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Chapter 2
II C EMTV 2:1  But I determined this within myself, that I would not come to you in sorrow again.
II C EMTV 2:2  For if I cause you sorrowful, then who is he who makes me glad if not the one which is made sorrowful by me?
II C EMTV 2:3  And I wrote this very thing to you, so that when I came, I would not have sorrow from those from whom I ought to have joy, having confidence in you all that my joy is the joy of you all.
II C EMTV 2:4  For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you, through many tears, not that you might be made sorrowful, but that you might know the abundant love that I have for you.
II C EMTV 2:5  Now if anyone has caused grief, he has not grieved me, but in part—lest I burden you all.
II C EMTV 2:6  Sufficient to such a person is this punishment which was inflicted by the majority,
II C EMTV 2:7  so that, on the contrary, you ought rather to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.
II C EMTV 2:8  Therefore I appeal to you to reaffirm your love for him.
II C EMTV 2:9  For to this end I also wrote, so that I might put you to the test, to see if you are obedient in all things.
II C EMTV 2:10  And to whom you forgive anything, I also forgive; for if indeed I have forgiven anything, the one whom I have forgiven, I have done so for your sakes in the presence of Christ,
II C EMTV 2:11  lest we be taken advantage of by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his devices.
II C EMTV 2:12  Now when I came to Troas for the gospel of Christ, and a door was opened to me by the Lord,
II C EMTV 2:13  I had no rest in my spirit, because I did not find Titus my brother; but saying farewell to them, I departed for Macedonia.
II C EMTV 2:14  Now thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and making known through us the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
II C EMTV 2:15  For we are the fragrance of Christ to God among those being saved, and among those perishing.
II C EMTV 2:16  To some we are the fragrance of death unto death, but to others the fragrance of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?
II C EMTV 2:17  For we are not as the rest, corrupting the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.