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a8ead78 If you like the relationship results you have been getting and don't see any need for improvement, your status quo may actually be your sweet spot for comfort and contentment. That is a wonderful place to be. However, if you are like most of us, staying stuck in your status quo may prevent you from striving, thriving, and growing in your relationship possibilities. communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com take-the-initiative Susan C. Young
d933c90 As you navigate the various zones with people, a variety of specific physical and psychological responses is elicited from them. Until you know someone, avoid invading his or her personal space. Getting closer gradually demonstrates that you like the other person. This gradual and comfortable approach begins the circle of rapport--he sees that you like him, he likes that you like him, and he reciprocates by liking you back. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
d353b06 To cultivate bravery and courage, ground yourself in your character values: Building a solid foundation of integrity and character will fortify your confidence to face down fears and take bold action. communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c165af8 "What does a solid, comfortable, impressive handshake look and feel like? To deliver a great handshake . . . * Extend your right hand out vertically at a comfortable waist level toward the person you are meeting. * Connect hands with web to web contact made between the thumb and index finger. * Be intentional and appropriate by showing mutual respect and teamwork. * Gently squeeze firmly enough to be confident, yet lightly enough to be gracious. Shake a few times for good measure. * Discreetly rotate your wrist so that your hand is slightly on top of theirs when you want to subconsciously convey self-assurance. * Make eye contact and smile to show sincerity. Throw in an acknowledging head nod for good measure. Avoiding eye contact may be interpreted that you are not attentive or have something to hide. * Introduce yourself and when they share their name, repeat it back to them to help you remember it. "It is nice to meet you John." * When in doubt, mirror their handshake to adapt to what makes them feel comfortable. Customize accordingly to the gender, age, position, personality, and culture of the person you are meeting." communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
1b166c7 Considerations & Exceptions for Impressive Handshakes * Be mindful of a person's age; be tender with arthritic hands. In that case, a loose and gentler handshake is a gesture of sensitivity and compassion. * Show interest; even if your right hand is full, offer your left hand. * Demonstrate respect when you are caught in an introduction while seated; try to stand. * Be instinctive about when to allow the length of your handshake to linger to express unity, connection, or sympathy. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
4003a3a "All hugs are not created equal. Some people are naturally gifted in showering others with warmth and affection. They can hug with such a sincere intention it transcends a handshake. Their hugs feel genuine, non-threatening, and are emotionally consistent with the relationship they share with the "hugee." communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f8e4dc0 Hugging is quite an intimate contact. Considering the studies done on proxemics we looked at earlier; when you get within two feet of another person you are inside their intimate space. There are some people who truly do not want you in their 'bubble' unless you are close friends or they've given you permission. Assuming familiarity incorrectly can destroy rapport, make a bad impression, and risk everything you have done well up to then. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
72b1da3 Impeccable manners and courteous behavior are the hallmarks for healthy relations and human interaction. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3867652 "Approachability. Being warm and inviting demonstrates comfort, care, and emotional safety all of which encourages engagement. Your openness says, "I'm happy to meet you and am glad you're here." body-language-quotes communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
36204ef "Take the initiative with deliberate steps to be a polite person: 1. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. 2. Reciprocate a thoughtful word or a good deed in kind. 3. Say "excuse me" when you bump into someone, unintentionally violate someone's space, or need to get someone's attention. 4. Apologize when you've made a mistake or are in the wrong. 5. Live by the "Golden Rule" and treat others the way you would like to be treated. 6. When dining at home or in a restaurant, wait until everyone is served before eating your meal. 7. Acknowledge notable events like birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries." emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
babc438 ASK YOURSELF: Are you presenting yourself in the best of all lights, online and off, and demonstrating the dignity of good manners? Make sure of it! If not, it may come back to haunt you. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
67a6bc7 Finding the good in others is mutually rewarding for both you and the fortunate recipient of your kind words. Don't you love being around people who make you feel great about yourself? Don't you want to do business with people who make you feel valued and important? Wouldn't you rather work with people who appreciate and respect you? Of course you would! Now go out and do that for others! When you become a generous good-finder you will infuse positive energy, optimism, and good will into their lives, as well as your own. find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
2705e63 Polishing the gold in others will not only make them feel better about themselves, but it will also elevate you in their eyes as well as your own. Gifting others with your words of affirmation is an easy yet generous way to spread goodwill and create a positive experience for everyone. find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
d0819bf To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . take the time to mine the gold. Actively seek the goodness in others then express your gratitude for it. Excavate the dirt, seek the treasure, and polish their gold to shine boldly and brightly. People will rise to your positive expectations and belief in them. find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3df2ea0 All compliments are not created equal. Some may change the trajectory of a person's life, while others fall on deaf ears. Is it well deserved or earned? People will remember you fondly when you have affirmed them in a positive way. Paying compliments creates good will, happy moments, and makes you more likable in return. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a7accda The next time you have a high-stakes meeting, a presentation, or an important social engagement, practice power posing beforehand to potently and powerfully impact your confidence. communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
