Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
7dea061 | I deliberately seek out the colors to keep my mind off them, but now and then, I witness the ones who are left behind, crumbling among the jigsaw puzzle of realization, despair, and surprise. They have punctured hearts. They have beaten lungs. | Markus Zusak | ||
1abf022 | Big things are often just small things that are noticed. - Ed Kennedy | small-things recognition | Markus Zusak | |
1b11bf7 | When you cannot express it in number, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind. | Gretchen Rubin | ||
2f197fb | I wanted to explain that I am constantly overestimating and underestimating the human race-that rarely do I ever simply estimate it. I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant. | Markus Zusak | ||
4879b77 | Hans Hubermann held his hand out and presented a piece of bread, like magic. | Markus Zusak | ||
e4c8a63 | If I die anytime soon, you make sure they bury me right. | war history | Markus Zusak | |
90a3de2 | Don't go, papa. Please. Her spoon-holding hand is shaking. First we lost Max. I can't lose you now, too. | Markus Zusak | ||
27fc10a | somewhere in his murkiest depths, he wasn't so much afraid of being left again as condemning someone else to second best. | Markus Zusak | ||
6fdc73e | No-one's urine smells as good as your own. | Markus Zusak | ||
e438d00 | In the morning's early hours, quiet voices were loud. | silence | Markus Zusak | |
39e6ad9 | With a smile like that, you don't need eyes. | smile | Markus Zusak | |
5081c9a | I'm not the messenger at all. I'm the message. | Markus Zusak | ||
c9238e6 | Extroversion: response to reward Neuroticism: response to threat Conscientiousness: response to inhibition (self-control, planning) Agreeableness: regard for others Openness to experience: breadth of mental associations | Gretchen Rubin | ||
1598be6 | The more ideas they had the more they suffered. | suffering | Gustave Flaubert | |
20ed1fb | Mais, a mesure que se serrait davantage l'intimite de leur vie, un detachement se faisait qui la deliait de lui. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
1920f09 | Zivot koji sam potiskivao u sebe stisnuo se u srce i stezao ga da ga zadavi. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
1147307 | Laissez-moi tranquille avec votre hideuse realite ! Qu'est-ce que cela veut dire, la realite ? Les uns voient noir, d'autres bleu, la multitude voit bete. Rien de moins naturel que Michel-Ange, rien de plus fort ! Le souci de la verite exterieure denote la bassesse contemporaine ; et l'art deviendra, si l'on continue, je ne sais quelle rocambole au-dessous de la religion comme poesie, et de la politique comme interet. Vous n'arriverez pas a.. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
7ebc7b4 | However, all this reading had disturbed their brains. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
4f9fe1a | En el fondo de su corazon, no obstante, esperaba que sucediera algo. Como los marineros naufragos, contemplaba con ojos desesperados la soledad de su vida, buscaba a lo lejos alguna vela blanca entre las brumas del horizonte. No sabia cual seria aquel azar, que viento lo llevaria hasta ella, hacia que orilla la conduciria, si seria una chalupa o un navio de tres puentes cargado de angustias o colmado de felicidad hasta las portillas. Pero t.. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
9e93a5c | Anyway, what was the use? Women's hearts were like those desks full of secret drawers that fit one inside another; you struggle with them, you break your fingernails, and at the bottom you find a withered flower, a little dust, or nothing at all! | Gustave Flaubert | ||
bb87889 | Critics always praise precision in writing, and some great writers (Joyce, Beckett, Gustave Flaubert) are masters of clarity--but one of the great (and seldom mentioned) resources of fiction is vagueness. | writing | Edmund White | |
3b780db | A los idolos es mejor no tocarlos porque algo de la pintura dorada que los recubria se nos queda siempre entre las manos | human love idol melancholy | Flaubert Gustave | |
f4ee7d6 | As to Emma, she did not ask herself whether she loved. Love, she thought, must come suddenly, with great outbursts and lightnings--a hurricane of the skies, which falls upon life, revolutionises it, roots up the will like a leaf, and sweeps the whole heart into the abyss | Gustave Flaubert | ||
877345f | On peut juger de la bonte d'un livre a la vigueur des coups de poing qu'il vous a donnes et a la longueur de temps qu'on est ensuite a en revenir. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
b7ca6fb | What!" said he. "Do you not know that there are souls constantly tormented? They need by turns to dream and to act, the purest passions and the most turbulent joys, and thus they fling themselves into all sorts of fantasies, of follies." | Gustave Flaubert | ||
95ebabe | Ah! again!" said Rodolphe. "Always 'duty.' I am sick of the word. They are a lot of old blockheads in flannel vests and of old women with footwarmers and rosaries who constantly drone into our ears 'Duty, duty!' Ah! by Jove! one's duty is to feel what is great, cherish the beautiful, and not accept all the conventions of society with the ignominy that it imposes upon us." "Yet -- yet -- " objected Madame Bovary. "No, no! Why cry out against.. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
