, rather it was unpardonable infantile idleness and gross negligence. I would rather do anything than read through a contract. Stefan Zweig
54ace29 To know by heart is not to know, it is to keep what they have given you and store it in your memory. Stefan Zweig
2ee89e4 And although our time gave me the opportunity like anyone else, I never got my hands on the property or assets of another Frenchman. Only alone have I lived, whether in war or peace, and I have never demanded anything of someone without remunerating him justly. I have my law and my own courts of justice, and they pass sentence on me. Stefan Zweig
1eed9c0 Les monomaniques de tout poil, les gens qui sont possedes par une seule idee m'ont toujours specialement intrigue, car plus un esprit se limite, plus il touche par ailleurs a l'infini. Stefan Zweig
3f3aba6 While the Austrian crown was dissolving like jelly in your fingers, everyone wanted Swiss francs and American dollars, and large numbers of foreigners exploited the economic situation to feed on the twitching corpse of the old Austrian currency. Austria was 'discovered', and became disastrously popular with foreign visitors in a parody of the society season. All the hotels in Vienna were crammed full with these vultures; they would buy anyt.. Stefan Zweig
0375fce The strikingly broad, almost athletically powerful shoulders unfortunately reflected the character of his playing too, for this Mr. McConnor was one of those self-obsessed big wheels who feel personally diminished by a defeat in even the most trivial game. Stefan Zweig
35df157 Ben yasami daha once hic bu denli arzuyla yasamamistim ve simdi biliyorum ki, kendiyle ilgili durumlarda kayitsizlasan herkes bir suc isleyecektir. Stefan Zweig
6965246 bir tel gibi gergindim ve varliginin ona her dokunusuyla tinliyordum. Stefan Zweig
b3a0912 Hic ama hicbir zaman, binlerce insanla birlikte dalgalandigim, dort bir yanimdan sicaklikla ve sozcuklerle kucaklandigim, ama yine de bu dolgunlugun akisindan kopuk oldugum su anki kadar buyuk bir paylasma, bir insan yakinligi ihtiyaci duymamistim. Denizde susuzluktan olen biri gibiydim. Stefan Zweig
bd7c67d ich spure wieder erschrocken, eine wie schwache, armselige und quallige Substanz das doch sein muss, was wir immer grossspurig Seele, Geist, Gefuhl, was wir Schmerzen nen- nen, da all dies selbst im aussersten Ubermass nicht vermag, den leidenden Leib, den zer- qualten Korper vollig zu zersprengen -- weil man ja doch solche Stunden mit weiterpo- chendem Blut uberdauert, statt hinzusterben und hinzusturzen wie ein Baum unterm Blitz. Nu.. Stefan Zweig
9fb425a Balzac'in bir kahramani dunyayi boyunduruk altina almak ister, Dostoyevski'nin kahramani ise onu alt etmek. Her ikisinde de gunluk yasamin ustune cikma gayreti, sonsuzluga bir yonelim vardir. Dickens insanlarinin hepsi mutevazidir. Tanrim, ne istiyor bunlar? Yilda 100 pound, sevimli bir es, bir duzine cocuk, dostlar icin donatilmis guzel bir masa, Londra civarinda, penceresi yesil bir manzaraya bakan, kucuk bir bahce icinde bir kir evi ve b.. Stefan Zweig
8edc5a3 Icimdeki bu kipirtisizlikla hayatim giderek tekduzelesti, ugraslarimin ve olaylarin cesitliligine ragmen gunler one cikan bir sey olmadan pes pese diziliyor, bir agacin yapraklari gibi yeseriyor ve sararip gidiyorlardi. Stefan Zweig
72f30db Geburtstag ist ja Tag, wo man an sich denkt. (... Cunku dogum gunu, insanin kendi uzerinde dusundugu bir gundur.) Stefan Zweig
f4b2dad yapacak hicbir sey yoktu,duyacak hicbir sey yoktu,gorecek hicbir sey yoktu,her yerde ve surekli olarak insanin cevresinde hiclik, zamandan ve mekandan mutlak anlamda yoksun bir bosluk vardi.insan bir asagi bir yukari gidip geliyordu ve onunla birlikte dusunceler de bir asagi bir yukari,bir asagi bir yukari gidip geliyordu,surekli gidip geliyordu.fakat sonucta dusuncelerin de,ne herhangi bir ozden yoksunmus gibi gorunurlerse gorunsunler, bir.. Stefan Zweig