69c0175 Poor Posture Promotes . . . In addition to sabotaging people's perceptions and impressions of you, poor posture can cause uncomfortable health issues: * Fatigue * Discomfort * Neck and back pain * Muscle imbalance * Headaches and body aches * Structural changes to your body communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
8bee792 Sometimes it is better to refrain from engaging in conversation because making no impression is better than making a bad impression. customer-service-quotes employee-engagement mindfulness motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
aa8fba7 Gestures and the Signals They Send * Rubbing your face, palms, and neck may signify anxiety and stress. * Arms crossed with clenched fists may signify hostility, anger, and impatience. * Arms crossed with each hand gripping other arm may signify insecurity and self-doubt. * Arms crossed with thumbs up may signify interest and engagement. * Or my favorite--arms crossed may signify that you are simply cold! * Fidgeting and squirming may signify that you are lying, afraid of being found out, insecure, or uncomfortable. * Standing with your hands behind your back may signify power and superiority. communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
39953b5 When you are sitting behind a desk with a person on the other side, there is a barrier between you that becomes a psychological and subliminal message. Some of the best leaders I know have a round table or a circle of chairs in their offices so that when people come in to speak with them, the arrangement lends itself to more engaging interaction. Using a roundtable in which there is no head fosters collaboration, cooperation, mutual respect, and equal positioning. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
9f68aca When having lunch or dinner at a long rectangular table, I prefer to take a middle chair so that I can turn to my left or to my right to make meaningful conversation with the people in attendance. When I have been seated at the very end, it can prove to be difficult to speak, hear, and connect with everyone there. Think ahead, and whenever possible, put yourself in the middle of the action! communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c57d93a A genuine smile is inviting, contagious, encouraging, and brings joy into the world. It instantly tells others that you are glad to see them, that they are important and you are approachable. body-language-quotes communication-skills eye-contact-quotes law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
96c9abc You can transform your entire physical appearance, personal experience, energy, and social success simply by smiling. And it is also good to do just for you! body-language-quotes communication-skills expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
d59d780 "Stepping out and stepping up can be an intimidating experience, especially in social situations where the outcomes are unpredictable and uncertain. Have you ever been reluctant to . . . * Say "no?" * Request help? * Ask for a raise? * Stand up to a bully? * Talk about tough topics? * Confront a friend or spouse? * Speak up and share your opinion? * Begin a conversation with a stranger? * Deliver a presentation or speak in public? * Talk about the "white elephant" in the room? * Befriend people who are much different than you? * Make sales calls because you don't want to be rejected? * Approach a new group of people at a networking event? * Go to an event by yourself where you did not know anyone? Each of these scenarios can strike fear in the hearts of many because each involves risk and potential discomfort. Life holds endless circumstances with a broad and diverse range of challenge or conflict that require you to be brave." -- communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com take-the-initiative Susan C. Young
ca2f278 Fear is the number one reason why people do not take action. The divine irony is that most of the fears we experience are self-generated and born out of our own imaginings, hence the acronym False Evidence Appearing Real. communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
765768e "To cultivate bravery and courage, get involved in a cause you are passionate about. Serving a vision bigger than yourself changes your focus from self-doubt to whatever action is necessary for the vision to succeed. "When in doubt, take it out." communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
cbb49f7 To cultivate bravery and courage, build upon your strengths and talents. What are you good at? What makes you feel confident and personally powerful? Your competencies will ground you and build your strength. communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
0678775 communication skills, quotes by Susan C Young, relationship quotes, emotional intelligence quotes, motivational speaker Susan Young, body language quotes, handshake quotes, make a positive first impression quotes,, customer service quotes communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
551a020 To cultivate bravery and courage, Do It Scared. Being scared is a precursor to bravery, otherwise, it wouldn't be bravery, would it? Mustering the courage to stretch beyond your familiar territory is a rewarding act in itself. communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
31489c2 "Brian is a deeply compassionate man who was sad to learn that his work colleague, Tom, had lost his 17-year-old daughter to a drug overdose. When Tom returned to work weeks later, Brian approached him and said, "Man, I am so sorry. There are no words to express my condolences. "Brian reached out to hug Tom. At first, he was rigid and on guard, but with Brian's genuine embrace, he felt Tom release into his safety. Tom had been so incredibly strong for his wife and family that Brian's powerful hug allowed him to surrender into another man's strength. It was a memorable and powerful step towards healing. Sometimes a hug at the right time, even if spontaneous, can be the kindest thing you can do for another human being." communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
392960a Without civilized social graces, not only is life more difficult, but a positive first impression can be destroyed as fast as it is made. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
0a4a900 While good old-fashioned manners and etiquette have worked for centuries, new standards and expectations have come into play with the modern world. Behaviors which would have been appalling in the past are now socially acceptable. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
4e8340a How a person treats wait staff speaks volumes about their character and values. If they misbehave in this scenario, you can likely predict how they will react when cut off in traffic, when their luggage is lost, or when life doesn't go their way. It is also an indicator to CEOs and hiring managers as to whether a person is a viable candidate for being a considerate team player. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
