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Chapter 1
II P Montgome 1:1  Simon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained an equally precious faith with us in the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
II P Montgome 1:2  Grace and peace be multiplied to you by the God and Father of Jesus our Lord.
II P Montgome 1:3  For his power divine has granted to us everything needful for life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and virtue.
II P Montgome 1:4  By these he has granted his promises to us, precious and splendid; so that through them you may become partners of the divine nature, now that you have escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
II P Montgome 1:5  For this very reason do your best to add to your faith manliness, and to manliness knowledge,
II P Montgome 1:6  and to knowledge self-control, and to self-control stedfastness, and to stedfastness piety,
II P Montgome 1:7  and to piety brotherly love, and to brotherly love, love itself.
II P Montgome 1:8  For if these virtues are yours in abounding measure, they render you not idle nor unfruitful, until you come into the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
II P Montgome 1:9  For the man who lacks these virtues is blind, short-sighted, forgetful of his cleansing from his old sins.
II P Montgome 1:10  So, brothers, take diligent care to make your calling and election sure; for if you do this, you will never stumble.
II P Montgome 1:11  For so the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will be richly supplied to you.
II P Montgome 1:12  I shall therefore be always ready to remind you of all this, even though you know it, and are firmly founded in the truth which is with you.
II P Montgome 1:13  So I think it right, as long as I am in this "tent," to rouse you by way of reminding you,
II P Montgome 1:14  since I know that the time for me to strike tent comes swiftly on, even as our Lord Jesus Christ pointed out to me.
II P Montgome 1:15  So I will do my best to enable you, even after my departure, continually to call these things to mind.
II P Montgome 1:16  For we were not following cunningly devised fables, when we told you of the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had been eye-witnesses of his Majesty.
II P Montgome 1:17  For he did receive honor and glory from God the Father, when there was borne such a voice to him from the Majestic Glory, This is my Son, my Beloved, in whom I delight;
II P Montgome 1:18  and this voice we ourselves heard, borne to us out of heaven, when we were with him on the holy hill.
II P Montgome 1:19  And so we possess the word of prophecy made yet more sure. Unto this you do well to give heed as to a lamp shining in a dark place, till the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
II P Montgome 1:20  But first be assured of this - that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation.
II P Montgome 1:21  For no prophecy was ever brought by the will of man; but moved by the Holy Spirit, men spoke for God.