639188e Olmem sana aci verecek olsaydi eger, o zaman olmezdim. Stefan Zweig
dd98bb6 ilk kez bu dunyaya ait birisi icin var oldugumu hissediyordum. Stefan Zweig
d486e92 Daha iyi bir insan oldugumu iddia edecek cesaretim yok elbette, ama daha mutlu bir insan oldugumu biliyorum, cunku o buz gibi donuk hayatim icin yeni bir anlam buldum, yasamin kendisinden baska bir sozcukle aciklayamayacagim bir anlam. Stefan Zweig
ca76702 Ilk kez iyiligin ve kotulugun insanin icinde yaratabilecegi haz adina ne varsa hepsini hissettim, fakat benim nerelere vardigimi asla bilemeyeceksiniz, beni asla taniyamayacaksiniz: Ey siz insanlar, siz benim sirrimi nereden bileceksiniz! Stefan Zweig
dbe3e6c Heyecanimin icine bir araliktan giren soguk hava akimi gibi utanc sizmisti. Stefan Zweig
3df2cbb Insanin mutlulukla yasamis oldugu karaya limandan ayrilan bir gemiden bir kez daha bakmasi gibi arkasindan baktim. Stefan Zweig
6598dd4 queda expatriado para siempre y encuentra su verdadero " yo": principe sin ley, apatrida feliz, sin hogar, sin bienes, alejado para siempre de las mezquindades de la patria y de toda sujecion patriotica, ya no hay para el otra perspectiva que la vista de pajaro del " buen europeo", de "esta clase de hombre esencialmente nomada y que esta mas alla de la idea de nacionalidad", un nuevo hombre cuya llegada inevitable siente Nietzsche en la atm.. Stefan Zweig
c29785b Fakat bir kez daha hissediyorum ki, bir ara vermeliyim, cunku tek bir sozcugun bile ne kadar cok anlama gelebilecegini, nasil zit yonlere cekilebilecegini fark edince korkuyorum. Simdi, ilk kez butunluk icinde bir seyler anlatmaya kalktigimda, hareket halindeki yasayan bir seyi derli toplu bir halde saptamanin ne kadar zor oldugunu ancak fark ediyorum. Az once ben, 7 haziran 1913 gunu ogle saatlerinde bir fayton kiraladigimi yazdim. fakat b.. Stefan Zweig
10eada2 Come talvolta un artista, per dar prova delle proprie energie creative, cerca di proposito un soggetto esteriormente modesto invece di uno patetico e universale, cosi di tanto in tanto il destino cerca un eroe insignificante per dimostrare come anche da una materia scadente possa svilupparsi la piu alta tensione, da un'anima debole e mal disposta una grandiosa tragedia. Stefan Zweig
3425ab0 Fur mich ist Emersons Axiom, dass gute Bucher die beste Universitat ersetzen, unentwegt gultig geblieben, und ich bin noch heute uberzeugt, dass man ein ausgezeichneter Philosoph, Historiker, Philologe, Jurist und was immer werden kann, ohne je eine Universitat oder sogar ein Gymnasium besucht zu haben. die-welt-von-gestern europa geschichte gymnasium jura philosopie universität stefan-zweig Stefan Zweig
421f933 Insan ancak kimsenin yazgisina mudahale etmez, bir eyleme karismazsa ve yalniz yasarsa adaletli olabilir. Zindanda hic kimseyle konusmadan, yapayalniz yasadigim kadar yakin olmadim bilginin isigina ve hic oradaki kadar uzak olmadim gunaha. Birakin baris icinde yasayayim evimde, tanrilar icin kendimi feda etmekten baska isim olmasin ve arinmis olayim tum gunahlardan. Stefan Zweig
f39b04e m lkhTb fy dh m t`rD lnsn llHZ@ jnwn Twl hdhh lmd@ lmdyd@ mn lzmn. llHZ@ wHd@ fqT.? lkn lmr l ymkn 'n yflt mm nsmyh. wb`br@ mbhm@ jd : lDmyr Stefan Zweig
278eccc Hicbir seyin benim icin gerceklesmedigi, ama yine de her seyin bana dahil oldugu duygusunu tasiyordum yalnizca; ilgisiz kalsam da, cok derin ve cok gercek seyler tadiyor olmak muthis mutluluk veren bir duyguydu, ruhumun en canli kaynagini olusturur, tanimadigim yerlerde sehvet gibi ustume cokerdi. Stefan Zweig
213dbab w'n b`D lns ystldhwn l`tqd b'nhm 'qw~ mmn "shl Gww'hm", w'Sf~ khlqan, w'kthr Thr@an wnq." Stefan Zweig
cd124ec Macellan'in artik curutemeyecegi bu iddialar dogru mu gercekten? ve tarih daha sonra Macellan'a hak verse bile genellikle tarihin kaybedenlere degil kazananlara hak verdigini unutmamak gerekir. Hebbel cok guzel bir laf etmistir: Syf-145 Stefan Zweig
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