d4aab61 It is unimpressive to not hold a door open for the next person coming through. After a satisfying workout at my gym, I was walking behind a man who was exiting at the same time. He was only about two feet in front of me. As he walked through the door, he let it close behind him, almost hitting me in the face. Was he being intentionally rude? Was he preoccupied and focused on other things? No matter whether an offender is being a jerk intentionally, or is simply oblivious to how his behavior is affecting others, rude behavior instantly makes a negative impression. Be aware! emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c36c57b It is unimpressive to speaking rudely to others. Often, all we need to do to ensure that we do not launch into a rude remark is to pause . . . breathe . . . and smile to ourselves before speaking. And when people are rude to you, just remember that they are revealing who they are, not who you are. Don't take it personally. Sometimes being silent is your best response. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e496872 I am a very lucky lady that my life partner, Daniel, is a true-blue Southern gentleman. Watching him in action not only earns my love and respect, but it also strengthens his countenance and bolsters his reputation as a man. As a health care provider, he treats numerous patients who are elderly or in pain. Daniel has made it a customary ritual while people are in his care to help them with their coats, provide a stabilizing arm, carry the ladies' purses, and even walk patients out to their cars. While this kindness provides extraordinary customer service, it also demonstrates that small acts of chivalry can make a significant impact on one's reputation, first impression, and overall human-beingness. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
d7fb554 As a lifetime optimist, my first tendency has always been to look for the best in others, the best in situations, and focus on what is working rather than what is not. Noticing the good has helped me immensely in life and business and it can do the same for you. find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
1765660 Communication is the soul of all relationships. More than any other skill, it is the heartbeat of success in sales, marketing, marriage, business, friendship, communities, and beyond. customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes selling-success susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
4a95808 Although it may serve you well, any strength or skill which is overused can become a limitation when it forces you to constantly be moving and looking for the next best thing. Distractions, interruptions, and incessantly chasing after the next golden ring can become the norm. customer-service-quotes employee-engagement mindfulness motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
32a8935 Think of the communication that takes place in your own life on a continuous basis--at home, at work, with friends, and beyond. When you actively listen to people, you enhance communication. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
19f5549 Listening actively confirms for people that you are positively receiving and thoroughly understanding the message they are conveying. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
76266f8 Your tone demonstrates. . . * Energy * Volume * Sincerity * Confidence * Happiness * Sadness * Preoccupation * Anger * Efficiency * Empathy communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
2e50c07 "Active listening is the ultimate "Golden Rule" for sensational customer service. Just as the important people in your life will feel more valued and appreciated when you actively listen, so will your customers." communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e3e0f7c Active listening is one of the best services a company can provide. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
913b15b ASK YOURSELF: How can you utilize active listening to provide sensational customer service? How will this help resolve complaints from unhappy customers? * Give them your full attention and listen without interruption or defensiveness. * Thank them for bringing the issue to your attention. * Take their concerns seriously and share their sense of urgency to resolve the problem quickly. * Ask questions and focus on what they are really saying. * Listen to their words, tone of voice, body language, and most importantly, how they feel. * Beware of making assumptions or rushing to conclusions before you hear their concern fully. * Explain, guide, educate, assist, and do what's necessary to help them reach the resolution. * Treat them with respect and empathy. When you do an amazing job of resolving an unhappy customer's problem, you may end up impressing them more than if the problem had never occurred. You may have just earned their loyalty . . . forever! communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
26b9f05 This method enabled me to expand my territory and create a strong network of loyal customers for referrals and repeat business. Make active listening a deliberate part of your business plan and success strategy. You will not only grow your business, but also make wonderful friends along the way. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e6a8a47 "Years ago, I read Andrew Carnegie's metaphor "developing people is like mining gold." He shared that sometimes you must move tons of dirt to find an ounce of gold. Every one of us has dirt because we are all imperfect and fallible. However, within each of us lies a vein of gold. When you find this treasure, regardless of how small, and begin to polish it, a person will shine so brightly the dirt falls away." find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
d20db37 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Flip your positivity switch: What is your first instinct? If you are quick to find fault, look for the negative, or complain about another person, knock it off! It makes you less fun to be around. When you feel those negative thoughts and judgments coming in, catch yourself and STOP! find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a03748c Move beyond yourself to serve a greater purpose and vision. Learn to mix, mingle, and glow, thus helping others feel more comfortable, at ease, important, and connected. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
41a2413 Accompanied with good eye contact, a smile serves as an immediate icebreaker to warm up relations and turn a stranger into a friend. body-language-quotes communication-skills expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f2022c2 Your smile draws people to you as it simultaneously brings out the best in you both. body-language-quotes communication-skills expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
2d80783 Your smile is a kind hello and a sincere invitation that opens the gateway to engage others and begin conversations. body-language-quotes communication-skills expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
685a19e "Exaggerating Your Gestures "Have you ever walked through a door and been jumped on by an over-enthusiastic dog with big paws who practically knocked you down? Some people have that effect. Being too flamboyant and over-boisterous can be overkill and push people away. Drama queens and kings have mastered these exaggerations, much to the chagrin of their observers. Remaining intentional in your gestures is a mark of poise, elegance, and maturity." -- communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
