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eab2f1f What is meditative absorption? What is leaving the body? What is fasting? What is holding the breath? These are a flight from the ego, a brief escape from the torment of being an ego, a short-term deadening of the pain and absurdity of life. This same escape, this same momentary deadening, is achieved by the ox driver in an inn when he drinks a bowl of rice wine or fermented coconut milk. Then he no longer feels his self, then he no longer .. Hermann Hesse
ec91f5f Man is not by any means of fixed and enduring form... He is much more an experiment and a transition. He is nothing else than the narrow and perilous bridge between nature and spirit. philosophy Hermann Hesse
b73a848 Fame wouldn't exist if it weren't for education. It's only of concern to schoolteachers. Oh no, we are not talking about fame, but what I call eternity. Believers call it the kingdom of God. The way I see it, all of us more demanding people, those of us who long for something better and have that one dimension too many, would be incapable of living if, apart from this world's atmosphere, there weren't another air to breathe; if, apart from .. Hermann Hesse
d8db5a3 Hy@ kl nsn `br@ `n Tryq nHw nfsh .. lm ysbq lnsn n kn nfsh tmm w bshkl kml Hermann Hesse
1f8ecc1 Everyone can perform magic; everyone can reach his goals, if he is able to think, to wait, and to fast." Kamala" Hermann Hesse
3f1aba4 wished that he would also be gifted with the ability to participate in all of this childlike-naive occupations of the daytime with passion and with his heart, really to live, really to act, really to enjoy and to live instead of just standing by as a spectator. Hermann Hesse
62fbb30 Into being a priest, into this arrogance, into this spirituality, his self had retreated, there it sat firmly and grew, while he thought he would kill it by fasting and penance. Hermann Hesse
3464054 Knowledge can be conveyed, but not wisdom. It can be found, it can be lived, it is possible to be carried by it, miracles can be performed with it, but it cannot be expressed in words and taught Hermann Hesse
afce928 Kamala did not try to find him. She was not surprised when she learned that Siddhartha had disappeared. Hermann Hesse
a6b9694 Mountains at Night The lake has died down, The reed, black in its sleep, Whispers in a dream. Expanding immensely into the countryside, The mountains loom, outspread. They are not resting. They breathe deeply, and hold themselves, Pressed tightly, to one another. Deeply breathing, Laden with mute forces, Caught in a wasting passion. Hermann Hesse
79439d7 He had started to suspect that his venerable father and his other teachers, that the wise Brahmins had already revealed to him the most and best of their wisdom, that they had already filled his expecting vessel with their richness, and the vessel was not full, the spirit was not content, the soul was not calm, the heart was not satisfied. The ablutions were good, but they were water, they did not wash off the sin, they did not heal the spi.. Hermann Hesse
08648e6 When someone is seeking,' said Siddhartha, 'it happens quite easily that he only sees the thing that he is seeking; that he is unable to find anything, unable to absorb anything, because he is only thinking of the thing he is seeking, because he has a goal, because he is obsessed with his goal. Seeking means: to have a goal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal. Hermann Hesse
2876747 Non e il nostro compito quello di avvicinarci, cosi come non si avvicinano fra loro il sole e la luna, o il mare e la terra. Noi due, caro amico, siamo il sole e la luna, siamo il mare e la terra. La nostra meta non e di trasformarci l'uno nell'altro, ma di conoscerci l'un l'altro e d'imparar a vedere ed a rispettare nell'altro cio ch'egli e: il nostro opposto e il nostro complemento. Hermann Hesse
4f5a180 It is not a good thing when man overstrains his reason and tries to reduce to rational order matters that are not susceptible of rational treatment. Then there arise ideals such as those of the Americans or of the Bolsheviks. Both are extraordinarily rational, and both lead to a frightful oppression and impoverishment of life, because they simplify it so crudely. The likeness Hermann Hesse
75e7eb0 I suspected that the man was ailing, ailing in the spirit in some way, or in his temperament or character, and I shrank from him with the instinct of the healthy. Hermann Hesse
