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Chapter 2
I Ti OrthJBC 2:1  I urge, therefore, of first importance, tefillah (prayer), techinnah (supplication), tefillah (prayer), bakkashot (petitions), and todot (thanksgivings) be made on behalf of kol bnei Adam (all men),
I Ti OrthJBC 2:2  on behalf of malchei eretz (kings) and on behalf of all the ones in authority, that we may lead a life of chayei menuchah (life of rest) in all chassidus (piety) and yirat Shamayim (reverence).
I Ti OrthJBC 2:3  This is good and acceptable before Hashem Moshieynu,
I Ti OrthJBC 2:4  who wants kol bnei Adam to have Yeshu'at Eloheynu (the Salvation of our G-d) and to come to da'as Emes (a knowledge of the truth).
I Ti OrthJBC 2:5  For Adonoi echad hu (there is one G-d) and there is also melitz echad (one mediator, Iyov 33:23, Yeshayah 43:27; cf. Devarim 5:5,22-31), one mochiach (one arbitrator--Iyov 9:33), one sarsur (agent) between Hashem and kol bnei Adam, the Ben Adam Moshiach Yehoshua,
I Ti OrthJBC 2:6  the one who gave his nefesh [Yeshayah 53:10-12] as a kapparah, a pidyon (ransom), on behalf of all. The edut (testimony) of this was given at the right time.
I Ti OrthJBC 2:7  And for this edut I was given the s'michah (ordination) of Hashem as a karoz (herald), a maggid [for Moshiach], a Shliach (apostle)--I speak Emes, I do not speak sheker-- and a rabbinic moreh (teacher) for the Goyim in emunah and Emes.
I Ti OrthJBC 2:8  I want, therefore, kol bnei Adam to daven in every shul, lifting up yadayim kodesh (holy hands) without ka'as (anger) and madon (strife). MOSHIACH'S KEHILLAH AND THE MATTER OF TZNIUS AND BALEBATISHE (PROPER) CLOTHING
I Ti OrthJBC 2:9  Similarly also nashim (women) should adorn themselves with respectable hitnahagut (conduct) and tznius (modesty/piety) in appearance and with decency and propriety, not with coiffures and gold or pearls or costly clothing,
I Ti OrthJBC 2:10  but with what is proper for nashim professing yirat Shamayim by means of ma'asim tovim (good works).
I Ti OrthJBC 2:11  Let the isha (wife) learn in silence in all submission.
I Ti OrthJBC 2:12  I do not allow an isha (wife) either to have teaching authority over or to have hishtalletut (domination) over [her] man, but to be in silence.
I Ti OrthJBC 2:13  For Adam was formed rishonah (first), then Chavah.
I Ti OrthJBC 2:14  And Adam was not deceived, but the isha, having been deceived, has come to be in averah (transgression).
I Ti OrthJBC 2:15  But womankind will be saved through her childbearing if nashim remain in emunah and ahavah and kedushah with tznius [2:9].