514fa88 As you navigate the various zones with people, a variety of specific physical and psychological responses are elicited from them. Until you know someone, avoid invading his or her personal space. Getting closer gradually demonstrates that you like the other person. This gradual and comfortable approach begins the circle of rapport--he sees that you like him, he likes that you like him, and he reciprocates by liking you back. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c07ff2c To touch or not to touch . . . that is the question. Handshakes, hugs, and other touching all have their appropriate space and place. The key to success in this area is to know when, where, and how to best put these into action. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes first-impressions-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
bb03b49 A person who offers a loose handshake, on the other hand (pun intended), may be interpreted as being uninterested, lacking confidence and self-esteem, weak, or being wishy-washy. Whether too strong or too weak, a bad handshake can set you back and close down a potentially rewarding relationship before it ever gets started. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes first-impressions-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
2e0c292 A simple handshake is not always a simple handshake. The way it is delivered can take on a million meanings and interpretations. As with every other form of body language and non-verbal communication, you are sending silent messages simply by the way you shake hands. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes first-impressions-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
9d4d947 Your handshake has the power to reveal your strength of character, make a promise, demonstrate your level of respect, exercise your etiquette, and represent your business acumen. Learning how to do it well will take you far in life and in business. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes first-impressions-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
8c92833 "To cultivate bravery and courage, reduce uncertainty by being prepared. As Zig Ziglar once said, "Success happens when opportunity meets preparation." Preparing well for potential outcomes will provide you with a safety net if there is a hiccup, glitch, or temporary setback." communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
cb46eb0 Look for all of the possible missteps in the following scenario. My friend Amy arrived at a consultation with her Hispanic business partner. The African American woman to whom they were delivering their presentation was a long-time friend of her partner's. Her partner was greeted with a hug and Amy was greeted with a handshake. The meeting was a great success. As it came to a close, the two friends hugged. With enthusiastic affection, Amy went to hug the African American client. The woman took a step, turned her shoulder to block the hug, and looked at Amy with dismissive anger. It was almost a defensive move. Her partner, recognizing this, put her arm around Amy to soften the situation and make light of the inappropriate gesture. Everything turned out fine, but Amy was baffled by the barrier. She was confused by the woman's reaction since their interaction had been cordial and positive. She wondered if she had been socially insensitive or culturally inappropriate. After much reflection, however, she realized that she had simply been too quick to assume familiarity. Thankfully, she earned and learned the lesson quickly to become more aware. Amy eventually earned the trust of her client and secured her valuable business. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
ac42b1a Smiling and Expressions of Emotion. A genuine smile is inviting, contagious, and encouraging. People do read a book by its cover and your expressions provide a glimpse for what they'll find inside. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
2d234b4 Eye Contact. Direct eye contact is one of the best compliments you can give to another. You are subliminally telling them that you are listening, they matter, and that what they have to say is important. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes eye-contact-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
eafb059 ASK YOURSELF: Do you appear self-confident or unsure? Do you project a calm demeanor or scream instability? Do you come across as a leader or try to stay invisible? Do you walk with purpose and intention or doubt and trepidation? Do you look vibrant and energetic, or stressed out and overwhelmed? communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
85aad98 Poised Positioning * Be mindful of how you use your body to communicate. * Be fully present in the moment. * Be thoughtful and gracious in your actions. * Be fluid and elegant in your movements. * Express flow--walk in freedom and spontaneity. * Develop an unshakeable sense of authentic inner confidence and certainty. * Develop a deep respect for others. * Move slower and more deliberately. * Walk in integrity, class, and modesty. * Smile kindly and laugh softly. * Become a student of manners and etiquette. communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
13e914b Becoming more socially aware involves greater understanding of the dynamics of social interactions to assure you achieve harmonious outcomes. customer-service-quotes employee-engagement mindfulness motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
7d901c1 "In years gone by, particularly in the East and the South, ladies would attend charm school to learn how to elegantly stand, sit, dance, and walk. Even today, there are "Cotillion" classes for young people to learn how to carry themselves with dignity and use proper social graces. I don't mind sounding old-fashioned because these culturally rich rituals lay a firm foundation for the appropriate behaviors and excellent manners necessary for a positive impression. Embracing a tried and true tradition can sometimes be beneficial. Let's avoid the awkward, embarrassing, and unsophisticated ways we see all too often." communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
0339462 9 Reasons Why Improving Your Posture is Important By projecting strength and excellence in your physical presence, you will. . . 1. Look better and feel better. 2. Appear, and be, more fit and healthy. 3. Powerfully influence your mindset. 4. Appear more confident, self-assured, and competent. 5. Carry yourself with more purpose and intention. 6. Breathe deeper and get more oxygen in your body, which will improve your energy and health. 7. Reduce or prevent back pain and muscle tension. 8. Improve productivity by energizing your physiology. 9. Make a significantly more positive impression. communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
b4df7ca What Does Poor Posture Look Like? * Stiff & rigid * Slumping * Slouching * Hunched over * Rounded shoulders * Overly arched back * Stumbling * Head forward In sensitivity, we must be aware that many people suffer from poor posture because of physical disability, injury, health issues, heredity, obesity, or musculoskeletal construction. These descriptions are not meant to offend or judge people who are unable to change their posture. communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