8fc398b Nothing is effected by daemons, there are no daemons. Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goals, if he is able to think, if he is able to wait, if he is able to fast. Hermann Hesse
10d64ba Most people, Kamala, are like a falling leaf, which is blown and is turning around through the air, and wavers, and tumbles to the ground. But others, a few, are like stars, they go on a fixed course, no wind reaches them, in themselves they have their law and their course. Hermann Hesse
3a02763 And here it must be said that to call suicides only those who actually destroy themselves is false. Among these, indeed, there are many who in a sense are suicides only by accident and in whose being suicide has no necessary place. Among the common run of men there are many of little personality and stamped with no deep impress of fate, who find their end in suicide without belonging on that account to the type of the suicide by inclination.. Hermann Hesse
cc77be6 is a flight from the Self, it is a temporary escape from the torment of Self. It is a temporary palliative against the pain and folly of life. The driver of oxen makes this same flight, takes this temporary drug when he drinks a few bowls of rice wine or coconut milk in the inn. He then no longer feels his Self, no longer feels the pain of life; he then experiences temporary escape. Falling asleep over his bowl of rice wine, he finds what S.. Hermann Hesse
d9e08b6 E poi di nuovo, come oggi, puo divenirmi problematico il fatto che abbia veramente visto, udito, odorato qualcosa o se invece tutto cio che credo di percepire altro non sia se non l'immagine della mia vita interiore proiettata fuori di me. Hermann Hesse
3f1de99 Comprendi al punto: era la lucha entre los hombres y las maquinas, preparada, esperada y temida desde hace mucho tiempo, la que por fin habia estallado. Por todas partes yacian muertos y mutilados, por todas partes tambien automoviles apedreados, retorcidos, medio quemados; sobre la espantosa confusion volaban aeroplanos, y tambien a estos se les tiraba desde muchos tejados y ventanas con fusiles y con ametralladoras. En todas las paredes a.. Hermann Hesse
e2eac4b Pronto me di cuenta de que estas ensenanzas podian ser un consuelo solo para los que las aceptaran literalmente y que creyeran ser la verdad. Si fueran, como para mi, en parte bella literatura, parte simbolos intrincados; un intento de explicacion mitologica del mundo, uno podria instruirse y apreciarlas, pero uno no aprenderia la forma de vivir y sacar fuerza de ellas. theosophy Hermann Hesse
73bc475 Dove non era riuscito a suo tempo mio padre, riusci ora il tormento d'amore. Mi dedicai all'arte del bere. Per la mia vita e la mia indole questo avvenimento fu senza dubbio il piu importante di tutti quelli narrati finora. Il Dio forte e dolce mi divenne fedele amico e lo e ancora oggi. Chi altrettanto potente? Chi ugualmente bello, fantastico, entusiasta, lieto e malinconico? E' eroe e mago, seduttore e fratello d'amore. Puo l'impossibile.. Hermann Hesse
cf94141 Simultaneamente con esta sensacion de bienestar y el sonido creciente de los acordes, me sobrecogio un halito de sorprendente felicidad, porque repentinamente supe lo que era el amor. No era un sentimiento nuevo, sino el esclarecimiento, la confirmacion de una antigua sospecha, un regreso a la tierra natal... Hermann Hesse
3a2744b Yo creo que se puede establecer una division entre la juventud y la madurez. La juventud acaba cuando termina el egoismo; la madurez se inicia cuando se vive para los demas. youth Hermann Hesse
7ceaaea Y el artista no es, como el vulgo piensa, una persona jovial que esparce por aqui y por alla obras de arte por mera exuberancia, sino que infortunadamente es por lo general una pobre alma que se sofoca con riquezas excedentes y que por lo tanto tiene que obsequiar algunas de ellas. Hermann Hesse
2537dcc De entre los sonidos, palabras y otros elementos triviales, podemos construir juguetes liricos e intelectuales, originar filosofias y canciones llenas de mensajes y consuelo mas bellas que el ruin deporte de la fortuna y el destino. Hermann Hesse