5d362f3 | It was that reverie which we give to things that will not return, the lassitude that seizes you after everything was done; that pain, in fine, that the interruption of every wonted movement, the sudden cessation of any prolonged vibration, brings on. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
81aca13 | She wants to be forced to occupy herself with some manual work. If she were obliged, like so many others, to earn her living, she wouldn't have these vapours, that come to her from a lot of ideas she stuffs into her head, and from the idleness in which she lives | Gustave Flaubert | ||
d202a44 | esas comparaciones de prometido, esposo, amante celestial y de matrimonio eterno, que se repiten en los sermones, le despertaban en lo hondo del corazon ternezas inesperadas | religion | Flaubert Gustave | |
8993b51 | Es posible que le hubiera gustado hacerle esas confidencias a alguien. Pero ?como referir un malestar indefinible que cambia de aspecto como las nubes y gira en torbellinos como el viento? | Flaubert Gustave | ||
d914e87 | el aburrimiento, arana silenciosa, tejia su tela en la sombra de todos los rincones de su corazon | Flaubert Gustave | ||
da79a8a | Quels etaient son nom, sa demeure, sa vie, son passe ? Il souhaitait connaitre les meubles de sa chambre, toutes les robes qu'elle avait portees, les gens qu'elle frequentait ; et le desir de la possession physique meme disparaissait sous une envie plus profonde, dans une curiosite douloureuse qui n'avait pas de limites. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
8579719 | Jer sam smatrao da me moja samoca cini lijepim, i da je moje srce utoliko sire ukoliko ga drzim daleko od svega sto znaci ljudsku radost. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
fa64982 | Oh, to blijedo zimsko sunce! Ono je zalosno kao uspomena na srecu. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
ac4975e | Ali je covjecje srce neiscrpljivo sto se tice patnje; ispunjaju ga samo jedna ili dvije srece, a sve se bijede covjecanstva mogu u njemu sastati i zivjeti kao kod kuce. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
887c12b | Bir gun, birdenbire, tam umudumuzu kestigimiz sirada. O zaman ufuklar aralanir; "Iste!" diye haykiran bir ses gibidir. Bir kimseye, yasaminizin sirlarini dokmek, ona her seyi vermek, onun icin her seyi feda etmek gereksinimini duyarsiniz! Icinizdekileri anlatmazsiniz birbirlerinize, anlatmadan seziverirsiniz. Duslerde gormussunuzdur. Kisacasi suraciktadir, o kadar aranmis olan hazine suracikta, onunuzdedir; parlar, kivilcimlar sacar. Gene d.. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
a792582 | Fabricando fit faber, age quod agis. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
0caa8cd | Ei se aplecau din inaltul cerurilor ca sa conduca ostirile; ii intilneai pe marginea drumurilor, ii puteai avea in casa; - si aceasta familiaritate diviniza viata. Si viata n-avea alt tel decit de a fi libera si frumoasa. Vesmintele largi usurau nobletea atitudinilor. Vocea oratorului, exersata in vuietul marii, batea cu valuri sonore in porticurile de marmura. Efebul, frecat cu ulei, lupta cu desavirsire gol sub vapaia soarelui. Actiunea .. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
2d1a6c5 | Ciomagiti-l pe saracul care rivneste la patura de pe spinarea magarului, la mincarea ciinelui, la cuibul pasarii, si care e foarte mihnit ca altii nu sint la fel de nenorociti ca el.(Circoncelionii) | Gustave Flaubert | ||
7f251f7 | Un abur albastru urca in camera lui Felicite. Ea isi umfla narile, tragindu-l adinc in piept cu o senzualitate mistica; apoi inchise ochii. Buzele ii zimbeau. Bataile inimii i se incetinira una cite una, tot mai slabe, tot mai pierdute, ca un ecou care se indeparteaza, ca un izvor care seaca; si cind isi dadu cea din urma suflare, i se paru ca zareste in cerul intredeschis un papagal urias plutind deasupra capului ei. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
25ab3c9 | She loved the sea only for the sake of its storms, and the green fields only when broken up by ruins. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
9611bfb | Enquanto o olhava, saboreando assim, em sua irritacao, uma especie de volupia depravada, Leon avancou um passo. O frio a empalidece-lo parecia derramar em sua face um langor mais suave; entre a sua gravata e o seu pescoco, a gola da camisa, um tanto frouxa, deixava ver a pele; uma ponta de orelha ultrapassava uma mecha de cabelo, e seu grande olhar azul, alcando-se as nuvens, pareceu a Emma mais limpido e mais belo do que os largos das mont.. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
21cbd9f | The priest first read a condensed lesson of sacred history. Felicite evoked Paradise, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, the blazing cities, the dying nations, the shattered idols; and out of this she developed a great respect for the Almighty and a great fear of His wrath. Then, when she had listened to the Passion, she wept. Why had they crucified Him who loved little children, nourished the people, made the blind see, and who, out of humilit.. | Gustave Flaubert | ||
f023aaf | Assim, nos - dizia ele -, por que nos nos conhecemos? Que acaso o quis? E que atraves da distancia, sem duvida como dois rios que correm para se unirem, as nossas inclinacoes particulares nos tinam levado um para o outro E ele tomou sua mao; e ela nao a retirou. "Conjunto de boas culturas" - gritou o presidente. - Assim, por exemplo, quando eu fui a sua casa... "Ao Sr. Bizet, de Quincampoix." - Eu sabia que a acompanharia? "Setenta franc.. | Gustave Flaubert |