080180a "In his book, How to Win Friends & Influence People, Dale Carnegie encourages you to greet people with "animation and enthusiasm." This form of kinesthetic responsiveness provides a splendid example of how impactful your gestures can be while responding to others. Whether it be running up to an old friend you have not seen in a while or standing up to greet a business associate when he approaches your table, being kinesthetically responsive is an impactful way to gesture your level of interest, engagement, and enthusiasm." communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a7fd82b "In her book, Ask Outrageously! my friend Linda Swindling suggests to "Mimic the body language of the most powerful people you know. They stand up straight, make appropriate eye contact, and use gestures to convey their points. Look at their feet. Usually they are placed about shoulder-width apart. They have an open stance. They smile and nod when they agree." Begin paying attention to the poise, postures, and gestures of the people whom you admire and respect the most. How do they carry themselves to project excellence? Adapting their behaviors may serve you well to enhance and improve your body language." communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
ad6db2c Have you heard that a smile is the shortest distance between people? I love that! There is nothing like a genuine smile to create a first impression with positive impact. body-language-quotes communication-skills eye-contact-quotes law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a6afd48 "As Americans, we typically move full steam ahead without much regard to mindfulness or thoughtful reflection, often to one's own detriment. Yet it is that same propensity for bold action which makes fulfilling the "American Dream" possible--where an immigrant can come to our country with nothing and achieve extraordinary things." -- customer-service-quotes employee-engagement mindfulness motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c7dba81 I have a few friends who are confined to wheelchairs for access and mobility. I don't want to always be looking down at them while they are looking up at me. To enjoy a meaningful conversation, I'm quick to kneel beside them or pull up a chair to talk at the same height. Begin to recognize the orientation of other people and align yourself with their body position and physical needs so that you may connect on a more balanced and effective level. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
40b5992 As you seek new opportunities to make favorable first impressions, be ever aware of the subtle effect that physical positioning and distance/closeness can have on your interactions with others and use this understanding to your advantage. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e05d75a To cultivate bravery and courage, interview brave people and learn their secrets. Whom do you know that displays courage and confidence? Ask them for their best practices, mimic their actions, follow their steps, utilize their methods. Ask if they will mentor you. communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3e7e90c To cultivate bravery and courage, change your attitude toward failure. Many successful people will tell you that if you aren't failing, you aren't trying--that failure is an essential precursor to achieving worthwhile endeavors. Failing (no matter how hard) is one of life's best teachers for winning the next time. communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f76a73f To cultivate bravery and courage, practice, practice, practice. Each time you test your bravery you grow your self-assurance and increase your comfort to a greater degree. Repetition helps build confidence and competence. You did it; now do it again! communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e2a640e Polite people tend to be more respected, admired, and appreciated than their rude counterparts. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e446f7b Energy & Aura. You release your own distinctive energy signature which naturally produces a physical presence. When you emit positive energy, thoughts, feelings, and vibrations, you attract more positives into your life. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes eye-contact-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
d851fe6 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Focus on the Positives: Focusing on the positives will get you further in business and further in life. Whatever you focus on will expand. If you focus on what you do not like about another person, they will become so intolerable to you that you cannot bear to be around them. However, if you focus on their positives and can find something redeeming, regardless of how small, the positivity needed to experience a more constructive interaction and relationship will manifest before your eyes. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
fb4f6be Listening is one thing; however, ACTIVE listening is quite another. The first is a passive act which does not require great involvement, whereas, the latter is a consciously aware and deliberately focused effort to actively participate in the conversation. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
5c72b23 "In the hit movie, "Pay It Forward," a middle school child dreams of how he can change the world by being the catalyst for kindness. He begins his "social experiment" by performing a selfless act of kindness, and so begins the domino effect. As each consecutive person receives an act of kindness they, in turn, do something nice for another. The kindness becomes contagious and changes hundreds of lives for the better. Think of the global impact we could make if more people would make it their mission to simply pay if forward by BEING NICE." customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young pay-it-forward-movie positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c9cb5a4 "Have you ever had a legitimate complaint as a customer which made you angry, upset, or frustrated? How was it "handled?" If you were dealing with an inept, uncaring, or untrained employee, they may have made matters even worse by being rude, defensive, or apathetic. Simple acknowledgment and validation of your complaint is sometimes all that is needed. Without it, you're left frustrated or upset." communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
286ba97 ASK YOURSELF: Have you found that being nice to some people is simply not effective? When might it be wise to throw down the gauntlet and get tough or confrontational? customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e26d278 "While you will certainly attract more bees with honey, there are times when being nice can backfire. Take it from a naturally kind person, being a "bitch" has its time and place. There will be times when you must engage with mean, rude, and inconsiderate people." customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a5d3e28 "Being Nice Has Its Limitations. While you will certainly attract more bees with honey, there are times when being nice can backfire. Take it from a naturally kind person, being a "bitch" has its time and place. There will be times when you must engage with mean, rude, and inconsiderate people." customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