d7c019a Se protivrechi edno na drugo, se protrchuva edno kraj drugo, nikade nema sigurnost. Se mozhe da se tolkuva vaka, i se mozhe da se tolkuva obratno. Seta chovechka istorija mozhe da se protolkuva kako razvoj i napredok, a istovremeno bez da se vidi neshto povekje od propast i glupost. Zar nema vistina? Zar ne postoi vistinska i validna nauka? truth glass dogma game Hermann Hesse
b94f5fd La serieta, caro mio, e una nota del tempo: nasce, te lo voglio confidare, dal sopravvalutare il tempo. Anch'io una volta stimavo troppo il tempo e desideravo pero di arrivare a cent'anni. Ma nell'eternita, vedi, il tempo non esiste; l'eternita e solo un attimo, quanto basta per uno scherzo. Hermann Hesse
5f5ffd8 nS l`rf@: 'n '`Ty lbyn mn lTl` l'wl fdh krr lsw'l , kn dhlk thql w n 'thql, lm '`Th byn w lSmwd hw ldhy ydf` ly l'mm Hermann Hesse
b7029d7 ir jo balsas pasidare duslus nuo svelnumo. love Hermann Hesse
c8a0639 Niente e piu odioso dei confini, niente e piu stupido. Hermann Hesse
401a8fc Non fa nessuna differenza, salvo un piccolo particolare, che per me ad ogni modo e di massima importanza. Che io senta la vita guizzare in me, sia essa sulla lingua o nelle suole, sia nella volutta o sia nel tormento, che la mia anima sia mobile e possa insinuarsi con cento giuochi della fantasia in cento forme, in parroci e viandanti, in cuoche e assassini, in fanciulli e animali, in particolare in uccelli ed anche in alberi, questo e esse.. Hermann Hesse
36ebe09 Patria non e qua o la. Patria e dentro te, o in nessun luogo. Hermann Hesse
3769eab Non puoi essere vagabondo e artista e contemporaneamente borghese e uomo sano e decoroso. Ti vuoi ubriacare, allora tieniti anche il mal di testa! Se dici di si alla luce del sole e alle fantasie leggiadre, devi dire si anche alla sporcizia e al disgusto. Tutto questo e in te, oro e fango, bramosia e pena, riso infantile e paura della morte. Di a tutto si , non sottrarti a niente, non tentare di eludere niente. Hermann Hesse
cb4c573 l`l lkhwf mn lmwt hw 's kl `mln fy khlq lSwr, wl`lh 'yD 's kl nshT `qly. nt dh nnfr mn lmwt, wnrtjf l`jzn lhsh, nrqb bHzn l'zhr tdhbl mrr wtkrr, wnHn n`rf fy qrrtn 'nn sr`n m sndhbl mthlh. ldh fHyn nHfr, nHn lSn` lSwr 'w nbHth `n lqwnyn lnD` bh fkrn fnn l nf`l dhlk l lnnfdh lqlyl mm ymkn nqdhh mn rqS@ lmwt lmtrbT@ lbdy@ Hermann Hesse
0956009 Tipota ston kosmo den einai pio dusaresto apo to n' akolouthesei kaneis to monopati pou odegei sten autognosia. Hermann Hesse
1798e90 Korktuklari icin, soguktan, yalnizliktan, olumden sersemce ve cocuksu birmkorkuya kapildiklari icin insanlar kacip birbirlerine siginiyor, birbirleriyle opusup kucaklasiyor, yanaklarini birbirine surtuyor, bacaklarini birbirlerinin bacaklarina doluyorlar, dunyaya yeni insanlar saliyorlardi. Hermann Hesse
5f4df74 Time and the world, money and power belong to the small people and the shallow people. To the rest, to the real men belongs nothing. Nothing but death. Hermann Hesse
3fd2764 Feliz emprendi mi largo camino a casa en la fria noche. Aqui y alla tropece aun con estudiantes que se retiraban a dormir alborotando y haciendo eses. Muy a menudo habia comparado su singular manera de divertirse con mi vida solitaria, unas veces con cierta envidia y otras con desprecio. Pero nunca habia sentido como hoy, con plena serenidad y secreta energia, cuan poco me atania aquello y cuan lejano y perdido era para mi aquel mundo. Me a.. Hermann Hesse
479d9e3 Fate was not kind, life was capricious and terrible, and there was no good or reason in nature. But there is good and reason in us, in human beings, with whom fortune plays, and we can be stronger than nature and fate, if only for a few hours. And we can draw close to one another in times of need, and live to comfort each other. And sometimes when the black depths are silent, we can do even more. We can then be gods for moments, stretch out.. Hermann Hesse
955d82f wlkn kyf ymkn 'n tmwt 'nt y nrsys? 'nt l t`rf lk 'm. kyf ymknn 'n nHb dwn 'm? nn bGyr 'm l nstTy` 'n nmwt Hermann Hesse
6e6a26a Proshloe proshlo: bylo li ono udachnym ili luchshe by ego i vovse ne bylo, priznaem li my za nim kakoi-to "smysl" ili ne priznaem, - vse eto v ravnoi mere lisheno znacheniia." Hermann Hesse
0cfd28e Eto byla zhizn' Dasy i vsekh liudei, kakoi ee videl iog, i bylo v nei dlia nego chto-to detskoe, skomorosh'e, kakoi-to teatr, igra voobrazheniia, Nichto v pestroi obolochke, myl'nyi puzyr', chto-to, nad chem s udovol'stviem mozhno posmeiat'sia, no k chemu vmeste s tem sleduet otnestis' prezritel'no i chto uzhe ni v koem sluchae nel'zia prinimat' vser'ez. Hermann Hesse