7ac6201 4 Times to Get Tough . . . 1. Self-Respect--You don't have to take everything on the chin and lose the respect of yourself and others in the process. Don't be a doormat or a pushover by allowing people to disrespect or run over you. Stand firm in your beliefs and values. 2. Self-Preservation--Understand and set boundaries. Decide what is and what is not acceptable in how people treat you. Claim your power to live life on your terms and not at the whims of others' unreasonable requests and demands. 3. Protecting others--If you are a parent of a child or a caretaker of the elderly or disabled, it is your moral duty to defend them to the end. 4. Self-Defense--Have you ever felt threatened, unsafe, or abused because of another's behavior? Assert yourself and do whatever is necessary to ensure your safety. Being kind DOES NOT mean you should excuse such behavior. customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
db98f5e "Whoever came up with the idea that "nice guys finish last" must have been either very jaded or downright malicious. Why would a caring, emotionally healthy human being ever think that being "un-nice" is a virtue? Anyone who wants to get ahead in life and have quality outcomes needs to understand that kindness is a strength. You will move forward faster by making friends rather than foes." customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
9058c58 "17 Ways to Just Be Nice "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." --Aesop 1. Be sincere. 2. Be altruistic. 3. Practice patience. 4. Inquire and engage. 5. Keep your promises. 6. Offer help to others. 7. Acknowledge others. 8. Control your behavior. 9. Be situationally aware. 10. Be polite and courteous. 11. Use considerate manners. 12. Greet people with a smile. 13. Practice random acts of kindness. 14. Show respect for yourself and others. 15. Be complimentary and look for positives. 16. Walk in another's shoes to understand their needs. 17. Share of yourself without expecting anything in return." customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e98d8e8 It's not bravery unless you are doing something which causes you to feel afraid. Unless there is some degree of fear or apprehension involved, bravery is not even needed. communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes initiative motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
5e8b6ce "Google Proves Nice Counts. On a quest to discover what it takes to build the "perfect team," Google launched the Project Aristotle initiative to find the answers. Over a period of several years, they surveyed hundreds of teams, conducted interviews, analyzed studies, and observed how team members interacted with one another. Google's findings revealed that "psychological safety" is the key ingredient for creating a high-functioning team. It nurtures a healthy environment that encourages freedom of expression, engaging communication, empathy for one another, caring, support, respect and, drum roll please . . . BEING NICE!" customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes google-s-project-aristotle just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
b2e201e If you have ever experienced this type of unprofessional treatment, I doubt you would even consider giving them business in the future. Interrupting, ignoring, patronizing, or antagonizing a customer is like pouring gas on a fire and creates a more explosive situation than the original complaint. Still, it continues to happen every day, costing companies millions in lost revenue. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f4da171 Life rewards action. To get from where you are now to where you want to be requires forward movement and momentum. Although you may already know what it takes to bridge the gap, simply knowing what to do is not enough. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
468c98a Kindness is a powerful bridge builder which unifies teams, bonds friends, supports loved ones, and spreads goodwill. Tending to your bridges will fortify your relationships in such way that you will keep your invitations coming and your options open for future opportunities. customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
8eeb9ad When it comes to meeting new people, playing well with others, and connecting on deeper levels, there are inherent gaps which can be closed only by being brave. When is bravery needed? communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
74ec7c1 Every time you speak, you are using your voice to connect with others, whether it is in-person, on the phone, or in a recorded message. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f8808c6 The Art of Action explores specific action steps you can take for personal and professional transformation. Start by taking the initiative to be kind, courageous, and polite. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
57a68e7 Become a 'good finder' and seek to acknowledge the best you see in others. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
cabb5c7 Is your voice value delivering the image you wish to convey? Is your voice coming across as smart, friendly, and positive or ignorant, rude, and negative? communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e59b4dd "The way you deliver the words you say becomes your "vocal image. This "vocal image" can make or break your first impressions, impact your communication, and determine how people respond to you." communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3667cf1 What can you do to ensure that your voice value translates into impression value? communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c7438c5 Every professional voice coach worth their salt will bring you back to the importance of tone, pace, and pitch. While these concepts were introduced earlier in The Art of Body Language section, we can now elaborate and take a deeper dive into how you can use your voice to improve your communications. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
b6b0985 It is generally believed that nearly 40 percent of your first impression will be set from the tone of your voice. Your vocal thermometer can be more impactful than the actual words you use. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a5401d9 Your tone of voice can be conveyed in both the words you speak and in the words you write. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3a43835 Your tone can represent the character of your business, the strength of your resolve, and express the depths of your convictions. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
16727cc Does your tone match your intention? Is your tone of voice confusing or clarifying? Are you coming across to others as you had hoped? Once you begin to notice your tone, you can adjust as needed to make it work in your favor. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
afe26e9 Heed Your Speed. Are you a fast or a slow talker? Be mindful towards the person with whom you are speaking to ensure that your message is being comprehended, understood, and absorbed. If they are listening at a slower rate than you are speaking, disconnect can occur. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c92f565 Align your voice value with the tone, pace, and pitch of your listeners will help you connect on all levels. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
45f7623 Have you ever paid notice to the full sound range of your voice? If you have ever been in a chorus or a singing group, you already know that they will separate the group based on each singer's pitch and assign their roles accordingly. While my speaking voice has a soprano pitch, my singing voice is a lower alto. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
862be52 A high-pitched voice may sound less authoritative, more youthful, and less experienced, whereas, a lower pitched voice may be perceived as being more authoritative, confident, and credible. It is unfortunate that listeners will make assumptions based on these differences before even knowing the depth and value of your message. Play with your ranges and find a comfortably low pitch. Practice it to see if it makes a difference in conveying more authority and brilliance. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c2536bd When your speaking style is clear, confident, and concise, your listeners will perceive you as such. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
fb0f27e Developing your eloquence and enunciation will reduce the likelihood of misinterpretation and misunderstanding, making your delivery more powerful. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c0d29ba By your practice of active listening, everyone involved benefits because you . . . * are more engaged and engaging; * demonstrate that you are interested in others and what they have to say; * make others feel important, respected, understood, and appreciated; * improve your memory and retention; * affirm to others that you are an authentic, caring, and compassionate person; make a great first and last impression communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f2be2fd If the skill of participatory listening came effortlessly and easy for everyone, there would not be so many misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, irritations, and frustrations. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a7d8f45 Active listening is key to all healthy and effective communication, however, it doesn't necessarily come easily. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
2fcd6f2 Through the years, I have heard that the average person speaks at about 150-160 words per minute, but can listen at a rate of about 1,000 words per minute. What is going on during all that extra mind time? * Our minds are racing ahead and preparing for the next thing we are going to say. * We are preoccupied with other thoughts, priorities, and distractions. * Our subconscious filters are thumbing through our database of memories, judgments, experiences, perspectives, and opinions to frame how we are going to interpret what we think someone is saying. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
7529e2c While active listening is crucial for optimal communication, we are faced with a dilemma which can perplex even the sincerest and engaged of individuals. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
acdab84 "You can have the perfect message, but it may fall on deaf ears when the listener is not prepared or open to listening. These listening "planes" were first introduced by the American composer Aaron Copland (1900-1990) as they pertain to music . . . 1. The Sensual Plane: You're aware of the music, but not engaged enough to have an opinion or judge it. 2. The Expressive Plane: You become more engaged by paying attention, finding meaning beyond the music, and noticing how it makes you feel. 3. The Musical Plane: You listen to the music with complete presence, noticing the musical elements of melody, harmony, pitch, tempo, rhythm, and form." communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
8bf733d Being proactive and intentional will enable you to create a positive experience for yourself and others. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
2fccdf5 Some people not only burn their bridges, but they also torch the town! With all their deeds of drama and destruction, they leave behind an aftermath of distrust, disrespect, and disappointment. And for what? This behavior creates immeasurable suffering in all directions. It ruins reputations and business deals, shatters lives--and closes doors which can never be re-opened. These repercussions can be prevented or avoided by simply BEING NICE. customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a72ab86 A smile is one of the most powerful and important body language cues we share with others--and as such a heartfelt emotion, it's impossible to express its effect on others in words. body-language-quotes communication-skills expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f4c4f01 When you are mindfully focused, the person with whom you are communicating feels that you are making them a priority--that you value their time and their perspective. It is in these moments that we can go to deeper levels of discovery, exploration, and connection. It is one of the most valuable gifts and finest compliments you can give to another. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3035fd7 To Become an Attentive Listener . . . * Observe a person's physical presence to see how their body language aligns with their message. * Recognize what is being said on the surface. * Engage your intuition to hear the meaning, purpose, and motivation behind their message. * Be aware of your own internal responses and how you are feeling. * Put yourself in their shoes to better understand their perspective. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c0df895 Becoming an empathetic listener helps you to better understand how another person feels and why they communicate as they do. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
53651e3 Your heightened awareness of their perceptions, experiences, emotions, and personality styles can reveal why they feel the way they do so that you can choose your responses wisely and compassionately. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f362f40 My success with customers on the telephone wasn't by using pushy sales methods, but by engaging people in meaningful conversations which could lead to friendships on the phone before I ever met them. I would ask questions, listen to their stories, respond to their needs, develop rapport, and earn their business. When we would finally meet in person, it felt less like an introduction and more like a reunion. It was not only good business, we had fun in the process! communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
57ab4d1 For sixteen years, I had a spectacular real estate career in Tallahassee, Florida. I loved receiving telephone inquiries and making cold calls. I knew that if I could meet people on the phone, I could usually turn them into buyers. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
1847515 14 Ways to Become an Incredible Listener 1. Be present and provide your undivided attention. 2. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. 3. Listen attentively and respond appropriately. 4. Minimize or eliminate distractions. 5. Focus your attention and energy with singleness of purpose on what the other person is saying. 6. Quiet your mind and suspend your thoughts to make room in your head to hear what is said--in the moment! 7. Ask questions and demonstrate empathy. 8. Use your body language and nonverbal cues constructively and pay attention to theirs. 9. Follow the rhythm of their speech; hear their tone. 10. Repeat and summarize what you have heard them say to confirm understanding. 11. Be open-minded and non-defensive. 12. Respond rather than react. 13. Be respectful, calm, and positive. 14. Try to resolve conflicts, not win them. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
4778a1b "Well Hello Halo! It is human nature for us to make generalized judgments about a person using only a couple of traits. The "Expressivity Halo" Theory explains how we connect various personalities to specific facial expressions and assign assumptions about that person." -- communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
16e601b Proper posture conveys that you are ready to take command and master new situations. When you project this level of confidence, you will instill confidence in others. communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
85177b0 "In 1966, American anthropologist Edward T. Hall specified four distinct distance zones to describe the perception of physical space around us. Understanding these zones and honoring their invisible boundaries will give you a sixth sense about another person's "space" as well as your own. Intimate Zone (less than 2') --This zone represents our personal space and is reserved for the most trusted and loved people in our lives. Touching, hugging, standing side by side, and engaging in private conversations is common and encouraged. When an interloper violates this personal space, great discomfort and awkwardness can be created. What to do? Take a step back or sideways. Personal Zone (2'-4') --This is the distance for interaction with good friends, family, social gatherings, or parties. It's an easy and relaxed space for talking, shaking hands, gesturing, laughing and making faces. Social Zone (4'-12') --This zone seems to be an appropriate distance for casual friends, colleagues, and acquaintances to interact. It is the comfortable distance we maintain while interacting or addressing large groups of people. Public Zone (over 12') --This is the distance we keep from strangers or persons with little acquaintance. It provides the greatest distance between people. This is a safe space that still allows us to experience community and belonging with new people." communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f0cdf77 Smiling is truly one of the most generous gifts you can give to another. You never know when your smile may inspire the sad, encourage the hopeless, heal a heart, or change someone's world for the better. communication-skills expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
0241339 A genuine smile is your best fashion accessory and the most important thing you can wear. body-language-quotes communication-skills expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
7928e3f Research by the Income Center for Tradeshows found that people are twice as likely to remember you if you shake hands. According to the American Management Association, it takes only one-fortieth of a second to create a human bond. Whether you shake someone's hand, squeeze their arm, or touch their shoulder, make these moments count to be remembered favorably. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes first-impressions-quotes handshake-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
fe4ff17 To cultivate bravery and courage, try something new for the first time. Take a chance. Stretch beyond your familiar limits by taking risks that move you out of your old mindset and into a new perspective. Once accomplished, trying something new bolsters your confidence and boosts your ability to be brave. communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
bb2bea3 And as is often the case, the people who would benefit the most from reading a book like this are the ones least likely to buy and read it. For you, however, this chapter will serve as a sterling reminder to make your manners shine. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
6e09948 Being brave requires taking deliberate action and doing something new that stretches you beyond your comfort zone. communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes initiative motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3232011 Any time you put yourself on the line, you risk (and maybe fear) failing, falling, being embarrassed, or looking stupid--none of which are comfortable. communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes initiative motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
4eba1de If being brave were easy, more people would be. communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes initiative motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
35d6503 It is unimpressive to not return what's been borrowed. Whether you have borrowed money, folding chairs, yard tools, or a popular book, always make sure you return to another person what is rightfully theirs. Lending it to you in the first place was a gift of trust and assistance. Being slow to give back in return may be considered rude. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
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3395294 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Make a list of positives: Whether you would like to nurture a healthy relationship or improve a toxic one, make a list of positives which you admire about the other person. Begin by identifying, acknowledging, and focusing on their good qualities. Your perspective and how you feel about the person will begin to shift. You will find it much easier to polish the gold from a perspective of gratitude and appreciation. find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
d8f9626 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Brag about their accomplishments in front of others: For years, I have shared that the definition of a good friend is someone who says nice things about you behind your back. And the definition of a GREAT friend is someone who says GREAT things to others in front of you. One of the kindest things a husband or wife can do for their relationships is to brag about their partner's qualities to other people. find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
416833c To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Be complimentary: Find something positive to say to compliment another person. Whether they are being a great parent, dressing nicely, maintaining a gorgeous yard, or winning a recent 5K run, pick something to acknowledge which is noteworthy. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
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